Ch. 2 The Nature and Extent of Crime

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Lack of confidence in law enforcement No insurance Reprisal Not important enough Dirty hands

Reasons for inconsistent reporting:


Schools, unfortunately, are the site of a great deal of victimization because they are populated by one of the most dangerous segments of society: .A.) National Rifle Association (NRA) members B.) Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) members C.) teenage males D.) all of these

Racial Profiling

Selecting suspects on the basis of their ethnic or racial background.

Index crimes

Includes murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, arson, and motor vehicle theft.

National Incident-Based Reporting System

(NIBRS) A program that requires local police agencies to provide a brief account of each incident and arrest within 22 crime patterns, including incident, victim, and offender information.

Uniform Crime Report

(UCR) Large database, compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, of crimes reported and arrests made each year throughout the United States.

Elder abuse

A disturbing form of domestic violence by children and other relatives with whom elderly people live.

self-report surveys

A research approach that requires subjects to reveal their own participation in delinquent or criminal acts.


Individuals who have been crime victims have a significantly __________ chance of future victimization than people who have not been victims.

caregiver stress view

asserts that parents experiencing stress are more likely to maltreat their children. In the context of elder maltreatment, maltreatment occurs when family members caring for an impaired older adult are unable to adequately manage their caregiving responsibilities. The elderly victim is typically described as highly dependent on the caregiver, who becomes overwhelmed, frustrated, and abusive because of the continuous caregiving demands posed by the elderly person.

Self-Report Surveys

-Data are collected from local surveys. -Strengths of self-report surveys are that they include unreported crimes, they can be used to measure substance abuse, and they often include questions that can assess an offender's personal history information, values, attitudes, and beliefs. -Weaknesses of self-report surveys are that they rely on the honesty of offenders and they omit offenders who refuse or are unable to participate and who may be the most deviant.

Uniform Crime Report

-Data are collected from records from police departments across the nation, crimes reported to police, and arrests. -Strengths of the UCR are that it measures homicides and arrests, and it is a consistent, national sample. -Weaknesses of the UCR are that it omits crimes not reported to police, omits most drug usage, and contains reporting errors.

Part II crimes

All crimes other than index and minor traffic offenses. The FBI records annual arrest information for Part II offenses.


All people who share a particular personal characteristic, such as all high school students or all police officers.

Aggravated Assault

An unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury. This type of assault usually is accompanied by the use of a weapon or by means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Simple assaults are excluded.

Part I crimes

Another term for index crimes; eight categories of serious, frequent crimes.


Any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle, or aircraft, personal property of another, or the like.

6 p.m. to 6 a.m

Approximately two-thirds of rapes and sexual assaults occur at night— ________ to __________


Because more than half of all victims do not report their experiences to the police, the UCR cannot _____________ all the annual criminal activity.


Crimes are _____________ in two ways: 1.) when at least one person is arrested, charged, and turned over to the court for prosecution; 2.) or by exceptional means, when some element beyond police control precludes the physical arrest of an offender (for example, the offender leaves the country).

more likely

Crimes involving multiple offenders are __________ _________ to come to the attention of police than those with a single perpetrator.

More likely; ex husband or wife

Crimes involving strangers are _________ __________ to be reported than those involving friends and relatives. One exception to this rule: if the crime was committed by an __________ or ____________, the police are more likely to be called than if it was committed by a stranger.


David Finkelhor and Nancy Asigian found each of the following specific characteristic types increase the chance for victimization EXCEPT target . A.) vulnerability B.) gullibilityC.) gratifiability D.) antagonism


David Finkelhor and Nancy Asigian have found that three specific types of characteristics __________ the potential for victimization:1.) Target vulnerability. The victims' physical weakness or psychological distress renders them incapable of resisting or deterring crime and makes them easy targets.2.) Target gratifiability. Some victims have some quality, possession, skill, or attribute that an offender wants to obtain, use, have access to, or manipulate. Having attractive possessions such as a leather coat may make one vulnerable to predatory crime.3.) Target antagonism. Some characteristics increase risk because they arouse anger, jealousy, or destructive impulses in potential offenders. Being gay or effeminate, for example, may bring on undeserved attacks in the street; being argumentative and alcoholic may provoke barroom assaults.


Each ___________, law enforcement agencies report the number of index crimes known to them. These data are collected from records of all crime complaints that victims, officers who discovered the infractions, or other sources reported to these agencies.


Each of the following is a widely used form of crime data collection, EXCEPT the ________ A.) Uniform Crime Report (UCR) B.) National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) C.) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) D.) National Family Violence Survey (NFVS)

Federal Bureau of Investigation



Less serious forms of violence, such as unarmed robberies and personal larcenies like purse snatching, are more likely to occur during the __________________

Inconsistent reporting

Less than half of all violent crimes and only one-third of property crimes are reported to the police. The reasons for not reporting vary.


More serious allegations claim that in some cases police officials may deliberately _________ reported crimes to improve their department's public image. Police administrators interested in lowering the crime rate may falsify crime reports by classifying a burglary as a nonreportable trespass.

cross-sectional survey

Survey data derived from all age, race, gender, and income segments of the population measured simultaneously. Because people from every age group are represented, age-specific crime rates can be determined. Proponents believe this is a sufficient substitute for the more expensive longitudinal approach that follows a group of subjects over time to measure crime rate changes.


Surveys typically involve _____________ which refers to the process of selecting for study a limited number of subjects who are representative of entire groups sharing similar characteristics, called the population


Tallies and annually publishes the number of reported offenses by city, county, standard metropolitan statistical area, and geographical divisions of the United States.

Number of reported crimes / Total U.S. population X 100,000 rate per 100,00

The UCR uses three methods to express crime data. First, the number of crimes reported to the police is expressed as raw figures. In 2014, an estimated 1,165,383 violent crimes occurred nationwide. Second, crime rates per 100,000 people are computed: in 2014, an estimated 365 violent crimes took place per 100,000 inhabitants. This is the equation used: Third, the FBI computes changes in rate of crime and the number of crimes over time. Preliminary 2015 data show that the number of murders may have risen sharply, increasing more than 6 percent during the period January to June 2014-2015.

index crimes

The eight crimes that, because of their seriousness and frequency, the FBI reports the incidence of in the annual Uniform Crime Report. Index crimes include murder, rape, assault, robbery, burglary, arson, larceny, and motor vehicle theft.

Manslaughter by Negligence

The killing of another person through gross negligence. Traffic fatalities are excluded. Although manslaughter by negligence is a Part I crime, it is not included in the crime index.

6 p.m.

The more serious violent crimes, such as rape and aggravated assault, typically take place after ____________


The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. Included are rapes by force and attempts or assaults to rape. The FBI has used this definition since 2013; the old definition ("The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will") is included in some legacy data.


The poorest Americans are the ones most likely to be victims of violent and property crime. true false


The second primary source of crime/victimization measurement is through ____________ in which people are asked about their attitudes, beliefs, values, and characteristics, as well as their experiences with crime and victimization.


The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence or by putting the victim in fear.

Motor Vehicle Theft

The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. A motor vehicle is self-propelled and runs on the surface and not on rails. Specifically excluded from this category are motorboats, construction equipment, airplanes, and farming equipment.

inconsistent reporting practices, law enforcement reporting practices, and methodological issues.

The three main areas of concern are:

Burglary/Breaking or Entering

The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft. Attempted forcible entry is included.

Larceny/Theft (Except Motor Vehicle Theft)

The unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another. Examples are thefts of bicycles or automobile accessories, shoplifting, pocket picking, or the stealing of any property or article that is not taken by force and violence or by fraud. Attempted larcenies are included. Embezzlement, con games, forgery, worthless checks, and so on are excluded.

Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter

The willful (nonnegligent) killing of one human being by another. Deaths caused by negligence, attempts to kill, assaults to kill, suicides, accidental deaths, and justifiable homicides are excluded. Justifiable homicides are limited to (a) the killing of a felon by a law enforcement officer in the line of duty and (b) the killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.

social support

Those who do report crime are more likely to do so if they perceive__________ ____________ from family, friends, and social service agencies.

chronic victimization

Those who have been crime victims maintain a significantly higher chance of future victimization than people who have remained nonvictims. Most repeat victimizations occur soon after a previous crime has occurred, suggesting that repeat victims share some personal characteristic that makes them a magnet for predators.

National Crime Victimization Survey

To address the nonreporting issue, the federal government's Bureau of Justice Statistics sponsors the _____________________ (NCVS). The ongoing victimization study conducted jointly by the Justice Department and the U.S. Census Bureau that surveys victims about their experiences with law violation. Provides a detailed picture of crime incidents, victims, and trends


Violent victimization is more likely to take place in an open, public area (such as a street, a park, or a field), in a school building, or at a commercial establishment such as a tavern during the ___________ or early evening hours than in a private home during the morning or late evening hours.


When fully implemented, __________ will provide: Expansion of the number of offense categories included Detail on individual crime incidents (offenses, offenders, victims, property, and arrests) Linkage between arrests and clearances to specific incidents or offenses Inclusion of all offenses in an incident rather than only the most serious offense The ability to distinguish between attempted and completed crimes Linkages between offense, offender, victim, property, and arrestee variables that permit examination of interrelationships


Which of the following is a FLASE description of the victim's household?A.) People who own their homes are less vulnerable than renters.B.) European American homes in the Northeast are the least likely to contain crime victims.C.) Larger, African American, western, and urban homes are the most vulnerable to crime.D.) All these statements are true.


__________, unfortunately, are the locale of a great deal of victimization because they are populated by one of the most dangerous segments of society, teenage males.


________________ issues also contribute to questions pertaining to the UCR's validity. The most frequent issues include the following: No federal crimes are reported. Reports are voluntary and vary in accuracy and completeness. Not all police departments submit reports. The FBI uses estimates in its total crime projections. According to the "Hierarchy Rule," in a multiple-offense incident, only the most serious crime is counted. Thus if an armed bank robber commits a robbery, assaults a patron as he flees, steals a car to get away, and damages property during a police chase, only the robbery is reported because it is the most serious offense. Consequently, many lesser crimes go unreported. Each act is listed as a single offense for some crimes but not for others. If a man robbed six people in a bar, the offense is listed as one robbery, but if he assaulted or murdered them, it would be listed as six assaults or six murders. Incomplete acts are lumped together with completed ones. Important differences exist between the FBI's definition of certain crimes and those used in a number of states.

background-situational view

asserts that relationship discord results from a combination of contextual factors (e.g., a history of family violence) and situational factors (e.g., a lack of relationship satisfaction), which primes a person's acceptance of violence as a conflict resolution strategy. Elder abuse occurs when the abusive individual is the spouse or intimate partner of the victim, but it might also apply when the abusive individual is a codependent adult child or caregiver of the elderly person.

biopsychosocial model

elder maltreatment can be attributed to the characteristics of both the elderly person and the abusive individual, both of whom are embedded in a larger sociocultural context (family and friends); their status inequality, relationship type, and power and exchange dynamics all help explain the outcome of their interactions.

ecological model

explains human behavior by including a range of potential influences on this process, including the impact of individual, relationship, community, and societal influences.

power and control view

highlights an abusive individual's use of a pattern of coercive tactics to gain and maintain power and control during the course of a relationship with another person. It has been used to explain spousal abuse among elderly couples, although it could be applied as well when such traits describe an adult child or caregiver who has assumed, perhaps grudgingly, responsibility for the elderly person.

social learning view

holds that elder abuse results from the abusive individual learning to use violence to either resolve conflicts or obtain a desired outcome.

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