ch 9 listening practice musi 100

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What instruments do you hear in this clip? brass instruments with organ organ with trumpet obbligato brass instruments

brass instruments

What is the genre of this selection? sacred polyphonic motet Renaissance madrigal secular motet

Renaissance madrigal

A group of like instruments that provide a homogeneous sound is known as a concerto. concert. consort.


What is the texture of this piece monophonic Correct polyphonic homophonic


What are the texture and pulse in this piece? monophonic with a flexible pulse polyphonic with a distinct pulse homophonic with a flexible pulse

monophonic with a flexible puls

What is the dominant texture in this piece polyphonic monophonic homophonic


Which of the following describe the textures in this piece? Select all that apply. polyphonic setting polyphonic setting Correct no imitation no imitation Correct clear cadences

polyphonic setting polyphonic setting Correct no imitation no imitation Correct clear cadences

What is the texture of this piece? monophonic homophonic simple two-part polyphony

simple two-part polyphony

What is the meter of this piece triple meter duple meter in fours flexible pulse with no meter

triple meter

What kind of pulse does this piece feature? The pulse is moderate and consistent. The pulse is both quick and consistent. The pulse is stately and flexible.

The pulse is both quick and consistent.

How is the text set in this piece? The entire text is set syllabically. The text is set syllabically with the exception of the "amen," which has a three-note melisma on the first syllable. The text is set melismatically with the exception of the "amen," which is set syllabically.

The text is set syllabically with the exception of the "amen," which has a three-note melisma on the first syllable.

How is the text of this piece set, and what is the pulse? The text is set syllabically, and the pulse is metered and consistent. The text is set melismatically, and the pulse is flexible. The text is set syllabically, and the pulse is flexible.

The text is set syllabically, and the pulse is flexible.

What is the texture of this piece? The texture is all homophonic. The texture alternates between homophonic and polyphonic imitation. The texture is all polyphonic.

The texture alternates between homophonic and polyphonic imitation.

Which of the following statements describe the texture of this piece? Select all that apply. There is imitative polyphony throughout the entire selection. There is imitative polyphony throughout the entire selection. Correct The opening statement, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," is monophonic. After the opening statement, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," the voices break into imitative polyphony.

There is imitative polyphony throughout the entire selection. There is imitative polyphony throughout the entire selection. Correct The opening statement, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," is monophonic. After the opening statement, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," the voices break into imitative polyphony.

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