CH 29 - Fungi

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One of the fish in your aquarium dies. Adding which protist to the water would allow you to avoid flushing the dead fish by speeding its decay? A. A water mold B. An apicomplexan C. A dinoflagellata D. A euglenid E. A ciliate


Which of the following eukaryotic lineages contains many species that lack functioning mitochondria? A. Excavata B. Stramenopila C. Rhizaria D. Amoebozoa


Which of the following is an important role for fungi in the carbon cycle? A. Fungi release fixed carbon back to the environment for other plants and photosynthetic organisms to utilize B. Fungi fix carbon by undergoing photosynthesis C. Fungi provide fixed carbon to plants for production of plant cellular tissues D. Fungi reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide


Which of the following best describes the leading hypothesis on the origin of the nucleus? A. The nucleus was formed through modifications to a mitochondrion B. The nucleus was formed through infolding of the plasma membrane C. The nucleus was formed through endosymbiosis of an archaeon D. The nucleus was formed when the ER surrounded chromosomes


Which of the following statements best describes the term synapomorphy? A. the state of having several traits in common with different monophyletic groups B. a trait that evolved in several different monophyletic groups simultaneously C. a trait that evolved in the most recent common ancestor of a monophyletic group D. a trait that is shared by more than one monophyletic group


Fungi with hyphae _____. A) acquire their nutrients by phagocytosis B) reproduce asexually by a process known as budding C) are adapted for rapid directional growth to new food sources D) have cell walls that consist mainly of cellulose microfibrils E) are called yeasts


Some fungal species can kill herbivores while feeding off of sugars from its plant host. What type of relationship does this fungus have with its host? A. predatory B. parasitic C. commensal D. mutualistic


Some fungi have been instrumental in the development of human culture, including __________ in the phylum ________ as they have been in use for hundreds of years in producing beer and bread. A. arbuscular mychorhizae; Glomeromycota B. bread molds; Zygomycota C. chytrids; Chytridiomycota D. yeasts; Ascomycota E. puffballs; Basidiomycota


Which tree depicts the microsporidians as a sister group of the ascomycetes?


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