Ch. 39 - Corporate, Directors, Officers, and Shareholders

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A Corporation must notify SPECIAL SHs meetings at least ___ days, but no more than ___ days, before the meeting date

10, 60

SH approval is required to: 1. amend the _________ or bylaws 2. to conduct a _____ or _____ the corporation 3. to sell all or substantially all of the corporation's ______

Articles of Incorporation, merger, dissolve, assets

The dates of Director's meetings are are established in the ____ or ____ or by ____ ____. ordinarily no further notice is required.

Articles, bylaws, board resolution

(6) Examples if Failure in Duty of Loyalty: 1. _____ with the corp. 2. ______ 3. Pursuing an _____ _____ ____ with that of the corporation 4. _____________ 5. Authorizing a corporate transaction that is detrimental to ______ _____ 6. ______ _____ over the corporation

Competing, usurping, interest that conflicts, insider-trading, minority SHs, Selling control

Right to ________: When a director becomes involved in litigation by virtue of his position, the director may have a right to indemnification (reimbursement) for the legal costs, fees, and damages incurred


Right of ______: Each director can access the corporation's books and records, facilities, and premises


Directors are ____ agents - an individual director can't act as an agent to ____ ____ ____.

NOT, bind the corporation

Right to ________: Directors are entitled to participate in all board of directors meetings and have a right to be notified of these meetings


A suit brought by a shareholder to enforce a corporate cause of action against a third person

SH's derivative suit

When the corporation is harmed by the actions of a third party, the SH's can bring a lawsuit in the name of the corporation against that party

SH's derivative suit

Why are directors not agents? Because ____________.

a single director could not conduct business on behalf of the company

corporate and managerial officers are both _____ and ______.

agents, employees

SH's Powers: SHs must _____ _____ _____ affecting the corporation before the changes can be implemented.

approve fundamental changes

responsible for the selection, compensation, and oversight of the independent public accountants that audit the firm's Financial records

audit committee

Most courts will apply the Business Judgment Rule unless there's evidence of: - ________ - _________ - a clear breach of ______ ______

bad faith, fraud, fiduciary duties

A court will dismiss a derivative suit if a majority of the directors or an independent panel determines in good faith that the lawsuit is not in the ________________.

best interests of the corporation

Corporate Officers and Executives: - hired by the _____ - minimum = a _____, 1 or _____, ____, ____ - ____ ____ ____ stated in the Bylaws - corporate and managerial officers are ______ - corporate and managerial officers are ______

board, president, VP, treasurer, secretary, carry out duties, agents, employees

A Rule under which courts will not hold corporate officers and directors liable for honest mistakes of judgment and bad business decisions that were made in good faith

business judgement rule

Defense to alleged violation by Directors & Officers of Duty of Care

business judgment rule

Under the ______ _____ _____, a corporate director or officer will NOT be held LIABLE to the corporation or to its shareholders for honest mistakes of judgment and bad business decisions

business judgment rule

Directors And officers are expected to exercise due care and to use their best judgment and guiding corporate management, but they are not insurers of ______ _______.

business success

The number of directors is set forth in the corporation's articles or _____.


Fiduciary duties of Directors & Officers include the: - duty of _____ - duty of _____

care, loyalty

Preemptive rights are most important in _____ _____because each SH owns a relatively small number of shares but controls a substantial interest in the corp.

close corporations

The Duty of Loyalty requires Directors & Officers to not use _____ _____ or information for ______ ______.

corporate funds, personal gain

A MAJORITY SH is regarded as having a fiduciary duty to the _____ and to the ______ _____.

corporation, minority shareholders

Formula: each SH is entitled to a total number of votes equal (=) to the: (# of board members to be elected * the #of voting shares that the SH owns)

cumulative voting

What is a way to protect the Minority SHs' interests?

cumulative voting

a voting method designed to allow minority shareholders to be represented on the board of directors

cumulative voting

A corporation must notify its shareholders of the ____, ____, and ____ of an annual meetings.

date, time, place

The fiduciary duties of Majority SHs arises when a single SH owns a sufficient number of shares to exercise ____ _____ ____ over the corporation.

de facto control

If the corporate directors fail to bring a lawsuit, the SHs can do so "_______" in what is known as a shareholder's derivative suit.


Directors must refrain from entering into businesses that operate in _____ _____ with corporations on whose boards they serve.

direct competition

Directors' votes at board of directors' meetings should be entered into the minutes; When an individual director disagrees with the majority vote, the dissent must be entered into the meetings minutes otherwise the director is presumed to have assented

dissenting directors

______ are paid out proportionally to the % of shares owned by the SH.


a distribution of corporate profits or income ordered by the directors and paid to the shareholders in proportion to their shares in the corporation


"Duty of faithfulness to one's obligations and duties"

duty of loyalty

The Business Judgment Rule is based around the idea that Directors & Officers do NOT ____ ____ ____.

ensure business success

Two Common Types of Committees: _____ committee & ____ committee

executive, audit

Duty to ______ ______ _____: Directors are expected to exercise a reasonable amount of supervision when they delegate work to corporate officers and employees

exercise reasonable supervision

Outside directors bring _____ and _____ ____ ____.

expertise, diversity of thought

Directors & officers are considered to be _______ of the corporation because their relationship with the corporation and its shareholders is one of _____ and ______.

fiduciaries, trust, confidence

A Common Ex of Majority SHs breaching their fiduciary duties: When majority shareholders "____ ____" the minority shareholders and exclude them from certain benefits of participating in the firm

freeze out

Directors & officers' fiduciary duty requires them to make ____ _____ of any potential _____ ___ _____ that might arise in any corporate transaction.

full disclosure, conflicts of interest

When a corp. engages in a transaction that an officer or director has a personal interest: The director or officer must: (2) - make _____ ____ - abstain from ______

full disclosure, voting

Duty of Care - Requires a director or officer to: (3) 1. Act in _____ _____ (honestly) 2. Exercise the care that an ordinary, _____ _____ would exercise in similar situations 3. Act in the _____ _____ of the corporation

good faith, prudent person, best interest

A SH can properly be denied access to corporate records to prevent ______ or to protect trade secrets or other confidential corp. info


Extraordinary corporate matters, such as a merger, consolidation, or dissolution of the corporation, require approval by a _____ _____ of all corporate shares entitled to vote.

higher percentage

A trustee _____ _____. A director _____ ___ ____, does not ____ _____.

holds property, runs the company, hold property

Along with the duties of care and loyalty, corporate directors & officers must also make _____ _____.

informed decisions

Management positions within a company

inside directors

using information that is not available to the public to make a profit trading Securities


unable to pay its debts as they come due


_______ Rights: Each SH has the right to inspect: - records - accounting - books


Stock is an _____ _____ ____. The ownership right exists independently of the certificate itself

intangible property right

Duty of _____: Think of the company before personal interests


In the corporate context, the duty of _______ requires directors & officers to subordinate their personal interests to the welfare of the corporation.


A ______ vote of the shares represented at the meeting is usually required to pass resolutions.


Preemptive Rights allow a ______ SH to maintain her proportional _____, _____ _____, and _____ _____

majority, control, voting power, financial interest

A _____ SH owes a fiduciary duty to _______ SHs.

majority, minority

Ordinary matters require a _____ vote Extraordinary issues require a _____ vote

majority, unanimous

Directors & officers must attend meetings to stay informed so they ____ ____ ____.

make informed decisions

A quorum exists when shareholders holding _______ of the outstanding shares are present.

more than 50%

Liability of Directors & Officers: Directors & Officers can be liable for ______.


Are SHs personally liable for debts if a corporation fails?


Are directors agents?


Are directors trustees?


Do SHs have DAILY MANAGEMENT responsibilities?


Do SHs own title to corporate property?


Each common shareholder is entitled to ____ vote per share.


Each director present at the meeting has ____ vote.


An executive committee is limited to dealing with ____ _____ _____ and does not have the power to declare dividends, and then the bylaws, or authorized the issuance of stock.

ordinary business matters

Come from outside industries.

outsider directors

(3) Rights of Directors: Right of - ____ - ____ - ____

participation, inspection, indemnification

Duty of Loyalty: Directors cannot use corporate funds or confidential corporate information for ____ ____ and must refrain from self-dealing.

personal advantage

If the directors are later sued for mismanagement as a result of a decision, dissenting directors are rarely held ______ _____ for the corporation.

personally liable

Directors & officers are ____ ____ for their own ___________ (when not protected under the business judgment rule)

personally liable, torts and crimes

(3) Times SHs are Personally Liable: 1. Court has decided to _________ 2. ______ ______ are issued 3. ______ _____ is issued

pierce the corporate veil, illegal dividends, watered stock

Directors: - All _____ _____ decisions - Carry out ____ ____ - _____ and _____ officers - determine ____ ____ of the corporation - declare _____ - each director has ____ vote and _____ ____ controls

policymaking, routine business, select, remove, capital structure, dividends, one, majority vote

(in-class notes) Rights of a SH to preference over other SHs in buying a prorated share of a new issue of stock

preemptive rights

The right of a SH in a corp. to have the first opportunity to purchase a new issue of that corp's stock in proportion to the amount of stock already owned by the SH

preemptive rights

With ______ ______, a SH receives a preference over all other purchasers to subscribe to or purchase a prorated share of a new issue of stock

preemptive rights

A SH has a right to inspect and copy corp. books & records only for a ______ _____, and the request to inspect must be made in _______.

proper purpose, advance

Authorization to represent a corporate shareholder to serve as his agent and vote his shares in a certain manner


A majority of the board of directors constitutes a _____.


For shareholders to act during a meeting, a _____ must be present.


The number of members of a decision-making body that must be present before business may be transacted


The Business Judgment Rule applies when: (3) 1. Took _____ _____ to become _____ about the matter 2. Had a ____ ____ for the decision 3. No conflict between his ____ ____ in the __________.

reasonable steps, informed, rational basis, personal interest, interest of the corporation

In a SH's Derivative Suit, SH's may be _____ for reasonable expense, such as Attorney's fees, etc.


Corporate business matters are presented in the form of ______, which shareholders vote to approve or disapprove.


The Duty of Loyalty requires Directors & Officers to refrain from ________.


Owners of the corporation


Who appoints the Board of Directors?


Who approves the FUNDAMENTAL CHANGES of a company?


Who has the power to vote to elect or remove members of the board of directors? The ________.


A certificate issued by a corporation evidencing the ownership of a specified number of shares in the corporation

stock certificates

Preemptive rights must be exercised within a specific _____ _____ (usually 30 days)

time period

Once a quorum is present, the directors ____ ____ and vote on issues affecting the corporation

transact business.

Someone who holds property for the use & benefit of another


Dividends = ILLEGAL if: 1. They are improperly paid from an _____ _____ 2. Their pmts cause the corp. to become ______

unauthorized account, insolvent

taking personal advantage of a corporate opportunity


- The corporation prepares a voting list before each SH's meeting - Only persons whose names appear on the corporation stockholder records as owners are entitled to vote

voting lists

Shares of stock issued by a corporation for which the corporation receives, as payment, LESS than the FMV of the shares

watered stock

When a corporation issues shares for less than their fair market value, the shares are referred to as ______ ______.

watered stock

SH's Derivative Suit: 1. _____ ____ to the board is req. 2. the board has _____ days to file the lawsuit 3. any damages awarded go to the _______

written demand, 90, corporation

Are Corporate Officers agents?


Are Directors & Officers required to make full disclose of any potential conflicts of interest?


Can Directors & Officers be held personally liable for the torts and crimes committed by corporate Personnel under their DIRECT SUPERVISION?


Can Directors & Officers be sued in a Derivative Suit?


Can a MINORITY SH sue for damages when a MAJORITY SH breaches her fiduciary duty?


Can the Board remove an officer with or without cause?


When the Director or officer 1) makes full disclose of potential conflict of interest and 2) abstains from voting on it, can the transaction proceed?


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