Ch. 4 Health of the Individual, Family, and Community

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Nurses carry out a wide variety of activities to meet patients' physical safety needs such as:

*using proper hand hygiene and sterile techniques to prevent infection *using electrical equipment properly *administering medications knowledgeably *skillfully moving and ambulating patients *teaching parents about household chemicals that are dangerous to children

basic human needs

Our behaviors, feelings about ourselves and others, values, and the priorities we set for ourselves all relate to our physiologic and psychosocial needs.

according to Maslows hierarchy of basic human needs, physical activity, and rest are considered to be

physiologic needs

The nurse is assessing the communication style of the client. Communication is an example of which dimension of the individual?

Communication is essential for interaction with others and is an example of the sociocultural dimension.

A nurse is assessing a family and identifying where the family is in the family life cycle. During this assessment, the nurse applies Duvall's theory. Which theory forms the basis for Duvall's theory?

Duvall (1985) identified critical family developmental tasks and stages in a family life cycle. Duvall's theory, based on Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, states that all families have certain basic tasks for survival and continuity, as well as specific tasks related to developmental stages throughout the life of the family. Freud, Kohlberg, and Piaget are not associated with Duvall's theory.

Nurses can help meet patients self-esteem needs by:

respecting their values and beliefs, encouraging patients to set attainable goals, and facilitating support from family/significant others

self-esteem needs (higher level need)

the need for a person to feel good about himself/herself, to feel pride and a sense of accomplishment, and to believe that others also respect and appreciate those accomplishments

love and belonging needs (higher lever need)

understanding and acceptance of others in both giving and receiving love, and the feeling of beloning to groups such as families, peers, friends, a neighborhood, and a community

Place the following nursing interventions in order of priority according to Maslow's hierarchy of basic needs: The nurse teaches the client about foods high in fiber. The nurse teaches the daughter how to administer the client's insulin. The nurse assists the client in making a phone call to the client's daughter. The nurse positions the bed of the Muslim client who is bedfast toward Mecca.

The most basic level in the hierarchy, physiologic need of elimination, would be addressed when the nurse teaches the client about foods high in fiber. By teaching the daughter how to administer the client's insulin, the nurse meets that client's physical safety needs. The nurse facilitates the love and belonging needs of the client when assisting the client in making a phone call to the client's daughter. The nurse who positions the bed of the Muslim client who is bedfast toward Mecca is helping the client to reach self-actualization, the highest level on the hierarchy.


*families in a city ghetto area fear walking to school/work because of gang activity on their street *A family vacationing in Mexico becomes ill after drinking the local water


*a mother returns home from the hospital with a premature baby for whom she must provide care *An older adult who lives alone cannot afford his prescriptions *A 3-month old infant fails to thrive because of malnutrition


*a recently divorced single parent of a 2 year old must return to work but cannot afford adequate childcare *two families are forced to live together in cramped conditions to make ends meet *An older adult living with her son's family cannot tolerate what she feels is inadequate discipline of her grandchildren *A 5-yr old girl accuses her uncle of touching her inappropriately


*A teacher reports to a teenage boy's parents that drugs have been found in his locker *A 13 yr old in her first trimester of pregnancy tells you she didn't think she could become pregnant the first time she had sexual relations

Characteristics of basic needs for Maslow's hierarchy

*Its lack of fulfillment results in illness *Its fulfillment helps prevent illness or signals health *Meeting it restores health *It takes priority over other desires and needs when unmet *The person feels something is missing when the need is unmet *The person feels satisfication when the need is met


*a child with severe birth defects is born into a family *a couple learns that their infant has sickle cell anemia *a woman whose mother died of breast cancer finds a lump in her breast during her monthly breast examination

blended family

another form of a nuclear family, parents bring unrelated children from previous relationships together to form a new family


any group of people who live together and depend on one another for physical, emotional, or financial support role of family: help meet the basic human needs of its members while also meeting the needs of society

nuclear family aka traditional family

composed of two parents and their children

physiologic needs

most basic in the hierarchy of needs most essential to life highest priority oxygen,water,food, elimination, temperature,sexuality, physical activity, and rest must be met at least minimally to maintain life

safety and security needs (lower level needs)

physical and emotional components Physical safety: being protected from potential or actual harm Emotional safety: involves trusting others and being free of fear, anxiety, and apprehension


population or group of people living in the same geographic area under similar regulations and having common values, interests, and needs. Based on shared: *characteristics of people,area, social interaction, and familial, cultueral, or ethnic heritage and ties.

extended family

relatives ex: aunts,uncles, grandparents

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