Ch. 5 learning - Psych

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______ is the disappearance or weakening of a learned response following the removal or absence of the unconditioned stimulus (in classical conditioning) or the removal of a reinforcer (in operant conditioning).


Xiao works in an electronic store selling cellular telephones and service plans. He gets paid $10 for every two regular telephones he sells, $25 for every two "smart" phones he sells, and another $25 for every two service plans he sells. Xiao is working on a _________ schedule of reinforcement.

Fixed ratio

_______ occurs when a strong conditioned stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus, causing the neutral stimulus to become a second conditioned stimulus.

Higher-order conditioning

When a previously neutral stimulus, through repeated pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, begins to cause the same kind of reflexive response, the neutral stimulus has become:

a conditioned stimulus

_________ is a example of a primary reinforcer, whereas _______ is an example of a secondary reinforcer

a hug; a certificate of appreciation

An unlearned, involuntary response, such as salivating when presented with food, is:

a reflex

For every 25 boxes of cookies Tammy sells, her scout troop gets a dollar. On what schedule of reinforcement is Tammy being conditioned?

fixed ratio

In his classical conditioning experiment, Pavlov's dogs were conditioned to salivate when they:

heard the sound of the bell

A five-year old watches his father dunk a basketball. Since the child is unable to reach the basket in the way his father can, the child cannot learn this behavior by observing because he cannot accomplish the step of:


Animals' tendency to revert to genetically controlled patterns is:

instinctive drift

Learning that remains hidden until its application becomes useful is called:

latent learning

A naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary (reflex) response is a/an:

unconditioned stimulus

Fishing is an example of an activity with a

variable interval schedule of reinforcement

Which of the following examples of change demonstrates learning?

Ama slows down her car after seeing a police officer on the side of the road

____ is learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior

Observational learning

Theo gets excited whenever he finds a quarter lying on the ground outside. While walking home from school one day, Theo noticed a shiny round object lying on the sidewalk and became very excited. He soon realized that the object was a bottle cap and his excitement quickly dissipated. Which of the following concepts is demonstrated in this example?

Stimulus generalization

Which of the following would be considered negative reinforcement?

Taking an aspirin when you have a headache

In order to increase reading among her class, Mrs Gomes, a second-grade teacher, has students record their reading by placing stickers on a large chart. For every ten stickers, students receive a new book, Mrs. Gomez is using:

a token economy

If your professor gives pop quizzes, this is an example of:

a variable interval schedule of reinforcement

A recent study suggests a link between spanking and:

aggression in children

The Brelands determined that most Skinnerian behaviorists made the false assumption that:

all responses are equally able to be conditioned to any stimulus

Köhler determined that insight:

cannot be gained through trial-and-error learning alone

The law of effect states if an action is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it is likely to:

be repeated.

For each day of the week that Tanya is good, she earns a fake dollar from her teacher. By the end of every week, Tanya has the option of using her dollars to buy something from the school store or saving them to buy something at a later time. The issue of fake dollars in response to good behavior is an example of _______.

behavior modification

A police car is a ___________ for slowing down

discriminative stimulus

When Pavlov stopped giving the dogs food after the real CS, they stopped salivating to the sound of the ticking. This is called:



f James keeps giving the tuna fish to Lucy in this way over a few weeks, then Lucy will anticipate food upon hearing the can of tuna open. The unconditioned stimuli, in this case, would be the tuna and the unconditioned response would be Lucy's enjoyment to the tuna. The conditioned stimuli would be the sound of the tuna can opening and the conditioned response to this would be Lucy responding to the noise and wanting the food. Lucy might be afflicted by stimulus generalization when she hears the sound of other canned goods opening. For example, Lucy might get excited when she hears the opening of a can of peas. After a few times of this happening, Lucy might be able to differentiate the sound of different cans opening and will only get excited when she hears the sound of tuna opening only. If James stops giving Lucy these treats, she will eventually stop anticipating food when she hears a can opening only. If James stops giving Lucy these treats, she will eventually stop anticipating food when she hears a can opening sue to extinction. The neutral stimulus, in this case, might be the can opener because all it is doing is opening the can and nothing else.

In a(n) ______, the occurrence of reinforcement is more predictable and therefore the individual being reinforced is more likely to adjust his response to the timing of the reinforcement

fixed interval schedule of reinforcement

In his study of rats in mazes, Tolman concluded that the rats in the groups that didn't receive reinforcement for solving the maze had:

learned the maze by wandering around in it and forming a cognitive map

Time-out is an example of ______.

negative punishment

Whenever Vernon comes home too late on a Saturday night, his parents refuse to give him his weekly allowance. Vernon's parents are using what technique to modify his behavior?

negative punishment

Following a response with the removal of something unpleasant is called:

negative reinforcement

A stimulus that has no effect on the desired response is a(n):

neutral stimulus

It is believed that animals revert quickly to instinctual behaviors when the new tasks they are learning have a strong association with:

obtaining food

In most employment situations, people are paid:

on a fixed interval schedule of reinforcement

Doretha eats all of her dinner knowing that afterward she will get a bowl of ice cream. Doretha's behavior is best explained by what type of learning?

operant conditioning

_________ is more resistant to extinction that ________

partial reinforcement; continuous reinforcement

According to Bandura, to learn anything through observation, the learner must first

pay attention

In defining learning, "_____" refers to the fact that when people learn anything, some part of their brain is physically changed to record what they've learned, and that change remains even if the behavior doesn't.

relatively permanent

After a lengthy period during which the UCS was not applied, Pavlov's dogs stopped responding to the bell. If a weaker conditioned response to the bell occurred at some point after this, it would be a demonstration of:

spontaneous recovery

Whenever you take a shower in your bathroom at home, the water in the shower turns icy cold just as the toilet in another bathroom is flushed, causing you to cringe. After several experiences of this occurrence, you find that you tend to cringe whenever you hear a toilet flush, even when you're not in the shower. In this example of classical conditioning, what is the unconditioned stimulus?

the cold water

Tamar just can't seem to get away from the slot machines. She has no idea how many times she has to pull the levers to win money, but she's aware that at some point, she's likely to win. What schedule of reinforcement is being used in this example?

variable ratio

Operant conditioning relies upon:

voluntary behavior

In operant conditioning, responses are _______, whereas in classical conditioning, responses are _____________

voluntary; involuntary

In classical conditioning, the actual response involved in a CR and a UCR are the same. (For example, it might be salivation in both cases) But what makes that response (salivation) considered conditioned or unconditioned depends on:

weather the subjects is responding to a UCS or a CS

An example of a conditioned taste aversion is:

when coyotes ate sheep laced with lithium chloride, got extremely sick one time, then stopped eating sheep meat.

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