Ch. 16 questions

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Which person or group was most responsible for the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment?

Radical Republicans in Congress

Why was it difficult for southern free blacks to gain economic independence after the Civil War?

Southern blacks emerged from slavery with no money to begin their new lives, so they had to rely on the crop-lien and sharecropping systems. These systems enabled freed people to get tools and rent land to farm, but the high interest rate (paid in harvested crops) made it difficult for them to rise out of poverty.

What were the benefits and drawbacks of the fifteenth Amendment?

The Fifteenth Amendment granted the vote to all black men, giving freed slaves and free blacks greater political power than they had ever had in the United States. Blacks in former Confederate states elected a handful of black U.S. congressmen and a great many black local and state leaders who instituted ambitious reform and modernization projects in the South. However, the Fifteenth Amendment continued to exclude women from voting. Women continued to fight for suffrage through the NWSA and AWSA.

The House of Representatives impeached Andrew Johnson over _____________?

The Tenure of Office Act

What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment? How was it different from the Emancipation Proclamation?

The Thirteenth Amendment officially and permanently banned the institution of slavery in the United States. The Emancipation Proclamation had freed only those slaves in rebellious states, leaving many slaves—most notably, those in the border states—in bondage; furthermore, it did not alter or prohibit the institution of slavery in general.

What was the goal of black codes?

The black codes in southern states had the goal of keeping blacks impoverished and in debt. Black codes outlawed vagrancy and required all black men to have an annual labor contract, which gave southern states an excuse to arrest those who failed to meet these requirements and put them to hard labor.

What were methods the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups used to intimidate blanks and white sympathizers?

burning public schools, murdering freedmen who tried to vote, threatening, beating, and killing those who disagreed with them

Under Radical Reconstruction, former Confederates states needed to do the following to rejoin the Union:

pass the Fourteenth Amendment, revise their state constitution, allow all freed men over the age of 21 to vote

What was a term southerners used for a white southerner who tried to overturn the changes of Reconstruction?


What was Lincoln's primary goal immediately following the Civil War?

reunifying the country

The following were the functions of the Freedmen's Bureau:

reuniting families, establishing schools, and helping workers secure labor contracts

In 1864 and 1865, Radical Republicans were most concerned with __________?

seeking restitution from Confederate States

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