Ch. 6 Quiz // Love

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The ingredients in __________ include self-acceptance, equality in decision making, and realistic expectations. a. self-love b. the power of love c. inauthentic love d. a long-term love relationship

d. a long-term love relationship

In regards to love, most of the common fears of risk are related to all of the following EXCEPT: a. uneasiness with intensity. b. the failure of love to be reciprocated. c. rejection and loss. d. happiness and joy

d. happiness and joy

A person whose love is inauthentic: a. attaches strings to loving and loves conditionally. b. invests trust in the love relationship. c. encourages his or her loved one to develop other relationships. d. is not destroyed if the person he or she is with leaves.

a. attaches strings to loving and loves conditionally.

The authors believe that loving another person implies a surrender of control. In stating that, they are conveying the message that: a. love means letting go of the illusion of total control of ourselves, others, and our environment, and being open to life's events. b. people in love tend to lose control of their impulses and behave recklessly at times. c. people in love should allow their significant others to dominate and control them. d. none of the choices

a. love means letting go of the illusion of total control of ourselves, others, and our environment, and being open to life's events.

The authors suggest that authentic love means having a responsibility toward the person one loves. They are NOT implying that: a. one should be completely responsible for the person. b. one should be responsive to what their loved one needs. c. one should be patient and understanding to help their loved one make significant life changes. d. one should be concerned about their loved one's happiness and sadness

a. one should be completely responsible for the person.

_______ researchers are interesting in the link between love and attachment as well, discussing themes form an evolutionary perspective. a. Historical b. Neurobiology c. Scientific d. Psychological

b. Neurobiology

Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text as a myth about love? a. Love implies constant closeness. b. People grow in love. c. Love is exclusive; people are capable of loving only one other person. d. True love is selfless

b. People grow in love.

Intimate familiarity, connectedness, shared sense of power, and open communication are some of the key characteristics of: a. an unsuccessful relationship. b. a successful relationship. c. a failed relationship. d. an inauthentic relationship.

b. a successful relationship.

A seminal work on romantic love as an attachment process posited that adults, like infants, can be categorized as any one of the following EXCEPT: a. secure. b. anxiety-tolerant. c. avoidant. d. anxious-ambivalent

b. anxiety-tolerant.

From the authors' perspective, authentic love implies all of the following EXCEPT: a. having an awareness of the other's feelings and thoughts. b. clinging to the other person to show him or her how much you care. c. actively demonstrating concern for the other. d. seeing the person you love as a separate person.

b. clinging to the other person to show him or her how much you care.

After interviewing dying patients about the most important aspects of their lives, an interesting theme of __________ surfaced. a. friendship b. love c. regret d. sadness

b. love

Which of the statements below about love is NOT true? a. Giving and receiving love makes a difference in all facets of our lives, including our physiology. b. The need for love includes the need to know that our existence makes a difference to someone. c. Research focusing on emerging adults has shown that there is an optimal way to express love. d. Our love for others or their love for us may enable us to live, even in conditions of extreme hardship.

c. Research focusing on emerging adults has shown that there is an optimal way to express love.

A way to respond to the question "what is love?" is to examine the link between: a. love and friendship. b. authentic and inauthentic love. c. love and attachment. d. friendship and attachment.

c. love and attachment.

According to the authors, self-love: a. is synonymous with narcissism. b. is not a prerequisite for loving others. c. means accepting and respecting ourselves even though we are imperfect. d. should not be discussed even in therapy because it will be pathologized.

c. means accepting and respecting ourselves even though we are imperfect.

_______is a vital ingredient in a relationship, and jealousy indicates a lack of it. a. Love b. Friendship c. Authenticity d. Trust

d. Trust

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