Ch.20 Health Test

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The system of beliefs and standards of conduct that you feel are important and guide the way you live


By the time a person reaches the age of six, his or her ______ is 95% of its adult size


______ doesn't stop when adolescence ends


Increased brain capacity throughout adolescence leads to greater memory and


The ability to reason and think about abstract solutions


A promise or pledge


Resolving marital conflicts sometimes requires


Female gamete

Eggs or ova

The ability to experience a caring, loving relationship with another person with whom you can share your innermost feelings

Emotional intimacy

The state at which mental and emotional capabilities of an individual are fully developed

Emotional maturity

A difficulty that some adults experience when children leave home is...

Empty nest syndrome

The feeling of sadness when children leave home and enter adulthood

Empty nest syndrome

_________ contributes to the increase in life expectancy

Health care advances

The chemical substance that glands produce. They help regulate many of your body's functions


The support and guidance of your parents can help you become more emotionally and socially


A firm adherence to a moral code


In late adulthood, people who lived their life with ________ are more likely to be satisfied


In the U.S., ____________ is about 77 years

Life expectancy

When children must be disciplined, parents should act quickly so that children understand the _________ between misbehavior and consequences


Your values and goals will give you a firm idea on the importance of

Making healthy decisions

How well a person adjusts to marriage and to his or her spouse

Marital adjustment

One of the most important factors for a successful marriage is


Ovulation and menstruation stops and a female cannot get pregnant


Providing children with ________ is one of the most important responsibilities of parenthood

Unconditional love

Love without limits or qualifications

Unconditional love

According to Erik Erickson, late adulthood begins after the age of


Knowing that they have contributed something to society helps people develop a sense of


Older adults evaluate the events of their lives and their


The period of life between childhood and adulthood


The legal process of taking a child that was born to someone else as your own child


All of a females gametes, or egg, are present

At birth

T or F: the period from childhood to adulthood is called puberty

False; adolesence

T or F: couples that marry make a long term BUDGET with each other

False; commitment

T or F: according to statistics, 60% of marriages involving teens will SUCCEED

False; end

T or F: how well a person adjusts to marriage and to his or her spouse is CONFLICT RESOLUTION

False; marital adjustment

T or F: mature adults are able to form close relationships with people of both genders while still maintaining a sense of HUMOR

False; self

T or F: developing one's capabilities to the fullest is part of the quest for SELF IDENTITY

False; self actualization

T or F: progesterone is a male hormone

False; testosterone

T or F: during puberty it is best to spend most of your time alone to reflect on your goals for the future

False; with friends/family

An increase in body fat is a secondary sex characteristic of


Reproductive cells


Erickson's stages of life illustrate that as a person progresses through life, his or her __________ continue to evolve


T or F: voting in elections is a way of contributing to society in a POSITIVE WAY


One of the major developmental tasks on the way to adulthood is making a _________ choice


The state at which the physical body and all of its organs are fully developed

Physical maturity

An adult __________ doesn't mean that you are an adult


The time when a person begins to develop traits of an adult of his or her gender


Striving to be the best you can be

Self actualization

Children are __________ when they make correct decisions about behavior when adults are not present

Self directed

The ability to make the right decision about how to act when adults are not there

Self directed

Traits related to a person's gender

Sex characteristics

Practicing abstinence until marriage gives a person freedom from

Sexually transmitted diseases

Male gamete


Solving puzzles provides adults with mental


Most social transitions during middle adulthood focus on

The family

Critical changes that occur at all stages of life


Critical changes that occur at all stages of life are called


T or F: a person's occupational role is an important part of ADULT life


T or F: an extended family includes GRANDPARENTS


T or F: hormones are responsible for the physical, mental, and emotional changes of puberty that also affect a teen's social health


T or F: the PEOPLE who surround you are a factor in achieving emotional maturity


T or F: the responsibilities of parenting are beyond the abilities of most TEENS


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