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calls for cognitive behavioral perspective treatment


disturbances in emotions, behavior, and cognitive processes are caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the body -we can trace cause of psych symp primarily to distrubance in nervous system


"the big five" -trait theory proposing that there are five basic dispositions in personality -Each of the BASIC FIVE have SIX FACETS=30 PERSONALITY COMPONENTS 1. EXTROVERSION 2. AGREEABLENESS 3. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS 4. NEUROTICISM 5. OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE -ppl high on the traits that define the less psychologicall healthy end of each continuum may be more likely to experience negative life events bc their personalities make them more vulnerable to life stresses. -likely that personality molds circumstances -ppl can change their fundamental personality traits -PROVIDES PERSPECTIVE FOR EXAMINING PERSONALITY DISORDERS -became basis for attempt to reformulate the DSM


--most clinicians select aspects of various models -most use approaches that are integrative or eclectic -multiple perspective


-BIOLOGICALLY BASED TREATMENT: cannot address the disorder's cause in terms of fixing genetic problems therapy: involve medications, surgery or other direct treatment forms on the brain


-CONTEMPORARY THERAPY AND COUNSELING -focus on clients needs -CLIENT not PATIENT unconditional positive regard: TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF WHAT THE CLIENT SAYS, DOES AND FEELS CLIENT CENTERED MODEL MOTIVATIONAL INTERVIEWING -directive client centered style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients explore and resolve ambivalence


-HELPING CLIENTS UNLEARN maladaptive behaviors and replacing them with healthy adaptive behaviors COUNTERCONDITIONING: replacing undesired response toa stimulus wtih an acceptable response SYSTEMATIC DENSITIZATION: variant of counterconditionig that involves presenting the client wtih progressively more anxiety provoking images while in a relaxesd state. CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT (operant conditioning) -principle of rewarding a client for desired behaviors and not providing rewards for undesried behaviors "TOKEN ECONOMY" PARTICIPANT MODELING: -therapist shows client desired behavior and then guides client through behavioral change


-changing person's thoughts to alleviate distress COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING: clients learnt o reframe negative ideasinto more positive ones -clinician attempt to change clients thoughts by questioning and challening the client's dysfunctional attitude and beliefs COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY: -clinificans focus on changing both maladaptive thoughts and maladaptive behaviors goal: give clients greater control over their dysfunctional behaviors, thoughts and emotions ACCEPTANCE AND COMMITMENT THERAPY -helps client accept the full range of their subjective experiences (distressing thoughts and feelings) as they commit themselves to tasks aimed atchieving behavior change that will lead to an improved uality of life. -rather than fighting off disturbing symptoms, clients should acknowledge that they wil feel certain unpleasant emotions in certain situations


-clinicians encourages family group members to try new ways of relating to eother or thinking about their problems -dysfunctional relationships patterns GROUP THERAPY: MILIEU therapy: inpatient treatment MULTICULTURAL APPROACH: therapy that relies on awareness knowledge and skills of the client's sociocultural context -sensitive to client's cultural background


-emphasize ways that individuals are influenced by ppl, social institutions and social forces in the wrold around them


-focuses on the way ppl's THOUGHTS influence their EMOTIONS -maldaptive thought processes that result in dysfunctional behavior -DISTURBED THOUGHTS


-human behaviors in much more positive terms -psychological disorders, result of restricted growth potential EXISTENTIAL PSYCH: importance of fully appreciating each moment as it occurs -psych disturbances arise when ppl are unable to experience living in the moment. PERSON CENTERED THEORY: -focus on uniqueness of individual -allowing each person to achieve max fulfillment and potentiao -confront honestly the reality of his or her experiences CLIENT CENTERED: (ROGERS) - ppl are inately good and that the potential for self improvement lies within the indivdual "conditions of worth"-demands that parents place upon children. in order to be loved they feel they have to meet these criteria


-most symptoms had roots buried deep within an individual's past ID: structure of personality that contains the sexual and aggressive instincts -fulfilling basic drives and graitifications PLEASURE PRINCIPLE: motivating force oriented toward the immediate and total gratification of sensual needs and desires -can only obtain pleasure when the tension of an unmet drive redues LIBIDO: ID'S PRIMAL INSTINCTS (WISH FULFILLMENT) EGO: mental power of judgment, memory perception, and ---decisoin making. adapt to external world REALITY PRINCIPLE; motivational force for individual to confront the constraints of th e external world -second process thinking: logical and rational problem solving SUPEREGO: personality's seat of moraltiy -conscience and the ego ideal or aspirations **the id achieves instinctual dsires through the ego's ability to anvigate in the external world within the confines that the superego places on it


-proposes that abnormality occurs when the individual has maladaptive personality traits -PERSONALITY


-regards ppl as motivated by the need to understand themselves and the world -greater enrichment from experiences


-unconscious determinants of behavior -GREATEST EMPHASIS: to the role of processes beneat the surface of awareness as influences on abnormality

RElationship bw/ genetic and environmental influences fall into 2 categories

1. Gene-environment correlations: ppl with a certain genetic predisposition are distributed unequally in particular environments. These correlations can come about in 3 ways a. Passive exposure: children exposed to environments that their parents create based on their genetic predispositions ex: child with two athletically gifted parents, inherits genes that give him athletic prowess b. Parents treat children with certain genetic predispositions in particular ways bc their abilities bring out particular reponses c. Environemtn correlation "niche picking": athletically gifted child may not wait for recruitment, but seeks our opportunities to play sports, and becomes more talented *children of parents with genetic predispositions are more likely to develop the disorder bc of the environment's enhancing effect


1.FAMILY INHERITANCE STUDIES: -researchers compare disorder rates across relatives who have varying degrees of genetic relatedness -highest degree of genetic relatedness is bw IDENTICAL OR MONOZYGOTIC TWINS (100% of their genotype shared) -DIZYGOTIC (FRATERNAL TWINS) share 50% of their genomes -both types of twins share same familial environment *useful but dont allow researchers to rule out impact of environment

post freudian psyhodyunamic views

CARL JUNG: -UNCONSCIOUS: formed at its very root around a set of images common to all human experience "ARCHETYPE" -ppl respond on these archetypes, part of our genetic makeup -abnormality is imbalance within the mind ALFRED ADLER AND KAREN HORNEY: -ego: most important aspect of personality "inferiority complex: (AA) "false self" (KH) ERIK ERIKSON -"ego identity"; -new strength of ability can mature -each stage builds on the one that precedes it - EGO PSYCHOLOGY: theories of adler, horney, and erikson -perspective based on psychodynamic theory emphasizeing ego as main force OBJECT RELATIONS: one's unconscious representations of important ppl in one's life -individual's relationship with the caregiver becomes a model for all close adult relationships -early childhood relationships are the ROOT OF ABNORMALITY AINTSWORTH: (object relations) -ATTACHMENT STYLE "STRANGE SITUATION" separating infants and reuniting with mother -applied to adult romantic relationships ATTACHMENT STYLE: relateds to later life romantic patterns -may also influence how he or she responds to psychotherapy


CLASSICAL CONDITIONING: learning of connection bw an originally neutral stimulus and a naturaly evoking stimulus that produces an automative reflexive reaction


FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: abnormality caused by disturbances in the pattern of interactions and relationships within the family SOCIAL DISCRIMINATION: prejudicial treatment of a class of individuals seen in the socio pers. as a cause of psychological problems -results of destructive historical events, natrual disasters, poverty of nationwide depression


MAIN GOAL: according to Freud, was to bring represse dunconscious material into conscious awareness developed: "FREE ASSOCIATION": client speaks freely saying whatever comes to mind -therapists focus on HOW clients reveal and influence these aspects of the self in their relaionship -exploring: emotional experience, use of defense mechanisms, close relationships, and past experiences, daydreams and fantasies -ACTIVE approach CORE CONFLICTUAL RELATIONSHIPS THEME: client's wishes, expected response from others, and client response either to the response of other or to the wish


NEUROTRANSMITTERS: chemical substance released from a neuron into the synaptic cleft, where it drifts across the synapse and is absored by the receiving neuron. ABNORMALITY IN BRAIN STRUCTURE: GENES: instructions to forming proteins, in which determine how the cell performs -genes control the manufacturing of neurotransmitters -also determine how brain develops INHERITED DISORDERS: when genes from each parent combine in such a way that the ordinary functionig of a cell is compromised Genotype: GENETIC MAKEUP, which contains the form of each gene that you inherit (ALLELE) ALLELE: one of two different variotions of a gene MATERNAL LINKAGE: meaning disorders transmit only through mother


PERSPECTIVE in which it is assumed that abnormality is caused by faulty learning experiences


Process that can turn off a gene as a chemical group, methyl attaches itself to the gene -maternal care can change gene expression, during pregnancy a mother's expsoreu to toxins causes dna methylation in her unborn child. -also drugs during pregnancy can cause this as well, noticine, alcohol, cocaine


Process through which the environment causes them to turn off or on


Proposal that ppl are born with a predisposition (or diathesis) that places them at risk for developing a psychological disorder if exposed to certain extremely stressful life experiences.

Theoretical perspectives

orientation to understanding the causes of human behavior and treatment of abnormality

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