Ch 3 - dialogue
Well. How was the band?
Ana. I pēhea te pēne?
Wake up, girl! Get up! Breakfast is ready.
E oho, e hine! Maranga! Kua reri te parakuihi.
Go and wash! Hurry / be quick!
Haere ki te horoi! Kia tere!
What time did you two return?
He aha te taima i hoki mai ai kōrua?
What's the time?
He aha te tāima?
He rawe
Where were you last night?
I hea koe i te pō nei?
Joe and I went to the dance.
I te kanikani māuo ko Tio.
Where's my skirt?
Kei hea taku panekoti?
In your wardrobe
Kei roto i tō kāpata.
Your porridge will get cold.
Kā mātaotao tō pāreti.
I ironed it last night.
Nakū i haeana inapō.
At 2 o'clock.
Nō te rua karaka.
7 o'clock.
Whitu karaka.