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Among Native Americans individuals of the third gender are referred to as ___________


The __________ perspective is interested in the imbalance of power in society, and the struggles that people go through trying to gain access to power that they traditionally have not had access to



Emphasis is placed on sexual behavior to ensure marital cohesion and family stability.

symbolic interactionalism

Focus on the meanings associated with sexuality and with sexual orientation.

The ________ perspective in Sociology places emphasis on sexual behavior as a means of ensuring marital cohesion and family stability.


_________ _______ _____________ is the lifelong process of learning to be masculine or feminine, primarily through four main agents of socialization: families, schools, peers, and the media

Gender role socialization


Suggests that sexuality is another area in which power differentials are present and where dominant groups actively work to promote their worldview as well as their economic interests

According to _____________ within the family women were better suited for an expressive role

Talcott Parsons

Human sexual dimorphism presents the belief that masculinity and femininity is determine by biology


Individuals having an abnormal chromosomal makeup and mixed or indeterminate male and female sex characteristics are classified as intersex


One of the biggest controversies regarding sexual attitudes is sexual education in American classrooms


The economic trend showing that women are more likely than men to live in poverty, due in part to the gendered gap in wages, the higher proportion of single mothers compared to single fathers, and the increasing cost of childcare is refered to as the feminzation of poverty


The life expectency for men versus women is differenct


The media has played an important role iin both creating and challenging sexual stereotypes within society


2. Instrumental role

a. according to Talcott Parsons this is typically performed by men in the family

3. Third Wave of the Feminist Movement

a. placed focus on global inequalities

The idea that gender is "reproduced" and that people reinforce gender norms, thus perpetuating (or reproducing) gender roles is part of the ____________ perspective

b. Symbolic Interactionist

4. Feminist

b. believe in gender equality for both men and women in all spheres of social life

6. Gloria Steinmen

b. one of the forerunners of the third wave

Gender inequality is the product of present day society


Individuals who are are not heterosexual are frequently accepted in society and receive many social benefits


Men have never been part of the feminist movement


There are five forms of sexual harassment


any societies around the world have the same attitudes about premarital sex


__________ are usually the primary source of socialization and greatly impact gender role socialization


___________ is the belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes and the social movements organized around that belief


9. Dual Labor Market

g. women and men have different earnings because they tend to work in different segments of the labor market

10. Expressive role

h. according to Talcott Parsons this is typically performed by women in the family

1. Glass Ceiling

i. sometimes experienced by women in male dominated fields

The following view: Dominant groups (in this instance, heterosexuals) wish for their worldview—which embraces traditional marriage and the nuclear family—to win out over what they see as the intrusion of a secular, individually driven worldview represents the ______ dimension on the debate over same-sex marriage


___________ theory rejects the idea of a single gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender identity emphasizing instead the importance of differences.


_______ __________highlights the need for a more flexible and fluid conceptualization of sexuality—one that allows for change, negotiation, and freedom

queer theory

________ refers to an individual's membership in one of two biologically distinct categories—male or female


The founder of Planned Parenthood was ________

Margaret Sanger

According to Margaret Mead's study on "Sex and Temperance in Three Primitive Societies" among the ____________ both males and females were aggressive


__________ feminism seeks to eliminate the concept of gender itself and to create an egalitarian and gender-free society


1. First Wave of the Feminist Movement

c. focused on the sulfrage movement

5. Second shift

c. the idea that women are expected to complete a full day of unpaid labor at home after working a full shift in the workplace

6. Human Capital theory

d. differences in wages is the result of differences in the individual characteristics of workers.

4. Susan B. Anthony

d. was part of the first Wave of the Feminist Movement

5. Rosie the Riverter

e. an iconic figure used to recurit women into the workforce

3. Constructionist

e. believe gender roles are learned

8. Essentialist

f. believe gender roles are inherited

2. Second Wave of the Feminist Movement

f. focused on equal pay

According to the constructionists gender roles have a genetic or biological origin and cannot be changed


7. Glass Escalator

j. sometimes experienced by men in female dominated field

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