ch. 9 - 14

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How do you think the various changes in the racial and ethnic makeup of the United States will impact the future practice of public relations? The future of presidential elections? (11)

A basic point to remember is that minority populations form many target audiences, not a massive monolithic group whose members have identical interests. The notions of targeting (through thorough research) will be critical for these burgeoning publics. More specifically, public relations practitioners will have to understand and embrace different customs, values and languages, recognize the differing characteristics that define each ethnicity, and utilize appropriate ethnic media in reaching diverse audiences. Republicans, in particular, are working to attract more Hispanic voters in the next presidential election.

What's the difference between an organizations website and a blog written by the CEO or an employee? (13)

A corporate blog is usually written by an executive and represents the official voice of the organization. In many cases, someone in the public relations department actually writes the blog for the executive. Many organizations also encourage their employees to blog on behalf of the organization.

What is a mat release? How is it different from a regular news release? (14)

A mat release is a variation of the traditional news release, however, it is sent in mat form reading for the printing press. Today these releases are sent in many different forms including word documents, jpegs, and pdfs. The difference between a mat release and a news release is the mat release uses a feature angle instead of a lead that provides key messages. Mat releases also typically use a standard column headline rather than a varying headline because the concept is to provide helpful information and tips to the media consumer on a consistent basis.

What's the difference between a media advisory and a fact sheet? (14)

A media advisory is a "memo" to reporters and editors about a news conference or upcoming event that they may wish to cover. A fact sheet, or backgrounder, serves as a 'crib sheet" for a journalist when he or she writes a story.

What's a media kit? What does a media kit typically contain? (14)

A media kit is usually prepared for major events and new product launches. Its purpose is to give editors and reporters a variety of information/resources that make it easier to write about the topic. Kits often include a news release, fact sheets, photos and other art, biographical material on leaders, and brochures.

What is privilege from a legal perspective? When, if ever, might it apply to public relations counsel? (12)

A number of considerations determine whether or not conversations between public relations practitioners and their clients are protected by attorney-client privilege. Who hired the practitioner, how involved the practitioner is in legal strategy, when the practitioner is involved and where the public relations practitioner is based are all important to understand how privilege works in public relations.

Why is it a good idea to include a photograph with a news release? What are the six aspects of a good publicity photo? (14)

A photo, especially a "mug shot", can help because more people "read" photos than read articles. They must be of high resolution and should be uncluttered. Beyond that, the eight aspects of a good publicity photo are: • Quality • Scale • Camera angle • Color • Subject matter • Action • Composition • Lighting

What are some of the ethical responsibilities of a person who uses persuasion techniques to influence others? (9)

A practitioner should be more than a technician or a "hired gun." Heath sums it by saying "their responsibility is to demand that the most accurate information be provided and the evaluation be the best available.

What is the difference between a podcast and a webcast? (13)

A website is enhanced and supplemented by using webcasts. Indeed, webcasting has become more common as bandwidth has increased and technology has evolved. Webcasts save time and money because they eliminate the cost of travel for participants. A podcast is somewhat like a webcast but designed to be distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds (RSS) for playback. Many podcasts are audio only, but video podcasts are also on smartphones, websites, YouTube and other social networking sites.

What crisis communication strategies did Benetton use following the collapse of a garment manufacturing plant in Bangladesh? What strategies do you think were most effective? Why? (10)

Action taken by Benetton included getting the message out that it had ended its contract with the supplier months before the factory tragedy, working with the International Labor Organization (ILO) to improve working conditions, and setting up a release fund for survivors of the collapse. Within weeks, the company released the news that it had signed a five-year Bangladesh Fire ad Building Safety Agreement.

What are the characteristics of an online newsroom? (14)

An online pressroom is the media's front door to the company. Most major organizations have a pressroom or a newsroom as part of their website. With a few clicks, a journalist can access everything from the organization's executive profiles to the most recent news releases. They also can download high-resolution photos and graphics, videos, and background materials such as position papers and annual reports. An organization often informs journalists via e-mail that a particular item is available on the company's site. Because there are virtually millions of webpages, extra effort must be made to ensure that reporters are aware of the website and what's on it.

Public relations practitioners are cautioned not to think of audiences as monolithic, but very diverse. Why? (11)

Audiences for public relations efforts consist of complex groups that are culturally, ethnically, religiously, and economically diverse. Public relations practitioners are cautioned not to view audiences as monolithic because audience interests coincide at times but also conflict at other times and understanding these similarities and differences is critical for reaching audiences effectively. Public relations practitioners need to research their target audience and match the audience to the purpose and the media to reach them.

How can technology be used to segment audiences? (11)

Computer and other technologies can be used to conduct primary and secondary research to better identify the target audiences. Geographic data, social statistics, automobile registrations, voter registrations, sales figures, mailing lists, and membership lists can all be merged into organized databases. Technology has enabled more efficient and effective public relations efforts in regard to reaching audiences beyond geographical boundaries.

Provide an example from the current news to illustrate each of Coombs's seven crisis response strategies. (10)

Coombs's seven crisis response strategies are (1) attack the accuser, (2) denial, (3) excuse, (4) justification, (5) ingratiation, (6) corrective action, and (7) full apology. These strategies exist on a continuum from defensive to accommodative.

What is the difference between copyrighted and trademarked material? How do public relations people help protect each? (12)

Copyright is the protection of creative work from unauthorized use. The internet has raised new issues regarding copyright. Practitioners should know what material can be used without permission and what material requires permission from the creator. A trademark is a word, symbol, or slogan identifying a product's origin that can be registered with U.S. Patent and Trademark office. Practitioners should always capitalize trademarks and use consistently in all organizational literature, distribute trademark brochures, educate employees on trademark use, monitor the mass media for correct usage, check publications to make sure other organizations are not infringing on your trademark, make sure trademark is actually being used, and avoid the use of trademarked symbols or cartoon figures in promotional materials without the permission of the owner.

What is SEO and why is it important? (14)

Essentially SEO is the process of carefully selecting keywords for the news release that make the content easily retrievable. If you're publishing online, Google style (i.e. SEO), always trumps AP style. Organizations should strive to format their news releases for SEO, because they know consumers are searching online. If public relations writers can produce an effective news release, they can bypass the media gatekeepers who always had the opportunity of interpreting the release how they wanted. In other words, the multimedia news release has expanded the audience beyond just the traditional media outlets.

Drama, statistics and testimonials are three examples of persuasive devices. Give examples of each and identify the four additional devices. (9)

Examples will vary. The four additional devices are surveys and polls, endorsements, examples, and emotional appeals.

How would you use the contingency theory of conflict management (the continuum from accommodation to advocacy) in advising management on a growing conflict situation? (10)

Experience helps professionals discern what the important issues are, and the requisite steps (accommodation, advocacy) to take, in the face of conflict. The predisposing or situational context of variables will help dictate organizational response, as will the fact that it is an internal or external situation. As the contingency theorists note: "it depends."

In what ways has the Internet completely revolutionized a media system that goes back to Gutenberg in the 1400s? (13)

For 500 years, mass media dominated the world's landscape. They had the characteristics of being (1) centralized/top-down, (2) costly in terms of being published (3) staffed by professional gatekeepers known as editors and publishers, and (4) mostly one-way communication with limited feedback channels. Thanks to the Internet, there are now two spheres of influence, which are constantly interacting with each other.

What can limit the effectiveness of persuasion? (9)

For the purposes of discussion, the limitations on effective persuasive messages can be listed as (1) lack of message penetration, (2) competing messages, (3) self-selection, and (4) self-perception.

What is the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States? (11)

Hispanics are the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States. In fact, the U.S. Census Bureau predicts that Hispanics will number more than 130 million by 2050.

How should you prepare for a media interview? (14)

In all interviews, the person being questioned should be ready to say something that will inform or entertain the audience. The public relations practitioner should prepare the interviewee to meet this need. An interviewee can help the interviewer—and his or her own cause as well—by being ready to volunteer specific information, personal data, or opinions about the cause under discussion as soon as the conversational opportunity arises. In setting up an interview, the public relations person should obtain from the interviewer an understanding of the interview's purpose. Armed with this information, the practitioner can assemble facts and data for the client to use in the discussion. The practitioner also can aid the client by providing tips about the interviewer's style. It is especially important to be well acquainted with the interviewer's style, whether the interviewer is someone from a local newspaper, a TV reporter, or a Wall Street Journal columnist.

In what ways can Christian conservatives impact a company's policies and product sales? (11)

In general, Christian conservatives have strong opinions about preserving traditional family values, supporting prayer in the public schools, and voting for conservative politicians. Recent movies have drawn protests from these groups, along with Disney theme parks and cruise ships because they provide same- sex partner benefits and gay marriage packages.

What racial/ethnic group has the highest median income and percentage of college degrees? (11)

In terms of income and education, Asian Americans are the most affluent and well-educated multicultural group. The median family income, for example, is $66,000 - 28 percent higher than the total median U.S. income. Fifty percent of Asian Americans over the age of 25 have undergraduate degrees compared to 28 percent of the U.S. population.

Before pitching a story to a journalist or editor, why is it a good idea to first do some basic research on the individual or the publication? (14)

It's important to know the kind of stories that a publication usually publishes or what kind of guests appear on a particular talk show. The media cover trends because consumers have an increased sense of creativity and style.

What are some characteristics of the gay/lesbian community? (11)

Major characteristics of the gay/lesbian community include a strong per capita buying power ($45,300 per year), being highly educated, being highly loyal to a brand, and tending to purchase products that target advertisements to gay consumers and support gay issues.

Is it essential to formally copyright all public relations materials? Why or why not? (12)

Major public relations materials (brochures, annual reports, videotapes, motion pictures, position papers, and the like) should be copyrighted, if only to prevent unauthorized use by competitors. Practitioners should understand copyright and its relation to fair use (educational use), photographs (photographers own rights), freelance writers, and internet/downloading issues. They should work closely with their company's legal counselors.

How can an organization use Facebook as part of its public relations strategy? (13)

Marketing and public relations personnel believe networking sites are vital for (1) gaining consumer insights, (2) building brand awareness, and (3) creating customer loyalty. Many companies have expanded their traditional advertising and product publicity to embrace social networking sites.

When the media call about an employee, what kinds of information should the public relations person provide? What other approaches can be used? (12)

Media inquiries about employees should be handled with the practitioner only offering details such as beginning and ending time of employment job title and brief description of the job title. If an employee wishes to offer further information, which also can be arranged, especially if the story will likely be "positive" in nature.

What are some characteristics of Millennials, also called the E-Generation? (11)

Millennials are characterized by the following information: They will spend equal time interacting with friends online and in person. Initial interaction online will precede most dating and marriages. They will spend more time online than in interaction with parents by tenfold. They will be more reserved in social skills. They will be savvy and skeptical about online identities such as chat participants. They will not tolerate print forms, slow application processes, or archaic systems. Millennials value relationships and trust. Parents still rule when it comes to advice about careers and drugs, and even for product decisions. Trust in information is derived from relationships. The top five sources of advice are parents, doctors, clergy, friends, and teachers. As avid and skilled Internet users, millennials remain savvy about unfiltered and unpoliced content. Teens also recognize the credibility of editorial content compared to ads and even public service announcements, with television being the most trusted medium for them.

Give an example of "misappropriation of personality"? (12)

Misappropriation of personality is a form of trademark infringement that can result from the unauthorized use of well-known entertainers, professional athletes, and other public figures in an organization's publicity and advertising materials. Permission and/or licensing fees are involved. Personality includes the subject's "likeness" as well. This includes the use of "silhouettes" and other projections of a celebrity that may not actually be the image of the person, but his or her likeness is inferred.

Organizations now have their own YouTube channels. Visit three sites and write a critique of what you found in terms of content. What grade would you give the channel? (13)

Most videos are posted by individuals, but organizations have also established their own YouTube channels and have upgraded their websites to include more video as part of their public relations outreach.

What are the characteristics of a multimedia news release? (14)

Multimedia news releases now make it possible to embed a news release with high-resolution photos/graphics, video, and audio components. Service providers have teamed up with search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, and MSN to promote maximum exposure of the news release through search engine optimization (SEO).

What is the basic purpose of a news release? (14)

News releases are used to publicize organizations, people, products, accomplishments, and anything else that is newsworthy to the media The media rely on the news releases to help process information. No media enterprise has enough staff to cover every community event. News releases are judged solely on newsworthiness, timeliness, reader interest, and news values.

What's the difference between a media tour and a press party? (14)

On media tours, the public relations professional normally invites journalists and editors on a trip or tour to showcase a new destination, product or concept. Other times, an organization's executives may travel to key cities to talk with selected editors. Press parties may involve a luncheon a dinner, or a cocktail party. Whatever form the party takes, standard practice is for the host to rise at the end of the socializing period and make the "pitch."

What groups represent formal opinion leaders? Informal? (9)

Opinion leaders are the primary catalysts in public discussion. Formal opinion leaders include elected officials, presidents of companies, or heads of membership groups. Informal opinion leaders are those who have clout with peers because of some special characteristic.

Why should public relations practitioners be concerned about employee speech? (12)

Organizations are increasingly setting guidelines and monitoring what employees say online. Almost 50 percent of large companies audit outbound e-mail by their employees. With employee blogs, it is important for businesses to have a clear policy that provides guidelines for what rank-and-file employees, as well as executives, can say or not say on their blogs or in a posting on another blog. The public relations staff often prepares general guidelines and trains employees about such matters.

Why is it important for an organization to have a website? (13)

Organizations use their websites to market products and services and post media materials. The public, as well as media personnel, can access the information, download selected materials into their computers, and even print out hard copies. Websites have also become more interactive, giving public relations professionals valuable feedback from consumers and the general public. Marketing communications is also a common objective of organizational websites.

How can a public relations person take precautions to avoid libel suits? (12)

Practitioners can avoid libel suits by using accurate information with a delicate choice of words. A news release should be written to indicate clearly statements of opinion and statements of fact.

Public opinion is highly influenced by self-interest and events. What are these concepts? (9)

Public opinion and the importance of events can be summarized by the following generalizations: opinion is highly sensitive to events that have an impact on the public at large; public opinion doesn't anticipate events, but reacts to them; events trigger formation of public opinion; and events of unusual magnitude are likely to swing public opinion temporarily from one extreme to the other.

What is a QR code? Give an example of how you would use one in a public relations campaign. (13)

Quick response codes, known as QR codes, are two-dimensional matrix bar codes that serve as URLs to connect mobile users with an organization's website and any number of apps. The idea is that the consumer or journalist can easily access additional information in the form of articles, videos and photos about an organization, a product, or even an event.

How can effective issues management prevent organizational crises? (10)

Resolving a problem before it becomes a public rift or conflict can save an organization from embarrassment, financial losses, and ultimately, reputation. A critical factor in issues management is practitioner experience, and understanding warning signs.

What is risk communication? How does it differ from crisis communication? (10)

Risk communication is any verbal or written exchange that attempts to communicate information regarding risk to public health and safety and the environment. The risk can "naturally occur," or be associated with a product or issue. Once the issue reaches a critical level of impact (crisis) on the organization, the public relations professional must react to events in the external communications environment as they unfold

What are some statistics that show how pervasive the Internet has become in today's global society? (13)

Some 2012 statistics are worth noting as reference points: There will be 3 billion Internet users worldwide by 2016, more than 40 percent of the world's population. Almost 70 percent of the U.S. population will be using smartphones by 2017. Currently, users spend an average of more than two hours daily on their devices. U.S. consumers send and receive more than 6 billion text messages every day. About 2.8 million e-mails are sent every second, and an average office worker spends about 12 hours a week using e-mail. There are more than 700,000 apps in each of the Google Android and Apple stores. Facebook, launched in 2004, now has more than 1 billion users worldwide or one out of every seven people on the planet. There are 10.5 million photos uploaded to Facebook every hour. About 48 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every hour. Twitter has almost 300 million active users worldwide, and about 400 million tweets are sent every day. Two million searches are done on Google every minute. Instagram surpassed 1 billion photos uploaded by the end of 2012. Wikipedia, if made into a book, would be 2.25 million pages long.

Apps are designed for use on smartphones and mobile-enabled devices. What kind of app would you develop for a cookie company? (13)

Student answers will vary, but they should keep in mind the following points: (1) make sure the app is simple to use, meets the needs of consumers and is original, (2) provide content than empowers the user to interact with the app, and (3) publicize the app through social networking and mainstream media.

LinkedIn is the social network for finding a job and making professional contacts. Find three jobs on the site that interest you. (13)

Student answers will vary. Encourage students to search by specific job titles and by organization to see what jobs are currently available.

How does self-disclosure of an issue or stealing thunder potentially benefit an organization? (10)

Studies show that stealing thunder enhances credibility of the organization and decreases the perceived severity of the problem. When an organization self-discloses a problem or issue it has two major advantages - stronger credibility is created with stakeholders and the organization has the opportunity to frame the issue rather than reacting to someone else's framing.

What should public relations people know about the regulations of the Federal Trade Commission? The Securities and Exchange Commission? (12)

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines for publicity, including: (1) information is accurate and can be substantiated; (2) stick to facts, and don't hype the product by being non-specific and ambiguous; (3) make sure celebrities actually use the product; (4) watch the language; (5) provide proper context for statements and statistics attributed to government agencies; (6) describe tests and surveys in sufficient detail; (7) remember that a product is not "new" if only the packaging has changed; (8) when comparing your product with a competitor's, make sure you can substantiate your claim and (9) avoid misleading and deceptive product demonstrations. The three concepts of the SEC most pertinent to public relations personnel are: (1) full information must be given on anything that might materially affect the company's stock; (2) timely disclosure is essential, and (3) insider trading is illegal.

One example of Web interactivity is the "pull" and "push" concepts. What's the difference between the two terms? (13)

The Web represents the "pull" concept because the user actively searches for sites that can answer specific questions. At the website itself, the user also actively "pulls" information from the various links that are provided. The user thus has total control. In contrast, the concept of "push" is that of information delivered to the user without active participation. Traditional mass media—radio, TV, newspapers, and magazines—are illustrative of the "push" concept, as are news releases that are automatically sent to the media.

What is the baby boomer generation, and what are some of this group's characteristics? (11)

The baby boomer generation is the group of men and women born between 1946 and 1964. Baby boomers make up 24% of the U.S. population (approximately 78 million people) and as a result of their influence in the marketplace, have been the focus of many marketing and public relations efforts. Characteristics of this audience include being concerned about health care, insurance, retirement planning, and personal investing; being active and socially conscious; having disposable income; and being likely to get involved in a cause.

What are some of the cultural values of such groups as Hispanics, African-Americans, and Asian Americans? (11)

The cultural values shared by Hispanics, African Americans, and Asian Americans include a deep family network, the mother or father as the family figure, focus on music, food, religion, and a strong bond between family and friends. In addition, these cultural groups tend to be more loyal to brands that try to reach them through cultural relevance, including language.

What is "fair comment"? Are they any limitations? (12)

The fair comment defense is often used by food, theater or music critics that lambaste a restaurant, play or record. Organizations, in general, are somewhat limited in their ability to use legal measures to defend themselves against criticism.

What are the five steps in the issues management process? (10)

The five steps in issues management are: issue identification, issue analysis, strategy options, action plan, and evaluation. Issues management is often overlooked, but is a critical proactive plan for organizational success, both short and long-term.

What are the mechanics of organizing a news conference? (14)

The following checklist is helpful: Select a convenient location, one that is fairly easy for news representatives to reach with minimal travel time. Set the date and time. A time between midmorning and mid-afternoon is good. Friday afternoons are deadly, as are days before holidays. Distribute a media advisory about the upcoming news conference when appropriate. This depends on the importance of the event. Write a statement for the spokesperson to give at the conference and make sure that he or she understands and rehearses it. In addition, rehearse the entire conference. Try to anticipate questions so that the spokesperson can readily answer difficult queries. Problem/solution rehearsals prepare the spokesperson. Prepare a media kit. This should include a brief fact sheet with names and titles of participants, a basic news release, and basic support materials. Prepare visual materials as necessary. These may include slides, photos, posters, or even a short video. Make advance arrangements for the room. Be sure that there are enough chairs and leave a center aisle for photographers. If a lectern is used, make certain that it is large enough to accommodate multiple microphones. Arrive 30 to 60 minutes early to double-check arrangements. Test the microphones, arrange nametags for invited guests, and distribute literature. A practitioner should take particular care to arrange the room in such a way that photographers and TV crews do not obstruct reporters.

What are the major differences between Instagram and Pinterest? Which site do you think would have the best value in a public relations campaign for a cookie company? (13)

The primary selling point of Instagram is that it enables users to take pictures on their smartphones, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. A close cousin of Instagram is Pinterest. It is a photo sharing website for both companies and individuals, but also includes a wider variety of content such as infographics and recipes that can be easily "pinned" by individuals to their websites, blogs, and social media profiles. For a cookie company, Pinterest might make more sense.

Why is the senior audience so important in the United States? What are some of the characteristics of this audience? (11)

The senior audience is a fast-growing audience (36.3 million in 2010) of men and women age 65 and older. Its primary characteristics are: (1) not easily convinced by fads, (2) vote in greater numbers and are heavy consumers of mass media, (3) form an excellent source of volunteers and (4) are extremely health- conscious, out of self-interest.

What are the three factors involved in sources credibility? (9)

The three factors involved in source credibility are expertise (knowledge of subject), sincerity (is spokesperson believable?) and charisma (attractive, self-assured and articulate).

What are the three foundations of reputation? How does each one contribute to building and maintaining a positive reputation? (10)

The three foundations of reputation are (1) economic performance, (2) social responsiveness, and (3) the ability to deliver valuable outcomes to stakeholders. Public relations plays a role in all three foundations, but professionals who manage conflict effectively will especially enhance the latter two foundations of reputation.

Name the three objectives of persuasion in public relations work. What objective is the most difficult to accomplish? (9)

The three uses of persuasion are to change or neutralize hostile opinions, crystallize latent opinions and positive attitudes, and conserve favorable opinions.

What are some guidelines for developing a communications campaign for multicultural audiences? (11)

There are five basic concepts that should be considered when developing a campaign for a multicultural audience. These five concepts include 1) organizing a team with an understanding of the customs and values of the specific culture, 2) understand that consumers are diverse and they respond to messages that are 2) understand that consumers are diverse and they respond to messages that are culturally relevant, 3) Remember that culturally diverse consumers are loyal once your products and services become part of their lives, 4) use the primary language of the audience; and 5.) Use spokespersons who represent the audience.

To what extent are the Internet and social media used by various ethnic and racial groups? (11)

There is virtually no difference between Hispanic youth and the general youth population in regards to heavy use of social media like Facebook. Companies are turning more and more to the Internet to reach multicultural audiences.

What are some characteristics of the Web that make it possible for public relations people to do a better job of distributing information? (13)

These include the fact that: Information can be updated quickly without having to reprint brochures and other materials. This is an important element when it comes to major news events and dealing with a crisis. It allows interactivity; viewers can ask questions about products or services, download information of value to them, and let the organization know what they think. Online readers can dig deeper into subjects that interest them by linking to information provided on other sites, in other articles, and in other sources. A great amount of material can be posted. There is no space or time limitation. It is a cost-effective way to disseminate information on a global basis to the public and journalists. You can reach niche markets and audiences directly without messages being filtered through traditional mass media gatekeepers (editors). You can reach niche markets and audiences directly without messages being filtered through traditional mass media gatekeepers (editors). The media and other users can access details about your organization 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

What are the basic components of an online news release? (14)

They are as follows: Use a specific subject line that identifies exactly what the news release is about. Make your entire release a maximum of 200 words or less, in five short paragraphs. The idea is brevity so that reporters see the news release on one screen and don't have to scroll. Write only two or three short sentences in each of the five paragraphs. Use bulleted points to convey key points. Above the headline or at the bottom of the release, be sure to provide a contact Name, phone number, e-mail address, and URL for additional information. Never send a release as an attachment. Journalists, because of possible virus infections, rarely open attachments.

What's the difference between texting a message and sending a tweet? (13)

Twitter is Web based, so its major advantage over texting is that posts are now indexed by Google and readily available to anyone with Internet access.

Psychologists have identified several ways to formulate persuasive messages. What are they? (9)

Using yes-yes techniques, offering structured choices, seeking partial commitment and asking for more, settling for less are ways to formulate persuasive messages. Speakers can also present one side of an argument or present all sides.

What rights do photographers and freelance writers have regarding ownership of their works? (12)

While photographers have held legal "ownership" of their work for a long time, it has been only recently that courts have given free-lance writers some authority over their work. Previously, it was assumed that the purchase of written work entitled the receiver to use at their discretion, but recent developments have clouded the issue.

Do you believe that conflict management is one of the most important functions of public relations? Why or why not? (10)

While public relations professionals should always strive for mutually beneficial relationships, sometimes conflict is a necessary element of public relations practice. The influence of public relations on the course of a conflict can involve reducing conflict, as is often the case in crisis management.

What are the capabilities of an electronic news service? (14)

With an electronic news service, no paper is involved; the release is automatically entered into the appropriate databases and search engines, which can be accessed not only by editors and reporters throughout the world but also by the general public. Editors select releases that are newsworthy to them, write a headline, and then push another key to have it automatically set for publishing or broadcast. Wire services are making the news release more sophisticated. Business Wire, for example, now has "smart" news releases that can be embedded with visuals and audio, as has already been mentioned. A reporter also can click various hyperlinks to get more information and photographs or charts. Tags can also be embedded in news releases that give key words that can be picked up by more than 300 social networks, such as, Yahoo!, and Google.

What is meant by "audience participation" in persuasion? Give some examples of how audience participation can be used. (9)

With the onset of widespread social media such as YouTube videos produced by individual amateurs, user-generated content (USG) can have a beneficial effect on the creator, if not the audience. Examples include health campaigns for teenagers. Other examples of audience participation include rallies and demonstrations.

Why are women considered an important audience for public relations and marketing personnel? (11)

Women are an important audience for public relations and marketing professionals alike because of their consumer purchasing power. Women make over 80 percent of household purchase decisions and as a result, are being considered the "influentials" for many campaigns. In addition, research has suggested that women are much faster to embrace new media and are highly connected through friends where word of mouth influence is paramount.

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