Ch 6 Quiz

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A company can differentiate itself from competitors using symbols such as​ McDonald's golden​ arches, Twitter's​ bird, and the Nike swoosh. Which type of differentiation is​ this?

Image Differentiation

________ involves dividing a market into smaller segments of buyers with distinct needs or behaviors that might require separate marketing strategies.

Market segmenting

Toyota allows Scion buyers to customize their cars to meet their exact needs and preferences. This is an example of​ ____________.


​__________ show consumer perceptions of their brands versus those of competing products on important buying dimensions.

Perceptual Positioning Map

At one​ time, Miller Beer was known as the​ "champagne of bottled​ beer." It was targeted at an elite class of customers.​ Later, to increase​ sales, Miller was repositioned to attract members of the​ working, middle-class. What is this segmentation method​ called?


Dividing buyers into groups based on social​ class, lifestyle, or personality characteristics is called​ ________ segmentation.


Which of the following is a variable used to segment consumer buyers that is not used to segment business​ buyers?


Your local pizzeria promises​ "Delivery in 30 minutes or less or the pizza is​ free." What point of differentiation is​ this?

Services differentiation

Socially responsible target marketing would classify which of the following as an especially vulnerable target market for harmful or controversial​ products?


The website markets products to​ left-handed consumers only. Which targeting strategy does this​ represent?

Concentrated positioning

Many marketers think that companies should aggressively promote only one benefit to the target market. The benefit promoted is known as​ a(n) ________.

Unique Selling

Marketers must be careful to guard against stereotypes when using​ ________.

age and life cycle segmentation

Which type of market segmentation has long been used in​ clothing, cosmetics,​ toiletries, and​ magazines?


________ segmentation calls for dividing the market into different​ nations, regions,​ states, counties,​ cities, or even neighborhoods.


​H2Coast, an automobile​ manufacturer, produces​ fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles that are targeted toward​ middle-income consumer groups. H2Coast most likely segments the consumer market based on​ ________ variables.


​Heeltoe, a boutique that caters to the footwear needs of​ women, manufactures two different lines of footwear based on the purchasing power of its customers. One product line caters to the needs of​ affluent, middle-aged​ women, and the other line targets younger professionals and homemakers. Heeltoe most likely segments the consumer market based on​ ________ variables.


Byron Tied 2 Bowties groups its customers by regions in the United​ States, such as​ Midwest, Northeast, and Southwest. For each​ region, Byron Tied 2 Bowties creates a different set of advertisements and promotions. On which of the following segmentation variables does the firm divide its​ market?


Grocers in neighborhoods with a large Hispanic population typically carry more brands that Hispanic consumers prefer than grocers in other neighborhoods. This is an example of​ ________.

local Marketing

Which of the following would make a segment less attractive to​ enter?

new entrants finding it easy to enter market

Firms that manufacture seasonal products target their consumers primarily through​ ________ segmentation.


______ consists of arranging for a market offering to occupy a​ clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers


If competitors cannot easily copy the benefit a company chooses to​ promote, that benefit is said to be​ _________.


The marketing manager at​ Arbor's Delicatessen targets customers who are working to lose weight but who still want to dine out. The restaurant chain offers a wide variety of​ low-fat, low-calorie meals that appeal to dieters.​ Arbors' approach is best referred to as​ ________ segmentation.


If a segment is large enough or profitable enough to​ serve, it is​ ________.


Kidcomp, an American​ computer-manufacturing firm, targets children below the age of ten by providing free games and applications. The​ firm's marketing approach is reflective of​ ________ segmentation.

Age and life cycle

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