Change management - planning for implementation

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Large scale change

Change will depend to a significant extent on involvement and commitment of all concerned with and affected by change

Large projects

Collections of a number of relatively smaller sized projects and involve multiple steps and projects - end result is complex, dynamic / messy and scary! Monitoring difficult but necessary - good planning ids potential problems before they arise. Consolidate gains - produce more change!


Establish a change management team. Management structures. Activity planning. Commitment planning. Audits and post audits. Training and development.

Get it right

Getting it right at planning stage saves far more time at the implementation stage

Rapid change

Low involvement approach to larger changes especially attitudes and behaviours prime objective - high risk of failure

Audits and post audits

Monitor progress and see what extent objectives being met! After change or particular milestone a) establish what objectives met 2) ascertain what can be learned for future change.

Beckhard/Harris 5 steps to commitment plan

A commitment plan is a strategy described in a series of action steps evidence to secure the support of those vital to change effort! 1- I'd target individual or group whose commitment necessary 2- define critical mass needed to ensure effectiveness 3- develop a plan to get commitment from critical mass 4- develop a monitoring system to asses progress Let it happen (don't obstruct) help make it happen (participate) make it happen (drive). For most change success depends on winning support from key staff,

Key factor

A key factor that impacts planning is the approach to change adopted. Depends on what is to be changed, and management style and culture. Ie. Bureaucratic and directive management wouldn't find it easy to adopt a participate approach.

Commitment planning

Identify key people and groups whose commitment is needed and decide how to get support! Need to gain commitment in planning/implementation stage, beckhard and Harris

Management structures

More change project challenges existing power relations and managerial resource allocation procedures - more likely to get managerial resistance! Unless CMT has direct line to senior mgrs or CEO and their public support - can become bogged down and abandoned! Effective reporting/managing structures need to be put in place in advance to provide direction - support - resources - decisive interventions (when necessary)

Training and development

New skills and competence necessary. T$d a number of purposes - give staff skills to change - raise awareness to change/win over. Culture change - ie structure training to promote teamwork.

Deming cycle

PDca Plan: collect/analyse data in order to design or revise business process components to improve results. Do! Implement the plan and measure its performance. Check: assess measurements identify any shortcomings or opportunities for improvement. Act: decide and implement changes needed to improve process

Beck hard and harris 5 steps activity planning

RSICA Relevance - activities clearly linked to change goals/priorities SPECIFICiTY - activities clearly identified rather than broadly generalised. Integration: parts are closely connected. Chronology: logical sense of events. Adaptability: contingency plans for adjusting to unexpected forces. Create a training plan/programme


Rarely straightforward srep by step process. Those involved necessary to occasionally backtrack check/change earlier decisions or even question original goals

Activity planning

Roadmap for change effort. Critical - realistic - effective and clear. Beck hard and Harris - 5 step: Relevance/specificity - Smart! Recognise not all elements of large change process can be planned in detail in advance. Activity planning should also gain top mgmt approval - Cody effective, remain adaptable as feedback received!

Type of change

Small scale and relatively technical or structural changes can usually be planned and executed relatively quickly - may not require extensive consultation or involvement of affected staff. Similarly changes isolated to one part of org.

Establish a change mgmt team

UscsUs User input and implementation. Large groups establish sub groups for discrete elements. All are change agents. Include specialists - backstaging - managing meaning. Change agents able to deal with unanticipated events. Get right blend skills personalities.

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