chapter 1-9

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28. According to Robert Greenleaf, which of the following best describes servant leadership? A) Aggressive leadership B) An excuse for manipulation C) The relationship between a leader who knows a lot and dependent followers D) A calling to serve E) None of these


8. Different kinds of intelligence include all of the following EXCEPT ________ intelligence. A) verbal-linguistic B) logical-mathematical C) visual-spatial D) bodily-kinesthetic E) memory-recall


35. Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of the directive style of leadership? A) Give-and-take B) Formal structure C) Individualism D) Creativity and innovation


4. According to Roger Staubach, which of the following is the key to self-confidence in leadership? A) The leader's natural talent B) The support of caring teammates C) How hard the leader works D) Opportunity and position E) None of these


28. People with well-developed visual-spatial abilities are most likely found in professions such as ________. A) surgery B) carpentry C) teaching D) swimming


3. Identify a true statement about the theoretical person. A) This person usually chooses to consider truth as equivalent to beauty. B) This person finds highest satisfaction in form and harmony. C) The primary interest of this person is the discovery of truth. D) In the pursuit of goals, this person prefers an approach that looks for the utility of objects.


6. Which of the following factors has been viewed by many philosophers as the most universal and most fundamental of human motives? A) Love B) Wealth C) Power D) Religion


8. Regarding moral behavior, which of the following statements was written by Thomas Jefferson? A) "You must stand for something or you will fall for anything." B) "The measure of a man is what he will do when no one is looking." C) "In matters of style, swim with the currents; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." D) "The leader is flexible except in character formation." E) "The question is not how many values one has but how deeply they are held."


8. Identify a way in which the servant leader stays in touch with the challenges and problems of others. a. By getting out of the executive suite and onto the shop floor b. By getting out of the headquarters and into the field c. By getting out of the ivory tower and into the real world d. All of these e. None of these


18. The term "Hawthorne effect" describes ________. a. the sense of control that men feel over women b. the tendency of an organization to become rigid over time c. the tendency for morale to deteriorate without management attention d. a predictable change in attitude when one is promoted e. an artificial change in behavior due merely to the fact that a person or group is being studied


24. Gandhi, the Indian spiritual and political leader, believed that effective leaders ________—not ________. A) point the way; show by example B) command respect; earn respect C) lead the elite; lead the masses D) are served by followers; serve followers E) guide and inspire; command and control


15. In the context of the negative flaws or behaviors of poor leaders studied by researcher Barbara Kellerman, which of the following statements best describes intemperance? A) The leader lacks will and skill to sustain effective action. B) The leader is uncaring and unkind, discounting the needs of others. C) The leader lacks self-control in personal habits and conduct. D) The leader is closed-minded to new ideas, new information, or changing times.


30. People who enjoy doing activities in sequential order and learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking, and looking for basic principles most likely have ________. A) musical-rhythmic intelligence B) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence C) logical-mathematical intelligence D) visual-spatial intelligence


4. Both responsibility and ________ come with the office of leadership. a. confusion b. dependence c. wealth d. power


45. Which of the following is required for organizational success? A) A vision B) Skills C) Incentives D) Resources E) Action plans F) All of these


15. Gordon Lippitt identified eight communication problems, including all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. trust b. complexes c. size d. fear e. technology


42. Which of the following questions must a leader ask to test his or her vision? A) Is it worth the effort? B) Will people support my actions? C) Do I have the right people? D) Am I ready? E) Is this the right direction?


38. Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of power-oriented leaders? A) Assertiveness B) Helpfulness C) Innovation D) Skillfulness


47. A person who is power-oriented strives for leadership because of its associated ________. A) authority B) fear C) achievement D) acceptance


22. The servant leader is committed to people, and this commitment is shown through ________, ________, and ________. A) access; communication; support B) training; development; education C) recruitment; selection; reinforcement D) wages; benefits; promotion


12. In the context of the levels and stages of moral development, which of the following statements is most likely true about Level II, stage 4? A) Right conduct is doing one's duty, as defined by those in authority positions. B) The good person is viewed as the one who satisfies family, friends, and associates. C) Personal pleasure dictates the rightness or wrongness of behavior. D) Avoidance of punishment is the primary characteristic of this stage.


15. The English philosopher John Locke viewed a newborn child as a "tabula rasa", or a(n) ________. A) blank tablet B) bundle of joy C) finished product D) empty vessel


6. ________ is a special personal quality that generates others' interest and causes them to follow. A) Vitality B) Charisma C) Integrity D) Stability


16. Unlike promoted leaders, derailed leaders most likely ________. A) lack technical expertise B) lack ambition and career goals C) are unable to delegate or build a team D) are dumb and weak-minded


7. In American society, the most-cited quality people want in a leader is ________. A) integrity B) job knowledge C) people-building skills D) extraversion


14. The German philosopher Immanuel Kant ________. A) rejected the idea that people must be their own lawgivers and freely choose their obligations B) believed that if an individual act is from a good motive and a sense of duty, the act is good regardless of the consequences C) rejected the idea that all people must have free choice in moral dilemmas and be responsible for their own actions D) believed that a person with character is also likely to succumb to base or expedient desires


21. Which of the following statements is most likely true about the top-down view of leadership authority? A) This view holds that leadership authority is based on position in a social hierarchy. B) This view mandates the flow of power from the lowest to the highest level in an organization. C) This view encourages frontline workers to be supported in their efforts by managers and supervisors. D) This view of leadership authority was first described by Chester Barnard of AT&T.


1. Which of the following statements is most likely true about the top-down view of leadership authority? a. This view holds that leadership authority is based on position in a social hierarchy. b. This view mandates the flow of power from the lowest to the highest level in an organization. c. This view encourages frontline workers to be supported in their efforts by managers and supervisors. d. This view of leadership authority was first described by Chester Barnard of AT&T.


12. Identify an essential ingredient of total quality management (TQM). a. Continuous process improvement b. Authoritative leadership c. Employee downsizing d. Reducing psychological size of leaders


52. Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of employees who score high on the need for affiliation? A) They desire responsibility and like to direct and control people and events. B) They actively support others and try to smooth out workplace conflicts. C) They are self-motivated when made to work on meaningful work assignments. D) They prefer competitive rather than cooperative work situations.


36. Which of the following statements is most likely true of free-rein followers? A) They usually perform well on task forces, committees, and other work teams. B) They usually do their best work when job duties are spelled out and direct orders are given. C) They usually do their best work on special assignments and independent projects. D) They usually are upset by leaders who ignore the open-door policy and show little concern for people's feelings.


7. The servant leader shows commitment to his or her people through all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. access b. communication c. support d. force


2. Which of the following is the weakest link in business, industry, and government today? A) Technology B) Tools and equipment C) Physical plant and facilities D) Systems and procedures E) Leadership


11. The three types of leaders are A) heroes, rulers, and teachers. B) democrats, republics, and capitalists. C) progressives, traditionalists, and moderates.


17. In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the profit-maximizing climate. A) It reflects conventional morality. B) An organization's focus is on self-gain and avoidance of punishment. C) It reflects the most advanced level of moral development. D) An organization behaves to conform to the expectations of others and to satisfy higher authorities.


23. Which of the following is effective only for a short period of time? A) A leader's use of psychological bigness and overbearance B) A leader's use of experience and skills C) A leader's use of patience and understanding D) A leader's use of knowledge and ability E) None of these


12. All of the following are important situational factors that influence the leadership process in an organization EXCEPT the ________. A) purpose of the work performed B) size of the organization C) social climate D) wages of the employees


1. Which of the following is an important dimension of a supportive organizational climate? a. The reward system b. Warmth and support c. Organizational clarity d. All of these


14. Social psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg explains that each person makes ethical decisions according to three distinct levels of moral ________. A) maturity B) aptitude C) fiber D) development


16. In the context of leadership styles, which of the following statements is true about the autocratic style? A) Emphasis is on equality and group decision making. B) It refers to an empowering and participative style of leadership. C) It is characterized by minimum control and maximum innovation. D) Power is exercised by a dominant and dictatorial individual.


21. Recent replication of the Milgram experiments show that approximately ________ percent of both men and women will follow morally offensive orders of complete strangers who they believe occupy a position of authority. A) 75 B) 25 C) 50 D) 100


5. Unlike organizational structures that are flat, tall organizational structures tend to ________. a. undermine employee satisfaction and organizational commitment b. expedite the transmittal of information and the speed of response c. focus power around employees rather than managers d. have lower overhead costs


19. In contrast to the political type, the social person ________. A) regards love as the most suitable form of human relationship B) is an individual for whom the highest value is spiritual peace C) has a high interest in power and status D) primarily values social influence and the exercise of authority


5. Which of the following statements is true about the aesthetic person? A) In the pursuit of truth, this person prefers a cognitive approach. B) In personal relations, this person tends toward individualism, self-sufficiency, and idealism. C) In social affairs, this person is necessarily interested in the welfare of people. D) In the economic sphere, this person is often interested in the process of advertising and trade.


16. In My American Journey and It Worked for Me, which of the following rules is identified by Colin Powell that is gleaned from his years of experience? a. Uphold discipline b. Always prepare c. Check small things d. Pursue with force


17. Which of the following standards is identified by ISO 1401? a. Standards for market place performance b. Standards for government compliance c. Standards for environmental performance d. Standards for diversity performance e. All of these


13. The three styles of leadership are A) high, low, and middle. B) directive, participative, and free-rein. C) traditional, modern, and new wave.


14. Researcher Barbara Kellerman states valuable insights can be gained by examining qualities of poor leaders. According to her analysis, identify the six negative behaviors or flaws. A) Lack of job knowledge, poor communication, low commitment, poor preparation, bullying style, and negative attitude B) Incompetence, rigidity, intemperance, callousness, corruption, and cruelty C) Low trust, abrasive style, poor technical skill, inability to delegate, overly ambitious, and poor time management D) None of these


51. Which of the following is most likely a motivating force for employees who score high on the need for achievement? A) Opportunities to work on challenging jobs B) Opportunities to make decisions C) Opportunities to control people and events D) Opportunities to interact with others


10. In addition to concern for others, which of the following aspects must be present for caring leadership to occur? A) Power and prestige B) Commitment to a task C) Uncompensated work time D) Order and control


9. Which of the following is the central message of Theodore Roosevelt's passage on caring leadership? A) The one who cares too much will surely fail. B) It is better to try and fail rather than to never try at all. C) Victory belongs to the strongest individual. D) Victory and defeat are the opposite sides of the same coin. E) None of these


2. The servant leader is committed to people, and this commitment is shown through ________, ________, and ________. a. access; communication; support b. training; development; education c. recruitment; selection; reinforcement d. wages; benefits; promotion


5. Which of the following statements is true about authentic leaders? a. They have a genuine desire to serve others. b. They find it difficult to establish trusting relationships. c. They are primarily motivated by self-gain and social pressure. d. They copy the style of a popular and effective leader when replacing him or her.


15. Which of the following theories focuses on leadership style, such as autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire, as well as leadership dimensions, such as initiating structure and showing consideration? A) The behavior theory of leadership B) The trait theory of leadership C) The great man theory D) The dual-process theory


19. Which of the following theories holds that multiple leadership variables determine the probability that leadership will occur, including the qualities of a leader, the characteristics of followers, and the nature of a situation? A) Leadership trait theory B) Leadership behavior theory C) Leadership contingency theory D) Implicit leadership theory


8. In American society, which of the following qualities is the third most-cited quality people want in a leader and is the ability to teach, counsel, and otherwise develop others to higher levels of performance? A) Practical ability B) Intrapersonal skills C) People-building skills D) Abstract visioning


27. Individuals who are comfortable focusing inward on thoughts and feelings, following personal instincts, and pursuing goals that are original most likely have ________. A) interpersonal intelligence B) visual-spatial intelligence C) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence D) intrapersonal intelligence


49. Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on affiliation-oriented social motives? A) They are described as successful, competent, skillful, and productive. B) They want to discover, create, and build. C) They want to make valuable contributions to humankind in science and technology. D) They have a strong concern for human welfare.


30. Which of the following statements is most likely true about legitimate power? A) It is the capacity to influence others by virtue of formal authority or the rights of office. B) It is the ability to motivate and inspire others by force of personal traits. C) It is the capacity to punish as a means of influencing others. D) It is the capacity to influence others because of well-developed reasoning and problem-solving ability.


14. Edwin Ghiselli identified six traits as being important for effective leadership. Which of the following best describes supervisory ability? A) Being a self-starter B) Having good reasoning and thinking capacity C) Making difficult decisions without undue hesitation D) Getting the job done through others


18. The three most important influences on character formation are A) government, schools, and churches. B) business, industry, and government. C) parents, media, and music. D) experience, age, and education. E) associations (family and friends), books (and other media), and self-concept.


23. ________ thinking is needed when there is only one right answer; ________ thinking is needed when there can be many right answers. A) High; low B) Abstract; concrete C) Fluid; crystallized D) Convergent; divergent E) Pure; mixed


25. Both responsibility and ________ come with the office of leadership. A) confusion B) dependence C) wealth D) power


31. ________ writes, "The narcissistic person has built an invisible wall around himself. He is everything, the world is nothing. Or rather: He is the world." A) Henry Ford B) Sigmund Freud C) Steve Jobs D) Erich Fromm


9. Identify the six instrumental values of caring leaders in every field and level of responsibility. A) Excellence, excitement, support, efficiency, effectiveness, and ease B) Determination, diligence, dogma, deliberation, dependability, and delegation C) Honesty, consideration, responsibility, persistence, excellence, and commitment D) Power, position, perseverance, perception, patience, and people E) None of these


32. Given the importance of civility, which of the following should leaders ask in every interaction with an employee? A) Does the employee have a disciplinary record? B) Does the employee have a dispute with management? C) Is my behavior demonstrating the power of my position? D) Is my behavior lifting people up, or is my behavior shutting them down?


14. Frederick Winslow Taylor has most likely been criticized for advocating a(n) ________. a. elaborate reward system for employees b. systematic approach to problem solving c. extreme division of labor d. scientific selection and training methodology for employees


25. Which of the following statements is true about fluid intelligence? A) It represents one's lifetime of intellectual attainments. B) It focuses on the ability to solve problems within one's area of expertise. C) It includes reasoning, creative thinking, and memory. D) It includes comprehension of information and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms.


37. Which of the following statements is most likely true of participative followers? A) They do their best work on special assignments and independent projects. B) They respond best to individual treatment and personal freedom. C) They do their best work when job duties are spelled out and direct orders are given. D) They want open communication and active involvement in the decision-making process.


11. According to Deming, which of the following is a way to improve quality? a. Setting high standards b. Improving job training c. Providing a high level of supervision d. Removing barriers to pride of work e. All of these


1. The Jack Welch Management Institute reports that A) the weakest link in business, industry, and government is the skills of employees. B) formal education is highly unlikely to develop the most-cited qualities people want in their leaders. C) importance of good leadership and job performance are mutually exclusive. D) more than one-half of working adults have suffered under a bad boss at some point in their career.


19. In essence, Six Sigma seeks to a. empower employees to halt production to correct problems at their source. b. encourage creative thinking when designing work processes. c. reliably measure important inputs and outputs. d. remove variability from a process.


10. Which of the following was viewed by Aristotle (384-322 BC) as the central and most significant trait distinguishing humankind from other creatures? A) Emotionality B) Spontaneity C) Integrity D) Rationality


13. Identify the red flags that help an organization assess if it needs to clarify or reinforce its values. A) Top leaders send mixed messages about what is important. B) Different individuals and subgroups have fundamentally different value systems. C) The organization has values but does not practice them. D) All of these E) None of these


1. Qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) vision and enthusiasm B) stability and concern for others C) self-confidence and persistence D) vitality and integrity E) hearing and size


11. All of the following are important qualities of leadership EXCEPT ________. A) ability B) stability C) persistence D) charisma E) seniority


40. Who among the following said, "Momentum comes from having a clear vision of what the organization ought to be..."? A) Abraham Maslow B) Max DePree C) Ross Perot D) Harriet Tubman E) Peter Drucker


9. Which of the following best describes the participative leadership process? a. A luxury of time and attention that few leaders can afford b. Involving people, which is necessary to achieve understanding, which is necessary to achieve commitment c. The style of a weak and ineffectual leader d. Giving over power and ultimate responsibility to frontline people e. None of these


18. In the context of the managerial (leadership) grid for leadership effectiveness, which of the following statements is true about country club managers? A) They focus on being agreeable and keeping human relations smooth. B) They are results driven, and people are regarded as tools to that end. C) They are uninvolved in the work and withdraw from people. D) They care intensely about task accomplishment.


3. Which of the following best describes leadership? A) Adherence to performance standards B) Influencing the behaviors of others through ideas and deeds C) Evaluating a course of action D) Seeking direction from others E) Writing and speaking effectively


7. ________ is understood as honesty, strength of character, and courage. A) Vitality B) Charisma C) Integrity D) Stability


4. Artifacts of an organizational village include all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. physical structures b. rituals c. stories d. symbols e. external alliances


5. Who among the following referred to the quality of persistence when advising that things do not just occur in one's life and encouraged people to believe, be persistent, and struggle to overcome life's obstacles? A) Winston Churchill B) Martin Luther King C) Henry Ford D) Abraham Lincoln E) Golda Meir


17. Which of the following three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed Bertrand Russell's life? A) The longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind B) The need for life, the need for love, and the need for power C) The understanding of self, the support for family, and service to society D) The knowledge of our past, an awareness of the moment, and creation of the future


5. Unlike today, which of the following conditions most likely had an impact on leadership in earlier times? A) Mass education was unknown. B) Powerful positions were in abundance. C) Self-expression was encouraged. D) Information was everywhere


20. What is Critical thinking? A) The ability to think clearly, skeptical, and unbiased, and evaluate based on facts, not emotion. B) Being a good follower C) Act like a leader D) Being closed-minded to new ideas


21. Sergio Marchionne uses the ________ style of leading, Robert Selander uses the ________ style of leading, and Daniel Amos uses the ________ style of leading. A) free-rein; directive; participative B) directive; free rein; participative C) participative; directive; free-rein D) directive; participative; free-rein


39. Visioning content principles include all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) a central purpose B) broad goals C) core values D) strategic initiatives E) an allocation of budget


3. In the context of enthusiasm, a quality that marks a leader and helps influence the leadership process, who among the following said, "The successful man has enthusiasm. Good work is never done in cold blood; heat is needed to forge anything. Every great achievement is the story of a flaming heart"? A) Martin Luther King B) George Patton C) Harry Truman D) Colin Powell E) Eleanor Roosevelt


7. Disney's culture teaches and reinforces the values a. of innovation, reliability, and growth. b. of intelligence, empathy, and sensitivity. c. of professionalism, teamwork, and service. d. associated with storytelling and delegating responsibilities.


16. ________ once said, "Nonviolence is the first article of my faith." A) Malcolm X B) Muhammad Ali C) Saddam Hussein D) Mohandas Gandhi


13. 29) The political theorist Karl Marx observed that A) if an organization has strong leadership without management, performance continues to be consistent. B) people first and foremost want a leader who will be a mentor and developer of others. C) a great society requires leaders in business to think greatly of their functions. D) the manner in which a society does its work shapes most of the other things the society believes and does.


22. Which of the following best describes "the dark side of leadership"? A) The toxic effect a destructive leader has on individuals and organizations B) The beginning phase of leadership before light and learning occur C) The depression a leader experiences when times are difficult D) The second half of a leader's tenure in office E) All of these


24. Identify a true statement about crystallized intelligence. A) It focuses on the ability to process information rapidly in novel situations or when conventional solutions fail. B) It includes comprehension of information and the ability to communicate in oral and written forms. C) It tends to decrease in the twenties and thirties. D) It includes reasoning, creative thinking, and memory.


43. According to the Forum Corporation, which of the following characteristics is most likely needed in successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility for steering organizations through periods of change? A) Delegating the responsibility for initiating change to subordinates B) Creating a vision that is follower-initiated C) Treating people with respect and dignity D) Considering individual incentives and group success as mutually exclusive entities


10. To improve and maintain investor confidence, which of the following acts was passed by the U.S. Congress in response to a series of corporate scandals? A) Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 B) Kennedy-Feingold Act in 2004 C) Lugar-Obama Act in 2008 D) None of these


18. Identify a true statement about modern managers in Western society. A) They are of the view that the practice of threatening employees is usually productive. B) They view their task as motivating employees to do their best. C) They function as enforcers and disciplinarians. D) They believe that trust and respect should be demanded.


21. ________ is a special personal quality that generates others' interest and causes them to follow. A) Vitality B) Charisma C) Integrity D) Stability


6. Identify a characteristic of participative leadership. a. It is based on the idea that influence is based on technical competence and knowledge. b. Communication is based on rank and power. c. There is a reliance on traditional forms of compromise to manage conflict. d. It creates an atmosphere that discourages emotional expression and task-oriented acts.


15. Which of the following statements is most likely true about pragmatists? A) They emphasize the Golden Rule. B) They believe in doing what is best for the greatest number of people. C) They maintain that what is true must be based on evidence. D) They focus on the importance of personal conscience and duty.


12. In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profits, organizations typically reflect one of three ethical climates, which are A) democracy, quality-of-life management, and labor relations. B) quality-of-life management, profit maximizing, and trusteeship. C) democracy, management accountability, and quality-of-life management. D) quality-of-life management, communism, and shared profits.


12. Identify the primary purpose of leadership. A) To delegate accountability B) To provide order and consistency C) To produce change and movement D) To emphasize formal authority


24. In the context of the negative flaws or behaviors of poor leaders studied by researcher Barbara Kellerman, which of the following statements best describes intemperance? A) The leader lacks will and skill to sustain effective action. B) The leader is uncaring and unkind, discounting the needs of others. C) The leader lacks self-control in personal habits and conduct. D) The leader is closed-minded to new ideas, new information, or changing times.


3. Which of the following is effective only for a short period of time? a. A leader's use of psychological bigness and overbearance b. A leader's use of experience and skills c. A leader's use of patience and understanding d. A leader's use of knowledge and ability e. None of these


2. Which of the following patterns of leadership is autocratic and hierarchical? a. Impoverished b. Exploitive c. Supportive d. Enlightened


27. Management authors Warren Bennis and Philip Slater define participative leadership as ________. A) authoritative management B) democratic management C) permissive management D) laissez-faire management


26. Which of the following statements is true about authentic leaders? A) They have a genuine desire to serve others. B) They find it difficult to establish trusting relationships. C) They are primarily motivated by self-gain and social pressure. D) They copy the style of a popular and effective leader when replacing him or her.


17. In the context of leadership styles, the laissez-faire style pertains to a form or style of leadership ________. A) that is characterized by minimum control and maximum freedom B) in which focus is on equality, shared power, and group decision making C) that is directive and leader-centered D) in which power is exercised by a dominant and dictatorial individual


19. Which of the following qualities is common to both effective leaders and effective followers and is necessary for organizational success? A) Critical thinking B) Extraversion C) Openness to experience D) Narcissism


29. Which of the following statements is most likely true of reward power? A) It is the power of relationships. B) Keepers of standards, rules, regulations, and arcane facts have this power. C) It is the capacity to offer something of value as a means of influencing others. D) Intelligence, logic and the mastery of rhetoric increase this power.


9. The word "ethics" is derived from the ________ word ethos, referring to a person's fundamental orientation toward life. A) Hebrew B) Roman C) Greek D) English E) French


19. In the context of leadership ethics, identify a true statement according to Ronald Heifetz. A) Leadership involves the maintenance of high standards of ethical conduct through mutual consent. B) The approach to leadership is primarily based on the assumption that true leadership is service to others. C) The theory of transactional leadership emphasizes the moral development of followers. D) Leadership involves the use of authority to help followers uphold important values in the workplace.


1) Which of the following situational factors influences the leadership process? A) Size of an organization B) Social and psychological climate C) Employment patterns D) Type, place, and purpose of the work performed E) All of these


2. According to philosopher-psychologist Rollo May, ________ is the foundation that underlies and gives reality to all other virtues and personal values. A) experience B) contribution C) courage D) commitment


1. Which of the following is the most important leadership value and is also the single most important ingredient in the leader-follower relationship? A) Rationality B) Emotionality C) Spontaneity D) Honesty


16. According to the philosopher Plato and his allegory of the cave, ________. A) people trapped in the cave represented the world's intellectual masses B) ignorant masses escaped the cave to witness the true nature of things C) philosophers saw only representations of objects, the sights and sounds that were discerned by the physical senses D) philosophers who understood the form of the good should rule as kings


18. In the context of the three ethical climates, identify a true statement about the trusteeship climate. A) It reflects preconventional morality. B) An organization's focus is on self-gain and avoidance of punishment. C) It reflects the most advanced level of moral development. D) An organization behaves to conform to the expectations of others and to satisfy higher authorities.


7. The quality of doing the right thing for the right reason even in the face of adversity and personal loss is called ________. A) neuroticism B) narcissism C) rationality D) integrity


4. Which of the following best describes caring leadership? A) Caring about the task to be done and caring about people B) Caring about self-advancement and caring about the task to be done C) Caring about the welfare of others and caring about self-advancement D) Caring about the task to be done and caring about personal well-being E) None of these


11. Which of the following statements is true about secular ethics? A) It suggests that reality, truth, and goodness depend on the existence of a god. B) It is based on a scientific understanding of the world. C) It rejects the importance of the Golden Rule. D) It discourages preservation of life.


13. Ethics has both ________ and ________ roots. A) scientific; poetic B) religious; secular C) statutory; common D) male; female


2. In the context of the 10 qualities that mark a leader and help influence the leadership process, identify the first requirement for a leader. A) An innate and learned competency B) A strong sense of purpose C) Concern for others D) Strength and stamina to fulfill the tasks of leadership


23. Which of the following situational factors influences the leadership process? A) Size of an organization B) Social and psychological climate C) Employment patterns D) Type, place, and purpose of the work performed E) All of these


20. Stanley Milgram's social research showed that A) Hitler could only happen in Germany. B) women are innately kind. C) electric voltage needs to be regulated in laboratory experiments. D) ordinary people can be induced to perform inhumane acts.


20. Transactional leaders ________. A) increase the achievement of followers beyond previous expectations B) focus on the potentialities of the relationship between the leader and followers C) ignite the motives of their followers to take action D) focus on exchanges between leaders and followers


22. Based on styles of leading, which of the following is an important factor in determining leadership effectiveness? A) The number of members in a team B) Income and geography C) Size and distance D) Leader-follower compatibility E) All of these


3. Which of the following statements is most likely true of service cultures? a. They result in increased profits in a short period of time. b. They are particularly important in high-risk industries. c. They focus on work conditions and behaviors that prevent accidents and injuries. d. They focus on customer satisfaction by putting customers first.


6. Which of the following rules is at the heart of Google's culture? a. Stay technologically intelligent and hold people accountable for results. b. Be flexible in different situations and show respect for others. c. Put customers first and give low priority to competition. d. Think of your work as a calling with a mission that matters and give people more trust, freedom, and authority than you are comfortable giving.


8. Which of the following statements is true about ethics? A) It is the study of religion and politics. B) It is the study of young children and mature adults. C) It is the study of cause and effect. D) It is the study of moral judgments and right and wrong conduct. E) None of these


9. Based on styles of leading, which of the following is an important factor in determining leadership effectiveness? A) The number of members in a team B) Income and geography C) Size and distance D) Leader-follower compatibility E) All of these


17. Which of the following is the most serious derailment pattern for leaders? A) Inability to build positive relations with peers B) Inability to build and lead a team C) Inability to adapt to changing bosses, followers, and situations D) Inadequate preparation for promotion E) Failure to meet performance objectives


26. Individuals who have verbal-linguistic intelligence most likely ________. A) explore patterns and relationships B) have a good memory for names and places C) engage in imagining things and working through mazes and puzzles D) process knowledge through bodily sensations and use their body in skilled ways


29. Which of the following is most likely true of individuals who have interpersonal intelligence? A) They respond with strong opinions when controversial topics are discussed. B) They learn best by relating, sharing, and participating in cooperative group environments. C) They respond best in situations that provide physical activities and hands-on learning experiences. D) They learn best by looking at pictures, watching videos or movies, and visualizing.


33. Professor William Shadle identifies three fears to avoid in building trust with employees, which are A) fear of the past, fear of the present, and fear of the future. B) don't be afraid to say "I don't know," don't be afraid to say "I made a mistake," and don't be afraid to say "please" and "thank you." C) fear of omission, fear of commission, and fear of confusion. D) don't be afraid of failure, don't be afraid of success, and don't be afraid of not trying.


46. The three basic motives underlying the desire of a person to be a leader are A) power, recognition, and affiliation. B) affiliation, achievement, and power. C) success, acknowledgment, and prestige. D) achievement, power, and success.


48. Which of the following statements is most likely true about leaders who score high on achievement-oriented social motives? A) They are characterized by strength, assertiveness, and dominance. B) They want to discover, create, and build. C) They have a strong concern for human welfare. D) They want to influence people and events.


50. Which of the following statements is most likely true about employees who score high on the need for power? A) They desire unambiguous feedback on their performance. B) They enjoy people and find the social aspects of their workplace rewarding. C) They gain satisfaction from influencing others. D) They like to solve problems and get the job done.


34. Relevant subject matter expertise helps a leader A) avoid criticism. B) reduce complexity. C) end complacency. D) build a team, set the right goals, and achieve results.


41. Which of the following ideas gave Henry Ford's vision life? A) The moving assembly line B) Paying workers as much as was fair C) Vertical integration D) All of these E) None of these


44. In a major study of leadership effectiveness, the Forum Corporation reports on the characteristics of successful leaders at middle to senior levels of responsibility. Identify a key finding of the study. A) Positions and titles are directly related to leadership performance. B) Organizational leadership involves individualism more than interdependence. C) An organization's environment plays an insignificant role in developing plans to meet organizational challenges. D) Leaders inspire others to take on the tasks of leadership.


6. In American society, Rosa Parks's courage helped determine the course of ________. A) economic theories B) art appreciation C) science and technology D) civil rights E) religious thoughts


10. Identify the beliefs and common values of the participative leadership. a. Full and free communication b. A reliance on consensus to manage conflict c. A basically human bias d. All of these e. None of these


11. In dealing with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profit, which of the following ethical climates are typically reflected by organizations? A) Strong central leaders, democratic leadership, and no leaders B) Self-centered, selfish, and selfless C) Law of the jungle, agrarian society, and free market economy D) Profit-maximizing, trusteeship, and quality-of-life management E) None of these


13. According to W. Edwards Deming, which of the following points is essential for a successful workplace and is most likely applied in both private and public organizations? a. Heavily depending on mass inspection for quality b. Increasing the number of suppliers who offer value for money c. Creating robust barriers between departments d. Creating consistency and continuity of purpose


4. Which of the following statements is true about the economic person? A) In relationships with people, this person is unlikely to be interested in surpassing others in wealth. B) The altruistic or philanthropic aspect of love is the interest of this person. C) The primary values of this person are social influence and the exercise of authority. D) This person wants education to be practical and regards unapplied knowledge as wasteful.


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