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15) The greatest difference in the concentration of respiratory gases is found in which of the following pairs of mammalian blood vessels? A) the pulmonary vein and the jugular vein B) the veins from the right and left legs C) the pulmonary artery and the inferior vena cava D) the pulmonary vein and the aorta


21) Small swollen areas in the neck, groin, and axillary region are associated with _____. A) increased activity of the immune system B) blood sugar that is abnormally high C) dehydration D) sodium depletion


34) You cut your finger, and after putting pressure on the wound for several minutes, you notice that it is still bleeding profusely. What may be the problem? A) Platelets are not functioning properly, or there are too few to be effective. B) Mast cells are not releasing their chemical messengers. C) There are too many antigens to allow clotting. D) Hemoglobin levels are too high to allow clotting.


36) Countercurrent exchange is evident in the flow of _____. A) water across the gills of a fish and the blood within those gills B) blood in the dorsal vessel of an insect and that of air within its tracheae C) air within the primary bronchi of a human and the blood within the pulmonary veins D) water across the skin of a frog and the blood flow within the ventricle of its heart


43) Atmospheric pressure at sea level is equal to a column of 760 mm Hg. Oxygen makes up 21 percent of the atmosphere by volume. The partial pressure of oxygen () in such conditions is _____. A) 160 mm Hg B) 16 mm Hg C) 21/760 D) 760/21


46) Compared with the interstitial fluid that bathes active muscle cells, blood reaching these muscle cells in arteries has a _____. A) higher B) greater bicarbonate concentration C) lower pH D) lower osmotic pressure


48) What would be the consequences if we were to reverse the direction of water flow over the gills of a fish, moving water inward past the operculum, past the gills, the out the mouth? This reversal of water flow would _____. A) reduce efficiency of gas exchange B) change the exchange of gases in the body from carbon dioxide out and oxygen in to carbon dioxide in and oxygen out C) increase the efficiency of gas exchange


Lymph hearts are pumping structures that drive lymph through the lymphatic system, returning it to the circulatory system at the large veins entering the heart. Researchers examined rate and strength of pumping of lymph hearts in two species of amphibians, a toad (Bufo marinus) and a frog (Rana catesbiana). During hemorrhage or dehydration, the volume of blood in the circulatory system falls. (E. A. DeGrauw and S. S. Hillman. 2004. General function and endocrine control of the posterior lymph hearts in Bufo marinus and Rana catesbiana. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(4):594-600.) 26) Refer to the paragraph on lymph hearts. What effect would increasing lymph heart pressure have first? A) Blood volume would increase. B) Blood volume would decrease. C) Hemorrhage would increase. D) Hemorrhage would decrease.


27) If, during protein starvation, the osmotic pressure on the venous side of capillary beds drops below the hydrostatic pressure, then _____. A) hemoglobin will not release oxygen B) fluids will tend to accumulate in tissues C) the pH of the interstitial fluids will increase D) plasma proteins will escape through the endothelium of the capillaries


37) Countercurrent exchange in the fish gill helps to maximize _____. A) blood pressure B) diffusion C) active transport D) osmosis


41) The sun shining on a tidal pool during a hot day heats the water. As some water evaporates, the pool becomes saltier, causing _____. A) an increase in its carbon dioxide content B) a decrease in its oxygen content C) an increase in its ability to sustain aerobic organisms D) a decrease in the water's density


52) Carbon dioxide levels in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid affect pH. This enables the organism to sense a disturbance in gas levels as _____. A) the brain directly measures and monitors oxygen levels and causes breathing changes accordingly B) the medulla oblongata, which is in contact with cerebrospinal fluid, monitors pH and uses this measure to control breathing C) the brain alters the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid to force the animal to retain more or less carbon dioxide D) stretch receptors in the lungs cause the medulla oblongata to speed up or slow breathing


59) You are a physician, and you are seeing a patient who complains of abnormal fatigue during exercise. You find that the immediate problem is a buildup of carbon dioxide in the tissues. What is the most likely cause? A) abnormally shaped platelets B) abnormal carbonic anhydrase C) abnormal hemoglobin D) not enough hemoglobin


8) Circulatory systems compensate for _____. A) temperature differences between the lungs and the active tissue B) the slow rate at which diffusion occurs over large distances C) the problem of communication systems involving only the nervous system D) the need to cushion animals from trauma


20) A species that has a normal resting systolic blood pressure of greater than 260 mm Hg is likely to be _____. A) an animal that is small and compact, without the need to pump blood very far from the heart B) a species that has very wide diameter veins C) an animal that has a very long distance between its heart and its brain D) an animal that makes frequent, quick motions


22) What will be the long-term effect of blocking the lymphatic vessels associated with a capillary bed? A) more fluid entering the venous capillaries B) an increase in the blood pressure in the capillary bed C) the accumulation of more fluid in the interstitial areas D) the area of the blockage becoming abnormally small


33) A normal event in the process of blood clotting is the _____. A) production of erythropoietin B) conversion of fibrin to fibrinogen C) activation of prothrombin to thrombin D) synthesis of hemoglobin


38) Which of the following statements comparing respiration in fish and in mammals is correct? A) The respiratory medium for fish carries more oxygen than the respiratory medium of mammals. B) A countercurrent exchange mechanism between the respiratory medium and blood flow is seen in mammals but not in fish. C) The movement of the respiratory medium in mammals is bidirectional, but in fish it is unidirectional. D) In blood, oxygen is primarily transported by plasma in fish, but by red blood cells in mammals.


14) Atria contract _____. A) just prior to the beginning of diastole B) during diastole C) immediately after systole D) during systole


18) Among the following choices, which organism likely has the highest systolic pressure? A) mouse B) human C) hippopotamus D) giraffe


24) Which of the following mechanisms are used to regulate blood pressure in the closed circulatory system of vertebrates? I) changing the force of heart contraction II) constricting and relaxing sphincters in the walls of arterioles III) adjusting the volume of blood contained in the veins A) only I and II B) only I and III C) only II and III D) I, II, and III


30) To become bound to hemoglobin for transport in a mammal, atmospheric molecules of oxygen must cross _____. A) one membrane—that of the lining in the lungs—and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood B) two membranes—in and out of the cell lining the lung—and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood C) four membranes—in and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining an alveolar capillary—and then bind directly to hemoglobin, a protein dissolved in the plasma of the blood D) five membranes—in and out of the cell lining the lung, in and out of the endothelial cell lining an alveolar capillary, and into the red blood cell—to bind with hemoglobin


51) How has the avian lung adapted to the metabolic demands of flight? A) Airflow through the avian lung is bidirectional like in mammals. B) There is more dead space within the avian lung so that oxygen can be stored for future use. C) Countercurrent circulation is present in the avian lung. D) Gas exchange occurs during both inhalation and exhalation.


53) A person with a tidal volume of 450 mL (milliliters), a vital capacity of 4000 mL, and a residual volume of 1000 mL would have a potential total lung capacity of _____. A) 1450 mL B) 4000 mL C) 4450 mL D) 5000 mL


56) The Bohr shift on the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is produced by changes in _____. A) the partial pressure of oxygen B) hemoglobin concentration C) temperature D) pH


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