Ch 8

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List of non-self-governing territories

1. Western Sahara: most extensive (266,000 square kilometers [103,000 square miles]) and most populous (around 500,000). 2. Polynesia around 250,000 inhabitants each 3. New Caledonia around 250,000 inhabitants each 17. Pitcairn Island 36-square-kilometer (14-square-mile) possession of the United Kingdom

During the existence between 1922 and 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) was the world's largest state in land area, as well as the world's largest multinational state with how many ethnicities

15 ethnicities

How many places in the world with non-self-governing territories


How many states in the world today and in the 1940s

2000 500

Russia's political pulsation consists of

51 percent of the state's population, Ukrainians 15 percent, Uzbeks 6 percent, and the remaining 28 percent spread among more than 100

Define multiethnic

A state that contains more than one ethnicity

When, who, and where did the leaders of the victorious countries meet to redrew the map of Europe

After World War I, which engulfed nearly all of Europe, leaders of the victorious countries met at the Versailles Peace Conference to redraw the map of Europe One of the chief advisers to President Woodrow Wilson, the geographer Isaiah Bowman, played a major role in the decisions.

History of Taiwan separation

After losing in 1949, Nationalist leaders fled to Taiwan, 200 kilometers (125 miles) off the Chinese coast, and proclaimed that they were still the legitimate rulers of the entire country of China Until some future occasion when they could defeat the Communists and recapture all of China, the Nationalists argued, at least they could continue to govern one island of the country. The United States had supported the Nationalists during the civil war, so many Americans opposed acknowledging that China was firmly under the control of the Communists. Consequently, the United States continued to regard the Nationalists as the official government of China until the 1970s, when U.S. policy finally changed, and the United Nations voted to transfer China's seat from the Nationalists to the Communists.

Ukraine history with Russia

After the breakup of the Soviet Union, prospects for a stable nation-state were favorable in independent Ukraine However, Ukraine's minority Russian population started an uprising in the eastern region of the country, where they were clustered Claiming that the Russian ethnic minority in Ukraine was endangered, Russia invaded eastern Ukraine and seized Crimea in 2004

What is Crimea's population consisting of

Crimea's population is approximately 60 percent Russian, 24 percent Ukrainian, 10 percent Tatar, and 6 percent other ethnicities.

Three types of boundaries

Cultural boundaries follow the distribution of cultural features. Geometric boundaries are based on human constructs, such as straight lines. Physical boundaries coincide with significant features of the natural landscape.

History of Multiethnic revival in Europe

During the 1930s, German National Socialists (Nazis) claimed that all German-speaking parts of Europe constituted one nationality and should be unified into one state After many years of appeasing the Nazis' expansion in Central Europe, the United Kingdom and France finally declared war when the Nazis invaded Poland, clearly not a German-speaking state. Following its defeat in World War II, Germany was divided into two states Two Germanys existed from 1949 until 1990

Differences between the three small neighboring Baltic countries

Lithuanians: Roman Catholic and speak a language of the Baltic group within the Balto-Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family Latvians: predominantly Lutheran, with a substantial Roman Catholic minority, and they speak a language of the Baltic group Estonians: Protestant (Lutheran) and speak a Uralic language related to Finnish

Who controlled Mesopotamia at one point at least

Mesopotamia was organized into a succession of empires by the Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians.

Inhabited Territories that has a considerable autonomy

Puerto Rico: A commonwealth of the United States. -Puerto Ricans are citizens of the United States, but they do not participate in U.S. elections or have a voting member of Congress. Greenland: An autonomous unit within the Kingdom of Denmark. -Greenland runs its internal affairs, but Denmark control foreign affairs and defense. Hong Kong and Macao: Attached to the mainland of China -Hong Kong was a colony of the United Kingdom until it returned to China in 1997 Portugal returned its colony of Macao in 1998

History the Estonia and Latvia, and Lithuania

They were independent countries between the end of World War I in 1918 and 1940, when the former Soviet Union annexed them under an agreement with Nazi Germany

Reasoning for colonialism

To promote Christianity. To extract useful resources and to serve as captive markets for their products. To establish relative power through the number of colonies claimed.

Central Asian states due to the break up of USSR

Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan

Where is the Caucasus region

an area about the size of Colorado, is situated between the Black and Caspian seas and gets its name from the mountains that separate Russia from Azerbaijan and Georgia

Define boundaries

an invisible line that marks the extent of a state's territory Boundaries completely surround an individual state to mark the outer limits of its territorial


area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs Country is a synonym

Define colonialism

effort by one country to establish settlements in a territory and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles on that territory

Ex of nation-state

ethnic composition of Japan is 98.5 percent Japanese, 0.5 percent Korean, 0.4 percent Chinese, and 0.6 percent other.

History of the development of States

first states emerged in ancient times in Southwest Asia & North Africa. However, most of Earth's surface historically was either unorganized territory or organized in ways other than states, such as empires, kingdoms, and estates controlled by a hereditary class of nobles In modern times, the concept of a state developed first in Europe.

Define sovereignty

independence from control of its internal affairs by other states

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan similarities

relatively stable nationstates

Define city-states

sovereign state that comprises a town and the surrounding countryside

Define Multinational state

state that contains more than one ethnicity with traditions of self-determination and self-government.

Define nation-state

state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity

Define microstates and how many exisr

states with very small land areas About 2 dozen

Define colony

territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than being completely independent

When did political unity each its height?

with the establishment of the Roman Empire, which controlled most of Europe and Southwest Asia & North Africa from modern-day Spain to Iran and from Egypt to England

Define frontier

zone where no state exercises complete political control

Azerbaijan vs Armenia

Armenians and Azeris both have achieved long-held aspirations of forming nation-states, but after their independence from the Soviet Union, the two went to war over the boundaries between them The war concerned possession of Nagorno-Karabakh, a 5,000-square-kilometer (2,000-square-mile) enclave within Azerbaijan that is inhabited primarily by Armenians but placed under Azerbaijan's control by the Soviet Union during the 1920s A 1994 cease-fire has left Nagorno-Karabakh technically part of Azerbaijan, but in reality it acts as an independent republic called Artsak Numerous clashes have occurred since then between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

How many provinces did Rome Control

At its maximum extent, the empire comprised 38 provinces, each using the same set of laws that had been created in Rome.

History of Azerbaijan

Azeris trace their roots to Turkish invaders who migrated from Central Asia in the eighth and ninth centuries and merged with the existing Persian population. An 1828 treaty allocated northern Azeri territory to Russia and southern Azeri territory to Persia (now Iran) The western part of Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan (named for the area's largest city), is separated from the rest of Azerbaijan by a 40-kilometer (25-mile) corridor that belongs to Armenia.

Uninhabited territories that aren't colonies

Baker and Midway Islands: controlled by the United States

Three European states transition after the USSR. Breakup

Belarus: peaceful transition from Soviet republic to independent nation-stat Moldova and Ukraine: experienced ethnic tensions that in the case of Ukraine have led to open warfare

History of Belarusian and Ukrainians

Belarusians and Ukrainians became distinct ethnicities from Russians after they were isolated from each other after invasions and conquests by Mongolians, Poles, and Lithuanians beginning in the thirteenth century Russians conquered Belarus and Ukraine in the late eighteenth century, but after five centuries of exposure to non-Slavic influences, Belarusians and Ukrainians displayed sufficient cultural differences to consider themselves distinct from Russians.

Define cultural boundaries

Boundaries between countries have been placed where possible to separate speakers of different languages, followers of different religions, or members of different ethnicities.

History of Georgia

During the 1990s, the Abkhazians fought for control of the northwestern portion of Georgia and declared Abkhazia to be an independent state. In 2008, the Ossetians fought a war with the Georgians that resulted in the Ossetians declaring the South Ossetia portion of Georgia to be independent. Russia has recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent countries and has sent troops Only a handful of other countries recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, although the two operate as if they were independent of Georgia..

Where is the most and least diverse places on earth

Eleven of the 18 states with the least ethnic diversity are in Europe On the other hand, 18 of the world's 20 most diverse states are in Africa.

History of the second colonial era

European states then turned their attention to Africa and Asia. The United Kingdom planted colonies on every continent, including much of eastern and southern Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, Australia, and Canada. France had the second-largest overseas territory, primarily in West Africa and Southeast Asia France attempted to assimilate its colonies into French culture and educate an elite group to provide local administrative leadership After independence, most of these leaders retained close ties with France. Most African and Asian colonies became independent after World War II Only 15 African and Asian states were members of the United Nations when it was established in 1945, compared to 106 in 2012

Frontier vs boundary

Frontier areas were either uninhabited or sparsely settled:

Example of creation with multiethnic states

In Czechoslovakia, a multinational state was peacefully transformed in 1993 to two nation-states—Czechia (Czech Republic) and Slovakia. Slovaks comprise only 1 percent of Czechia's population and Czechs less than 1 percent of Slovakia's population In Yugoslavia, the breakup included a peaceful conversion of Slovenia in 1991 from a republic in multinational Yugoslavia to a nation-state However, other portions of former Yugoslavia became nation-states only after ethnic cleansing and other atrocities, as discussed in the previous chapter.

History of Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands

Japan has controlled the islands since 1895, except between 1945 and 1972, when the United States administered them after defeating Japan in World War II. China and Taiwan claim that the islands historically belonged to China until the Japanese government illegally seized them in 1895. Japan's position is that China did not state that it had sovereignty over the uninhabited islands back in 1895, when Japan claimed them. To bolster their claims, China and Japan have both established air zones in the East China Sea with conflicting boundaries.

History of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a relatively peaceful multinational state divided between Kazakhs, who comprise 67 percent of the population, and Russians, at 18 percent Kazakhs are Muslims who speak an Altaic language similar to Turkish

History of Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a multinational state that has suffered from ethnic conflict. The country comprises 69 percent Kyrgyz, 15 percent Uzbek, and 9 percent Russian. The Kyrgyz and Uzbeks are both Muslims who speak Altaic languages. conflict between the two ethnicities led to the overthrow of successive presidents in the first decade of the twenty-first century violence in 2010 that included charges of ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Uzbeks by Kyrgyz.

Moldova history of distinction

Moldovans are ethnically indistinguishable from Romanians, and Moldova (then called Moldavia) was part of Romania until the Soviet Union seized it in 1940 When Moldova changed from a Soviet republic back to an independent country in 1992, many Moldovans pushed for reunification with Romania to reunify the ethnic group and to improve the region's prospects for economic development. When Moldova became a Soviet republic in 1940, its eastern boundary was the Dniester River. The Soviet government increased the size of Moldova by about 10 percent, transferring from Ukraine a 3,000-square-kilometer (1,200-square-mile) sliver of land on the east bank of the Dniester. The majority of the inhabitants of this area, known as Trans-Dniestria, are Ukrainian and Russian.

History of Armenia

More than 3,000 years ago Armenians controlled an independent kingdom in the Caucasus Converted to Christianity in 303, they lived for many centuries as an isolated Christian enclave under the rule of Turkish Muslims. A century ago, an estimated 1 million Armenians were killed by the Turks in actions now classified by most observers as genocide After World War I the Allies created an independent state of Armenia, but it was soon swallowed by its neighbors. In 1921, Turkey and the Soviet Union agreed to divide Armenia between them. Armenians comprise 98 percent of the population in Armenia, making it the most ethnically homogeneous country in the region.

History of Koreas Separation

Originally a colony of Japan for 35 years Korea was divided into two occupation zones by the United States and the former Soviet Union after they defeated Japan in World War II. The Soviet Union installed a pro-Communist government in the North, while a pro-U.S. government was established in the South North Korea invaded the South in 1950, sparking a three-year war that ended in a cease-fire. North Korea is one of the world's poorest and most isolated countries, and since 1948 it has been governed as a dictatorship by Kim Il-sung, his son Kim Jong-il, and his grandson Kim Jong-un.

Order of largest countries

Russia (17.1 million square km) Canada US China Brazil Australia

Crimea's history with Russia

Russia took control of Crimea in 1783, and in 1921 it became an autonomous republic within the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which in turn was a republic within the Soviet Union In 1954, the Soviet government transferred responsibility for Crimea to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, which was then also part of the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991, Crimea became an autonomous republic in the newly independent Ukraine. In 2014, Russia invaded Crimea and annexed it,275 claiming that the majority of the Crimean people, who are ethnic Russians, supported the action. Nearly every other country in the world continues to recognize Ukraine's sovereignty over Crimea. However, the international community has not found a way to remove the Russians and restore Crimea to Ukraine.

What new countries formed due to the breakup of the USSR

Russia. Three Baltic states: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Three European states: Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. Five Central Asian states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Three Caucasus states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

History of Western Sahara split

Spain controlled the territory on the continent's west coast between Morocco and Mauritania until withdrawing in 1976. An independent Sahrawi Republic was declared by the Polisario Front and recognized by most African countries, but Morocco and Mauritania annexed the northern and southern portions, respectively. Three years later Mauritania withdrew, and Morocco claimed the entire territory. Morocco controls most of the populated area, but the Polisario Front operates in the vast, sparsely inhabited deserts, especially the one-fifth of the territory that lies east of Morocco's wall The United Nations has tried but failed to reach a resolution among the parties.

History of Tajikistan

Tajikistan is a nation-state that has suffered from a civil war between Tajiks who were former Communists, and an unusual alliance of Muslim fundamentalists and Western-oriented intellectuals. Fifteen percent of the population was made homeless during a civil war that lasted between 1992 and 1997

What happened after the breakup of the Roman Empire

The European portion of the Roman Empire was fragmented into a large number of estates owned by competing monarchs, dukes, barons, and other nobles A handful of powerful monarchs and emperors emerged as rulers over large numbers of these European estates beginning about a.d. 1100 The consolidation of neighboring estates under the unified control of a monarch or an emperor formed the basis for the development of such modern European states as England, France, and Spain

Claims about the Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands

The People's Republic of China, Taiwan, and Japan all claim sovereignty over several small uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. These islands are known as Diaoyu in China, Diaoyutai in Taiwan, and Senkaku in Japan

What caused the collapse of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire collapsed in the fifth century, after a series of attacks by people living on its frontiers and because of internal disputes.

Order of smallest microstates

The Vatican 0.44 square km Smallest micro state Manaco 1.5 square km Smallest member of the UN

Where was the Fertile Crescent t

The ancient Fertile Crescent formed an arc between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea

Three countries in the Caucasus region after the breakup of the USSR

The breakup of the Soviet Union resulted in the creation of the three small states Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

History of the colonial era in the 1400s

The colonial era began in the 1400s, when European explorers sailed westward for Asia but encountered and settled in the Western Hemisphere instead. Independence was declared by the United States in 1776 Independence was declared by most Latin American states between 1800 and 1824

Define self-determination and ex

The concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves Ethnic groups have pushed to create nation-states because desire for self-determination is a very important shared attitude.

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