Ch 7: Pelvis and Femor

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Center the IR _____ inches superior to the pubic symphysis for the bilateral & unilateral projection of the femoral neck


body of pubis forms approximately _______ of the acetabulum anteriorly


in the average adult the neck projects superiorly approximately ________ to ____ degrees to the long axis of the femoral body


in the average adult the neck projects anteriorly form the body at an angle of approximately _______ to ______ degrees


For the AP projection of the hip medially rotate the lower limb and foot approximately

15-20 degrees

Unless contraindicated because of trauma or pathologic factors, medially rotating the feet and lower limbs about __________ will place the femoral neck parallel with the image receptor

15-20 degrees

When dealing with congenital dislocation of the hip, how many AP projections of the pelvis should be taken?


In average adults the center of the IR is about ____ inches inferior to ASIS and _____ inches superior to pubic sypmphysis

2 , 2

the body of the ilium forms approximately ____ of the acetabulum superiorly


the body of the ischium forms approximately _______ of the acetabulum posteriorly


PA axial outlet projection of anterior pelvic bones for men direct CR ______ to _____ cephalad


the sacroiliac joints angle ______ to _____ degrees relative to the midsagittal plane


PA axial outlet anterior pelvic bones for women direct CR ____ to _____ cephalad


Superioinferior axial inlet projection direct the CR____

40 degree caudad entering level of ASIS

When the body is in the upright or seated position, the brim of the pelvis forms an angle of approximately ______ degrees to the horizontal plane


How many inches should the heels be placed apart when performing AP projections of the pelvis and upper femora


Two 45 degree posterior oblique positions that are useful in diagnosing fractures of the acetabulum: internal oblique and external oblique

AP Oblique Method; Judet Method

If fracture of hip is suspected always perform _____________ and __________

AP and cross table lateral

The radiographer should center the IR midway btw the ______ and _________ when performing AP pelvis and upper femora.

ASIS, pubic symphysis

Danellius Miller Method also known as

Axiolateral Projection of Hip

The modified cleaves method of the femoral necks are also called

Bilateral frog leg

The two projections taken when dealing with a congenital dislocation of the hip are:

CR directed perpendicular to pubic symphysis CR projected to the pubic symphysis at a cephalic angulation of 45 degrees

The _________ Projection of the acetabulum shows the femoral head in profile to show the concave area of the fovea capitis

PA Axial Oblique Projection

Most of the bony landmarks of the pelvis are palpable. TRUE OR FALSE


TRUE OR FALSE for the AP projection of the hip you must medially rotate the lower limb and foot approximately 15-20 degrees to place the femoral necks parallel with the plane of the IR


TRUE OR FALSE: Medial rotation is easier for the patient to maintain if the knees are supported, when performing AP Projections of the Pelvis and Upper Femora


The female sacrum is wider and it curves more sharply posteriorly and the sacral promontory is flatter. TRUE OR FALSE


The ilium, pubis and ischium joint together to form the


cup, shaped socket that receives the head of the femur


the angulation of 45 degrees when dealing with congenital dislocation of hip casts the shadow of an anteriorly displaced femoral head above that if the ___________ and the shadow of a posteriorly displaced head below


For internal oblique Judet method elevate the ______ side and have hip______

affected; up

the ilium consists of a body and a broad portion called the


an important and frequently used radiographic positioning reference point

anterior superior iliac spine

anterior and posterior borders present prominent projections:

anterior superior iliac spine anterior inferior iliac spine posterior superior iliac spine posterior inferior iliac spine

the ala has three borders:

anterior, posterior, and superior

the inferior and posterior portions of the wing present a large, rough surface the _________ for articulation with the sacrum

auricular surface

The lower border of the IR should be angled_________ (away or toward) the body for Danelius miller


Central ray will enter the patients midsagittal plane at the level of 1 inch superior to pubic symphysis for


the ilium, pubis and ischium are separated by ______ in children by become fused into one bone in adults


the pubic symphysis is a ________ joint (2 words)

cartilaginous symphysis

for Hickey method CR is located at a

cephalic angle of 20 to 25 degrees

The female pelvis is shaped for (2 things)

childbearing and delivery

The Danellius Miller Method is often called the ____________ or _________

cross table or surgical lateral projection

When performing the Danielius Miller on a thin patient who is lying on a soft bed what must you do?

elevate the pelvis on a firm pillow or fold sheets sufficiently to center the most prominent point of the greater trochanter to the midline of the IR

because the knee and ankle joints are hinge joints, medial and lateral rotation of the foot cause rotation of the ________, which is centered at the hip joint

entire limb

The region above the brim of the pelvis is called the ______ or_______ pelvis

false or greater

The Lauenstein and Hickey Method (medio lateral) lateral projection of the hip is used to show the relationship of the __________ and _________

femoral head and acetabulum

What are two common site of fracture on the femur in elderly adults?

femoral neck. intertrochanteric crest

longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body


a small depression of the center of the head, the __________, attaches to the ligamentum capitis fromoris

fovea captitis

The iliopubic column ilioischial column are used to identify __________ around the acetabulum?


The ilium curves inward below the auricular surface forming the

greater sciatic notch

the __________ is most prominent laterally and more easily palpated when the lower leg is medially rotated when performing pelvis exams

greater trochanter

is at the superolateral part of the femoral body and the ____________ is at the posteromedial part

greater trochanter lesser trochanter

often referred to as the os coxae

hip bones

Having the patient inhale deeply is advisable; while the muscles are relaxed during expiration, the radiographer should palpate the highest point of the

iliac crest

superior margin extending from the ASIS to the posterior superior iliac spine is called the

iliac crest

the bony landmarks used in radiography of the pelvis and hips are as follows:

iliac crest ASIS pubic symphysis greater trochanter of the femur ischial tuberosity tip of the coccyx

the external oblique Judet Method is for patient with a suspected fracture of the ____________ and the____________

ilioischial column anterior rim of acetabulum

2 distinct areas of the hip bone (columns)

iliopubic column ilioischial column

The internal oblique position Judet Method is for a patient with a suspected fracture of the ____________ column and __________

iliopubic column posterior rim of acetabulum

The hip bone consists of the

ilium, pubis, and ischium

The _______ or outlet of the true pelvis is measured from the tip of the coccyx to the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis in the anteroposterior direction and between the ischial tuberosities in the horizontal direction

inferior aperture

the lower prong of the pubis is termed the

inferior ramus

Another name for hip bone/os coxae

innominate bone

the prominent ridge extending between the trochanters at the base of the beck on the posterior surface of the body called the

intertrochanteric crest

the less prominent ridge connecting the trochanters anteriorly is called the

intertrochanteric line

Clements Nakayama Modification is same as Danielus Miller except unaffected leg __________ and CR is directed ______

is in neutral position 15 degrees posteriorly

The ischium projects posteriorly and inferiorly from the acetabulum to form an expanded portion called the

ischial tuberosity

consists of a body and the ischial ramus


the female pelvis is _____ in structure


because the SI joints of the pelvis interlock, movement is ______ or _______

limited or nonexistent

CR enters ______________ for Danelius miller


for Lauenstein method CR is located

midway btw ASIS and pubic symphysis

the ____ of the femur is constricted near the head but expands to a broad base at the body of the bone


the pelvis is divided into two portions by an ______ plane that extends from the upper anterior margin of the sacrum to the upper margin of the pubic symphysis


by the posterior union of the ischial rams the ramus and the pubis enclose the

orbturator foramen

the original cleaves method (axiolateral projection) of the femoral neck the Central ray will be

parallel to the femoral shaft and angles varies 25-45 degrees

the region btw the inlet and outlet is called the

pelvic cavity

composed of only the two hip bones

pelvic girdle

serves as a base for the trunk and a girdle for the attachment of the lower limb


CR for Danielus Miller is __________ to the long axis of the femoral neck


_______ end of the femur consists of a head, neck and two large processes the greater and less trochanter


the pubes of the hip bones articulate with each other at the anterior midline of the body forming a joint called the

pubic symphysis

consists of a body, the superior rams and inferior ramus


the right and left ilia articulate with the sacrum posteriorly at the _______ joints


the angulation of the neck of the femur varies considerably with __________, ________ and _______

sex, age, stature

The brim of the pelvis form the __________ or inlet of the true pelvis

superior aperture

For a AP Projection of the pelvis and upper femora, the patient must be placed in the _________ position


the articulation btw the acetabulum and the head of the femur is a _________ and ______ joint that permits free movement in all directions

synovial ball and socket

the SI articulations are _________ __________ ________

synovial irregular gliding joints

the boundary line of the oblique plane of the pelvis is called

the brim of the pelvis

are situated at the junction of the body and the base of the neck


the region below the brim of the pelvis is called the ________ or ________

true or lesser

What does the pelvis consists of ?

two hip bones, sacrum, coccyx

When performing the Danielis miller flex the knee and hip of the _________ side


for external oblique Judet method elevate the _____ side and have the hip _____

unaffected ; down

central ray will be directed to the femoral necks for


Where should the IR be positioned when performing Danielius miller

vertical position with its upper border in the crease above the iliac crest

the female pelvis is _______ and ________ the inlet is larger and more oval-shaped

wider, shallower

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