CH. 7 Govt.

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30. Women were granted universal suffrage in


36. The typical procedure for an initiative requires petitions to feature the signatures of _________ of the number of registered voters in a state.

5 to 10 percent

24. The __________ Amendment to the Constitution prohibits states from denying the right to vote "on accountof race, color, or previous condition of servitude."


17. Citizen mobilization to stop construction of a nuclear waste facility near their homes would be an example of the _________ phenomenon.


22. Which country was the first to provide for the general election of representatives through mass suffrage?

United States

31. The territory of Wyoming granted women the right to vote in 1869 and ______ followed as the first state to enfranchise women.


2. One criterion that must be met for a country to be democratic is that it must

have more than one political party.

14. When a citizen contributes money to a candidate's campaign, he or she is engaging in

influencing behavior.

34. Typically, a referenda is placed on the ballot by


54. In Oregon, everyone votes by


51. Psychological explanations of turnout suggest that voting will rise if

more Americans believe that government is responsive.

19. Researchers have found that political apathy is _________ in the United States compared to almost all other nations.

much lower

1. The text defines __________ as the actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support government and politics.

political participation

26. In Smith v. Allwright, the Supreme Court found _________ is(are) unconstitutional.

preventing blacks from voting in primary elections

57. According to the text, with respect to political participation, "_________ is the great equalizer,..."


50. The effect of the Twenty-sixth Amendment, which enfranchised eighteen-to-twenty-year-olds, was to

reduce the national voter turnout rate.

55. The standard socioeconomic model recognizes the relationship between socioeconomic status and

conventional political involvement.

18. A legal action brought by a person or group on behalf of a number of people in similar circumstances is also known as a(n)

class action suit.

4. Relatively routine behaviors that use the established institutions of representative government such as voting in an election are called _____ participation.


9. When a leader assembles crowds to confront businesses and local governments to demand a hearing, he or she is engaging in

direct action.

43. The standard socioeconomic model of participation chiefly refers to

education, income, and occupation.

62. The majoritarian model of democracy favors

voting as the primary means of participation.

21. The text defines suffrage and franchise as the right to


20. The percentage of eligible voters who actually vote in a given election is called

voter turnout.

42. Around the world, the percentage of countries holding regular, free, and fair elections has risen to _____ percent.


7. Which of the following was the first known act of unconventional participation in America?

Boston Tea Party

27. The amendment granting women's suffrage is the

Nineteenth Amendment.

37. Since they were not happy with voting for candidates selected by party leaders, ____________ championed the direct primary.


39. The amendment lowering the voting age to eighteen is the

Twenty-sixth Amendment.

48. Women compared to men, and blacks compared to whites, tend to have political participation rates today that are

about the same.

46. In general today, women politically participate

at about the same rate as men.

25. The literacy tests that were used in the southern states after 1870 worked primarily against


63. Elections, as an institutional mechanism,

bolster the power and authority of the state.

13. An example of a citizen using "contacting behavior" is

calling the county animal control office to remove a raccoon from a window well.

12. A practical test of whether or not a government is democratic is whether

citizens can affect its policies by acting through its institutions.

47. Of all the social and economic variables affecting political participation, _________ is the strongest single factor.


29. A 2013 supreme court decision regarding the Voting Rights Act allowed numerous states to

enforce new voter identification laws.

60. Congress and the states moved quickly to pass the Twenty-sixth Amendment, which lowered the voting age to eighteen, because they

hoped to channel student energy away from demonstrations and toward more conventional forms of participation.

8. Political scientists know less about unconventional forms of political participation because

it is easier to collect data on conventional practices.

40. In 2014, voters approved a number of ballot propositions, including ones in Alaska, Oregon, and Washington that

legalized recreational marijuana.

64. Because it depends on mass participation in politics, majoritarianism tends to

limit individual freedom.

45. Characteristics frequently associated with nonvoters are

low education, low income, and being relatively young.

44. According to the text, Americans were __________ politically apathetic in 2012 compared to 1952.

neither more nor less

11. Compared with citizens in other democracies, Americans are

not noticeably apathetic.

41. According to the text, if the criterion is ___________, America has the best and most democratic government in the world.

number of elections held

61. Someone who asserts that elections "socialize political activity" is contending that elections are mechanisms that maintain


16. The ability of groups to make government respond to their special problems is best related to ________ theory.


33. A direct primary is a

preliminary election to choose party candidates.

32. Which of the qualifications for voting was virtually eliminated in all states by the 1850s?

property ownership

35. The ____ was backed by the Progressives as they wanted a mechanism to remove elected officials from office.


58. The relationship between participation and order is complicated because

some types of participation promote disorder.

5. According to the text, violent unconventional political participation is

sometimes worth the risk.

10. The 1955 Montgomery bus boycott is an example of a(n)

successful unconventional political participation.

15. Serving as an election judge in a nonpartisan election or organizing a holiday parade are examples of

supportive behavior.

3. Although terrorism is an unconventional political action, it is generally not counted as unconventional political participation because

terrorists do not seek to influence government but to destroy it.

6. The march from Selma demonstrated to the nation the seriousness of

the civil rights problem.

52. By law, the U.S. presidential election occurs

the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.

49. According to psychological explanations, voter turnout in the United States is not likely to increase until

the government does something to restore people's faith in the effectiveness of voting.

53. In nearly every other democratic country outside of the United States, the burden of registration is placed on

the government.

23. The framers of the Constitution left the issue of voter enfranchisement to

the states.

38. One recent criticism of referenda and initiatives is that

they create an expensive "industry" designed around circulating petitions and spending millions.

56. The American emphasis on freedom over equality in political participation works to the benefit of

those with greater resources.

59. To maintain order, the government has a stake in converting _______ whenever possible.

unconventional participation into conventional participation

28. Compared with other nations in the world in granting suffrage to women, the United States

was among the first.

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