Ch 5, 8, 9, 10

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What is the average carrying angle of the elbow?


Which definition BEST describes clavicle protraction?

15- 20 degrees of anterior movement of lateral clavicle, medial clavicle slides anteriorly

Which of the following degrees represents the functional position of the wrist and hand?

20° of wrist extension, 10° ulnar deviation, 45° metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion, 30° proximal interphalangeal (PIP)flexion, slight distal interphalangeal (DIP) flexion

How many degrees of freedom is present at the thumb carpometacarpal joint?

3 degrees

What is the average active range of elbow flexion required for MOST functional activities?


With the shoulder placed in a position of 90 degrees of abduction, what is the typical range of motion for glenohumeral rotation?

90 degrees lateral rotation, 70 degrees medial rotation

In which of the following elbow positions is the biceps brachii able to generate the greatest supination force?

90 of elbow flexion

Which of the folllowing best describes an excessive thoracic kyphosis?

Anterior concave and posterior convex thoracic curve

Which of the following statements best describes the influence of spinal flexion on the ligaments?

Anterior longitudional is compressed, and posterior longitudinal ligamnt is stretched

In which direction is disc material displaced during spinal extension?


Which of the following positions of the elbow would allow the brachioradialis muscle to produce its greatest force?

Between 100 and 120 of elbow flexion with forearm in neutral

What indicators BEST describe scapulohumeral rhythm?

Beyond 30 degrees of glenohumeral and 60 degrees of flexion, for every 3 degrees of movement, 2 degrees of movement occurs at the glenohumeral joint and 1 degree at the scapulothoracic joint.

Which of the following motions results from contraction of bilateral upper trapezius muscles?

Cervical extension

What is the function of the triceps as shown in the image as the screwdriver is used to tighten a screw?

Counters the flexion component of the biceps

Which of the following positions of the elbow would allow the biceps brachii to produce its greatest force?

between 90 and 100 of flexion

What are the functions of the latissimus doors at the glenohumeral joint during open-chain activities?

extension, adduction, medial rotation

A person sustains a tear to the proximal attachment of the long head of the biceps. Which of the following movements are MOST LIKELY to be affected by this injury?

shoulder flexion, elbow flexion, forearm supination

A person sustains a tear to the proximal attachment of the short head of the biceps. Which of the following movements are MOST LIKELY to be affected by this injury?

Elbow flexion, forearm supination

When performing forward trunk flexion in the standing position. which muscles are activated?

Erector spinae muscles are eccentrically contracting

What is the function of the sternocostal portion of the pectoralis muscle from a fully flexed position of the glenohumeral joint?


A person has 85° of passive wrist flexion, 45° of extension, and 21° of ulnar and radial deviation. Which directions of motion are limited for this person compared with the average norms?

Extension, ulnar deviation

Which of the following muscles stabilize the rest during a powerful grip by the hand?

Extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following structures pass through the carpal tunnel?

Finger flexor tendons, median nerve

What spinal movements separates the spoons processes and widens the intervetebral foramen?


What wrist motion occurs as the wrist moves toward the palmar surface of the hand in a sagittal plane around a frontal axis?


What is the function of the anterior fibers of the deltoid muscle at the glenohumeral joint?

Flexion, horizontal adduction, assist w/ medial rotation

What action occurs with the extensor hood when the extensor digitorum muscle contracts?

Heard moves proximately over metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, extends proximal phalanx

What is the function of the quadrates lumborum muscle?

Hip hikes the unloaded leg during a single leg stance

Which of the following grips is most likely to be used to carry an object over a sustained period of time?


What motion occurs at the glenohumeral joint when reaching across the body?

Horizontal adduction in the horizontal plane

When the pectorals major muscle functions as a single unit, what motions does it produce at the glenohumeral joint?

Horizontal adduction, adduction, medial rotation

Weakness in which of the following muscles can result in a clawing posture of the hand?

Interossei, lumbricals

Which of the following movements results from unilateral contraction of the scalene muscles?

Ipsilateral lateral cervical flexion with contralateral rotation

With reference to the law of parsimony, which of the following muscles would be activated during a prone push-up requiring maximal force?

Long, medial, and lateral heads of the triceps

Which of the following spinal muscles control segmental vetebral shearing and torsion?

Multifidus and deep rotator muscles

Which of the following statements best describes them abduction?

Occurs in a plane at a right angle to the palm

Which of the following statements best describes the anatomical orientation of cervical focet joints?

Oreinted 45 degrees between frontal and transverse planes, supports significant rotation and lateral bending

Which of the following statements best describes the anatomical orientation of thoracic facet joints?

Orientated mainly in the frontal plane, allowing more lateral bending than flexion/extension

Which of the following statements best describes the anatomical orientation of lumbar facet joints?

Oriented closer to the sagittal plane, allowing mainly flexion/extebnion

Which of the following directions is the most correct to palpate the capitate bone?

Palpate proximal to the base of the third metacarpal bone

What are the arthrokinematics of the ulnar trochlear notch during open-chain elbow flexion?

Rolls and glides anteriorly

What are the arthrokinematics of the ulnar trochlear notch during open-chain elbow extension?

Rolls and glides posteriorly

What are the arthrokinematics of the glenohumeral joint during medial rotation?

Rolls anteriorly and slides posteriorly

What is the major function of the acromioclavicular joint?

Rotates scapula during arm movement to keep humeral head and glenoid fossa aligned.

What motion is most often coupled with lateral flexion of the spin?


Which of the following muscles elevates the first two ribs when the cervical attachments are relatively fixed?


Which of the following carpels are located in the floor of the anatomical snuffbox?

Scaphoid, lunate

What motion must occur to achieve an overhead reach with the arm of 180 degrees?

Scapular Upward Rotation

Which of the following statements is most correct about the longitudinal arch of the hand?

Second and third metacarpals are central pillars, and thumb and fourth and fifth digits move around them

As shown in the image, what scapular muscle(s) is(are) most likely weak?

Serratus Anterior

Which muscle(s) produces(produce) scapular protraction during a prone push-up?

Serratus Anterior

What muscle group produces upward scapular rotation?

Serratus anterior, upper and lower trapezius

Because muscles are stretched when moved in the opposite direction of their function when activated, which of the following motions to end range would stretch the long head of the triceps muscle?

Shoulder and elbow flexion

What is the function of the rest of muscles during a cylindrical power grip of the hand?

Stabilize wrist and slight extension and ulnar deviation

Which of the following bony structures form the shoulder complex?

Sternum, Clavicle, Humerus

Which of the following structures occupy the subacromial space?

Subacromial Bursa, rotator cuff tendons, long head of biceps tendon

Which of the following muscle(s) functions (function) as a primary supinator muscle of the forearm?

Supinator, biceps brachii

What proximal scapular attachment of the long head of the biceps allows it to pull the humeral head inferiorly during shoulder elevation?

Supraglenoid Tubercle

Which muscle(s) initiates(initiate) glenohumeral abduction?


Which of the following muscles compresses the humeral head into the glenoid fossa and produces superior roll of the humeral head during shoulder abduction?


What is the typical vertebral level of the posterolateral scapula?


Which of the carpometacarpal joints is the most stable functioning as the central pillar of the hand ?


Looking at the image, which muscles are most likely to be overlengthed and weak?

Thoracolumbar and lower cervical extensors

Which of the following muscles compresses the abdomen and helps stabilize the lumber area?

Transversus abdominis

Which of the following bones forms a saddle joint with the base of the first metacarpal?


Which of the following muscle groups have a common proximal attachment on the lateral humeral epicondyle and supracondylar Ridge?

Wrist extensors

Which of the following bony landmarks is formed by the scapular spine as it flattens at its lateral end?

Acromion Process

What is the major function of the finger flexor pulley system?

Allows tendons to conform to curve of digits

What does coupling of forearm supination with shoulder lateral rotation accomplish during functional activities?

Allows the hand to perform tasks throughout 360 arc

Which of the following definitions describes the angle of inclination of the humerus?

Angle of 130-150 degrees between shaft and humeral head of the humerus in the frontal plane.

Which of the following structure provides stability to the radial head as it rotates around the ulna?

Annular ligament

At what spinal level does occipital flexion and extension occur?

Atlanto-occipital joints

Which of the following statements best describes hand mobility that allows greater closure of the hand?

Available joint range of motion increases from radio to ulnar aspects of the hand

Which of the following elbow flexor muscle attachments can be palpated distally at the radial styloid process?


Which of the following muscles supinates the forearm to a neutral position when it is initially positioned in the full pronation?


A person with a C6 spinal cord injury uses a tenodesis action at the wrist and hand to pick up objects. Which of the following statements best describes hand muscle function to grasp the object during this action?

Concentric contraction of wrist extensors with passive stretching of finger flexors

What are the arthrokinetics of the clavicle as the lateral end elevates?

Convex surface rolls superiorly and glides anteriorly

A patient presents with severe pain at 45 degrees of cervical extension. WHat functional activity is most likly impaire due to finding?

Decreased ability to look up on high shelf

Which of the following structures comprise the radiocarpal joint?

Distal radius, disc, scaphoid, lunate

What is the function of the infraspinatus, trees minor, and the subscapularis during shoulder elevation?

Glide Humeral head inferiorly

What arthrokinematic motion occurs during glenohumeral abduction?

Humeral head rolls inferiorly and glides superiorly

Which if the following joints form the elbow complex?

Humeroradial, humeroulnar, and proximal and distal radioulnar joints

What is the function of the glenoid labrum?

Increases stability of humeral head in joint, provides attachment for long head of biceps brachii

What humeral motion must occur to achieve the maximal range of motion for glenohumeral abduction?

Lateral Rotation

Which of the following bony sites serves as the proximal attachment for the supinator muscle?

Lateral humeral epicondyle

A person sitting in a wheelchair places the arms on the armrests to lift the pelvis off the seat of the chair. Which of the following muscles elevate the pelvis off the seat surface?

Latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius

What muscle group produces downward rotation of the scapula?

Latissimus dorsi, lower trapezius

Which of the following cervical positions describes forward head posture?

Lower cervical flexion and upper cervical extension

Which of the following muscles produce scapular depression?

Lower trapezius, pectorals minor

As shown in the image, what hand muscles are activated to flex the second through fifth metacarpophalangeal joint and extend the corresponding interphalangeal joints?


How does scapular rotation contribute to full range of motion glenohumeral abduction?

Maintains optimal length/tension ratio of middle deltoid and supraspinatus

Which of the following nerves passes through the belly of the pronator teres and can be involved in compression injury?


What is the influence of the medial tilt of the radial styloid process on movement of the wrist?

Movement through a larger range of ulnar deviation compared with radial deviation

What is the position of the pelvis and lumbar spine in the image?

Posterior pelvic tilt, lumbar flexion

What motion at the sternoclavicular joint is coupled with scapular upward rotation?

Posterior rotation of the clavicle

In which direction is disc material displaced during spinal flexion?


What is the function of the wrist flexor and extensor retinaculum?

Prevents bowstringing of finger flexor and extensor tendon's

A person is complaining of tenderness with palpation of the medial humeral epicondyle. Which of the following muscles is MOST LIKELY to be involved?

Pronator teres

What wrist motion occurs as the wrist moves toward the thumb side in the frontal plane around a sagittal axis?

Radial deviation

During forearm pronation, which of the following movements occurs?

Radius pivots around ulna in transverse plane around vertical axis

Which of the following muscles is the primary mover of trunk flexion?

Rectus abdominis

What motion is produced when extensor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi ulnaris are activated together?

Ulnar deviation

which of the following muscles produce scapular elevation?

Upper trapezius, levator scapulae

What type of stress does the ulnar (medial) collateral ligament counter?


What type of stress does the radial (lateral) collateral ligament counter?


In which direction is disc material displaced when a lateral force is applied to the spin

laterally opposite the direction of force

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