CH 3 History

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The passage titled Advisor Zichan of Zheng's Compilation of Laws is an excerpt of a letter from a government leader in one kingdom to a government leader in a neighboring kingdom. The author is expressing his opinion on whether written laws are good for society. How do you think his letter ends?

"I have heard that 'when a state is about to fall, it has numerous regulations.' Surely it refers to this sort of situation."

The temple complex at Thebes dedicated to Amun-Re is evidence of ________________________.

the longevity of cultural, religious, and political ideas in the Nile River valley the relative prosperity of Egypt during both the Middle and the New Kingdoms general support for the cult of Amun-Re and the pharaoh's connection to this important deity

What was the immediate response of pastoral nomads and transhumant herders to drought and food shortages in the second millennium BCE?

They moved closer to cities, seeking food and grazing lands.

In what way(s) were the transhumant herders known as Amorites integrated into the political and economic life of Mesopotamian cities before 2000 BCE?

They served as warriors for city-states. They paid taxes. During the cooler parts of the year, their animals grazed in the fallow fields of agricultural villages.

true statements

-Mediterranean communities mostly conducted trade in high-value, low-volume goods. -By 1350 BCE many communities in the Mediterranean region had developed maritime technology that enabled them to travel across the Mediterranean Sea.

The text describes Mesopotamian taxation methods as innovative. How were taxes collected in Mesopotamia? Put the process in the correct order.

-Mesopotamian rulers granted private individuals the right to collect taxes from peasants. -Peasants paid taxes to tax collectors in the form of goods such as grain, vegetables, or wool. -Tax collectors sold goods such as grain, vegetables, and wool, using silver as currency. -Tax collectors kept a percentage of their revenue as a fee for their work and passed the rest along to the state.

What kinds of evidence convinced historians that climate changes underlay the collapse of Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Indus Valley societies?

-Soil samples from Mesopotamia showing a period of extreme drought help explain the abandonment of cities. -Sedimentation studies showing very low Nile floods are supported by concurrent written records of starvation. -Hydroclimatic reconstructions showing a 1,000-year-long precipitation decrease in the Indus River valley help explain the shrinking of cities toward the end of that period.

According to the chapter text and the document Instruction to Vizier Rekhmire, how did the Egyptian government function on a day-to-day basis?

-The vizier (not the pharaoh) administered the government bureaucracy, managing many of the day-to-day tasks of governing the Egyptian kingdom. -The Egyptian government used strict rules and orderly procedures to function efficiently.

After reading the text, watch this brief video about pastoral nomads, transhumant herders, and settled communities.

Correct choiceChariots show cooperation and economic interchange between pastoral nomads and settled peoples.

An Egyptian tomb inscription from the period of drought that began around 2200 BCE said, "The plunderer is everywhere, and the servant takes what he finds."

Social order completely broke down.

Which of the following statements is supported by evidence from architectural remains on Crete and Thera?

Wealth and relative peace can lead to technological advances (like running water).

The text describes microsocieties as "small-scale, fragmented, and dispersed communities that had limited interaction with others." In what ways were the Polynesian island societies similar to and different from the territorial states of China, Mesopotamia, and Egypt?

different from territorial states -There were vast distances (chronological and geographic) between Polynesian settlements. -Newly settled regions in Polynesia often were not connected to a central government. similar to territorial states -The Polynesian societies were part of extended trade networks. -The Polynesian societies show evidence of public works, such as irrigation systems.

Before climate change forced them into closer proximity with Mesopotamian cities, transhumant herders like the Amorites were unknown to those urban populations.


Microsocieties were completely isolated from the material goods and cultural developments of neighboring peoples.


Relations between Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Hittite rulers were managed entirely through warfare and trade.


The whole human population spoke Indo-European at one time, but human migrations, conquest, and regional isolation caused the original language to break apart into the many world languages we have today.


If a person from 1985 BCE (the beginning of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt) traveled through time to 1475 BCE (during Hatshepsut's reign of New Kingdom Egypt), which aspects of Egyptian society would be familiar to him or her, and which aspects would be new?

familiar -Egyptians' fear of drought and reliance upon Nile flooding -trade connections beyond the Nile River basin -a kingdom-wide devotion to Amun-Re and the massive temple at Thebes new -methods of making weapons and ceramics -Egypt's expansionist tendencies and powerful military

Which group of Indo-European migrants settled in Anatolia, forming territorial states that used chariot-based warfare to challenge Egypt and Mesopotamia?


Which material changes were brought to Egypt through interactions (both peaceful and nonpeaceful) with nomadic peoples?

improved bronze-working the vertical loom for making textiles

How was Shang China similar to and different from Egypt's New Kingdom?

similar to Egypt: -In China, the ruler had a hybrid religious and political role. -The Shang ruler was expected to be male, and the royal line was passed through the father's family. -The Shang government used tribute labor for state-supported projects. not similar to Egypt: -Writing was primarily used in divination in China. -In China, the chariot was a status symbol rather than a military tool.

A microsociety is a small-scale, fragmented, dispersed community that lives in relative isolation from other societies. Minoan and Mycenaean culture in the Aegean and Austronesian settlements in the South Pacific are examples of this kind of community from the second century BCE.


Hammurapi's Code and the Code of Manu show that women's marriage rights were greater in Babylonian Mesopotamia than they were in Vedic South Asia.


One significant way that early territorial states differed from city-states was that they had defined borders that encompassed both urban areas and the rural regions beyond them.


When Vedic peoples migrated into regions of South Asia, how did they change the societies they conquered? How did those societies change them?

ways Vedic peoples changed South Asian cultures -They devised standard weights and measures to improve trade. -They introduced new domesticated animals. -They imported an Indo-European language (Sanskrit). ways South Asian peoples changed Vedic culture -They introduced iron-bladed plows. -They shifted the way wealth was measured, from livestock-based to land-based.


were Indo-European nomads who migrated into the Indus River basin.

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