CH. 7 QUIZ, Chapter 7, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 9, Chapter 8

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Pro se

Latin for "for himself," meaning self-representation in legal proceedings without the aid of a legal representative.

Separate but Equal Doctrine

The concept that black and white individuals could legally be segregated under the Constitution given the facilities and services available were comparable in quality for each race.


The extent to a particular court's power to make legal decisions and judgments.

Court of Last Resort

The final court with appellate authority in a given court system. In the US at the federal level, the Supreme Court is the court of last resort.

Since 1952, researchers have conducted and analyzed the __________ to assess the political attitudes and behavior of the American electorate. a. American Electorate Studies b. General Social Studies c. Harris Interactive Studies d. American National Election Studies

d. American National Election Studies

En Banc

A case heard by all judges of the court, or the full court. Cases are typically heard en band when a significant issue is presented or if both parties request it and the court agrees.

A particular court's power to make legal decisions and judgments is its: a. jurisdiction b. corpus juris c. jurisprudence d. de jure


In a ______ trial, the judge hears the evidence without a jury present and makes a ruling. a. jurisdiction b. corpus juris c. jurisprudence d. de jure


In the United States, the dual court system means that: a. the federal government has a court system distinct from the states b. states and the federal government have a separate civil and criminal court c. unresolved cases can be automatically appealed to the Supreme Court d. the courts have both a trial court and a court of appeals


Judges prefer that cases: a. be settled by plea bargain b. go to trial by jury c. be dismissed outright d. go to a bench tria


Judicial ______ allows higher courts to review the decisions of the lower courts and the actions of the executive and legislative branches of the government. a. review b. activism c. politicism d. independence


The U.S. Supreme Court consists of one chief justice and ______ associate justices. a. 8 b. 6 c. 10 d. 4


The majority of cases in state courts are ______ cases. a. criminal b. small claims c. probate d. civil


The majority of the cases that the Supreme Court hears involve: a. constitutional issues b. death sentence appeals c. unresolved civil lawsuits d. disputes between states


______ are the courts of last resort for the majority of state laws. a. State supreme courts b. State appellate courts c. Courts of common pleas d. District courts


Judicial Review

A doctrine that ensures checks and balances by allowing courts to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government.


A formal accusation that an individual has committed an act punishable by law, typically presented by a grand jury.


A formal charge against an individual suspected of committing a crime, typically presented by an authorized public official, such as the prosecutor. The purpose is to inform the accused of the charges so a defense may be prepared.

Writ of Certiorari

A petition by a losing party requesting a higher court to review the lower court's ruling.

Specialized Courts

Also called problem-solving courts, they work with a particular type of offense and offender.

Missouri Plan

Also called the merit selection system, it is a process to elect judges that attempts to eliminate politics.

Judiciary Act of 1789

Although the Constitution allows a Supreme Court, Congress established the federal court system and specified jurisdictions.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

An approach to settle cases using a variety of methods to assist the disputing parties in finding a solution without relying on costly litigation.

Each state has a separate court system comprised of ______ levels. a. six b. three c. two d. four


The Supreme Court of the United States hears approximately how many cases each year? a. 150 b. 80 c. 1,000 d. 400 e. 700


The goal of problem-solving court is: a. to punish the offender b. to provide treatment and reduce recidivism c. to deter criminal activity in general d. to incapacitate the offender


U.S. Supreme Court cases are heard by the full court. This is called: a. propria persona b. en banc c. in camera d. pro se


______ is a type of alternative dispute resolution that ends in a binding agreement. a. Mediation b. Arbitration c. Negotiation d. Small claims court


A case may be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court by filing a writ of: a. quo warranto b. mandamus c. certiorari d. procedendo


Federal judges are: a. promoted through a merit process b. elected by the citizens c. appointed by the president d. chosen by a legislative committee


In the United States, the supreme law of the land is/are the: a. U.S. Code b. State and federal law c. U.S. Constitution d. Acts of Congress


The ______ guarantees the right to a speedy trial. a. fourth b. fifth c. sixth d. eighth


The first black U.S. Supreme Court justice was: a. John Rock b. Clarence Thomas c. Thurgood Marshall d. James Parsons


The merit selection plan for selecting judges is also called the ______ plan. a. Mississippi b. Ohio c. Missouri d. Pennsylvania


Which of the following cases overturned the separate but equal doctrine? a. Berea College v. Kentucky b. Dred Scott v. Sandford c. Brown v. Board of Education d. Plessy v. Ferguson


Double Jeopardy

Constitutional protection under the Fifth Amendment that prevents the accused from facing charges or trial after an acquittal or conviction for the same offense.

Alaska is in which federal court jurisdiction? a. 11th circuit b. 7th circuit c. 4th circuit d. 9th circuit e. 3rd circuit


Supreme Court justices are: a. up for reelection every 6 years b. appointed for a 5-year term c. up for reelection every 4 years d. appointed for life


The first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court justice was: a. Pedro Capo-Rodriquez b. Alberto Gonzalez c. Miriam Naveria de Rodon d. Sonia Sotomayor


The first female Supreme Court justice was: a. Ruth Bader Ginsburg b. Sonia Sotomayor c. Elena Kagan d. Sandra Day O'Conner


Traffic court is an example of a: a. court of general jurisdiction b. appellate court c. court of last resort d. court of limited jurisdiction


Court congestion is the result of a lack of practicing attorneys. T/F


Courts of limited jurisdiction hear cases involving felonies. T/F


Over half of all drug courts target juvenile offenders. T/F


The Sixth Amendment defines a speedy trial as occurring within three months of arrest. T/F


The Supreme Court is required to hear all cases that it receives from a lower court. T/F


Trial courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. T/F


A Supreme Court justice can be impeached and removed from the bench for serious misbehavior. T/F


Federal courts will not hear cases involving state law unless the laws are in conflict or the issue is appealed as a constitutional matter. T/F


In federal court, all felony prosecutions must be initiated by indictment. T/F


Obergefell v. Hodges held that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. T/F


Problem-solving courts typically focus on first-time nonviolent offenders. T/F


Strict interpretation of the Constitution focuses on the literal meaning of the language contained in the document. T/F


The first African American judge in the United States was not considered a citizen under the Constitution. T/F


Veterans courts are designed to treat the underlying causes of behaviors that have resulted in criminal offenses. T/F


Strict Interpretation

Typically deciphers the words of the Constitution as literal, discounting the current context socially, historically, or technologically, and focusing on the plain language contained in the document and how to apply the literal meaning.

Dual Court System

US court structure wherein the federal government has a court system and procedures distinct from the states.

Which of the following surveys is more likely than the others to generate self-selection error? a. a mail-in survey of retirement community members about the privatization of Medicare b. a phone survey of randomly selected voters about the job performance of local council members c. a yes-or-no phone survey that asks, "Will you vote in the upcoming presidential election?" d. a door-to-door survey about home energy use

a. a mail-in survey of retirement community members about the privatization of Medicare

Who is considered the founder of modern-day polling? a. George Gallup b. Alfred M. Landon c. Walter Lippmann d. John Zogby

a. George Gallup

During his campaign for reelection in 2012, Barack Obama deemphasized his work on health care reform. Which of the following reasons is the most plausible explanation for this decision, given what you know about the interaction between public opinion and policy and politics? a. His campaign did not want to focus on an issue that had deep divisions in public opinion. b. His campaign wanted to focus on the improvements in unemployment instead. c. The public is generally much less concerned about domestic issues than they are about foreign policy issues. d. Very few Americans held opinions about health care reform because it did not directly affect them.

a. His campaign did not want to focus on an issue that had deep divisions in public opinion.

Which of the following is a disadvantage of surveying the public using traditional telephone polls? a. Many people do not have landlines. b. Pollsters are no longer exempt from federal do-not-call lists. c. Pollsters are no longer exempt from state do-not-call lists. d. Polling is a form of constitutionally protected speech.

a. Many people do not have landlines.

Which of the following statements best describes the interaction between public opinion and public policy in the United States? a. Public opinion can affect policy. b. Public opinion can only affect short-term policy. c. Public opinion only affects policy during national crises. d. Public opinion has no discernible effect on policy.

a. Public opinion can affect policy.

What is the difference between random sampling and stratified sampling? a. Stratified sampling combines random selection with predetermined weighting of a population's demographic characteristics. b. Stratified sampling gives each member of a targeted population the same probability of being polled, whereas simple random sampling does not. c. Random sampling incorporates random selection into the polling procedure, whereas stratified sampling allows for self-selection. d. Stratified sampling relies on techniques to minimize bias, whereas simple random sampling does not.

a. Stratified sampling combines random selection with predetermined weighting of a population's demographic characteristics.

Which of the following statements about the 1936 Literary Digest poll that predicted Roosevelt's reelection defeat is true? a. The poll oversampled the upper middle class and the wealthy. b. The poll oversampled groups heavily Democratic in orientation. c. The poll excluded owners of automobiles and telephones. d. The poll undersampled middle-class voters who owned telephones.

a. The poll oversampled the upper middle class and the wealthy.

As a pollster for Smart Polling, you are concerned about gauging the public's attitudes about arms-control policy. You believe that the public not only has little information on this complex topic, but also has thought little about it. What procedure might you implement to increase the accuracy of your polling data? a. a screening procedure b. a grading procedure c. a tracking procedure d. a deliberative procedure

a. a screening procedure

A polling firm has been commissioned by the New York Times to assess public opinion about the performance of FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. What should the firm do first? a. determine the population b. determine the method of poll selection c. contact respondents d. select the sample

a. determine the population

At what age do parents exercise the greatest influence on the political socialization of their children? a. from birth to age five b. from birth to age ten c. from age ten to age fourteen d. at age fourteen and older

a. from birth to age five

The __________ is a measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll. a. margin of error b. modal response c. sample size d. standard deviation

a. margin of error

Why have American National Election Studies (ANES) researchers conducted surveys before and after every mid-term and presidential election since 1952? a. to compile long-term studies of the electorate b. to increase voter participation c. to safeguard elections from manipulation by political consultants d. to clarify options for undecided voters

a. to compile long-term studies of the electorate

George Gallup undoubtedly had a vested interest in fostering reliance on public opinion polls. Why? a. He was a politician. b. He was a pollster. c. He was a political consultant. d. He was an officeholder.

b. He was a pollster.

Which of the following accurately describes a difference in public opinion between men and women? a. Men are more likely to think that labor unions are necessary to protect the rights of workers. b. Men are more likely to favor military intervention. c. Women are more likely to believe that school boards have a right to fire teachers who are homosexual. d. Women are more likely to believe that we should tighten restrictions on people coming to the United States.

b. Men are more likely to favor military intervention.

Which of the following is a shortcoming of public opinion polls? a. Polls measure only elite opinion. b. Polls are unable to measure the intensity of feelings about issues. c. Polls have no scientific credibility. d. Polls are undemocratic.

b. Polls are unable to measure the intensity of feelings about issues.

Which of the following is the clearest example of a question that might be found on a push poll? a. Are you familiar with Rosemary Austin's voting record on tax subsidies for energy producers? b. Would you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing if you knew that she never even reads the legislation before voting to spend your tax dollars? c. Do you plan to vote for Rosemary Austin for the House of Representatives this November? d. Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing?

b. Would you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing if you knew that she never even reads the legislation before voting to spend your tax dollars?

A decrease in political knowledge will likely cause __________. a. a decrease in taxes b. a decrease in political participation c. an increase in the likelihood that someone will participate in a political campaign d. an increase in the likelihood that someone will vote

b. a decrease in political participation

In the context of public opinion polls, what is self-selection? a. a reference to the timing of public opinion polls that may skew survey results b. a reference to the ability of respondents to decide whether to participate in surveys c. a reference to long-term studies of the electorate invalidated by short-term biases d. a reference to short-term studies of the electorate invalidated by long-term biases

b. a reference to the ability of respondents to decide whether to participate in surveys

Of the following, which is a demographic characteristic that often affects a citizen's political opinions? a. employability b. gender c. candidates' policy positions d. partisanship

b. gender

George Gallup believed that __________. This belief continues to be common today. a. the public should be surveyed only when the relative importance of an issue is high b. leaders should have an appraisal of public opinion and consider it in reaching their decisions c. straw polls should be used to gauge public opinion d. pollsters should expect a high degree of consistency in citizens' day-to-day political views

b. leaders should have an appraisal of public opinion and consider it in reaching their decisions

What do Americans often have difficulty forming opinions about? a. policies that involve issues of morality b. policies that do not affect them personally c. policies related to their occupation d. policies related to their property taxes

b. policies that do not affect them personally

Which amendment removed the election of U.S. senators from the hands of state legislators and placed it in the hands of citizens? a. the Sixteenth Amendment b. the Seventeenth Amendment c. the Eighteenth Amendment d. the Twentieth Amendment

b. the Seventeenth Amendment

According to Andrew Kohut, founding director of the Pew Research Center, why has the public played a more important role in national and international politics over the last three decades? a. the sophistication of modern polling techniques b. the rise in the number of public opinion polls c. the advent of the Internet d. the speed with which computers can process election data

b. the rise in the number of public opinion polls

When have Gallup's predictions been the least accurate? a. when there has been a female candidate b. when there is a prominent third-party candidate c. during economic crises d. when the incumbent is seeking reelection

b. when there is a prominent third-party candidate

Which type of survey question is best suited to addressing concerns about public opinion polls that contain a limited number of response options? a. yes-or-no questions b. approve-or-disapprove questions c. "feeling thermometer" questions d. tracking questions

c. "feeling thermometer" questions

In a random sample of 1,000 high school students, 29 percent indicated that they had read the Declaration of Independence at least once, with a margin of error of 4 percent. Which of the following statements is true? a. It is likely that more than 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. b. It is likely that fewer than 25 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. d. It is likely that 29 percent of the population has read the Declaration of Independence between zero and five times.

c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.

Why is Walter Lippmann credited with spurring the growth of public opinion polling? a. Lippmann tried to predict the winner of the presidential contest between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. b. Lippmann was a pioneer in the use of the straw poll. c. Lippmann wrote a book in which he observed that research on public opinion was far too limited, especially in light of its importance d. Lippmann discovered three fatal errors in the Literary Digest poll that wrongly predicted that Republican Alfred M. Landon would beat incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

c. Lippmann wrote a book in which he observed that research on public opinion was far too limited, especially in light of its importance

Researchers refer to the unintended influence of the questioner on respondents during in-person interviews as __________. a. question bias b. the margin of error c. interviewer bias d. self-selection

c. interviewer bias

Tracking polls help candidates __________. a. encourage voter turnout b. win support among undecided voters c. measure the impact of their campaign d. find campaign volunteers

c. measure the impact of their campaign

Of the following topics, which is more likely than the others to be subject to a screening procedure in a public opinion poll? a. crime prevention b. illegal drug use c. the federal budget d. health care

c. the federal budget

What is the purpose of a "name recognition survey"? a. to discover how a better-known candidate contemplating a run for office might fare against an incumbent b. to discover how a local officeholder has affected the electoral climate c. to discover how many people have heard of a potential candidate d. to gauge how negatively the public views a potential third-party candidate

c. to discover how many people have heard of a potential candidate

Americans are likely to have the most difficulty forming opinions on which of the following topics? a. topics involving jobs and unemployment b. topics involving tax deductions for home mortgages c. topics involving the European Central Bank and creditor nations d. topics involving single-payer health care mandates

c. topics involving the European Central Bank and creditor nations

"Feeling thermometer" questions ask respondents how they feel about a particular issue by __________. a. signaling their approval or disapproval b. answering with a simple yes or no c. using a 0-to-100 scale d. computing degree-of-affinity statistics

c. using a 0-to-100 scale

What is the relationship between partisanship and views on whether the government should guarantee every citizen enough to eat and a place to sleep? a. There is little partisan variation in the belief that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. b. Within each group, fewer than half of all Democrats, Republicans, and independents believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. c. More Republicans than independents believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. d. More than three-fourths of Democrats believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep.

d. More than three-fourths of Democrats believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep.

The value of hard work and personal responsibility are rooted in America's __________. a. emphasis on economic and social equality b. communitarian instincts c. two-party system d. Protestant heritage

d. Protestant heritage

In 1948, the Chicago Daily Tribune wrongly predicted that Republican Thomas E. Dewey would beat incumbent President Harry S. Truman. Knowing what you know about the accuracy of various polls, what kind of poll would most likely have led the Tribune to make this erroneous prediction? a. an exit poll b. a push poll c. a random-digit dialing poll d. a straw poll

d. a straw poll

When is a child's peer group most politically influential? a. before preschool b. during preschool c. during elementary school d. during middle and high school

d. during middle and high school

How are exit polls conducted? a. over the telephone b. on the Internet c. through the mail d. in person

d. in person

To determine if families with children would use school vouchers to send their children to charter schools, from which of the following populations should you select a sample? a. women with children b. citizens in the school district c. parents To determine if families with children would use school vouchers to send their children to charter schools, from which of the following populations should you select a sample? a. women with children b. citizens in the school district c. parents d. parents of children under age 18

d. parents of children under age 18

What are push polls designed to do? a. provide unbiased information that helps voters make an informed judgment b. encourage young citizens to register to vote c. push people into voting for the frontrunner d. present negative information that might cause voters to vote against a candidate

d. present negative information that might cause voters to vote against a candidate

Web polls that allow anyone to weigh in on a topic are a type of __________ poll. a. exit b. deliberative c. tracking d. straw

d. straw

Unscientific surveys used to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues are known as what? a. deliberative polls b. exit polls c. push polls d. straw polls

d. straw polls

What is political socialization? a. the process through which individuals self-select themselves to participate in public opinion polls b. the process through which individuals acquire status as opinion leaders c. the process through which individuals seek out the beliefs and values of those in office d. the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values

d. the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values

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