CH 5 - The Buyer Behavior Process

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esteem needs

(ego) internal esteem needs (self-respect, autonomy, achievement) and external needs (status, recognition)

routine purchases

(habitual purchases) purchases made regularly by a customer

buyer behavior process for services

- attributed evaluation after consumption - riskier purchase situation

consumer's variation of conclusions (reaction)

- delight - satisfaction -dissatisfaction

marketing for the B2B

- focus on relationship marketing - provide ongoing support - prep relevant info

steps of the buyer behavior process

- need recognition - information search - evaluation of alternatives - purchase - reaction (post-purchase behavior)

maslow's hierarchy of needs

- physiological needs - safety needs - social needs - esteem needs (ego) - self-actualization needs


a gap between their current state and their desired state

buyer's remorse

a phenomenon that occurs when a customer regrets a purchase decision

word of mouth

a recommendation about a product/service from a satisfied customer

marketing in the purchase stage

assist customers in making the purchase decision that they can actually follow through on a purchase

physiological needs

basic needs for food, sleep, etc.

buyer behavior process for B2B purchases

business to business (e.g., companies, business entities. institutions, distributors)

need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, reaction

buyer behavior process

need recognition, information search, purchase, evaluation of alternatives, reaction

services buyer behavior process


consumer consumed the product, is either pleased/displeased from the physical product or service


consumer decides to purchase, include where and how to purchase

evaluation of alternatives

consumer looks at different viable options, weighing pros/cons

need recognition

consumer recognized that he/she has a need to be filled

information search

consumer searched for info regarding the options for purchase/consumption

marketing in high-involvement buying process

marketers providing additional info needed to consumers; provide assurances (warranty, money-back guarantee)

marketing in the need recognition stage

marketers shape consumer's perception of his/her needs; serve as an external cue

safety needs

need for shelter, protection from harm

self-actualization needs

needs for finding enjoyment and purpose in life

consideration set

choices that a consumer considers and evaluates for consumption/purchase

marketing for services buying process

communicating elements of credibility and trustworthiness (e.g., training, experience, reviews, certifications, rewards)

external cue

cue in the environment that signals a need (e.g., advertising)

internal cue

cue w/in a person that signals a needs (e.g., hunger, thirst)

search engine optimization (SEO)

designing/enhancing a website in ways the improve its visibility w/in one or more search engines

marketing in the information search stage

ensuring relevant info is available and easily accessible; search engine optimization

external search

looking for info from outside sources

need recognition, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, reaction

low-involvement purchase

marketing in the evaluation of alternatives stage

make customers aware of how your product matched the attributes they value

marketing in the reaction stage

marketers finding ways to increase word of mouth; working on decreasing possibility of buyer's remorse after purchase

marketing in the low-involvement buying process

marketers needing to ensure items are available and stocked where customers shop; promotions aiding with need recognition

internal search

past experience or memory

high-involvement purchases

purchaser of greater consequence to the consumer; costly, made less frequently, riskier; higher change of buyer's remorse

impulse purchases

purchases made with very little thought/planning

top of mind awareness

the brands that a consumer first recalls from memory


the experience didn't meet expectations


the experience met expectation


the experience of exceeded expectation

evaluative criteria

the product attributes that are important to the consumer

low-involvement purchase

the purchase cost much or there isn't a risk for the consumer if he/she makes a purchase mistake; simpler, made more frequently

buyer behavior process

the stages that consumers go through when deciding to purchase and consume a product


using goods and services to fulfill needs

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