Ch. 14

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Contraband of war

a plan adopted by General Benjamin F. Butler which treated blacks like military property subject to confiscation. Escaped slaves were referred to as "the contraband" as they were held in "contraband camps" and "contraband schools"

Transcontinental railroad

a train route completed in 1869 that ran from Omaha, Nebraska to San Francisco. It led to an expansion in the national market, indicated the doom of the Plains Indians, and facilitated increase of investment and settlement in the West

Southern Unionist

also known as Lincoln Loyalists, Southern Loyalists, and Union Loyalists, they were a party who lived in Confederate States, but opposed the Civil War and secession. During Reconstruction, they became known as Scalawag: a term which represented Southern whites who supported Union ideals and the Republican party. About 50,000 white southerners fought in Union armies by the end of the war

Army of Northern Virginia

also known as Rebel, this referred to the main force (out of 3 others) of the Confederacy (South). They worked to defend Richmond, the Confederate capital, and defeat the Army of the Potomac

First modern war

also known as the American Civil War, this was fought by mass armies on each side who used modern weapons created by the industrial revolution

Army of the Potomac

also known as the Yankees, this referred to the main Union (North) force (out of 3 others) during the initial 2 years of the Civil War. They actually only fought for 30 days. They set out to defend Washington D.C. and defeat The Army of Northern Virginia and General Lee

How did the Emancipation Proclamation, northern military successes, and actions by the slaves themselves combine to finally end slavery?

Slaves assisted soldiers by cleaning, cooking, and eventually fighting in the war. Blacks in the navy were treated with equality as they helped to fight the war at sea. Slaves were also messengers of valuable information that they obtained during crossing lines from South to North. The North targeted the Southern economy and attacked them by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, since they relied on slave labor.

Why is the Civil War considered the first modern war?

The Civil War was the first war that was fought with modern, efficient, and deadly weapons created by the industrial revolution. However, this led to an extremely high death rate as medicine production could not keep up with the advanced weaponry.

In what ways did the outcome of the Civil War change the United States' status in the world?

After the Civil War, many countries started to commend the North for fighting to end slavery. Lincoln and other (war) leaders like Ulysses S. Grant became known as "heros of freedom". The Union's victory in the Civil War set a precedent for modern America and shifted the US to a point where it became a rival to European powers.

Compare the end of slavery in the Untied States to emancipation elsewhere in the world.

By the time the Us had finally abolished slavery, emancipation had already occured in most other countries, like Great Britain (Brazil and Cuba were the only 2 countries that abolished slavery after the US). However, the Civil War was extremely unique as no other country went to war over slavery. Most other countries gradually emancipated slavery, while Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation called for an immediate emancipation.

How did the war effort and leadership problems affect the society and economy of the Confederacy?

Confederate leaders attempted to limit cotton production and instead encouraged food production as an attempt to gain Britain's support. However, this was unsuccessful as European countries discovered other ways to obtain cotton. This in turn led to the overproduction of cotton, which decreased its value and negatively impacted poor Southern farmers who relied on cotton for revenue. The Confederate economy was also hurt after slaves were freed through the Emancipation Proclamation. All of these factors would result in their massive debt after the Civil War.

What major policies did the wartime Congress pass that transformed the nation's economic and financial systems?

Congress passed policies like the Homestead Act, which gave 160 acres of land to western settlers, and the Land Grant College Act which provided assistance to states so they could develop "agricultural and mechanical colleges." Congress also financially assisted the production of internal projects, such as the transcontinental railroad. The government also increased tariffs and increased taxes on goods and income to raise national revenue. Congress also created the National Banking System.

What were the most important wartime "rehearsals for Reconstruction"?

During the Sea Island experiment, northern investors bought southern land and outsiders came in to teach slaves in an attempt to show the superiority of free labor. This was extremely successful as it allowed black families to work for profit and obtain an education. In addition, Reconstruction in the West was disliked by both sides but occurred when plantation owners in the West were forced to take a loyalty oath to the government and emancipated slaves were forced to sign labor contracts with no physical punishment, education, and paid labor. However, land in David Bend, Mississippi was divided among slaves and a government system was implemented where former slaves could elect their own sheriffs and judges.

What were the military and political turning points of the war?

Lincoln ran against former General McClellan in the 1864 US presidential election. In event of their victory, McClellan promised to negotiate with the South, while Lincoln wanted to conquer the South and return them into the Union. The Battle at Gettysburg marked a major turning point in the war as Lee's most northern advancement was stopped by Union forces. The Confederacy would not survive after the defeat at this Gettysburg and McClellan's loss in the presidential election.

Describe how President Lincoln's war aim evolved between 1861 and 1863, changing from simply preserving the Union to also ending slavery.

Lincoln's initial goal was to reunite US states under the Union, but he increasingly began to address slavery as it caused pro-slavery states to secede from the Union. As the war went on, Lincoln could no longer ignore the issue of slavery and issued an ultimatum which stated that he would abolish slavery if the South did not surrender by 1862. After the SOuth refused to surrender, Lincoln would issue the Emancipation Proclamation which freed all slaves.

What role did blacks play in both winning the Civil War and in defining the war's consequences.

Many southern whites who were drafted and did not want to fight used their ability to send slaves into the war. In the North, escaped slaves became known as contraband, who Lincoln would enlist to fight alongside the Union and against the Confederacy. Despite the large contribution slaves played in the Northern victory, racism was still prevalent. Blacks faced unfair treatment, especially in the South, where slaveholders rejected the mere idea of their freedom. However the Civil War shifted the "white man's" government to one for all.

What made the American Civil War the first modern war?

The Civil War was the first war to use product of the industrial revolution, like transportation, machinery, and automated firearms. The development of the transcontinental railroad allowed this to be the first war where weapons, food, and soldiers could be transported over railroads. However, the accuracy of arms led to a higher death toll.

Explain how the North won the war by considering its material resources, military strategy, and effective political and military leadership.

The North had a larger population than the South, considering that ⅓ of the southern population consisted of slaves. The Union Army was extremely well fed while the Confederate army starved due the land being occupied by cotton plantations. Confederates also lacked shoes and clothings because their manufacturing system was not as efficient as the North. The North was also more united as they were under the strong leadership of Lincoln.

How did the Civil War transform the national economy and create a stronger nation-state?

The federal government started to work towards rapid economic development. Congress adopted policies such as the Homestead Act which gave 160 acres of land to Western settlers at no cost and would allow poor people to prosper. The creation of a National Banking System created a standard currency and promoted unity as only nations who joined this system could print and issue notes. The federal government also assisted international causes, like funding the construction of the transcontinental railroad.

How was the American Civil War part of a global trend toward more destructive and deadly wars?

The number of deaths as a result of the Civil War are nearly equivalent to the number of deaths in other wars, from the Revolution to the one in Iraq. This was displayed the difficulty in resolving internal conflicts and the destruction it created hurt the economy.

How did a war to preserve the Union become a war to end slavery?

This started in 1862 when Congress passed the Second Confiscation Act which freed slaves from Confederate states that rebelled as well as slaves who had escaped to the North. This became the basis of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation which abolished slavery in the Confederate states and finalized the shift in the cause of the war as Union states had now ended slavery.

Ex Parte Milligan

a case in 1866 where the Supreme Court declared that military trials of people were unconstitutional unless the region is under martial law or the civil courts are not operating

Radical Republicans

a group of people led by Congressman Thaddeus Stevens and Senator Charles Sumner in 1865 who fought for black suffrage, a reconstruction policy, and the abolition of slavery

"King Cotton diplomacy"

an idea that cotton was crucial to France and Britain's textile industries and was used as an attempt to gain support from Europe. This proved unsuccessful as England had an excess of cotton and the ability to gain more from India, Egypt, and etc

Battle of Antietam

fought in Maryland in 1862, this was extremely bloody and resulted in the death of over 4,000 men (18,000 wounded). This resulted in a Northern victory as they stopped Lee's Confederate forces

Emancipation Proclamation

issued by Lincoln in 1863 after the victory at Antietam, this freed all slaves in areas under rebellion, except border states. This freed over 3 millions slave, allowed blacks to enlist, and prevented foreign powers from entering the war in favor of slavery

Sea Island experiment

known as the most famous "rehearsal for reconstruction", slave owners fled to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and left behind about 10,000 slaves. This was implemented to show whites the effect that wage labor held over free blacks

Black soldiers and sailors

over 200,000 black men enlisted in the Union army and navy. However, they were usually assigned to labor rather than combat duty, received lower wages, denied the position of commission officers, and ⅓ of them died

National banking system

started in 1863 when Congress authorized the creation of a standard bank currency. Banks who joined this system were permitted to purchase bonds and print paper money. Known as "greenbacks", over $400 million of paper money was printed directly by the federal government (notes were also issued by national banks). This became the first step regarding a national bank

Second American Revolution

this referred to the change created as a result of the Civil War. The transformation of American government and society was exemplified through the changing of blacks status. Constitutional right brought about by the First American Revolution were now extended to African Americans as they were now considered citizens who had equal protection under the law and the right to vote

Monitor v Merrimac

this was a sea battle on the coast of Virginia in 1862 where the Monitor (the only Confederate ship strong enough to beat the Union ships) was stopped by the Merrimac. The South proceeded to burn the Monitor to prevent Northern possession

Women and war work

with men in the war, women took over roles traditionally fulfilled by men, like nursing. Women participated in military campaigns and gathered medical supplies and money to soldiers and clothing, food, and books to freemen. However, the Department of Female Nurses worked without any revenue or incentive. These opportunities were short-lived, but their important contribution in the workforce would later assist their fight for suffrage

Women in the Confederacy

women left their traditional "sphere" as they were forced to take over plantations, farms, slaves and businesses in their husband's absence. They also worked in arms arms factories, ran commercial establishments, headed an espionage ring, staffed clerkships, and worked to provide for soldiers

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