Ch. 18 Cardiovascular system: Blood

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match each blood type with the correct description of the surface antigens and antibodies for that blood type

0+- anti A antibodies, and anti-B antibodies, Rh antigen D. AB+- ABO antigen A, ABO antigen B, Rh antigen D. (A-)- ABO antigen A, anti B antibodies. B+ ABO antigen B, anti A antibodies, Rh antigen D. (0-)- anti- A antibodies and anti B antibodies (AB-) ABO antigen A, ABO antigen B A+- ABO antigen A, anti- B antibodies, Ph antigen D> (B-)- ABO antigen B, anti-A antibodies

in a healthy adult, basophils constitute about___% of total leukocytes


an average of about_____ of erythrocytes are removed from circulation per day


before specific precursor cells from,


in a healthy adult, what percentage of leukocytes will be eosinophils?


place the cells of the monocyte development and maturation pathway in order

1. hemocytoblast 2. myeloid stem cell 3. progenitor cell 4. monoblast 5.promonocyte 6 monocyte

a neutrophil is about_____ times larger in diameter than erythrocyte; is named for its neutral or pale-staining_____ and has a light lilac colored_____

1.5, granules cytosol

eosinophils are about _____...... _____ which otherwise would be colorless

1.5; granules

which of the following is a progenitor cell?


in a healthy adult, what percentage of leukocytes will be monocytes?


Basophili are about _____ times in diameter than er

2; least

new erythrocytes are produced at a rate of__

3 millions per second

in the blood of a healthy adult, what percentage of leukocytes will be neutrophils?


match the quantities on the left with the components of whole blood with which they correspond on the right

55%- plasma 45% formed elements 44%- erythrocytes ,1% leukocytes and platelets

Albumin constitutes about what percent of all plasma proteins?


from myeloid stem cell to erythrocyte, the process of erythropoiesis takes

6-7 days

if the plasma of a blood sample contains the anti B, and not the Anti A antibodies , the ABO blood type is__


if the plasma of a blood sample contains the anti- B, and not the anti- A antibodies, the ABO blood type is_____


in which portion of a sample of whole blood will you find the antibodies associated with an individual's ABO blood type.


a blood sample containing erythrocytes with both surface antigen A and surface antigen B on the plasma membrane is ABO blood type


if the plasma of a blood sample contains neither the anti-A nor the anti B antibodies, the ABO blood type is?


a blood sample containing erythrocytes with only surface antigen B on the plasma membrane is ABO blood type


if the plasma of blood sample, contains that anti-A and not the anti B antibodies, the ABO blood type is?


which of the following describes lymphocyte maturation? check all

B-lymphoblasts develops into B- lymphocytes. T-lymphocytes develops into T lymphoblasts

match each substance that stimulates the development of blood stem cells with function.

G-CSF- speeds up the synthesis of granulocytes from myeloblasts. GM-CSF- speeds up the synthesis of granulocytes and monocytes from their progenitor. M-CSF- stimulates production of monocytes from monoblasts. thrombopoirtin- stimulates the production of megakaryocytes and piatelets erythropoietin- speeds up production of erythrocyte progenitor and erythroblasts.

a blood sample containing erythrocytes with nether surface antigen A nor antigen B on the plasma membrane is ABO blood type


if the plasma if a blood sample contains both the anti-A and the anti B antibodies the ABO blood type is


identify the Rh blood type of sample 1 in the image, sample 1 is middle column

Rh+, exposed to Rh- blood. Rh+, never exposed to Rh- blood

identify the Rh blood type of sample 2 in this image. sample 2 is the far right column

Rh- blood, exposed to Rh+ blood

administration of ___ to an RH- mother carrying an Rh+ fetus prevents the synthesis of anti D antibodies to RH+ fetal erythrocytes during pregnancy.

RhoGAM special immuoglobulins

proacclerin is also called factor


an increase in small blood vessel diameter, called____ and in permeability that occur when basophills release___ may be accompanied by swollen nasal membranes, water eyes and runny nose

Vasodilation histamine

a plasma protein called the von_____ factor, helps create the platelet plug


the blood clotting factor proconvertin activates factor


how long does a vascular spasm usually last?

a few minutes

the temperature of blood is__ body temperature measured orally and rectally.

about 1C higher than

ifentify the contractile protein that squeezes the serum out of a developing blood clot


The primary classification of leukemias is based on their rate of development and duration; those that progress rapidly are called_____ leukemias, and those that develop and progress more slowly are called ____ leukemias.

acute chronic

To test compatibility of blood types between a donor and a recipient, a specific blood test called a(n) _______ test must be performed.


______ are leukocytes that have such small specific granules in their cytosol that they are not clearly visible under the light microscope


______ exert the greatest colloid osmotic pressure to maintain blood volume and blood pressure


which plasma proteins contribute to the transport function of blood? check all

albumins, alpha globulins, regulatory proteins, beta globulins, gamma globulins

A hemoglobin molecule consists of two polypeptides called_____ globins and two polypeptides called_____ globins

alpha beta

match each type of globulin with its description

alpha globulins - small; transport li[ids and hormones beta globulins -large; transport hormones and lipids gamma globulins - also known as antibodies; produced by immune cells and can bind to antigens of pathogen

how does an erythrocyte compare to other cells in the body?

an erythrocyte is unlike cells in that it does not have a nucleus an erythrocyte is unlike cells in that it does not have cellular organelles

____ are Y- shaped proteins that are designed to recognized and immobilize specific antigens that are perceived as foreign to the body


which of the following describes the function(s) of lymphocytes. check all that apply

attack abnormal body cells. coordinate immune response

when a person's lymphocyte count is elevated, they have recently. check all that apply.

been infected by foreign cells. had the flu

which of the following best describes the nucleus of a basophil?

bilobed, obscured by blue-violet dark-staining cytoplasmic granules

hematology is the study of the


it can be said that ______ serves as the 'delivery system' for the body


the term hematocrit is composed of the prefix, hemato-, which means relating to the ______ and the suffix-crit, derived from krino which means to_____

blood, separate

type A+ blood has

both A and D antigens and B antibodies

The process whereby leukocytes are attracted to molecules produced by damage or dying cells or by pathogens is called___


Blood is described based on which of the following physical characteristics? choose all that apply

color, volume, viscosity, plasma concentration, temperature, blood pH

describe normal erythrocytes. check all that apply

contains hemoglobin to transport gases like oxygen. discoidal cells with a bioncave shape.

after delivering some oxygen to blood cells, blood is not longer saturated with oxygen and is said to be ____


leukocytes enter the tissues from blood vessels by a process called _____ whereby they squeeze between endothelial cells of the blood vessel walls


the erythocytes of an individual who is Rh negative (Rh) ____ antigen D

does not have

for each type of leukocyte, indicate its percentage of total WBC;s

eosinophils- 2%-4% of WBC's neutrophils-60-70 basophils-,0.5 lymphocytes-25-33 monocytes-3-8

deconstruction of medical term for a red blood cell reveals that the prefix_______ means 'red' and the suffix _____ means cell

erthyros, kytes

_____ transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between the tissues and the lungs


______ live, on average for 120 days


correctly spell the name of each type of formed element:______. _____, and ____

erythrocytes , leukocytes, platelets

match each type of formed element with its life span.

erythrocytes-120 platelets-8-10 days leukocytes-hours to years

patients who are anemic may be prescribed a synthetic hormone that stimulates erythropoiesis that their kidneys no longer make in sufficients amounts. this hormone is often abused by endurance atheltes to boost their oxygen carrying capacity


patients who are anemic may be prescribed a synthetic hormone that stimulates


when a blood smear is stained, platelets

exhibit a dark central region

which coagulation pathway usually takes approximately 15 seconds?

extrinisic pathway

in coagulation,____ activates factor X

factor II

the conversion of fibrinogen to ____ is the critical step in the formation of blood clot


in coagulation,____ is activated to fibrin


following trauma to the walls of blood vessels, ______ is converted into long, insoluble strands of ______ which help from a blood clot.

fibrinogen, fibrin

The destruction of fibrin of a blood clot is called__


the destruction of the fibrin of a blood clot is called


whole blood consist of

formed elements and plasma

each hemoglobin molecules can transport a maximum of _____ oxygen molecules


the ability of hemoglobin to transport carbon dioxide is the result of a weak association between carbon dioxide and

globin protein

leukopoiesis involves three different types of maturation processes;______ maturation, _____ maturation, ______ maturation.

granulocyte, monocyte, lymphocyte

the two main classes of leukocytes are?

granulocytes and agranulocytes

all of the circled cells in this figure are

granulocytes, leukocytes

when a person's eosinophil count is elevated, it is most likely because they have been recently

had an allergic reaction, been infected by a parasitic worm

The three components of the circulatory system are the blood vessels, the blood, and the


match each stem cell with the formed elements that will develop from each

hemocytoblast- all formed elements myeloid stem cell- erythrocytes, granulocytes, platelets, monocytes lymphoid stem cell - leukocytes of the immune response

The medical terms that refer to the synthesis of formed elements is

hemopoiesis, hematopoiesis

most leukocytes release molecules that facilitate their role as defenders of the body. what type of substance is released by basophils? check all that apply.

histamine, a vasodilator heparin, an anticogulant.

identify the types of substances transported by blood. check all that apply

hormones, waste products, ions, dissolved materials, formed elements

Blood, in the form of leukocytes and plasma proteins protects the body against potentially harmful substances which are also part of the _____ system


the consequences of clumping of erythrocytes in an agglutination reaction include: check all

impedance of blood flow by the clumped erythrocytes. blockage of small blood vessels by the clumps. hemolysis or rupture of the erythrocytes

hemoglobin. check all that apply

is suspended in the cytosol of erythrocytes. transport both oxygen and carbon dioixide. is a protein. is a pigment

which of the following correctly describe erthropoietin? check all

its a hormone. it is produced in the kidneys it stimulates development of erythrocytes.

which of the following best describes the nucleus of a monocyte?

kidney or C- shaped

____ represent a malignant transformation of a leukocyte cell line, and as abnormal leukocytes increase in number, the erythrocytic and megakaryocytic lines typically decrease in numbers


___ have an average life span that varies from 12 hours to years


the only formed elements that are nucleated when mature are the


the buffy coat consists of

leukocytes and platelets

the general name for a disorder characterized by an elevation in the number of leukocytes in the blood stream is


the general name for a disorder characterized by an elevation in the number of leukocytes in the bloodstream is___


The cells in the organs that remove old and/or damaged erythrocytes are called_____


monocytes become active phagocytic cells called?


who has a higher hematocrit?


the precursor cell from which platelets are derived or formed is called a?


under the influence of thrombopoietin, a megakaryoblast becomes a


the substance that stimulates the myeloid stem cell to form the progenitor cell of thromobopoiesis is


list the 5 types of leukocytes in order from most to least abundant

neutrophils lumphocytes moncytes eosinophils basophils

the extrinsic coagulation pathway is initiated by damage to the tissue that is____ the vessel


when the maximum amount of oxygen is being transported by blood- that is when blood is saturated with oxygen- it is said to be_____


which of the following describes the function(s) of neutrophils?

phagocytize pathogens, especially bacteria

normally, the concentration of protein is higher in ___(plasma or interstitial fluid) than in ______(plasma, or interstitial fluid?)

plasma interstitial fluid

THe liquid portion of whole blood is called____ the liquid portion of blood that has had clotting proteins removed is called___

plasma serum

____ live on average 8-10 days


____ are cell fragments and have never had a nucleus as they are produced in red bone marrow by_____

platelets megakaryocytes

components of whole blood are more correctly called ' formed elements' rather than 'cells' is because

platelets are just cell fragments and mature erthrocytes dont have a nucleus or organelles

order the events that occur during the intrinisic pathway to coagulation

platelets release factor XII fact XI changes inactive factors IX to active factor IX. Factor VIII changes inactive factor X to active factor X

the bone marrow cell from which all formed elements are derived is considered to be a _____ because many, but not all body cells can develop from it.

pluripotent stem cell

place the following cells in the order in which they occur in the erythrocyte developmental pathway

progeniotor cell proerythroblast early erythroblast late erythroblast normoblast reticulocyte

the processes of megakaryocutes from which platelets are derived- portions of the plasma membrane surrounding cytoplasm- the extend between endothelial cells of blood vessels and are called


The category of plasma component least likely, under normal conditions, to be present in the same amount in interstitial fluid is_____


formed elements are constantly produced in

red bone marrow

platelets are produced in the

red bone marrow

among the first signs of leukemia are: check all

reduced erythropoiesis and anemia. reduced platelet production and bleeding

what types of regulatory functions are performed by blood? check all that apply

regulation of body temperature regulation of body fluid levels regulations of pH of tissue fluid

which of the following best describes the nucleus of a lymphocyte?

rounded and dark-staining

which of the following poses the greatest risk for severe illness and even death of an unborn fetus?

secondary pregnancy, RH-mother with second Rh+ fetus

Most leukocytes release molecules that facilitate their role as defenders of the body. what type of substance is released by eosinophils?

substances that attack parasitic worms

most leukocytes release molecules that facilitate their role as defenders of body. what type of substance is released by eosinophils?

substances that attack parasitic worms

when over 10% of blood is lost a survival response is initiated by the ____ division of the autonomic nervous system


define hemopoiesis

the process of formation of all blood formed elements

when erythrocytes are removed from circulation, what happens to the proteins that were in the plasma membrane

they are broken down to amino acids which can be used to make erythrocytes or any other protein

platelets production process is called____


identify the substance that stimulates events in the platelet developmental pathway.


when erythrocytes are removed from circulation, the iron hemoglobin is transported in the blood by the globulin protein_____ and stored in the liver by the protein____

transferrin. ferritin


transports both oxygen and carbon a pigment. is a protein. is suspended in the cytosol of erythrocytes

identify which of the following are functions of the circulatory system. select all that apply

transports nutrients and gases. buffers acids and bases. limits the spread of infection.

when a unit of blood is donated, the blood is

treated with anticoagulant. tested for hepatitis and AIDS separated so that the erythrocytes, platelets, and clotting factors of a single donation can be used to treat more than one recipient

order the steps of hemostasis

vascular spasm platelet plug formation coagulation phase

a blood smear can be used to

visualize all the types of formed elements

in order from most to least abundant, the components of plamsa are.

water, proteins, small solutes, and gases

leukocytes are classified according to

whether or not cytoplasmic granules are visible when the cells in the blood smear are stained.

antibodies to antigen of the ABO antigens may be present

without prior exposure to an antigen the individual does not posses

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