Ch.12 Soc

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(Q007) What has research shown regarding the rates of domestic violence for Blacks and Whites in similar social settings?

The rates are virtually the same.

(Q021) The steep decline in the rate of family violence since the 1990s may be explained in part by which of the following?

Women's increased economic independence made it easier for them to leave abusers.

(Q014) Theresa and Bill have been married for seven years. During their marriage, they have had occasional arguments resulting in physical violence but neither suffered serious injuries. This situation illustrates which pattern of violence?

common couple violence

(Q001) Violence within families is complicated by the relationship between victims and perpetrators. These are ____ relationships in which one person is responsible for another's ____.

intimate; care

(Q025) According to your textbook, what is the relationship between modernity and interpersonal violence?

Evidence suggests that modernity has been a period of reduced interpersonal violence.

(Q012) Dominique is a recently divorced woman in her 30s who experienced intimate partner violence during her previous marriage. According to research, what might Dominique's experiences with future intimate relationships be like after experiencing intimate partner violence?

Her odds of establishing a long-term stable relationship are lower.

(Q016) Why is the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church a good example for understanding how male domination contributes to sexual abuse?

It shows the institutional nature of sexual violence and how an institution reacts to protect itself instead of involving state and legal authorities.

(Q004) What does research suggest about the lifetime experience of intimate partner violence for gay men and lesbians compared to heterosexuals?

Lesbian and heterosexual women are both more likely to experience intimate partner violence compared with both gay and straight men.

(Q019) In addition to the fact that child abuse is more often physically observable, what is one reason child neglect is harder to identify and prevent than child abuse?

People don't always agree on what kind of supervision or care is necessary.

(Q018) Why does the feminist perspective on the causes of violence against women suggest that male domination is the most important thing to consider?

Research has shown that the more unequal women are compared with men in a society, the more likely men are to be violent toward women.

(Q024) Figure 12.9 shows which trend in the violent victimization rates for children ages 12 to 17?

Serious violence committed against children dropped by about four-fifths since the early 1990s.

(Q020) Which of the following is true about the Convention on the Rights of the Child?

The United States and Somalia are the only United Nations members that have not ratified it.

(Q013) Which of the following statements reflects the feminist perspective regarding rape?

The frequency of rape is enough that it constitutes a structural part of male domination.

(Q010) According to the federal government's National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey in 2010, how prevalent is rape among men and women in the U.S. population?

The survey found that 18 percent of women and 1 percent of men report being raped.

(Q005) Which of the following is the most common reason why the crime of intimate partner violence isn't reported to the police?

The victim fears reprisal or getting the offender in trouble.

(Q009) Why was forcible sex between a husband and wife not considered to be rape until very recently?

Wives were presumed to have consented to sex for the rest of their lives at the moment they got married.

(Q011) Which of the following is an example of the most common type of relationship a perpetrator has with his victim in the case of rape?

a boyfriend of nine years to whom the victim is engaged

(Q023) Figure 12.5 shows 2015 statistics on intimate partner homicides. Government figures on homicide reveal ____________.

about three times as many women as men were killed by intimate partners

(Q017) Research shows that which of the following groups of children is most likely to experience abuse?

children who live in poor families or poor neighborhoods

(Q008) Research shows that 14 percent of elders have reported experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone with whom they share an intimate or caring relationship. The most common experiences of elder abuse include ______________.

coercive control

(Q002) While the term domestic violence has been used the longest to refer to any violence in families, it is less commonly used now. In its data collection and related programs, the federal government uses the term _____________.

intimate partner violence

(Q006) Emilio and Ramona have been in a relationship for four years. They have arguments that escalate to physical violence, perpetrated mostly by Emilio as he tries to control much of Ramona's life. Emilio belittles Ramona and threatens her if she dares to leave him. The fights have gotten more severe over time, and Ramona has experienced a few serious injuries as a result of this violence. This situation illustrates which pattern of violence?

intimate terrorism

(Q015) Specially trained staff who take a problem-solving approach to family violence, as opposed to a more punitive one, are ____________.

located in domestic violence courts

(Q003) According to state and federal government data, in the majority of cases, the perpetrator of family violence is the victim's _____________.


(Q026) After experiencing a decade of abuse committed by her husband, Jamie fatally shot him. Although her husband was asleep at the time of the shooting, Jamie said she has feared for her life and the lives of her children for years. She had tried to leave the relationship repeatedly, but her husband always found her. This situation illustrates which pattern of violence?

violent resistance

(Q022) According to your textbook, research shows which of the following to be at major risk for experiencing intimate partner violence?

women who have just left an abusive relationship

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