ch.23-30 final

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in 1992, Francis Fukuyama declared that the world had arrived at

"the end of history"

SA How did the First World War weaken the Italian government in the years before Benito Mussolini came to power?

- Italian government promised the people land that wasn't granted by Versailles Treaty - Catholic party gained strength - conflict between socialists and propertied class over social reforms - all these groups opposed the new government

SA How did Hitler and the Nazis establish control over Germany after the Enabling Act was passed in 1933?

- Nazis put in positions of power in government - overlapping organizations were disorganized but created helpful competition - Nazis became the only party - abolished civil liberties - policy of "coordination" forced society to conform

SA What led to the Holocaust?

- foreshadowed by euthanasia campaign which killed or sterilized German disabled people - eugenics validated racial prejudices - construction of ghettos in Poland showed disregard for Jews

SA What was Adolf Hitler's idea of Lebensraum?

- means "living space" - idea that German "master race" needed room to triumph and grow - accomplished by colonizing Eastern Europe and replacing the "subhuman" Jews and Slavs

SA What were perestroika and glasnost?

- perestroika was Gorbachev's plan to restructure the economy by easing price controls, allowing independence for state enterprise, and allowing private corporations. -glasnost was a campaign for openness on government and media

SA What was the Velvet Revolution in 1989?

- relatively peaceful overthrow of Communism in Czechoslovakia

SA Why did the Soviet state order the collectivization of agriculture in 1929?

- stalin feared land-owning peasants would turn capitalist and threaten communism - believed these farmers could fund all-out industrialization -took power from them

SA How have historians explained Joseph Stalin's Great Purge of the Communist party?

- terror tactic used to prevent active resistance - rallies people against an enemy (real or not) that threatens a system they've been led to accept - fundamental characteristic of totalitarianism

SA What was the importance of the Catholic Church to the Polish reform movement in the 1980s?

-John Paul II (a Pole) was elected pope -returned to Poland preaching love of Christ and country and the "inalienable rights of man" -electrified the Polish people

SA What was Kristallnacht in November 1938?

-attack by Nazi gangs on Jewish property and synagogues - dozens of Jews killed - remaining Jews forced to pay for the damages

SA What was the effect of the invention of the birth control pill?

-contributed to new open attitude about sex -lowered birthrate -more experimentation at a younger age -for younger generation, sexual freedom was closely linked to their radical social ideas

SA What was the result of the May Events to 1968?

-events triggered nationwide strikes and protests -brought economy and government to a standstill - few radical reforms took place because the strike dissipated after pay raises -people still voted conservative in the new elections

SA What did Germany hope to accomplish in what is now known as the Battle of Britain?

-gain control of the air before invading all of Britain - first targeted airfields and factories - moved on to cities in hopes of lowering morale (didnt work)

SA Why is Margaret Thatcher seen as such a significan political figure in the 1980s?

-massive privatization campaign -cut government spending on programs sch as healthcare, education , and housing - promoted free market

SA What did the Second Vatican Council accomplish?

-rising consumerism lowered appeal/attendance of the church - council agreed to reform church and broaden appeal -openness in theology -masses given in local languages rather than latin

What is the average number of children families must have to maintain a stable population?

2.1 children

Europe's Muslim population, estimated in 2010 at 20 million, appears likely to grow by 2025 to 35 million, which would be what percentage of Europe's projected population?

4 percent

ACording to the best estimates, about how many people died in the second world war

50 million

Balfour Declaration

A 1917 British statement that declared British support of a National Home for the Jewish People in Palestine.

New Left

A 1960s counterculture movement that embraced updated forms of Marxism to challenge both Western capitalism and Soviet-style communism

As practiced in the 1930s, appeasement was...

A British policy that aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war

Why was West Germany allowed to build an army after 1955?

A German army would permit Germany to assist in the difference of Europe from attacked by the Soviet Union


A German interdisciplinary school of fine and applied arts that brought together many leading modern architects, designers, and theatrical innovators.

German Social Democratic Party (SPD)

A German working-class political party founded in the 1870s, the SPD championed Marxism but in practice turned away from Marxist revolution and worked instead for social and workplace reforms in the German parliament.

People's Budget

A bill proposed after the Liberal Party came to power in Britain in 1906 it was designed to increase spending on social welfare services, but was initially vetoed in the House of Lords.

Crimean War

A conflict fought between 1853 and 1856 over Russian desires to expand into the Ottoman territory (also caused by the breakdown of the power established at the Congress of Vienna and Great Power competition over the Middle East). Russia was defeated by France, Britain, and the Ottomans, underscoring the need for reform in the Russian Empire.

Petrograd Soviet

A huge, fluctuating mass meeting of two to three thousand workers, soldiers, and socialist intellectuals modeled on the revolutionary soviets of 1905

tream-of-consciousness technique

A literary technique, found in works by Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and others, that uses interior monologue — a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur — to explore the human psyche.

Bloody Sunday

A massacre of peaceful protesters at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in 1905, triggering a revolution that overturned absolute starts rule and made Russia into a conservative constitutional monarchy.


A movement dedicated to building a Jewish national homeland in Palestine, started by Theodor Herzl.

Truman doctrine

America's policy geared to containing communism to those countries already under Soviet control

Marshall plan

American plan for providing economic aid to western Europe to have to rebuild

Homestead Act

An American law enacted during the Civil War that gave western land to settlers, reinforcing the concept of free labor in a market economy.


An artistic movement of the 1920s and 1930s that attacked all accepted standards of art and behavior and delighted in outrageous conduct.

Council for mutual economic assistance

An economic organization of communist states meant to help rebuild east bloc countries under Soviet auspices


An effort by moderate socialists to update Marxist doctrines to reflect the realities of the time.

What was the Arab Spring event that took place in 2011?

An unexpected series of revolts in the Middle East

Stalin's theory of socialism in one country...

Argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own

What was the outcome of the decolonization of the Belgian Congo?

Belgium quickly withdrew from the Congo, granting it independence with irresponsible haste.

The international military tribunal organized by the for Allied powers try the highest ranking Nazi military Encinitas was held in the city of


Who were the kulaks in Stalin's Soviet Union?

Better-off peasants who were stripped of land and livestock and usually not allowed to join collective farms

Who was the founder of the National Organization for Women?

Betty Friedan

The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe in the 1950s was to

Bind the six members of the European Coal and Steel Community so closely that war would be impossible.


Bismarck's attack on the Catholic Church within Germany from 1870 to 1878, caused by Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility.

What characteristics did communist and facist dictatorships share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism with a unified "people"

Why did Britain adopt a policy of appeasement in its relationship with Hitler?

British conservative leaders underestimated Hitler

How did German chancellor Heinrich Brüning try to cope with the Great Depression in the early 1930s?

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages abd prices

Christian Democrats

Center right political parties that rose to power in western Europe after the second world war

Who wrote "Divided Heaven", a classic example of a novel that provided a critical view of life in East Germany but did not directly oppose communism?

Christa Wolf

How did the role of Christian churches change in postwar Europe?

Church membership and attendance declined significantly

In Stalin's Soviet Union, women...

Could enter the ranks of specialists in industry and science


Descendants of the Dutch settlers in the Cape Colony in southern Africa

Brezhnev Doctrine

Doctrine created by Leonid Brezhnev that held that the Soviet Union had the right to intervene in any East Bloc country when necessary to preserve Communist rule

Changes in the structure of European society after the Second World War were primarily the result of

Economic and technological transformation.

In the 1950s and 1960s, what became the basic objective of all Western European governments?

Economic growth.


Economic restructuring and reform implemented by Premier Mikhail Gorbachev in the Soviet Union in 1985

What was the Paris Accord, signed in 1990 by twenty-two European countries, the United States, and the Soviet Union?

Essentially a general peace treaty that brought an end to both World War II and the Cold War.

The advancement in military weaponry and the space race

Establish the confidence in the benefits scientific discovery

The invasion and subsequent occupation of which country did Italy begin its conquest for "empire"?


How did the Soviet Union's treatment of Czechoslovakia in 1948 demonstrate its intention to consolidate its hold on Eastern Europe?

Even though the Czech Communist Party had won significant electoral support, Stalin still orchestrated the overthrow of the government and establish a one-party.

Schlieffen Plan

Failed German plan calling for a lightning attack through neutral Belgium and a quick defeat of France before turning on Russia

Young Turks

Fervent patriots who seized power in a 1908 coup in the Ottoman Empire, forcing the conservative sultan to implement reforms.

In 1954, Vietnam obtained independence from


Which six Western European countries formed the European Economic Community, or Common Market, in 1957?

France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy, and West Germany.


German for "Eastern policy"; West Germany's attempt in the 1970s to ease diplomatic tensions with East Germany, exemplifying the policies of detente

Which country was most troubled by the idea of providing financial aid to nearly bankrupt Eurozone countries in 2012?


Why did Charles de Gaulle withdraw France from NATO?

He viewed the United States as the main threat to French independence.

Why did Hitler have the leadership of the SA storm troopers, roughly one hundred individuals, killed in 1934?

He wanted to win the support of the traditional military, but the SA leaders had exprected appointment to top positions in the army

Which of the following social groups was part of the new elite class in the Stalinist state?

Highly regarded artists

The target of the first of two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 was...


What was the "Europe First" policy adopted by the Allied powers during World War II?

Hitler would be defeated before the Allies mounted an all-out assault on Japan

What was the effect of the 1935 Nuremberg Law?

It defined as Jewish anyone having three or more Jewish grandparents

Who was the only Communist leader able to successfully resist Soviet domination?

Josip Broz Tito.

What was a major reason for the decline of Western European birthrates?

Married women entering careers and the related drive for gender equality

Who is Vladimir Putin?

President of Russia beginning in 2000

Warsaw Pact

Severe it back military alliance of East bloc communist countries in Europe

Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress...

cut taxes and ballooned the government deficit

Boris Yeltsin's role in the disintegration of the Soviet Union included...

emerging as a radical reform Communist who embraced the democratic movement and led Russia to declare independence from the Soviet Union

The Allies adopted the principle of the unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan in order to...

further encourage the home from in each Allied country

The Brezhnev Doctrine stated that the Soviet Union and its allies...

had the right to intervene in any East Block country if necessary to preserve Communist rule

The deindustrialization of Europe meant that by 2005, the once-booming manufacturing sector employed only about

one in three workers.

In response to the growing power of Solidarity in Poland, Wojciech Jaruzelski, a general and head of the Polish government, suddenly...

proclaimed martial law and arrested Solidarity's leaders

Samizdat literature referred to books, periodicals, pamphlets, and newspapers that were...

published secretly and passed from hand to hand

The postindustrial society that emerged at the end of the 1970s...

relied on high-tech and service-oriented jobs for economic growth rather than on heavy industry and manufacturing jobs.

Charter 77 was a manifesto signed by a small group of Czech citizens that called on Communist leaders to...

respect civil and political liberties

It is estimated that between 1993 and 2003, illegal immigration into the European Union

rose from 50,000 to about 500,000 persons per year.

What did Rachel Carson seek to expose in her book Silent Spring?

the rampant overuse of pesticides

Following the failure of his program of nationalization and public investment in the early 1980s, French president Francois Mitterrand...

was forced to introduce austerity measures

SA What was the central argument of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex?

-women had always been trapped by limiting and inflexible conditions -only through assertive creativity could women escape gender constructs

When the Russian government launched rapid privatization in the 1990, it provided each citizen with a voucher worth

10,000 rubles.

How did the West German chancellor Helmut Khol build support for German reunification in East Germany?

He offered the East Germans an economically advantageous swap of East German currency for West German currency

Which of the following city survived World War II Relatively unscathed?


Where did Nazi administrators initially gain experience in mass murder?

the murder of Germans with physical and mental disabilities prior to the war

Dreyfus affair

A divisive case in which Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army, was falsely accused and convicted of treason. Civil libertarians and most of the more radical republicans sided with Dreyfus, but the Catholic Church sided with the anti-Semites against him; after he was declared innocent, the French gov't severed all ties b/t the state and the church.


A label given to the artistic and cultural movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which were typified by radical experimentation that challenged traditional forms of artistic expression.

Second Vatican Council

A meeting of Catholic leaders convened from 1962 to 1965 that initiated a number of reforms, including the replacement of Latin with local languages in church services, designed to democratize the church and renew its appeal

Berlin Conerence

A meeting of European leaders held in 1994 and 1885 in order to lay down some basic rules for imperialist competition in sub-Saharan Africa

League of Nations

A permanent international organization, established during the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, designed to protect member states from aggression and avert future wars

logical positivism

A philosophy that sees meaning in only those beliefs that can be empirically proven, and that therefore rejects most of the concerns of traditional philosophy, from the existence of God to the meaning of happiness, as nonsense.


A philosophy that stresses the meaninglessness of existence and the importance of the individual in searching for moral values in an uncertain world.


A post colonial system that perpetuates Western economic exploitation in former colonial territories

The "cult of the Duce" promoted the image of Mussolini as...

A powerful strongman embodying the best qualities of the Italian people

What was the policy of détente that Social Democrats in Europe pursued?

A progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions

Hundred days of reform

A series of Western-style reforms launched in 1898 by the Chinese government in an attempt to meet the foreign challenge


A set of reforms designed to remake the Ottoman Empire on a western European model.

Popular Front

A short-lived New Deal-inspired alliance in France led by Léon Blum that encouraged the union movement and launched a far-reaching program of social reform.

postindustrial society

A society that relies on high-tech and service-oriented jobs for economic growth rather than heavy industry and manufacturing jobs


A term coined by literary scholar Edward Said to describe the way Westerners misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures

developed socialism

A term used by Communist leaders to describe the socialist accomplishments of their societies, such as nationalized industry, collective agriculture, and extensive social welfare programs

Trench warfare

A type of fighting used in WWI behind rows of trenches, mines, and barbed wire; the cost in lives was staggering and the gains in territory minimal

Total war

A war in which distinctions between the soldiers on the battlefield and civilians at home are blurred, and where the government plans and controls economic and social life in order to supply the armies at the frontwith supplies and weapons.

Great Depression

A worldwide economic depression from 1929 through 1939, unique in its severity and duration and with slow and uneven recovery.

When did Jews in Palestine proclaim the state of Israel?

After the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948

theory of special relativity

Albert Einstein's theory that time and space are relative to the observer and that only the speed of light remains constant.

War guilt clause

Article 231 in the Treaty of Versailles that declared that Germany (with Austria) was solely responsible fro the war and had to pay reparations equal to all civilian damages caused by the fighting

Socialist realism

Artistic movement that follow the dictates of communist ideals, enforced by state control and the Soviet union and east bloc countries in the 1950s and 1960s

How was the Tet Offensive, launched by the Vietcong in January 1968, perceived in the United States?

As a sign that the war was not close to ending

How did the Soviet Union and Easter European Communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because of their exposure to Western European society.

How did the Soviet Union and eastern European communist regimes to this place persons returning home after the war?

As politically unreliable because their exposure to western European society

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Spain faced terrorist actions by an insurgent movement of...

Basque separatists

id, ego, and superego

Freudian terms to describe the three parts of the self and the basis of human behavior, which Freud saw as basically irrational.

How did many Soviet citizens receive lessons in open political discussion, critical thinking, and representative government?

From watching the Congress of People's Deputies, whose deputies had been chosen in free elections in 1989.

Which countries in August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact that led directly to war?

Germany and the Soviet Union

Guest worker programs

Government run programs in Western Europe designed to recruit labor for the booming postwar economy

After the war why did national governments quickly establish authority over questions of guilt and punishments of those who had collaborated with the Nazi Regime?

Governments wanted to prevent the possibility of a nazi underground

What did Richard Nixon do following his election to the U.S. presidency in 1968?

Gradually reduced American involvement in the Vietnam War

Serbian president Slobodan Milošević's actions in 1990 hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia. His ultimate goal was to establish

Greater Serbia.

During the recession that began in 2008, which country struggled to implement an austerity plan in order to receive financial aid from the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and the European Union?


How did pieds noirs complicate the experience of decolonization in Algeria?

Having lived in Algeria for several generations, these Europeans Algerians threatened revolt against France if France did not oppose the Islamic independent movement

Why did Stalin call for the mass murder of the kulaks?

He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress

How did Stalin use the murder of Sergei Kirov to his own advantage?

He blamed the murder on "fascist agents" within the Communist Party and launched a purge of the party itself that solidified his own control

In the late 1920s, how did Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters?

He deemphasized the anti-capitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism

How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy?

He left big business to regulate itself and never purged its members

How did Mao Zedong gain the support of the peasantry in China?

He promised to provide all chin ease with guaranteed rice rations

Which of the following characterizes the presidency of Vladimir Putin in Russia?

He reasserted anti-Western Russian nationalism and centralized political authority in the Kremlin.

Why was Mussolini expelled from the Italian Socialist Party?

He urged Italian entry into World War I

The growth of the middle class is the postwar era has been attributed primarily to

Increased demand for technologists and managers.


Independent Polish trade union that worked for workers' rights and political reform throughout the 1980s

Why did Europeans find postcolonial migration troublesome?

Intellectuals worried that immigrant workers would never adopt European values and customs.

How was the revolution in Romania in 1989 different from the revolutions in the rest of Eastern Europe?

It became violent and bloody when Communist leaders ordered security forced to slaughter thousands

What was the result of Margaret Thatcher's effort to encourage low- and moderate-income renters to buy their apartments?

It created a new class of property owners

How did the Soviet Union initially organize the Eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes?

It created coalition governments of leftist political parties but reserved key government posts for Moscow-trained Communist.

What was the effect of Lenin's 1921 New Economic Plan?

It encouraged peasants to sell their surpluses in free markets and allowed private traders and small manufacturers to do business again

What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"?

It forced Germans society to conform to National Socialist ideology

What was the purpose of the Enabling Act in 1933?

It gave Hitler dictatorial powers for four years

How did the East German government respond to the nationwide demonstration against poor wages and working conditions in 1953?

It permitted Soviet troops to put down the revolt and jailed demonstrators, but then instituted reforms to respond to the demonstrators' strongest demands.

Why did aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's one day in the life of Ivan denisovich create such a sensation when it was published in 1962?

It portrayed in grim detail life in a Stalinist concentration camp

What did the Marshall Plan accomplish?

It prevented economic collapse in Western Europe.

What was the result of the Maastricht Treaty?

It provided the basis for the formation of the European Union (EU) and defined criteria for membership in the monetary union.

How did the Solidarity trade union in Poland understand its goals in the early 1980s?

It sought a self-limiting revolution to defend freedoms won in previous agreements with the Communist government

How did the United States respond to the decolonization movement in the first years of the Second World War?

It sought to claim colonial lands that Europeans abandoned

What happened to Czechoslovakia four years after the Velvet Revolution in 1989?

It split into the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovakia.

What happened in 1989 when the Hungarians tore down the barbed-wire curtain separating it from Austria?

Large numbers of dissatisfied East German "vacationers" crossed from Hungary into Austria and from there on to West Gemrany


Lenin's radical revolutionary arm of the Russian party of Marxist socialism, which successfully installed a dictatorial socialist regime in Russia

Why did the August 1991 attempted coup by the Communist old guard in the Soviet Union fail?

Massive popular resistance rallied around Boris Yeltsin

What was the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood when it was founded in Egypt in 1928?

National liberation from European control and a return to Sharia law

In the twenty-first century, which resource could Russia use to assert political influence?

Natural Gas

What was the consequence of Franklin D. Roosevelt's agreement with Joseph Stalin at the Teheran Conference that the British-American armies would launch a frontal assault on France?

Only Soviet Troops would liberate Eastern Europe.

In the former Soviet bloc, who were the winners and losers in economic reconstruction?

Ordinary citizens and the elderly were losers; the young and ex-Communists were winners.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Peace treaty signed in March 1918 between the Central Powers and Russia that ended Russian participation in WWI and ceded Russian territories containing a third of the Russian empire's population to the Central Powers.


Philosophy of 1980s conservatives who argued for privatization of state-run industries and decreased government spending on social services


Policies and beliefs, often influenced by nationals, scientific racism, and mass migration, that give preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants


Policy of post colonial governments to remain neutral in the cold war and play both United States and the Soviet Union for what they could get

Displaced persons

Post war refugees, including 13 million Germans, former Nazi prisoners and forced laborers, and orphaned children

The neoliberal policies of the 1980s promoted which of the following?

Privatization of state-owned businesses

After the Second World War, the Soviet Union

Reestablished a harsh dictatorship.

How did big science foster the green revolution

Research into agriculture greatly increase the world food supply using fewer workers and resulting in more productivity per acre

The Helsinki Accords kf 1975 called for...

Respect for human rights and the recognition of existing political boundaries

Why did the rapid economic liberalization of Russia work poorly?

Russia lost access to many raw materials as its empire collapsed.

Lenin's New Economic Plan was a political compromise with...

Russian peasants


Settler colonies with established populations of Europeans, such as North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Latin America, where Europe found outlets for population growth and its most profitable investment opportunities in the 19th century

Why did the Soviet army stop its advance on Warsaw in August 1944?

So that the German army could destroy a Polish insurgence that intended to resist the Soviet army as well

"modern girl"

Somewhat stereotypical image of the modern and independent working woman popular in the 1920s.

The Marshall plan in 1947 was response to

Soviet if it's the block access to West Berlin


Soviet premier Mikhail Gorbachev's popular campaign for openness in government and the media

Which battle was the decisive turning point in the clash between the Soviet Union and Germany?


Who began the wave of social unrest that almost toppled Charles de Gaulle's Fifth Republic?


Who was Poland's first non-communist prime minister?

Tadeusz Mazowiecki


Term coined in the early 1980s to describe the combination of low growth and high inflation that led to a worldwide-recession

Economic miracle

Term contemporaries used to describe rapid economic growth, often based on the consumer sector, in post World War II Western Europe

Great Rebellion

The 1857 and 1858 insurrection by Muslim and Hindu mercenaries in the British army that spread throughout northern and central India before finally being crushed

Treaty of Versailles

The 1919 peace settlement that ended war between Germany and the Allied powers


The Arab-led Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Which position did Christian Democrats across Europe endorse during the 1950s?

The Cold War against the Soviet Union.

What did Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinization campaign call for?

The Communist Party to retain its monopoly on political power.

Common market

The European economic community, created by six Western and Central European countries in the west bloc in 1957 as part of a larger search for European unity

Delegates to the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2012 voted to extend which protocol on climate change?

The Kyoto Protocol


The NATO, an anti-Soviet military alliance of Western governments

To receive Marshall Plan aid, European states were required to cooperate with another. What was the result of this cooperation?

The Organization for European Economic Cooperation.


The Russian parliament that opened in May of 1906, elected indirectly by universal male suffrage but controlled after 1907 by the tsar and the conservative classes.

According to Hitler's New Order, which European race was considered subhuman along with the Jews?

The Slavic race

At time of the Yalta Conference in 1945, why was the position of the Soviet Union much strong in negotiations with the United States and Great Britain?

The Soviet army already occupied much of Eastern Europe.

Why did OPEC declare an oil embargo on the United Stated in 1973?

The United States had aided Israel in its war with Egypt and Syria in 1973?

In the Lateran agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that recieved heavy support from the Italian state?

Triple Alliance

The alliance of Austria, Germany, and Italy. Italy left the alliance when war broke out in 1914 on the grounds that Austria had launched a war of aggression

Triple Entente

The alliance of Great Britain, France, and Russia prior to and during the First World War

War Communism

The application of centralized state control during the Russian civil war, in which the Bolsheviks seized grain from peasants, introduced rationing, nationalized all banks and industry, and required everyone to work

What was the result of breaking the Berlin blockade in 1948-49?

The creation of two separate German states: West Germany and East Germany.

Which of the following was true of World War II

The death toll far exceeded that of World War I

What did the New Left advocate?

The establishment of socialism with a human face that would avoid the worst excesses of capitalism or Soviet-style communism

Red Shirts

The guerrilla army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, who invaded Sicily in 1860 in an attempt to liberate it, winning the hearts of the Sicilian peasantry.

What does neocolonialism refer to?

The idea of a system designed to perpetuate Western economic domination and undermine political independence.

White man's burden

The idea that Europeans could and should civilize more primitive nonwhite peoples and that imperialism would eventually provide nonwhites with modern achievements and higher standards of living

New imperialism

The late-19th-century drive by European countries to create vast political empires abroad.

De Stalinization

The liberalization of the post Stalin Soviet Union led by reformer Nikita Khrushchev

Global mass migration

The mass movement of people from Europe in the 19th century; one reason that the West's impact on the world was so powerful and many-sided

National self-determination

The notion that peoples should be able to choose their own national governments through democratic majority-rule elctions and live free from outside interference in nation-states with clearly defined borders

How did Helmut Kohl's neoliberal policies in Germany in the 1980s affect the German economy?

The policies increased unemployment in heavy industry but led to solid economic growth


The popularly elected lower house of gov't of the new German Empire after 1871.

Postcolonial migration

The postwar movement of people from former colonies in the developing world into Europe


The postwar reversal of Europe's overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of the colonized peoples themselves, declining power of European nations, and the freedoms promised by US and Soviet ideals


The principle that buildings, like industrial products, should serve as well as possible the purpose for which they were made, without excessive ornamentation.


The progressive relaxation of Cold War tensions that emerged in the early 1970s

What was socialist realism?

The requirement that artists and writers idealize the working class and the Soviet Union in their work.

Meiji Restoration

The restoration of the Japanese emperor to power in 1867, leading to the subsequent modernization of Japan

October Manifesto

The result of a paralyzing general strike in October 1905, this was a Russian decree that granted full civil rights and promised a popularly elected Duma (parliament) with real legislative power.

Cold war

The rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States that divided much of Europe into a Soviet aligned communist bloc and a US aligned capitalist bloc between 1945 in 1989


The sale of state-managed industries such as transportation and communication networks to private owners, a key policy of neoliberalism meant to control government spending, increase private profits, and foster economic growth, which was implemented in western Europe in response to the economic crisis of the 1970s

What event finally galvanized NATO action against the Bosnian Serbs?

The slaughter of thousands of citizens in Srebrenica

What was the Holocaust?

The systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews during the Second World War

Velvet Revolution

The term given to the relatively peaceful overthrow of communism in Czechoslovakia; the label came to signify the collapse of the East Bloc in general in 1989 to 1990

What was a characteristic of the multi-tiered society established by deindustrialization in the twenty-first century?

The top tier of society was a small, affluent group of highly paid experts, executives, and professionals.

Gunboat Diplomacy

The use or threat of military force to coerce a government into economic or political agreements

The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the Fascist march on Rome in October 1922, largely because of...

The violence perpetrated by Mussolini's own black-shirted militants

What did the era of stagflation in the 1970s demonstrate about the social welfare states in Western Europe?

The welfare state was capable of preventing mass suffering and sustaining political stability and democracy

What is the consequence of globalization for national economies?

They are much more vulnerable to worldwide economic panics.

How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft?

They created mass organizations such as the Hitler Youth and held mass rallies to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their radical policies?

They established research institutes and academies that measured and defined racial differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science

Why did Stalin and his supporters sponsor the first five-year plan?

They feared a gradual restoration of capitalism and, more importantly, wanted to catch up with the West and overcome traditional Russian "backwardness"

Why did nationalists oppose the proposed European Union Constitution?

They feared losing political sovereignty and cultural identity.

Why were Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary the most successful Eastern European nations at economic modernization?

They were flexible in the adoption of economic policies and had an enthusiastic entrepreneurial class.

How did real wages for workers and peasants in the Soviet Union in 1937 compare with those in the Russian Empire in 1913?

They were lower

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis?

They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals

What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain

In the 1960s and 1970s, what was the purpose of Eastern European economic policies such as Hungary's New Economic Mechanism and East Germany's New Economic System?

To introduce some economic liberalization and encourage the production of consumer products.

Why did Russia invade Georgia in 2008?

To punish Georgia for its support of Chechnya

What did the leaders of the Prague Spring hope to accomplish in Czechoslovakia?

To reconcile socialism with internal party democracy, in which local decision by trade unions, managers, and consumers would replace rigid bureaucratic planning

What was Mikhail Gorbachev's goal in bringing reforms to Russia?

To revitalize the Soviet system in order to save it

What was the primary goal of the opponents of the Nazis in the Protestant and Catholic churches?

To roeserve religious life in Germany?

The essence of Willy Brandt's policies toward the Eastern Bloc was...

To seek peace and reconciliation

What did the new, pro-Western Serbian government do to Slobodan Milošević in July 2001?

Turned him over to a war crimes tribunal in the Netherlands to stand trial

Opium Wars

Two mid-19th-century conflicts between China and Great Britain over the British trade in opium which was designed to "open" China to European free trade. In defeat, China gave European traders and missionaries increased protection and concessions

February Revolution

Unplanned uprisings accompanied by violent street demonstrations begun in March 1917 (old calendar February) in Petrograd, Russia, that led to the abdication of the tsar and the establishment of a provisional government

Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of was when he...

Used the pretext of German minorities in Dazig to threaten Poland

Dawes Plan

War reparations agreement that reduced Germany's yearly payments, made payment dependent on economic prosperity, and granted large U.S. loans to promote recovery.

Which of the following describes Eastern Bloc living standards in the 1970s?

Well below those in the West but well above those in the developing world

Fourteen Points

Wilson's 1918 peace proposal calling for open diplomacy, a reduction in armaments, freedom of commerce and trade, the establishment of the League of Nations, and National self-determination

Khrushchev's "secret speech" at the Twentieth Party Congress in 1956 was

a surprising attack on Stalin and his crimes.

The experience of women in the socialist systems of the East Bloc countries of the 1970s included...

an extensive system of state-supported childcare that freed women to work outside the home

Mikhain Gorbachev, who became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985, tried to reform the Communist System through perestroika, or...

economic restructuring

Poland differed from the other Eastern Bloc states in the 1970s and 1980s because...

of its independent agriculture and vigorous church

At the end of the twentieth century, international trade was deeply affected by the development of the Internet and

the deregulation of financial systems.

The Persian Gulf War in 1991 clearly demonstrated

the effort of the United States and Western Europe to promote international consensus under U.S. guidance.

Hoe did the Nazis manage the northern European states that they conquered?

they established puppet governments with collaborators willing to rule the states in accord with German needs

What were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen (special task force)?

they followed the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering ?undesirables" as they moved from town to town

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