Ch 43

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Which of the following is consistent with forest fragmentation research?

Forest-interiorshow declines in small patch communities

Which of the following is true about the current research regarding forest fragmentation

Fragmented forests supoort a lesser biodiversity because the forested-adapted species leave, and only the edge and open-field species can occupy fragmented forests.

The success with which plants extend their range northward following glacial retreat is best determined by

Their seed despersal rate

Of the following ecosystem types, which have been impacted the most by humans?

Wetlands and riparian

According to the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). the difference between an endangered species and a threatened one is that

an endangered species is closer to extinction

Managing southeastern forests specifically for the red-cockaded woodpecker

contributed to the greater abundance and diversity of other forest bird species.

Which of the following examples poses the greatest potential threat to biodiversity

importing an Asian insect into the United States to control a weed that competes with staple crops

Estimates of current rates of extinction

indicate that rates may be greater than the mass extinctions at the close of the Cretaceous period.

What term did E.O. Wilson coin for our innate appreciation of wild environments and living organisms


The introduction of the brown tree snake in the 1940s to the island of Guam has resulted in the

Extirpation of many of the islands birds and reptile species

Agricultural lands frequently require nutrient augmentation because

the nutrients that become the biomass of plants are not cycled back to the soil on lands where they are harvest

Review the formula for effective population size. Imagine a population of 1,00 rodents. Of these, 300 are breeding females, 300 are breeding males, and 400 are nonbreeding juveniles. What is the effective population size


Which of the the following terms includes all of the others.


What causes extremely high levels of toxic chemicals in fish-eating birds.

Biological magnification.

Invasive species are introduced by humans to new geographic locations and

All choices are correct. Are successful in colonizing a novel area, spread because they encounter none of their natural predators, con outcompete and displace native species for biotic and abiotic resources, are usually considered pests by ecologists.

Introduced species can have deleterious effects on biological communities by

All of the above

Burning fossils fuels releases oxides of sulfur and nitrogen. These air pollutants can be responsible for

All of the above. the death of fish in lakes, precipitation with a pH as low as 3.0 calcium deficiency in soils, and direct damage to plants by leaching nutrients from the leaves.

Which of following is a type of research in which a conservation biologist would be involved?

All options are correct e.g., studying the population ecology of grizzly bears in the Yellowstone National Park, Determining the effects of hunting white tailed deer in Vermont, reestablishing whooping cranes in their former breeding grounds in North Dakota, and studying species diversity in interactions in Flordia Everglades, past and present.

We should all care about the loss of biodiversity in the populations of other species

All options are correct. e.g., biophilia, potential loss of medicines and other products yet undiscovered from threatened species, potential loss of genes- some of which may code for proteins useful to humans, and the risk of global ecological stability.

Which of the following life history traits can potentially influence effective population size? (Ne)

All the Options are Correct e,g,. maturation age, genetic relatedness among indiviauls in a population, family and population size, gene flow between geopgraphically separated populations.

According to most conservation biologists, the single greatest threat to global biodiversity is

Alteration or destruction of the physical habitat.

Relatively small geographic areas with high concentrations of endemic species and a large number of endagered adn threatedned species are known as a

Biodiveristy hot spots.

Which of the following has become a world leader in the establishment of zoned reserves?

Costa Rica

The use of DDT as an insecticide in the United States has been outlawed since 1971 yest is still a problem for certain top-level carnivores in the United States. Which of these choices best explains this apparent inconguity

DDT is still used for mosquito control in tropical countries, and certain migratory predators can be affected by a seasonal biomagnification

The word triage originated during World War I and was first used by French Doctors in prioritzing patients based of the severity of their wounds, because there were more wounded soldiers in need of urgent care than there were resources to treat them. Conservation Biologists have to make similar determinations with degraded ecosystems. Which of hte following is the most important cosideration when it comes to managing form maintainence of biodiversity

Deterining which species is the most important for conserving biodiversity as a whole

What is caused by excessive nutrient runoff into aquatic ecosystems


What is the biological significance of genetic diversity between populations

Genes for adaptive traits to local conditions make micro-evolution possible

Which of the following refers to the reflectiong and absoption of infreared radiation by atmospheric nethane, carbon dioxide, and water?

Greenhouse effect

Which of the following is the most direct threat to biodiversity

Habitat Destruction

As the cliamte changes because of global warming, species ranges of plants in the Northenr Hemisphere may move northward, using effective reproductive adaptations to disperse their seed. The trees that are most lakely to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that

Have seeds that are easily dispersed by wind or animals

Which of the following provides the best evidence of a biodiversity crisis?

High Rate of Extinction

Which of the following best illustates the sustainable use of a resource

Huge windmills in Texas are able to capture 50% of the wind energy in a specific region

Which one of the following is most sustainable source of energy?


Which of the following best illustrates human efforts to imporve environmental sustainability

Increasing our reliance on renewable energies.

According to the small-population approach, what would be the best strategy for saving a population that is in an extinction vortex?

Introducing individuals from other populations to increase genetic variation

Which statement is true with regard to human population growth?

Its growth rate is slowing

Over-exploitation encourages extinction and is most likely to effect

Large animals with low intrinsic reproductive rates.

Which of the following investigations would shed the most light on the future distribution of organisms in temperate regions that are faced with climate change?

Look at the climatic changes that occurred since the last ice age and how species redistributed as glaciers melted, then make predictions on future distribution in species based on past trends.

What is the biggest problem with selecting a site for a preserve?

Making a proper selection is difficult because the current environmental conditions of almost any site may change in the future because of climate change or other factors.

How is the habitat fragmentation related to Biodiversity loss?

Populations of organisms in fragments are smaller and, thus, more susceptible to extinction

The primary difference between the small-population approach (S-PA) and the declining-population approach (D-PA) to biodiversity recovery is

S-PA is interested i bolstering the genetic diversity of a threatened popluation, rather than the environmental factors that caused the population's decline.

What is a critical load?

THe amount of added nutrients that can be absorbed by plants without damaging the ecosystem integrity.

If global warming continues at its present rate, which biomes will likely take the place of coniferous forest (taiga)?

Temperate Broadleaf forest and grasssland

Which of the following species was driven to extinction by overexploitation by hunters/fishermen?

The Great Auk

How might to extinction of some Pacific Island Bats called "Flying foxes" threaten the survival of over 75% of the tree species in those islands

The bats pollinate the trees and disperse seeds.

Extinction is a natural phenomenon. It is estimated that 99% of all species that ever lived are now extinct. Why then do we say that we are now experiencing an extinction (loss of biodiversity) crisis? A) Humans are ethically responsible for protecting endangered species. B) Scientists have finally identified most of the species on Earth and are thus able to quantify the number of species becoming extinct. C) The current rate of extinction is high and human activities threaten biodiversity at all levels. D) Humans have greater medical needs than at any other time in history, and many potential medicinal compounds are being lost as plant species become extinct. E) Most biodiversity hot spots have been destroyed by recent ecological disasters.

The current rate of extinction is high and human activities threaten the biodiversity at all levels

If the sex ratio in a population is significantly different from 50:50 then which of the following will always be true?

The effective population size will be less than the actual populalation size

The concept of sustainable development emphasizes

The needs of future generations

Although extinction is a natural process, current extinctions are of concern to environmentalists because

The rate of extinction is unusually high

The long-term problem with red-cockaded woodpecker habitat intervention in the southeastern United States is

The social organization of the the red cockaded woodpecker precludes the dispersal of reproductive individuals

How are the movement corridors potentially harmful of certain species

They spread disease and parasites

Which of the following conditions is the most likely indicator of a population in an extinction vortex?

Untroducing individuals from other populations to increase genetic variation

Which of the following is most key to understanding the demographtic transition in human popualtionn growth

Voluntary reduction of family size.

Biodiversity hot spots are not necessarily the best choice for nature preserves because

a hot spot for one group of organisms may not be a hot spot for another group of organisms.

Brown-headed cowbirds utilize fragmented forests effectively by

parasitizing the nests of forest birds and feeding on open-field insects.

The most serious consequences of a decrease in global diversity would be the

potential loss of ecosystem services on which people depend

The biggest challenge that Costa Rica will likely face in its dedication to conservation and restoration in the future is

the pressures of its growing population

The main goal of sustainable development is to

use natural resources such that they do not decline over time

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