Chain of Infection

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What is portal of exit?

An exit route for pathogens to leave its host

What is indirect contact?

Contact with contaminated inanimate objects

Give some examples of airborne transmission

coughing, sneezing

Any portal of _____ can also because a portal of _____.

exit; entry

What is susceptible host?

A personal who becomes ill after pathogens enter the body because they cannot fight off the pathogen

What is reservoir?

A place where the pathogen grows and may or may not multiply

What is the chain of infection?

A sequence of circumstances where all events must occur to develop an infection

What is rickettsiae?

Are transmitted to humans by the bites of lice, ticks and fleas that act as vectors

What are the common types of infectious agents?

Bacteria Viruses Protozoa Rickettsiae Fungi Helminthes

Give some examples of portal of exit

Blood, skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, genitourinary tract, and gastrointestinal tract

What are viruses?

DNA or RNA is encased in a protein coating

What are two types of contact for HAIs?

Direct Contact Indirect Contact

Give some examples of direct contact

Fecal, oral

Viruses cannot reproduce where?

Outside of a living host cell

What is helminthes?

Parasitic worms or flukes

Give some examples of reservoirs

Patient, staff member, animal, food

What is direct contact?

Person to person or physical contact between source and susceptible host

What is portal of entry?

Place where a pathogen enters the body

What is bacteria?

Single celled prokaryotic microorganisms (without a nuclear membrane) that multiply rapidly

What is mode of transmission?

The manner in which an infectious agent moves from one source to another

How does vector transmission occur?

Through a bite

What is fungi?

Tiny primitive organisms, that contain no chlorophyll

Give some examples of mode of transmission

Touch, airborne droplets, medical instruments, mosquitoes, vermin

What is protozoa?

Unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms (with a nuclear membrane) that can infect the blood, brain, intestines and other body areas

What makes a human a susceptible host?

Virtue of age, weak state of health, or broken skin

How does airborne transmission occur?

When infectious particles dispersed in the air enter the host by inhalation

Are people that require invasive procedures at risk for infection?


Give some examples of portal of entry

break in skin, mucous membrane, mouth, nose, genitourinary tract

Give some examples of vector transmission

fleas, ticks, mosquitoes

Give some examples of indirect contact

needles, utensils, hospital equipment

How does a droplet infection occur?

When the droplets from an infected hosted person are projected a short distance to the host's nasal mucosa, mouth or conjunctiva

What are the chain of infection links in order?

Infectious Agent (pathogen) Reservoir Portal of Exit Mode of Transmission Portal of Entry Susceptible Host

What is the most effective barrier to infection?

Intact skin

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