Ch. 15

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Companies are likely to spend more on sales promotion when you competing in ____ markets


Advertising is the most successful when it is done with which of the following types of media?

Media that displays the ads frequently, media that fits with the rest of the marketing strategy, media that which is the desired audience

An advertisement that is designed to look like the platform on which appears it's called ______ advertising


Mason was reading an online newspaper and came across a document that looks just like another article in the paper but was actually an advertisement for orthopedic shoes. What type of advertising it was this?


Burger King use coupons to get customers to try the new sandwich. Increasing initial sales of the new menu item was this promotions


Burger King use coupons to get customers to try the new sandwich. Increasing initial sales of the new menu item was this promotions ____


Footlocker offered a discount on his website for customers who visited one of the stores. This promotion was aimed at a specific ____, to increase store traffic


A company's advertisements in the local newspaper include a coupon designed to encourage customers to try the company's new product. This is an example of advertising based on _____


Blank and situation influence sales promotion efforts


A company would make use of programmic delivery when placing advertisements

On social media

______ are various means By which the messages communicated to the target market

Advertising channels

Although advertising expenditures are ___, the advertising industry employs relatively ____ people

Large; few

Sometimes a company lowers the price of goods it sells to other businesses, which then use the savings to promote the company's products. These discounts are called _____

Advertising allowances

On average, US companies spend about ____ of sales on advertising


One of the primary goals of institutional advertising is to generate ___ for the firm

A favorable public image

Which two of the following are true of the advertising industry in the United States?

A large amount of money is spent on advertising The industry spends most of its money to place ads in media such as newspapers and television

A recent phenomenon in advertising allows cable television providers to deliver targeted ads to each household rather than the general ads that which everyone washing a particular program this is known as

Addressable TV

Advertising managers sometimes hire sometimes hire an outside team of specialists to plan and execute an advertising campaign. These teams are called _____

Advertising agencies

Sometimes a company lowers the price of goods it sells to other businesses, which then use the savings to promote the company's products. These discounts are _____

Advertising allowances

FedEx markets its service in many counties across the globe. It discovered that customers in Italy trust celebrity endorsements more than customers in Finland. FeEx came to realize that _____

Advertising strategies should take cultural differences into account

Advertising _____ are price reductions to firms along in the channel or otherwise promote the firms product locally


Carries coffee cafe has markets all over the world. The company should remember that basic strategy planning decisions for advertising and sales promotion____

Are the same all over the world

What are the four components of the AIDA concept

Arousing desire, obtaining action, holding interest, getting attention

Getting ____ is in ads first job


AIDA stands for

Attention, interest, desired, action

Retargeting is also known as ____ Retargeting

Behavioral retargeting

Marketing managers hire advertising agencies because they

Can often do work at less cost Provide an outside point of view Have experience

The main goal of institutional advertising is to generate positive feelings or enhance an organizations standing with _______

Channel members Employees Shareholders

The number of people who click on the Internet add divided by the number of people the ad is prudent to do is called the

Click through rate

The advertisement on the back of Sandys newspaper compared the cost savings between three major furnace manufacturers and listed each company by name. What type of advertisement was sandy looking at?


What type of advertising describes a specific product, along with the names and features of rival products?


Micah saw an advertisement for the new Google phone that emphasized a higher-quality camera than some of the other phones on the market. What type of advertisement was Micah reading?


Quite some time after a new product has been introduced, advertising is likely to emphasize the item's specific features instead of its general product category. This type of advertising is ___


Marissa owns a Chinis chicken Restaurant franchise and it is able to compete in her local market because the franchisor shares the cost of advertising. This is and example of _____ advertising.

Cooperative advertising

Sometimes a producer will split the cost of advertising with other businesses that are selling its merchandise at wholesale or retail. This is called ___

Cooperative advertising

The basic message conveyed by text and illustrations in an advertisement is called

Copy thrust

Which of the following a negative result of an over emphasis on sales promotion?

Customers you always buy whatever brand is on sale, low profit for the product on sale, increased selling cost

In most cases, and advertisement should emphasize a particularly appealing quality of the product, which will provide some thing that the customer needs this strategy is intended to spur the customers


The advertising slogan for FedEx company "when your package is absolutely positively has to get there overnight" is designed to arouse the customers


The American customer continues to increase there's time spent on ____ media


One of the advertising objectives for Richter's Jewelry is to get customers to make a decision about a purchase. What type of advertising might work best in this step of the adoption process?

Direct action retail ads

What type of advertising tries to persuade the customer to choose a particular product instead of its rivals, and purchase it immediately?

Direct competitive

Beaufort technologies distribute to come pewter chips in many different countries. In the United States the company slogan is where the best! And some other countries Beaufort is not allowed to use the slogan because there's no proof that they are the best this is the case because each country's government decides which types of ads are

Fair and appropriate

Adjustable TV provides considerable advertising cost savings to companies because it generates large scale, I'll encompassing designed to reach all viewers


One reason for the increase use of sales promotion by many customer product companies is that there are fewer products competing for storage shelf space


One reason for the increased use of sales promotion by many customers product companies is that there are a few products competing for storage shelf space


The average time Americans view a print newspaper has increased in the past three years


When planning sales promotion that targets other businesses, our company should not use the same type of promotion that have worked with other customers


San Andreas sells active wear clothing in the US. The company is being investigated for deceptive advertising. The investigation would be conducted by the

Federal trade commission ( FTC )

Click ___ occurs when a person or software program automatically clicks on an ad without having any interest in the ad subject


Hanes closing uses Michael Jordan as a celebrity endorser. Michael Jordan is still one of the worlds most popular athletes even though he retired many years ago. The primary job that Michael Jordan does for Haynes is to

Get attention

Which are currently the two biggest players in Mobile advertising

Google and Facebook

Most nations limit the type of advertisements that companies may run, and there are rules regarding fairness and propriety. These men will be decided by the ___


In general, companies that make customer products spend a _____ percentage on advertising that produce business


For almost 20 years Coca-Cola house into use animated polar bears in many advertising campaigns. The company uses that in hopes that the good feeling about the Advil stick even if it's details or forgotten. Coca-Cola uses the Bears to

Hold interest

When Karen saw the cute kittens in the television commercial she was drawn into the ad when the announcer talked about the importance of feeding your cat the cat cats meow food brand She continued to listen because she wanted to make sure her cat had the best food available. The announcers words enforced which part of the AIDA model

Hold interest

Since the end of WWII, the amount of money spent on advertising in the US has

Increased drastically

What type of advertisement emphasizes the advantages of a product in hopes that customers will decide to buy the products at some later time?

Indirect competitive

The red cross uses ads that might emphasize it's admirable reputation. It wants to promote it's good name and solidify it's relationship with donors. What type of advertising is this?


What type of advertising emphasizes the identity and reputation of an organization or industry?


ESPN uses marketing research and develop profiles of its audience. Based on this information, the company decided to advertises new NFL football programming in those magazines read by fans of Monday night football. With this media choice, it appears ESPN is aiming this advertising at

It's current target market

Before winning an advertisement, many companies are evaluating is likelihood of success by subjecting it to

Laboratory or market tests

Under armor, the originator of performance of payroll, has ads that appear wanna potential customer uses Google to search for sports related words such as football, baseball, or basketball. Under armor pays only if the customer so selects it's ads this is called ___

Pay per click advertising

Which of following are acceptable advertising objectives?

Persuade customers to take some specific action could lead to a purchase Introduce new products to specific target markets Make more people aware of the product

Which of the following are good examples of objectives that a marketing manager might set for advertising?

Persuade potential customers to try a sample of the product Emphasize that the product is more innovative than its rivals Promote the company website as a way for customers to learn more about the product

Soon after a product is launched, a marketing campaign describes the new merchandise to potential customers is called ____.

Pioneering advertising

The cookies that **** companies use to track customers who access online information Waze questions about ____ since the companies do not ask permission to track the customers whereabouts.


The cookies that companies use to track customers who access online information Waze questions about blank since the companies do not ask permission to track the current customers worry about


Advertising that tries to sell goods or services is called

Product advertising

Advertising that tries to sell goods or services is called _____

Product advertising

Do use of software and artificial intelligence to automate placing online advertising on websites to target to users is called

Programmic delivery

The advertising medium should specifically support the ______ objectives of a company


The use of advertising and sales promotion by a company plays a central role in the ____ blend of the marketing mix because it helps the company reach many customers at the same time.


What type of advertising simply tried to keep the products name before the public?


When PNG's marketing teams test their advertisements in certain locations, we also purchased scanner sales data from nearby retailers. This type of ____ provides an estimate of how the ad is likely to affect sales.


When Collin open this email account he noticed at the advertisement on the screen for shoes that he had been looking at online the day before. This ad is from ____


Between 1946 and 2017, annual advertising in the United States ______

Rose from about 3 billion to more than 200 billion

Dell computer has an exhibit at the central electronics show in Las Vegas which is attended by thousands of people. Afterwords some of those people become _____ as a company's employees try to convince them to buy the products

Sales leads

Contest, coupons, free calendars, frequent customer discount, tradeshows, I'll displays, and banners are all examples of a marketing strategy called

Sales promotion

When Trevor walked into the warehouse club, an employee handed him a coupon for three dollars off of tide laundry detergent this coupon is an example of

Sales promotion

Which of the following forms of sales promotion do marketing managers used to increase sales or to encourage customers to purchase products more quickly

Sample packages, in-store banners, calendars, point of purchase materials

In a paper click advertising on the Internet, the advertiser is charged a certain amount each time a customer

Select the ad

What are two examples of specialized media

Signs on bicycle racks, ads on ATM machines

Oprah Winfrey is regarded as the most influential woman on US television. KFC used Oprah and it KFC grilled chicken promotion. KFC canceled the free coupons after over a strap show promotion cause long lines around the country. This illustrates the fact that sales promotion

Sometimes causes unexpected problems for a company

Shell gas station show video ads on screens built into the gas pumps of our customers fill up their cars. The goal is that customers to go inside the stores and make additional purchases. The fuel pump ads are a form of


And effective advertisement will not simply cause prospective customers to think about purchasing a product But will motivate the customer to

Take action

Ineffective advertisement was not simply called prospective customers to think about purchasing a product of also motivate the customers to

Take action

Want to go manufactures kitchen gadgets that it promotes through television in from Marshall's. The presentations conclude by asking customers to call the phone number or visit our website to place an order. Ronco wants to stir the companies to

Take action

To a sure that the advertising message reaches the right customers, marketing managers must first choose a specific blank

Target market

Well designed advertising and sales promotion can efficiently ____

Tell customers about a service Convince customers to purchase a product Motivate channel members

Well designed advertising and sales promotion can efficiently _____.

Tell customers about a service Motivate channel members

What are two characteristics of pioneer advertising

Tells people about a product in the process of being launched Helps convince people to embrace new products

Some experts believe that the effective most sales promotion is


Marketing managers should choose a sales promotion based on what two factors?

The situation and marketing objectives

Which of the two of the following would be the best advertising media to provide a demonstration of how the product works

The television, the Internet

Which of the following are reasons why a sales promotion often ends up at financial failure for the company?

The typical promotion must be customized for the company, but after one event, I will not be used again, sometimes a promotion gets out of control and then customers are likely to become angry instead of appreciating the company, there are so many sales promotion options, most companies cannot become skilled at all of them

Copy ____ is the core of advertisement, conveyed through text and illustrations


Kellen works for sports were supplier and for the past month she has been focusing on Nike products been talking to customers because Nikes running a sales contest and she can earn an additional 2000 if she needs to go. This is an example of

Trade promotion

Sales promotion I am that intermediaries, often emphasizing price reduction is called

Trade promotion

Click through rates are higher when there is video content in the advertisement


Statistics show that about four out of every five American adults and smart phone


Macy's advertising campaign objective was to attract women to a spring collection of clothing. The company placed ads during the Academy Awards because we searched show that the tell cast is viewed primarily by women. Since women or not the only viewers of the television event, Macy's paid for the ____ audience


When companies purchase advertising on a particular media, it pays for the ___ audience that the media delivers


When Coca-Cola uses magazine ad the highlight the product name in the history of happy customers, this is an example of _____ advertising


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