Ch. 7

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(T/F) Constructivists believe IGOs and NGOs have a key role to play in international relations because they teach states new norms.


(T/F) Functionalists favor cooperation in solving specific economic problems.


(T/F) IGOs such as the World Trade Organization help states make rules, settle disputes, and punish those who fail to follow rules.


(T/F) NGOs are of growing importance in international relations, playing roles such as mobilizing mass publics and advocating specific policies.


(T/F) The European Union involves European states cooperating in areas including atomic energy, trade, monetary, and foreign policies.


(T/F) The International Criminal Court deals with genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. No individuals over the age of eighteen, including heads of state or military leaders, are immune from its jurisdiction.


(T/F) International law stems only from treaties; sources of domestic law such as custom and courts are not relevant in the international arena.


(T/F) Like liberals, realists believe NGOs play an important role in international relations.


(T/F) Over time the United Nations's mandate has shrunk from a broad notion of human security, including providing food and shelter for refugees, to the narrow realm of classical security, such as protecting national territory.


(T/F) Radicals embrace international law and IGOs because they believe they can play an important role in undermining the capitalist system.


(T/F) The United Nations Security Council contains over 190 states while the smaller General Assembly has only 15 permanent members including Canada and Germany.


The notion that individually rational behavior may not benefit the group as a whole is illustrated by the: a. "Tragedy of the Commons". b. Invisible Hand of the Market. c. Project towards a Perpetual Peace. d. New International Economic Order. e. none of the above.

a. "Tragedy of the Commons".

How has the European Union changed over time? a. It has repeatedly expanded its membership. b. Its membership has decreased over time. c. It has expanded from one policy area to another with no public opposition. d. Its attempts at economic cooperation have met with increasing failure. e. The EU has remained relatively unchanged since its founding.

a. It has repeatedly expanded its membership.

The United Nations is based on the principle that its primary concern should be international peace and security. How has this principle changed over time? a. More and more issues are being defined as security issues forcing the United Nations to intervene in domestic affairs. b. Because the United Nations has no army, it is no longer able to ensure the security of its member states. c. The United Nations has suffered many military defeats, causing it to lose credibility. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

a. More and more issues are being defined as security issues forcing the United Nations to intervene in domestic affairs.

Which of the following U.N. bodies has increased in power since the end of the Cold War? a. Security Council. b. General Assembly. c. Economic and Social Council. d. Trusteeship Council. e. all of the above.

a. Security Council.

IGOs often lead to the creation and maintenance of "regimes," which are: a. international norms, rules, and decision making procedures. b. world federal systems. c. clearly delineated international laws. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

a. international norms, rules, and decision making procedures.

Radicals argue that international law and international organizations: a. support the interests of the powerful at the expense of the weak. b. are unlikely to be able to engage in collective action. c. provide a source of order in the international system. d. are important independent actors. e. none of the above.

a. support the interests of the powerful at the expense of the weak.

International law differs from law at the state level in that: a. there is no sovereign body with enforcement power. b. international legislative bodies have greater power than state legislatures. c. the World Court's compulsory jurisdiction supersedes state interests. d. law at the state level relies on reciprocity for its enforcement. e. none of the above.

a. there is no sovereign body with enforcement power.

Which of the following is not an intergovernmental organization (IGO)? a. United Nations. b. Amnesty International. c. World Trade Organization. d. European Council of Ministers. e. International Atomic Energy Agency.

b. Amnesty International.

Which statement best depicts the realist view of NGOs? a. NGOs are becoming key actors in international relations. b. NGOs are not independent actors, they derive their power from states. c. NGOs represent dominant economic interests. d. NGOs show the importance of private individuals in shaping international relations. e. NGOs are important to solving the problem of anarchy in the international system.

b. NGOs are not independent actors, they derive their power from states.

What is the source of NGOs' power in the international system? a. Their rigid structure. b. Their credible information and expertise. c. Their separation from grassroots groups. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

b. Their credible information and expertise.

While NGOs have distinct advantages over individuals, states, and IGOs, they also have some disadvantages. Which of the following is such a disadvantage? a. They often have poor reputations. b. They usually do not have military or police power. c. They are so well funded that they are chronically plagued by waste and corruption. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

b. They usually do not have military or police power.

_____ jurisdiction allows states to claim legal authority beyond their boundaries in order to punish conduct that is sufficiently heinous to violate the laws of all states. a. Global b. Universal c. Transnational d. International e. none of the above

b. Universal

Why do realists believe states comply with international law? a. Because international law is good and just. b. Because it is in their self-interest. c. Because international law represents the wishes of the capitalist class. d. Because international law is enforced by a powerful hegemon. e. Because it is a firmly established custom.

b. because it is in their self-interest

Realists acknowledge that IGOs provide some benefits for states and the international system: a. and agree with liberals that additional organizations should be institutionalized. b. but also stress that states can opt out of them if they wish. c. yet argue that great powers should never participate in such organizations. d. but join radicals in calling for the eventual dissolution of such organizations. e. and have proposed a number of useful suggestions for U.N. reform.

b. but also stress that states can opt out of them if they wish.

The United Nations was designed to deal only with international problems, not domestic ones. Today this poses a problem because: a. there are few international problems today, only domestic ones. b. many wars today are civil wars. c. there are no precedents for humanitarian intervention in domestic affairs. d. functionalists have come to oppose this design. e. none of the above.

b. many wars today are civil wars.

Neoliberal institutionalists argue IGOs help states by: a. requiring states to lessen sovereignty. b. reducing cheating by monitoring states and punishing rule breakers. c. giving all states an equal vote. d. pooling resources to create a world police force. e. none of the above.

b. reducing cheating by monitoring states and punishing rule breakers.

Complex peacekeeping activities differ from traditional peacekeeping activities in that complex activities: a. are much less frequent and more limited. b. respond to civil war and ethnonationalism. c. focus only on military, not non-military, issues. d. primarily address interstate conflicts. e. none of the above.

b. respond to civil war and ethnonationalism.

Federalism, one means of organizing states at the international level, proposes that: a. political cooperation between states will develop spontaneously. b. states join together with others, each surrendering some measure of sovereignty. c. collective goods problems create insurmountable barriers to true integration. d. such arrangements are particularly suited to the post-Cold War world. e. none of the above.

b. states join together with others, each surrendering some measure of sovereignty

How do radicals view international law? a. As a key source of order in the international system. b. As something self-interested states might comply with at times. c. As a system developed by powerful Western capitalists. d. As a system of cultural practices open to deconstruction. e. None of the above.

c. As a system developed by powerful Western capitalists

After the end of the Cold War which U.N. organ has lost power? a. Security Council b. Secretary General c. General Assembly d. all of the above e. none of the above

c. General Assembly

What is a drawback to the functionalist solution to the problem of war? a. It has never actually worked in practice. b. States may be unwilling to give up sovereignty to a higher body. c. Habits of cooperation do not inevitably spill over into other issue areas. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

c. Habits of cooperation do not inevitably spill over into other issue areas

Why has the United States government objected to the International Criminal Court? a. It resents having to pay such a high share of its costs. b. It believes it will be ineffective in pursuing war criminals. c. It argues it infringes on U.S. sovereignty. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

c. It argues it infringes on U.S. sovereignty.

The International Court of Justice is basically a weak institution for which of the following reasons? a. Most of its cases are quite controversial and remain unresolved. b. Only individuals are allowed to initiate court proceedings. c. It lacks the compulsory jurisdiction that domestic courts enjoy. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

c. It lacks the compulsory jurisdiction that domestic courts enjoy.

Which statement best depicts the radical view of NGOs? a. NGOs are becoming key actors in international relations. b. NGOs are not independent actors, they derive their power from states. c. NGOs represent dominant economic interests. d. NGOs show the importance of private individuals in shaping international relations. e. NGOs are important to solving the problem of anarchy in the international system.

c. NGOs represent dominant economic interests.

How are states constrained by intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)? a. States are forced to pay high membership dues. b. States are subject to binding regulations set by such organizations. c. States must align their policies to norms and rules of behavior created by IGOs if they are to benefit from membership in these organizations. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

c. States must align their policies to norms and rules of behavior created by IGOs if they are to benefit from membership in these organizations

How have member states of the former Soviet Union such as Russia, Uzbekistan, and Belarus reacted to American-financed NGOs promoting democracy and human rights? a. They have welcomed their assistance in building democracy and the rule of law. b. They have preferred to work with European-financed NGOs, hoping it will ease their access to the European Union. c. They have tried to limit their operations, charging them with advocating regime change and promoting U.S. foreign policy. d. They have banned these NGOs completely and jailed all their members. e. None of the above.

c. They have tried to limit their operations, charging them with advocating regime change and promoting U.S. foreign policy.

Among the benefits to state interests provided by IGOs is the: a. elimination of all disagreements between member states. b. setting of international agendas that force governments to make decisions. c. contribution they make to habits of cooperation and their role socializing states through regular interactions. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

c. contribution they make to habits of cooperation and their role socializing states through regular interactions.

Functionalism, one theory regarding the formation of intergovernmental organizations, proposes that: a. the primary purpose of international organizations is to protect the interests of member states. b. eliminating economic disparities between countries increases the likelihood of war. c. cooperative habits nurtured by groups of technical experts will have positive political implications. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

c. cooperative habits nurtured by groups of technical experts will have positive political implications

The idea behind the European Coal and Steel Community was a _____ one. a. realist b. federalist c. functionalist d. collective goods-inspired e. none of the above

c. functionalist

International law is derived from which of the following? a. Customs. b. Treaties. c. Courts. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

d. All of the above.

Which European Union decision making bodies have gained power over time? a. The Council of Ministers. b. The European Parliament. c. The European Court of Justice. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

d. All of the above.

Which courts are sources of international law? a. The International Court of Justice. b. The European Court of Justice. c. National and local courts. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.

d. All of the above.

Which of the following is not a principal organ of the United Nations? a. Security Council. b. General Assembly. c. Trusteeship Council. d. International Criminal Court. e. Secretariat.

d. International Criminal Court.

Which of the following is not true about nongovernmental organizations? a. NGOs have increased in number since the end of the Cold War. b. NGOs have attended conferences to address globalizing issues. c. The rise of democracy has increased NGO access to government leaders. d. NGOs, by definition, depend exclusively on private funding. e. Changes in communications technology have increased coalitions of like-minded groups.

d. NGOs, by definition, depend exclusively on private funding

Which of the following is not cited in the text as a function performed by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)? a. Mobilizing mass publics and individuals. b. Advocating specific policies. c. Monitoring human rights norms. d. Participating in state military maneuvers. e. Monitoring compliance with environmental regulations.

d. Participating in state military maneuvers.

What are nongovernmental organizations? a. Local and regional units of states. b. Subunits of the United Nations. c. International institutions composed of states. d. Private, voluntary organizations whose members come together to achieve a common purpose. e. Private individuals engaging in track two diplomacy.

d. Private, voluntary organizations whose members come together to achieve a common purpose.

What role do constructivists see IGOs and NGOs playing? a. They represent the interests of the dominant classes. b. They represent the interests of states. c. They represent the interests of private individuals. d. They serve as norm entrepreneurs that socialize states and teach them new norms. e. None of the above.

d. They serve as norm entrepreneurs that socialize states and teach them new norms.

Which of the following is an example of an NGO? a. Doctors Without Borders b. Oxfam c. World Catholic Relief d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

The United Nations was founded on which of the following principles? a. The United Nations recognizes the sovereign equality of member states. b. Only international problems are within the jurisdiction of the United Nations. c. The United Nations's primary responsibility is the maintenance of international peace and security. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

d. all of the above.

The roots of contemporary international law can be found in which of the following? a. The Catholic Church's canon law. b. The ideas of European writers such as Grotius, Crucé, and Abbé de Saint-Pierre. c. The 1920 creation of the Permanent Court of International Justice. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

d. all of the above.

What role did the United Nations play in decolonization? a. The U.N. Charter endorsed the principle of self-determination for colonial peoples. b. U.N. resolutions condemned colonial rule. c. The Trusteeship Council helped territories make the transition from colony to independent state. d. all of the above. e. none of the above.

d. all of the above.

What type of crime does the International Criminal Court have jurisdiction over? a. Genocide. b. Crimes against humanity. c. War crimes. d. Crimes of aggression. e. All of the above.

e. All of the above.

In 2005, on the occasion of the U.N.'s sixtieth birthday, how was the Security Council reformed? a. Germany was added as a permanent member. b. Japan was added as a permanent member. c. Brazil was added as a permanent member. d. All of the above countries were added as permanent members. e. None of the above countries were added as permanent members; all reform proposals failed.

e. None of the above countries were added as permanent members; all reform proposals failed.

What benefits do IGOs offer states? a. They can legitimize a state's viewpoint. b. They increase the information available about other states. c. They can be used to settle disputes. d. They can conduct specific activities to augment state policies. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above

Liberals argue that states obey international law because doing so: a. it is the right thing to do. b. helps maintain an ordered international environment. c. allows them to be respected by world public opinion. d. both b and c. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above.

Should states choose not to obey international law, other states can use self-help mechanisms including: a. diplomatic protests. b. economic boycotts. c. military force. d. both b and c. e. all of the above.

e. all of the above.

U.N. ad hoc tribunals approved by the Security Council were developed to deal with atrocities in: a. Uganda b. Yugoslavia c. Rwanda d. both a and b e. both b and c

e. both b and c

Goods that are jointly provided for, but that no one owns or is individually responsible for, are called _____ goods. a. comparative b. cognitive c. capital d. compellent e. collective

e. collective

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