Ch. 8

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What do you do if a cooktop catches fire?

-Do not use water or baking powder! -Turn off heat source, put lid on pan/pot, use fire extinguisher

What do you do when someone is choking?

-abdominal thrust if vic can't speak or breathe -under ribcage (direction of in then up) -can be done on yourself (DO NOT USE ON CHILDREN)

What causes most kitchen accidents and what can prevent them?

-accidents caused when ppl don't know safe way to work -ppl are careless -if we know how they occur, we can prevent them from happening

How to prevent cuts

-always pick up knife by handle -> to give to someone, lay on counter -keep knives sharp - safer than dull knives. Hard pressure causes knife to slip & may cause you to cut yourself -Cut away from your body & others. Keep fingers out of the way -use kitchen knives only to cut FOOD -wash knives 1 by 1. Keep separate from other dishes so they won't be hidden. Don't let it soak in soapy water. -when loading dishwasher, place tips pointing down into utensil basket -store knives in racks or special containers -use can opener that leaves smooth edge. Open can completely & remove lid -keep fingers away from blades in blenders & food processors -discard cracked or chipped glasses & cups -sweep up broken glass right away. Wipe w/ damp paper towel

How to prevent burns

-avoid wearing loose-fitting clothes or long sleeves -avoid reaching across hot surface unit -fill pots & pans no more than 2/3 full -turn handles of pans toward back of range -open pan lid by tilting lid up from back of pan -> lets steam evaporate -pick up hot pots & pans w/ oven mitts & potholders -serve hot food w/ care -close door of hot oven as soon as you put food in or remove it -turn off surface unit & oven when finished cooking -adjust faucet to make cooler if too hot

What happens when electricity passes through your body?

-creates heat that causes burns inside body -paralyzes nerves & muscles & may cause you to stop breathing -may cause heart to stop

What are some of the most poisonous household products?

-dish washing detergent -ammonia -window cleaner -bleach -insect spray -gasoline -paint -lotion -vitamin supplements -medicine

What are the 3 ingredients needed to start a fire?

-fuel -heat -air -what are some possible fuels? paper, cloth, wood, gas, food, oil, & fat

What info do you give when calling 911 & what other steps do you follow?

-give phone # & location -describe vic & accident -keep vic lying down -make vic comfortable (loosen clothing) -don't give anything to eat or drink -do not leave vic alone

What is basic first aid?

-helps relieve pain & prevent further injury -takes knowledge & skill -treatment given after accident

How to prevent falls

-keep floors clean & dry. Wipe spills immediately -be sure all rugs have nonskid backing -use sturdy stepladder to reach high shelves

How do you prevent injuries caused by electricity & water?

-no appliances near water -> fall into water, then unplug -dry hands b4 use of electrical appliance -don't stand on wet floor when using electrical appliance -unplug small appliances b4 washing or cleaning them

How do poisons enter your body?

-nose + lungs: inhale -mouth: eat or drink -skin: touch

How to be ready to help victims who are poisoned

-post poison chart in kitchen -have phone # of poison control center in phone -get med help right away if someone is poisoned

Safety points to prevent poisonings

-read directions & warnings on package -use sprays in well-ventilated areas; point nozzle away from you & others -wear rubber gloves & face mask -never mix household cleaning products -avoid use of insect killers in kitchen -don't trust childproof caps -store products in containers in which they came -keep plants out of children's reach & away from food -put Mr. Yuk symbols on all poisons: know which is poison

What do you do when someone is poisoned?

-read poison's label -> give antidote if any -poison on skin: rinse right away + remove clothing if poison on it -poison in eyes: flush w/water (15 min) -poison inhaled: move vic to fresh air -poison eaten or drunk: vic may vomit (make sure vic been breathe) -call poison control center

How to prevent a fire

-store matches & lighters in secure place -store towels, paper, pot holders, cookbooks & plastic items away from range -keep appliances lean so grease doesn't build up -> grease = fire -don't use aerosol sprays near hot cooktop or oven! -hot oil = fire -if flames go out, turn off gas, air out room, relight with match 1st b4 turn on gas -smell gas -> turn off range controls, air out, DO NOT LIGHT RANGE -> call gas co -install smoke alarms -keep fire extinguisher handy -don't overload outlets

How to prevent other safety hazards

-store plastic bags out of children's & pets' reach -keep cabinets & drawers closed -store aerosol cans in cool place -avoid shaking soft drinks -only use charcoal grill outside! -> CO

How to prevent choking

-take small bites; chew well -sit down to eat -avoid eating in the car -avoid giving children food that can choke them: grapes, carrots, popcorn, nuts, hot dog, hard candy & marshmallow

How do you prevent accidents w/ electricity?

-worn or damaged plugs & cords an cause shocks -arrange cord so no tripping -removable cord -> plug cord into appliance then plug into electrical circuit -something seems wrong w/ appliance -> don't use it; unplug & have trained service examine it -avoid using extension cords -don't overload circuits - >cause shock or fire -food stuck in toaster -> unplug & carefully remove -> DO NOT USE METAL UTENSIL

What to do for electric shock

1. Disconnect appliance that caused shock (use wooden broom or dry cloth) 2. Give CPR if not breathing 3. Get med help right away

What to do for severe burns

1. Keep vic warm & lying down 2. Don't put anything on burn or try to remove any material stuck to skin 3. Get med help right away

What to do for minor burns

1. Place burned area in cool water; keep area cold 2. If blister forms, do not break! (Could cause infection + do not give grease or ointment)

What to do for a deep cut or puncture

1. Place clean cloth over wound 2. Press on cloth w/ palm of hand (pressure stops bleeding) 3. Get med help right away

How do you put out a fire if your clothing is on fire?

1. Stop & drop 2. Roll on floor til fire out -> wrap in blanket quickly to extinguish flames

What to do for a serious fall

1. Stop any bleeding 2. Loosen vic's collar or belt 3. If they may have broken bone, DO NOT MOVE 4. No eating or drinking

What to do for small cuts

1. Wash area w/ soap & water 2. Apply mild antiseptic & bandage

How do you extinguish an oven fire?

1. turn off oven 2. leave oven closed & unplug it

What is CPR & when do you perform it?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: life-saving technique that helps save vic who isn't breathing & whose heart has stopped

What is an antidote?

Substance that reverses effect of poison

What is carbon monoxide (CO)?

colorless, odorless deadly gas

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