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What were the steps taken by Pathé Frères to become vertically integrated? (Check all that apply.)

- It made its own cameras and projectors. - It bought theaters. - It distributed its own films.

Which of the following statements are true about the larger theaters that emerged in 1908 in the United States? (Check all that apply.)

- Some of these theaters combined films with live vaudeville acts. -Better-class theaters began to use two projectors.

Which of the following are true of the films released by the Motion Picture Patents Company and the independents in an attempt to improve the public image of movies? (Check all that apply.)

- They depicted stories derived from celebrated literature. - They were designed to appeal to middle- and upper-class spectators.

How did the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) respond to the independent movement? (Check all that apply.)

- by filing suits against most of the independent producers - by hiring detectives to gain evidence that producers were using cameras with devices patented by the MPPC

How did the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) attempt to control all phases of the film industry? (Check all that apply.)

- by permitting only licensed companies to make films - by allowing only licensed distribution firms to release films

How did the Edison company try to force its competitors out of business? (Check all that apply.)

- by suing them for patent infringement - by claiming to own the basic patents on motion-picture cameras, projectors, and film stock

Before 1909, feature films were typically ______.

- prizefight films - religious epics - shown in legitimate theaters (not nickelodeons)

Which of the following were the advantages of the Los Angeles area that helped it emerge as the U.S. major production center during the early 1910s? (Check all that apply.)

- the weather, which permitted filming outdoors most days of the year - the wide variety of landscapes it offered for shooting

Which of the following is true of sound accompaniment in the nickelodeons of the early 1900s?

Actors sometimes stood behind the screen and spoke dialogue in synchronization with the action.

Identify a problem faced by filmmakers early in the nickelodeon era.

Editing made it difficult for audiences to fully understand a movie.

True or false: An eyeline match cut was used to reveal what a character was thinking.


True or false: In the early 1900s, nickelodeons were expensive than vaudeville houses and less regularly available than traveling exhibitions.


Which of the following is true of film companies' attempts to exploit their popular actors for publicity purposes in 1910?

Film companies organized personal appearances by stars in theaters.

Identify the main firms in the French film industry in 1905. (Check all that apply.)

Gaumont & Pathé Frères

After turning in his Motion Picture Patents Company license, Carl Laemmle started the ______.

Independent Motion Picture Company

Which of the following is true of the Motion Picture Patents Company formed in the United States in 1908?

It was created because the Edison company and American Mutoscope & Biograph decided to cooperate.

Identify the true statements about the earliest Indian fiction feature film, Raja Harishchandra. (Check all that apply.)

Its director was the first major Indian filmmaker, D. G. Phalke. It showcased the 9-foot line, contiguity cutting, and other current principles of Western filmmaking.

Which of the following areas emerged as the country's major production center in the early 1910s?

Los Angeles

What happened after Carl Laemmle turned in his Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) license and started the Independent Motion Picture Company in 1909?

More than a dozen other independent companies started up across the country.

The earliest Indian fiction feature film, ______, was made in 1912 and released in 1913; its director was the first major Indian filmmaker, D. G. Phalke. Like many later Indian films, its subject matter was derived from traditional mythology.

Raja Harishchandra

Identify a true statement about dialogue titles.

They coincided closely with the speech in the image.

Identify a true statement about the nickelodeons of the early 1900s.

They generally had only one projector.

Identify a true statement about inserts.

They helped make the action comprehensible to the viewers.

Identify a true statement about the independents.

They posed a major challenge for the Motion Picture Patents Company.

Identify a true statement about nickelodeons in the United States between 1905 and 1907.

They were multiplying at a rapid pace.

How were the movies produced early in the nickelodeon boom perceived by religious groups and social workers?

They were seen as a training ground for prostitution and robbery.

Identify a true statement about expository titles.

They were written in the third person.

True or false: Analytical editing breaks down a single space into separate framings by cutting in far away from the action.

This is false. Analytical editing breaks down a single space into separate framings by cutting in close to the action.

True or false: Even after the introduction of camera tripods with swiveling heads in the 1910s, tilts and pans were not used to make reframings when figures in a frame moved about.

This is false. Camera tripods with swiveling heads were introduced in the early 1910s. With these, tilts were created and pan shots were used to make slight adjustments, or reframings, when the subjects in a frame moved about.

In the context of lighting and set-design, identify a change that occurred in the nickelodeon era.

Three-dimensional sets replaced painted theatrical-style backdrops.

The Film d'Art company created a model of what ______ should be like.

art films

A problem that confronted filmmakers early in the nickelodeon era was that ______.

audiences could not understand the spatial and temporal relations in films

Why did the independents pose a challenge for the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)?

because they were unwilling to pay fees to the MPPC

How did the members of the Motion Picture Patents Company respond to the creation of the Board of Censorship by a group of New York citizens in 1909?

by financially supporting the board

How did the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) gain a larger share of the U.S. market?

by restricting the number of foreign firms that could join the MPPC

The use of pan shots while shooting movies was facilitated by the introduction of _____.

camera tripods

Reverse shots were typically used when ______.

characters were interacting with each other

The Edison company and American Mutoscope & Biograph created the Motion Picture Patents Company to _____.

control all competitors by charging licensing fees

A vertically integrated film company is one that ______.

controls the production, distribution, and exhibition of films

Nickelodeons were successful in the United States in the early 1900s as they ______.

could run the same brief programs over and over continuously

Point-of-view shots were used to ______.

display what the characters saw

Which of the following was a trend in the United States that began in 1908 in the places where films were shown?

exhibitors began to build or convert larger theaters for showing films.

As a result of the attempt of the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) to gain a larger share of the U.S. market, ______.

foreign companies lost the large market share that they had enjoyed before 1908

In the early 1900s, the term feature was associated with films that ______.

had a longer running length

In the early 1900s, nickelodeons in the United States had an advantage over earlier forms of exhibition as they ______.

had low expenses

By opening studios in other countries, Pathé Frères used the strategy of __ __

horizontal integration

The Film d'Art company, founded in 1908, was known for ______.

identifying itself with elite tastes

A concerned group of New York citizens formed the Board of Censorship in March 1909 that aimed at ______.

improving the movies

Closer views into the middles of scenes were known as ______.


Pathé Frères used the strategy of horizontal integration in that ______.

it expanded within one sector of the film industry

When the Edison company sued its competitors for patent infringement, American Mutoscope & Biograph refused to pay a license fee because ______.

its camera had a different mechanism

In 1917, the continuity system was developed, which aimed to ______.

maintain an unbroken connection between the shots in a film

Pathé Frères became a vertically integrated film company by ______.

manufacturing film stock

Responding to the independent movement, the Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC) created the General Film Company in 1910 to ______.

monopolize distribution

In the context of sound accompaniment in the early 1900s, nickelodeons in the United States typically used ______.

noisemakers to create sound effects

The Motion Picture Patents Company and the independents tried to improve the public image of movies by ______.

portraying important historical events

During the early 1910s, filmmakers began to use a double eyeline match: showing one character looking offscreen and then cutting to another character looking in the opposite direction at the first. This type of cut was known as a(n) ______.

reverse shot

A factor that contributed to the spread of nickelodeons was the ______.

shorter workweeks, which left more time for entertainment

The editing technique known as the eyeline match was an excellent way of ______.

showing that one space was near another

Dialogue titles were utilized to ______.

suggest characters' thoughts

Expository titles were utilized to ______.

summarize an upcoming action

In 1910, film companies began exploiting their popular actors for publicity purposes by ______.

supplying theaters with photographs to display in their lobbies

What led viewers to demonstrate interest in their favorite actors in 1909?

the fact that producers were signing actors to longer contracts

In the context of lighting and set-design, the early nickelodeon era was characterized by the use of ______.

theatrical-style backdrops

How were the earliest point-of-view shots simulated? (Check all that apply.)

through telescopes through microscopes through binoculars

Dipping an already-developed positive print into a dye bath that colors the lighter portions of the images while the dark ones remain black is known as ______.


Placing an already-developed positive print in a chemical solution that saturates the dark areas of the frame while the lighter areas remain nearly white is known as ______.


Early in the nickelodeon boom, French films were criticized for ______.

treating adultery in a comic fashion

A trend that began in the film industry in 1909 was that ______.

viewers were spontaneously asking theater managers the actors' names

Editing that breaks down a single space into separate framings is known as ______.

analytical editing

Identify the components of the continuity system of editing. (Check all that apply.)

analytical editing contiguity editing crosscutting

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