CH 5: Race and Ethnicity

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Which of the following factors are likely to have contributed to the large difference in the assets between blacks and whites?

- Value of homes in predominantly black neighborhood is low. - Whites are more likely to inherit some wealth. - Whites can obtain home mortgage loans from banks easily.

Identify a true statement about marriage as a measure of family life in African Americans and whites.

A substantial gap in the marriage rates of whites and blacks has appeared since the 1950s.

According to Taylor (2014), which of the following is a trend associated with gender differences in intermarriages among major racial-ethnic groups in the United States?

African American men are more likely to marry out than are African American women

The political discourse on racial-ethnic groups in the United States is increasingly structured around five racial-ethnic groups. Which of the following are these groups?

African Americans, Hispanics, Asian and Pacific Islanders, Native Americans, and a category called non-Hispanic whites,

According to the studies conducted by Frey (2015) on intermarriages among major racial-ethnic groups in the United States, the highest percentage of out-marriages was among _____.

American Indians and Alaska Natives

Which of the following categories has become an umbrella for an extremely diverse group of people who hail from nations as far apart as Japan and Pakistan?

Asian American

According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2011i, _____ are the fastest growing racial-ethnic group in the United States.

Asian Americans

Which of the following is true about whites in the United States?

Childbearing outside of marriage has grown at a faster rate in recent decades.

Identify an accurate statement about the role of college education on marriage rates of black women.

College-educated black women are more likely to marry than are black women without college degrees.

The first wave of _____ came to the United States to flee the Communist government of Fidel Castro, who had led a successful revolution in 1959

Cuban Americans

In order to emphasize the origins of white culture, some scholars prefer the label "_____" to "white".

European American

How did Cuban immigrants use conjugal families after moving to the United States

- As a means of pooling the labor to start a business - As a means of accumulating the capital necessary to start a business

The United States government granted Central American refugees, such as refugees from El Salvador, from the hurricane and other natural disasters Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Identify the true statements about TPS.

- It allowed the refugees to remain in the United States for a limited time. - It did not provide the refugees with citizenship.

Identify the true statements about Puerto Ricans.

- They have a high percentage of children born to unmarried mothers. - By 2012, more than half of all people who identified themselves as Puerto Ricans were residing on the U.S. mainland.

In the context of classical sociological theories of immigration, what was expected from Cuban immigrants to adjust better and prosper more in the United States?

- They were expected to learn English. - They were expected to disperse geographically in the United States. - They were expected to send their children to public schools.

True or False: Racial-ethnic groups are independent of cultural norms, social inequality, and political power.


True or false: The racial gap between African American women and non-Hispanic white women in nonmarital childbearing has been widening since the 1950s.


true or false: African American families value marital ties more than whites.


_____ play a stronger role in African American families compared to white families.


Identify a reason behind a high level of single-parent families among African Americans.

High rates of childbearing outside of marriage

_____ refer to specific groups such as Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, or Cuban Americans.

Hispanic Americans

Which of the following labels lumps together recent immigrants with citizens whose families have been in the United States for generations, and lighter-skinned, well-educated political émigrés with darker-skinned, poorly educated laborers looking for work?


_____ refer to persons in the United States who trace their ancestry to Latin America.


Identify an accurate statement about the intersectionality perspective among black families.

It challenges the idea that there is a universal black experience shared by all African Americans.

Identify an accurate statement about the label "Hispanic."

It covers groups with diverse family patterns

Identify an accurate statement about recent Mexican immigrants.

Many Mexican immigrants are already married when they migrate to the United States.

Identify a true statement about African American young males.

Mass incarceration of black males removed them from the pool of eligibles.

Research suggests that _____ marry at a younger age than other ethnic groups

Mexican Americans

_____ households are more likely to be both horizontally and vertically extended than are non-Hispanic white households.


_____ are people who identify their race as white but do not think of themselves as Hispanic.

Non-Hispanic whites

Which of the following is true of the tradition of consensual unions among Puerto Ricans?

Partners in a consensual union consider themselves to be married.

Which of the following Hispanic groups is free to move to the mainland if they wish?

Puerto Ricans

Too many adults in Cuban families

Represented a drain on capital that could be used for a business

Too few children or the absence of a spouse

Resulted in insufficient labor or outside income for starting a business

In 2018, the United States government announced an end to Temporary Protected Status (TPS) protection for _____ and directed all of them to leave the country by September 2019.


Identify an accurate statement about European families.

The families are dominated by the conjugal family of husband wife, and children

According to research studies, identify an accurate statement about marriage trends in African Americans and whites since the 1950s.

The likelihood of ever marrying has dropped much more for African Americans than for whites.

Identify the type of kin network prevalent among the immigrant entrepreneurs in the United States.

The marriage-centered kin network

Identify an accurate statement about prosperous African Americans that have long existed in the US.

The prosperity often resulted from the efforts of two-earner married couples.

Identify a true statement about socially constructed definitions of race.

They are subject to redefinition.

Identify a true statement about migration of Cuban citizens in the United States

They arrived with substantial amount of education, skills, and capital.

Which of the following is true about Asian American families compared to Western families?

They place a greater emphasis on children's obligation to parents.

Identify an accurate statement about African American women in the context of marriage and childbearing.

They tend to have children before marriage.

True or false: In women-centered kin networks, there are no exchanges of support across households.

This is false In women-centered kin networks, women organize exchanges of support that extend across households, linking networks of people who share their meager resources.

Horizontally-extended family

When a brother, sister, or cousin lives in a family as the household head

Vertically-extended family

When a parent, an uncle, or an aunt lives in a family as the household head

Among the economically disadvantaged groups, the strongest family tie is often between _____.

a mother and her adult daughter

The process by which immigrant groups merge their culture and behavior with that of the dominant group in the host country is known as


Throughout African American history, the ______ and the _____ have been the enduring institutions through which black families gained the strength to resist the oppression of slavery and discrimination.

church; family

Many Puerto Rican couples are in cohabiting relationships in which they consider themselves to be married but have never had religious or civil marriage ceremonies. These relationships are known as

consensual unions

Women-centered kinship was part of the _____ repertoire of African American families.


True or false: The marriage rates of college-educated black women solely reflect their class position.


During the 1970s, some African American men were reluctant to marry because they _____.

feared that they could not provide for their families

The African American women were not much affected by the post-1970s economic slowdown because they _____.

had established their position in the service sector

Compared to Western cultures, Asian cultures place more emphasis on _____.


The extent to which the overlapping systems of class, racial, and gender-based disadvantage affect the lives of black women is called ______ of black women's situation.


For American Indian tribes, _____ conferred an identity.

kinship ties

Middle-class blacks tend to live in neighborhoods that have _____ than the neighborhoods of low-income blacks.

less crime and poverty

Unlike white middle-class families, middle-class black families have _____.

less money in assets

A midlevel social institution through which individuals can negotiate with government and resist governmental abuses of power is called a(n) _____

mediating structure

Extended kinship ties in American Indian tribes reflected _____.

power and status

People who share a common identity and whose members think of themselves as distinct from others by virtue of ancestry, culture, and sometimes physical characteristics are known as a(n) ______ ______ group

racial ethnic

When African Americans face adversity, they tend to seek help from _____.


Middle-class black neighborhoods tend to be closer to poor black neighborhoods because of _____.

residential segregation

Membership in a network of kin helps people to subsist because it allows them to _____.

share the burden of poverty

Among many immigrant groups, kinship ties provide a form of _____ that immigrants can use to obtain money needed to start an enterprise.

social capital

In the literature on immigrants, the concept of _____ is sometimes used to refer to a person's links to an entire immigrant community.

social capital

is the resources that a person can access through his or her relationships with other people.

social capital

Julia, a person of mixed parentage, is running for the post of governor in her state. During campaigns, she emphasizes her Native American roots. She is challenged by the local Native American community who are concerned about her mixed heritage. However, over the course of her campaign the community rallies around her in support. This change in the society's position on Julia's racial identity shows that the racial categories people use are _____.

socially constructed

Among the Mexican-origin population, the ages at marriage are low and the birthrates are high because of _____.

the family patterns of immigrants from Mexico

According to a study of Census Bureau data from the 1980s and 1990s, an accurate statement about both African Americans and non-Hispanic whites is that _____.

the percentage of households headed by a married couple is directly related to the level of the household's income

Escape from poverty is more difficult for African Americans in a network of kin because _____

they have a risk if they withdraw from the network

An accurate statement about prosperous black women in the twentieth century is that _____.

they pioneered the ideology that women should combine marriage, careers, and community service

The average number of children a woman will bear over her lifetime if current birthrates remain the same is known as the _____.

total fertility rate

What are the factors that affect the availability of suitable partners for young black women?

unemployment and imprisonment

The family support system of extended kinship networks provided by the history and culture of African Americans usually relied on _____.


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