Ch. 1_Concept Check

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Heat generated from the decay of radioactive elements is one source of energy that powers which part of the Earth System? the atmosphere the hydrosphere the geosphere the biosphere

the geosphere

The formation of the solar system can be explained by uniformitarian principles the chemical differentiation theory the plate tectonic theory the nebular theory

the nebular theory

In which geologic time Era do we live? The Cenozoic Era The Mesozoic Era The Paleozoic Era The Precambrian Era

The Cenozoic Era

Tsunamis are the result of which natural process? Climate change Undersea earthquakes Hurricanes Volcanic eruptions

Undersea earthquakes

"The Earth revolves around the Sun every 365.25 days." This is the example of which: a hypothesis statement a problem statement an educated guess a theory

a theory

Chemical differentiation very early in Earth's history -allowed for heavier elements to sink toward the center and lighter elements to rise toward the surface creating Earth's layered interior. -allowed lighter elements to sink toward the center and heavier elements to rise toward the surface creating Earth's layered interior. -allowed for the mixing of chemical elements that lead to Earth's homogenous interior. -initiated the rock cycle.

-allowed for heavier elements to sink toward the center and lighter elements to rise toward the surface creating Earth's layered interior.

The Earth is approximately how old? 13.7 billion years 13.7 million years 4.6 billion years 4.6 million years

4.6 billion years

Soil is an interface between which of Earth's spheres? The geosphere and atmosphere. The geosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. The geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. The geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

The geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere.

Geologists work on the premise that the physical and biological process that operated today have also operated in the geologic past. This premise is known as: The doctrine of catastrophism The theory of scientific inquiry The principle of uniformitarianism The nebular theory

The principle of uniformitarianism

Consider the following event: A mudslide occurred following a prolonged period of heavy rain. The tragic event pulls trees from their roots and buried a small town killing a number of people. This event involves the interaction between which of the following of Earth's spheres? the atmosphere the hydrosphere the geosphere the biosphere only the hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere only the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere all of the spheres were involved in this event

all of the spheres were involved in this event

The flooded extension of the continent is referred to as the continental shelf continental slope continental rise abyssal plain

continental shelf

Lithification is a process involved in the formation of which type rock type? igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphic rock The lithification process is involved in all rock types.

sedimentary rock

Earth's oldest rocks are located within the stable interior shield stable interior platform abyssal plains deep ocean trenches

stable interior shield

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