Ch 16 Questions

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How did the Glorious revolution limit royal power in England?

The Glorious Revolution limited royal power in England by placing several key powers in the hands of Parliament. The monarchy could no longer suspend a law enacted by Parliament or levy taxes. The Parliament must give permission to the monarchy for any Royal appointments. The army is also under the control of the Parliament and the monarchy needs its permission to have a standing army when not at war.

What was the Spanish Armada? What impact did it have on Spain and Europe?

The Spanish Armada the Spanish fleet that had over 130 ships, 20,000 men, and 2,400 pieces of artillery. Philip planned for them to attack to end English attacks and subdue the Dutch. In the English Channel, these Spanish ships were outmaneuvered by the faster and smaller English ones. Also strong winds ended up scattering the armada. They then trudged home in sadness because of their defeat. This defeat marked the beginning of the end of Spanish power.

What events led to the rise of absolute monarchies and the development of centralized nation-states in Europe?

The events that led to the rise of absolute monarchies and the development of centralized nation-states in Europe were that a number of monarchs began to consolidate power by weakening the feudal nobles and allying themselves with the emerging commercial classes. Most rulers wanted control over their nations church in order to gain absolute power.

What events led to the start of the Thirty Years' war?

The events that led to the start of the Thirty Years' war was that the "Holy Roman Empire" was no long an empire nor Holy or Roman. This "empire" was split up into many different states each supposedly ruled by the Holy Roman Emperor, but each also had its own prince which rivaled each other. The "power vacuum" was a contributor to the start of the Thirty Years' war. Another factor was religion. The North was mostly Protestant, and the South was still Catholic.

What were the immediate causes of the English Civil War? What were some important results?

The immediate causes of the English Civil War were religion, money, and power. Religion caused war because the puritans became enemies of Charles I. These "purifyers" of Catholic practices did not support his Anglican ruling views. Money caused war too because Charles I raised taxes even when he signed a Petition not to unless looked over by parliament first. Lastly power affected the Civil War because he was a "tyrant, traitor, murderer, and a public enemy." Along with that Charles I dissolved the parliament many times when he didn't get his way which is a form of abusing power. The results of the war was the winning of the Roundheads (parliament). The every day life of the citizens of England was then changed in many aspects.

What were the two symbols of the reign of Louis XIV and what were their significance?

The two symbols of reign of Louis XIV were that he was the Sun King and he created the Palace of Versailles. The Sun King symbolized his role as the all-powerful center of the nation. This was his symbol of absolute power and his divine right to rule. The Palace of Versailles became the perfect symbol for Louis' wealth and power. This is so because it is so magnificent and beautiful. The palace has the finest paintings and statues, with sparkling chandeliers over them.

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