CH. 15 - Christianity and the Formation of Europe

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The glittering mosaics that decorate the interior of San Vitale include images of the

emperor Justinian


length-wise perpendicular extension

During the middle ages, most of the great churches and cathedrals including the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy were built in response to the popularity of


The most valuable and treasured possessions of medieval times were the large woven ______, which often told a story and were hung on walls in grand homes and castles


The mismatched towers and spires of Chartres Cathedral help illustrate

the evolution of Gothic style

Why is the Bayeux Tapestry more correctly called an embroidery?

Because colored yarns were sewn onto a woven background

In the year _______ the Roman Emperor Constantine issued an edict of tolerance for all religions


True or False: The period from 476 to 1400 often referred to as the middle ages bc it was a period of relative stagnation in between 2 period of extraordinary innovation


As represented in the fresco The Lamentation, Glotto became known for pioneering which technique?

Use of space


the fount entry porch

Between what two periods were the middle ages?

- the western roman empire - the renaissance


An open central space


An upward extension pierced with windows

Constantinople was formerly known by what name?


What did Charlemagne use as a model for his royal chapel at Aachen?

San Vitale

Which of the following are common architectural features of Christian churches?

- naves - clerestories - apses


A curved end section

What type of church architecture was favored in the Christian east?

Central plan

The later Byzantine convention of portraying Christ as Panotokrator was meant to remind viewers of which of the following?

Christ's majesty and his awe inspiring divinity

One of the reasons that Christians were persecuted in the Roman Empire is that

Christians would not worship the gods and goddesses that were recognized by religion


Delineations of space to accommodate worshipers

Gothic, the second period of art and architecture of the high middle ages derived its name from

a nomadic tribe called the Goths

Some of the best preserved, earliest surviving, Christian art has been found in underground

burial chambers

This purse cover features animal style images and ____________, which are intricately woven bands


Symbolized as the Queen of Heaven in this rose window at Chartres Cathedral, Mary radiates which of the following?

- Doves and angels - french royalty - prophets - biblical kings

What was Duccio primarily concerned with while working on Christ Entering Jerusalem which is a detail of Maesta Altar?

Creating a believable space in an outdoor setting

True or False: The period of Gothic art and Renaissance art overlap.


Byzantine rulers considered themselves to be the legitimate continuation of the ancient Roman Empire and were known by the title

emperor of all the Romans

The basilica became an obvious choice from which to design the basic structure of a church because

- the space naturally focused the attention of visitors on an alter - its open structure could hold many people

By what year had rough approximations of modern European political boundaries been established?


The images of the emperor Justinian and the empress Theodora that appear in San vital are meant to convey which of the following?

reinforce the presence of the distant rulers

As evidenced in the nave ceiling of Reims Cathedral, architects of the Gothic period used _____ as reinforcements on the major points of intersections throughout the curve of a vault


Which style of architecture was created when the French abbot Suger remodeled his church with the goal of having the church reach heavenward and the interior be filled with light?


People of the Byzantine world believed that icons possessed divine power and could be used to

pray directly to the person depicted

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