Chapter 1 Abnormal Psychology: Past and Present

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Which of the following is an essential feature of therapy? There is just one contact between healer and sufferer. The healer seeks relief from the sufferer. There is a trained healer. The sufferer seeks advice from friends and/or family.

There is a trained healer

What is the best way to think about distress as a condition for psychological abnormality? . Usually, distress is a sign of psychological normality, not of abnormality. Distress is commonly associated with abnormality but is not essential to it. If a condition causes distress, that is sufficient reason to consider it abnormal. In order for a condition to be considered abnormal, it must cause distress.

Distress is commonly associated with abnormality but is not essential to it

The discovery that syphilis led to paralysis and to delusions of grandeur supported the _____ perspective. psychogenic somatogenic psychosocial somatoform


John's family had a difficult time understanding why he chose to wear an overcoat, a hat, and gloves during the summer. John's behavior is an example of which of the "four Ds?" . dangerousness dysfunction distress deviance


In the twentieth century, the _____ perspective led to eugenic sterilization as a medical treatment of abnormal psychological functioning. psychogenic demonic psychoanalytic somatogenic


Medical proecudure Q: The treatment procedures in this video are linked to: - state hospitals., - humors. - deinstitutionalization. - psychoanalysis.

state hospitals

Medical proecudure Q: The treatment procedures on display in this video represent which perspective? - psychogenicpositive - psychology - somatogenic, - deinstitutionalization


Dr. Stoffey, a clinical psychologist, believes that abnormality is the result of problems in living. Dr. Stoffey would most likely refer to those who seek her help as: . clients. patients. teachers. sufferers.


Question: Often the deciding factor in determining whether a behavior, thought, or emotion is deviant: - is culture - are legal standards - are medical standards - are mental health professionals

is culture

How might social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, facilitate current forms of mass madness?

it could create delusions and spread them like wildfire

The study of how culture, race, gender, and other factors relate to psychology is called _____ psychology. - somatogenic - psychoanalytic - multicultural - positive


This is the study and enhancement of positive feelings, traits, and abilities. psychosocial psychology positive psychology holistic psychology existential psychology

positive psychology

Chaise lives during the Middle Ages. He hears voices and spontaneously dances for no apparent reason. How would Chaise's behavior MOST likely be explained by those around him? devotion disease possession deviance


Abnormal Psychology Behavior: Dysfunction

- abnormal behavior tends to be dysfunctional, it interferes with daily functioning. - it upsets, distracts, or confuses people that they cannot care for themselves properly, participate in ordinary social interactions, or work productively. - EX: Someone who quits their job, left their family, and prepares to withdraw from the productive life they once had, we as a society say that is abnormal and undesirable because he isn't carrying out daily activities in an effective manner.

The elusive nature of abnormality

- A society selects general criteria for defining abnormality and then uses those criteria to judge particular cases. - One clinical theorist, Thomas Szasz (1920-2012), placed such emphasis on society's role that he found the whole concept of mental illness to be invalid, a myth of sorts. According to Szasz, the deviations that society calls abnormal are simply "the problems in living," not signs of something wrong within the person. - A number of todays clinical theorists de-emphasize the role of illness or disorder when defining psychological abnormality, and instead look at the circumstances and coping challenges that bring individuals to treatment. - If we assume that psychological abnormality is a valid concept and that it can be defined, we may be unable to apply our definitions consistently; if a behavior such as excessive use of alcohol among college students is familiar enough, society may fail to recognize that it is deviant, distressful, dysfunctional, and dangerous. - thousands of college students throughout the US are so dependent on alcohol that it interferes with their personal and academic lives, causing them great discomfort, jeopardized their health, and often endangers them and the people around them. Yet their problems go unnoticed and undiagnosed. Alcohol is much of a part of the college subculture that it is easy to overlook drinking behavior that has become abnormal. - A society may have trouble separating an abnormality that requires intervention from an eccentricity. - EX: every now and then we hear about people who behave in ways we consider strange, such as a man who lives alone with two dozen cats and rarely talks to other people. The behavior of such people is deviant, and it may well be distressful and dysfunctional, yet many professionals think of it as eccentric rather than abnormal.

psychological abnormality

- AFFECTS: famous, unknown, rich, poor, celebrities, writers, politicians, and other public figures. - These problems can bring great suffering, but they can also be the source of inspiration and energy; they are so common and so personal, these problems capture the interest of us all - novels, plays, films, and TV programs have explored what many people see as the dark side of human nature, and self help books flood the market. Mental health experts are popular guests on both TV, radio, and many have their own shows, websites, youtube, and blogs.

What is psychological abnormality?

- Abnormal functioning is generally considered to be deviant, distressful, dysfunctional, and dangerous. Behavior must also be considered in the context in which it occurs, however, and the concept of abnormality depends on the norms and values of the society in question

the renaissance

- Care of people with mental disorders continued to improve during the early part of the Renaissance. Certain religious shrines became dedicated to the humane treatment of such individuals. By the middle of the sixteenth century, however, persons with mental disorders were being warehoused in asylums

the nineteenth century

- Care of those with mental disorders started to improve again in the nineteenth century. In Paris, Philippe Pinel started the movement toward moral treatment. In the United States, Dorothea Dix spearheaded a movement to ensure legal rights and protection for people with mental disorders and to establish state hospitals for their care. However, the moral treatment movement disintegrated by the late nineteenth century, and mental hospitals again became warehouses where inmates received minimal care

Abnormal Psychology Behavior: Distress

- Even functioning that is considered unusual does not necessarily qualify as abnormal. - Clinical theorists state that behavior, ideas, or emotions usually have to cause distress before they can be labeled as abnormal. - Feelings of distress may not always be present when judging whether or not a persons functioning can be considered abnormal. Some people who function abnormally maintain a positive frame of mine. EX: enjoys listening to the voices, felt honored to be chosen, loved sending out warnings on the internet, etc...

How was abnormality viewed and treated in the past?

- In any given year, as many as 30% of the adults and 17% of the children and adolescents in the US display serious psychological disturbances and are in need of clinical treatment - the rates in many other countries are similarly high. - something about the modern world is responsible for these many emotional problems, perhaps rapid technological change; deep political divides; increasing threats of terrorism, mass shootings, and natural disasters; or a decline in religious, family, or other support systems. - every society, past and present, has witnessed psychological abnormality.

the middle ages

- In the Middle Ages, Europeans returned to demonological explanations of abnormal behavior. The clergy was very influential and held that mental disorders were the work of the devil. As the Middle Ages drew to a close, such explanations and treatments began to decline, and people with mental disorders were increasingly treated in hospitals instead of by the clergy

Psychwatch: Marching to a different drummer - eccentrics

- James Joyce, Benjamin Franklin, Hetty Green, Alexander Graham Bell, Sarah Lockwood Winchester, and D. H. Lawrence are famous persons who have been called eccentrics. - dictionary definition: eccentric as a person who deviates from common behavior patterns or displays odd or whimsical behavior. - Researcher David Weeks (2015) studied 1,000 eccentrics and estimated that as many as 1 in 5,000 persons may be "classic, full time eccentrics". Weeks pinpointed 15 characteristics common to the eccentrics in his study: nonconformity, creativity, strong curiosity, idealism, extreme interests and hobbies, lifelong awareness of being different, high intelligence, outspokenness, noncompetitiveness, unusual eating and living habits, disinterest in others' opinions or company, mischievous sense of humor, nonmarriage, eldest or only child, and poor spelling skills. - Weeks suggests that eccentrics do not typically suffer from mental disorders. Eccentricity is chosen freely and provides pleasure whereas the unusual behavior of persons with mental disorders is thrust upon them and usually causes them suffering. "In short, eccentrics know they are different and glory in it" - weeks. The thought process of eccentrics are not severely disrupted and do not leave these persons dysfunctional. Weeks found that people in his study had fewer emotional problems than individuals in the general population. Perhaps being an original is good for mental health,

greeks and romans

- Physicians of the Greek and Roman empires offered more enlightened explanations of mental disorders. Hippocrates believed that abnormal behavior was caused by an imbalance of the four bodily fluids, or humors


- Positive psychology is the study of positive feelings, traits, and abilities. A better understanding of constructive function-ing enables clinicians to better promote psychological wellness. Happiness is the positive psychology topic currently receiving the most attention. Many, but far from all, people are happy. In fact, only one-third of adults declare themselves "very happy." Let's take a look at some of today's leading facts, figures, and notions about happiness.

how was abnormality viewed and treated in the past?

- The history of psychological disorders stretches back to ancient times. Prehistoric societies apparently viewed abnormal behavior as the work of evil spirits. There is evidence that Stone Age cultures used trephination, a primitive form of brain surgery, to treat abnormal behavior. People of early societies also sought to drive out evil spirits by exorcism

the early twentieth century

- The turn of the twentieth century saw the return of the somatogenic perspective, the view that abnormal psychological functioning is caused primarily by physical factors. The same period saw the rise of the psychogenic perspective, the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological. Sigmund Freud's psychogenic approach, psychoanalysis, eventually gained wide acceptance and influenced future generations of clinicians

summing up what is treatment?

- Therapy is a systematic process for helping people overcome their psychological difficulties. It typically requires a patient, a therapist, and a series of therapeutic contacts.

recent decades and current trends

- There have been major changes over the past 70 years in the understanding and treatment of abnormal functioning. In the 1950s, researchers discovered a number of new psychotropic medications, drugs that mainly affect the brain and reduce many symptoms of mental dysfunction. Their success contributed to a policy of deinstitutionalization, under which hundreds of thousands of patients were released from public mental hospitals. In addition, outpatient treatment has become the primary approach for most people with mental disorders, both mild and severe; prevention programs are growing in number and influence; the field of multicultural psychology has begun to influence how clinicians view and treat abnormality; and insurance coverage is having a significant impact on the way treatment is conducted. - It is also the case that a variety of perspectives and professionals have come to operate in the field of abnormal psychology, and many well-trained clinical researchers now investigate the field's theories and treatments. And finally, the remarkable technological advances of recent times have affected the mental health field

Abnormal Psychology Behavior: Deviance

- abnormal behavior, thoughts, and emotions are those that differ markedly from a society's ideas about proper functioning. - each society established norms; behavior that breaks legal norms is considered criminal, behavior thoughts and emotions that break norms of psychological functioning are called abnormal. - A society's norms grow from its particular culture; its history, values, institutions, habits, skills, technology, and arts. - A society that values competition and assertiveness may accept aggressive behavior, whereas one that emphasizes cooperation and gentleness may consider aggressive behavior unacceptable and even abnormal. - A society's values may change over time, causing its views of what is psychological abnormal to change as well. EX: In western society, a woman seeking the power of running a major corporation or leading the country would have been considered inappropriate and even delusional a hundred years ago. Today, the same behavior is valued. - judgements of abnormality depend on specific circumstances as well as on cultural norms. EX: Someone feeling depressed like the world is going to cave in while they have a family to look after and what seems to be a perfect life. Whereas they are dealing with a life of COVID and are stuck inside not being able to make money, and they catch covid and are sick along with the rest of the family, this would make more sense why she would be so sad and depressed. - Many human experiences produce intense reactions: financial ruin, large scale catastrophes and disasters, rape, child abuse, war, terminal illness, and chronic pain.

The increasing influence of insurance coverage

- according to the US census bureau, 67 percent of Americans have private health insurance, purchased directly or through an employer, while the remained are either uninsured (9% of Americans) or enrolled in a public supplemented insurance program such as Medicare, Medicaid, children's health insurance program (CHIP), or military insurance. So many people now seek mental health services that most private and public insurance programs have changed their coverage for these patients in the recent decades. The dominant form of insurance now consists of managed care programs, programs in which the insurance company determines such key issues as which therapists its clients may choose, the cost of sessions, and the number of sessions for which a client may be reimbursed. - managed care coverage for mental health treatment follows the same basic principles as coverage for medical treatment, including a limited pool of practitioners from which patients can choose, preapproval of treatment by the insurance company, strict standards for judging whether problems and treatments qualify for reimbursement, and ongoing reviews. In the mental health realm, both therapists and clients typically dislike managed care programs. They fear that the programs inevitably shorten therapy (often for the worse), unfairly favor treatments whose results are not always lasting (drug therapy), pose a special hardship for those with severe mental disorders, and result in treatments determined by insurance companies rather than by therapists. - a key problem with insurance coverage, both managed care and other kinds of insurance programs, is that reimbursements for mental disorders tend to be lower than those for physical disorders. This places persons with psychological difficulties at a distinct disadvantage. Thus, in 2008, the US congress passed a federal parity law that directed insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental and physical problems, and in 2014 the mental health provisions of the affordable care act (the ACA) referred to colloquially as "obama care" went into effect and extended the reach of the earlier parity law. Moreover, the ACA designated mental health care as 1 of 10 types of essential health benefits that must be provided by all insurers. - the parity laws have brought about some important improvements in mental health insurance coverage. For example, insurance programs can no longer charge their members high deductibles for mental health services than for physical health services. Nor can the programs set annual or lifetime limits on the mental health costs they will help pay for. - despite the parity laws, many insurance companies still manage to shortchange the mental health claims on their members. In 2019, a federal court rules that united health, one of the nations largest health insurers, discriminates against its members with mental health needs by covering only enough mental health treatment to stabilize the patients, while ignoring coverage for the effective treatment of the members underlying conditions. Insurance coverage for physical problems does not typically make such a distinction. - similarly, a report by the health care cost institute 2019, revealed that over the past 5 years, out of pocket patient expenses for inpatient mental health care (psychiatric hospitalizations and specialized nursing facilities) have actually grown 13 times faster than out of pocket patient expenses for all other kinds of inpatient health care. - thus, although parity laws have made a difference in certain aspects of mental health coverage, such coverage remains far from equal to that for physical problems. moreover, it is worth noting that many mental health advocates worry that current efforts in congress and various state legislatures to change or repeal the ACA may if successful, negatively affect mental health parity, as well as other aspects of mental health insurance coverage.

A growing emphasis on preventing disorders and promoting mental health

- although the community mental health approach has often failed to address the needs of people with severe disorders, it has given rise to an important principle of mental health care prevention. Rather than wait for psychological disorders to occur, many of todays community programs try to correct the social conditions that underlie psychological problems (poverty or violence in the community) and to help individuals who are at risk for developing emotion problems (teen mothers or the children of people with severe psychological disorders). Community prevention programs are not always successful, but they have grown in number, offering great promise as the ultimate form of intervention. - prevention programs have been further energized in the past few decades by the field of psychology's ever growing interest in positive psychology. Positive psychology is the study and enhancement of positive feelings such as optimism and happiness, positive traits like hard work and wisdom, and group directed virtues, including altruism and tolerance. - while researchers study and learn more about positive psychology in the laboratory, clinical practitioners with this orientation are teaching people coping skills that may help protect them from stress and adversity and encouraging them to become more involved in personally meaningful activities and relationships, thus helping to prevent mental disorders.

the nineteenth century: reform and moral treatment

- as 1800 approached, the treatment of people with mental disorders began to improve once again. historians usually point to la bicetre, an asylum in Paris for male patients, as the first site for asylum reform. In 1793, during the french revolution, philippe pinel (1745-1826) was named the chief physician there. He argued that the patients were sick people whose illnesses should be treated with sympathy and kindness rather than chains and beatings. He allowed them to move freely about the hospital grounds; replaced the dark dungeons with sunny, well ventilated rooms; and offered support and advice. Pinells approached proved remarkably successful. Many patients who had been shut away for decades improved greatly over a short period of time and were released. Pinel later brought similar reforms to a mental hospital in paris for female patients, la salpetriere. - meanwhile, an english quaker named william turke (1732-1819) was bringing similar reforms to northern england. In 1796 he founded the york retreat, a rural estate where about 30 mental patients lived as guests in quiet country houses and were treated with a combination of rest, talk, prayer, and manual work.

the early twentieth century: the somatogenic and psychogenic perspectives

- as the moral movement was declining in the late 1800s, two opposing perspectives emerged and began to compete for attention of clinicians: the somatogenic perspective, the view that abnormal psychological functioning has physical causes, and the psychogenic perspective, the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological. These perspectives came into full bloom during the twentieth century.

Moving Foward

- by examining the responses of past societies to abnormal behavior, we can better understand the roots of our present views and treatments and the impressive progress that the clinical field has made. At the same time, we must recognize the impressive progress that the clinical field has made. Without question, our current understanding of abnormal behavior represents a work in progress. The clinical field's most important insights, investigations, and changes are yet to come. - How, then, should you proceed in your study of abnormal psychology? To begin with, you need to learn about the basic tools and perspectives used by today's scientists and practitioners. This is the task we turn to in the next several chapters. Later chapters will then help you to appreciate in depth the major categories of psychological abnormality as well as the leading explanations and treatments for each of them. In the final chapter, you will see how the science of abnormal psychology and its professionals interact with legal, social, and other institutions in our world.

the decline of moral treatment

- by the 1850s, a number of mental hospitals throughout Europe and America reported success using moral approaches. - by the end of the century however several factors led to a reversal of the moral treatment movement. - One factor was the speed with which the movement had spread. As mental hospitals multiplied, severe money and staffing shortages developed, recovery rates declined, and overcrowding in the hospitals became a major problem. - Another factor was the assumption behind moral treatment that all patients could be cured if treated with humanity and dignity. For some, this was indeed sufficient. Others however needed more effective treatment than any that had yet been developed. - An additional factor contributing to the decline of moral treatment was the emergence of a new wave of prejudice against people with mental disorders. The public came to view them as strange and dangerous. Moreover, many of the patients entering public mental hospitals in the United States in the late nineteenth century were poor foreign immigrants, whom the public had little interest in helping. - by the early years of the twentieth century, the moral treatment movement had ground to a halt in both the united states and Europe. Public mental hospitals were providing only custodial care and ineffective medical treatments and were becoming more overcrowded every year. Long term hospitalization became the rule once again.

clinical practitioners

- detect, assess, and treat abnormal patterns of functioning

The renaissance and the rise of asylums

- during the early part of the renaissance, a period of flourishing cultural and scientific activity from about 1400 to 1700, demonological views of abnormality continued to decline. - German physician Johann Weyer (1515-1588) the first physician to specialize in mental illness, believed that the mind was as susceptible to sickness as the body was. He is now considered the founder of the modern study of psychopathology. - The care of people with mental disorders continued to improve in this atmosphere. In England, such individuals might be kept at home while their familied were aided financially by the local parish. Across Europe, religious shrined were devoted to the humane and loving treatment of people with mental disorders. - Perhaps the best known of the shrines was at Gheel in Belgium. Beginning in the fifteenth century, people came to gheel from all over the world for psychic healing. Local residents welcomed these pilgrims into their homes, and many stayed on to form the worlds first colony of mental patients. Gheel was the forerunner of todays community mental healthy programs, and it continues to demonstrates that people with psychological disorders can respond to loving care and respect treatment. Many patients still live in foster homes there, interacting with other residents, until they recover. - unfortunately, these improvements in care began to fade by the mid sixteenth century. Government officials discovered that private homes and community residences could house only a small percentage of those with severe mental disorders and that medical hospitals were too few and too small. More and more, they converted hospitals and monasteries into asylums, institutions whose primary purpose was to care for people with mental illness. These institutions were begun with the intention that they would provide good care. Once the asylums started to overflow, they became virtual prisons where patients were held in filthy conditions and treated with unspeakable cruelty. - in 1547, for example, Bethlehem hospital was given to the city of London by henry VIII for the sole purpose of confining the mentally ill. In this asylum, patients bound in chains cried out for all to hear. The hospital even became a popular tourist attraction; people were eager to pay to look at the howling and gibbering inmates. The hospitals name, pronounced "bedlam" by the local people, has come to mean a chaotic uproar.

ancient views and treatments

- historians who have examined the unearthed bones, artwork, and other remnants of ancient societies have concluded that these societies probably regarded abnormal behavior as the work of evil spirits. - people in prehistoric societies apparently believed that all events around and within them resulted from the actions of magical, sometimes sinister, beings who controlled the world. They viewed the human body and mind as a battleground between external forces of good and evil - abnormal behavior was typically interpreted as a victory by evil spirits, and the cure for such behavior was to force the demons from a victims body. - this supernatural view of abnormality may have begun as far back as the stone age, a half million years ago., - some skulls from that period recovered in Europe and South America show evidence of an operation called trephination, in which a stone instrument, or trephine, was used to cut away a circular section of the skull; Some historians have concluded that this early operation was performed as a treatment for severe abnormal behavior, either hallucinations in which people saw or heard things not actually present or melancholia, characterized by extreme sadness and immobility- the purpose of opening the skull was to release the evil spirits that were supposedly causing the problem. - later societies also explained abnormal behavior by pointing to possession by demons; Egyptian, Chinese, and Hebrew writings all account for psychological deviance this way, and the bible describes how an evil spirit from the lord affected King Saul and how david feigned madness to convince his enemies that he was visited by divine forces. - the treatment for abnormality in these early societies was often exorcism. The idea was to coax the evil spirits to leave or to make the persons body an uncomfortable place in which to live. - a shaman or priest, might recite prayers, plead with the evil spirits, insult the spirits, perform magic, make loud noises, or have the person drink bitter potions. If these techniques failed, the shaman performed a more extreme form of exorcism, such as whipping or starving the person.

how are people with severe disturbances cared for?

- in the 1950s, researchers discovered a number of new psychotropic medications, drugs that primarily affect the brain and reduce many symptoms of mental dysfunction. They included the first antipsychotic drugs, which correct extremely confused and distorted thinking; antidepressants drugs which lift the mood of depressed people; and antianxiety drugs which reduce tension and worry. - when given these drugs, many patients who had spent years in mental hospitals began to show signs of improvement. Hospital administrators, encouraged by these results are pressured by a growing public outcry over the terrible conditions in public mental hospitals, began to discharge patients almost immediately. - since the discovery of these medications, mental health professionals in most of the developed nations of the world have followed a policy of deinstitutionalization, releasing hundreds of thousands of patients from public mental hospitals. On any given day in 1955, close to 600,000 people were confined in public mental institutions across the united stated. Today, the daily patient population in the same kinds of hospitals is between 38,000 and 75,000. In addition, thousands of people receive treatment in private psychiatric hospitals, care that is paid for by the patients themselves and/or their insurance companies. On average, the private facilities offer more pleasant surroundings and more favorable staff patient ratios than the public ones. - the number of patients now hospitalized in public mental health hospitals in the US is a small fraction of the number hospitalized in 1955. - without question, outpatient care has now become the primary mode of treatment for people with severe psychological disturbances as well as for those with more moderate problems. When severely disturbed people do need institutionalization these days, they are usually hospitalized for a short period of time. Ideally, they are then provided with outpatient psychotherapy and medication in community programs and residences. - A philosophy called the community mental health approach has been helpful for many patients, but too few community programs are available to address current needs in the US. As a result, hundreds of thousands of persons with severe disturbances fail to make lasting recoveries, and they shuttle back and fourth between the mental hospital and the community. After release from the hospital, they at best receive minimal care and often wind up living in decrepit rooming houses or on the streets. Around 140,000 people with such disturbances are homeless on any given day; another 440,000 are inmates of jails and prisons. Their abandonment is truly a national disgrace.

Greek and roman views and treatments

- in the years from roughly 500 BCE to 500 CE, when the Greek and roman civilizations thrived, philosophers and physicians often offered different explanations and treatments for abnormal behaviors. - Hippocrates (460-377 BCE), often called the father of modern medicine, taught that illnesses had natural causes. He saw abnormal behavior as a disease arising from internal physical problems. He believed that some form of brain pathology was the culprit and that it resulted like all other forms of diseases in his view from an imbalance of four fluids, or humors, that flowed through the body: yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm. - EX: an excess of yellow bile caused mania, a state of frenzied activity; Causes a husband to beat his wife. An excess of black bile was the source of melancholia, a condition marked by unshakeable sadness, leaves a man melancholic and sends him to bed. - to treat psychological dysfunction, Hippocrates sought to correct the underlying physical pathology. He believed that the excess of black bile underlying melancholia could be reduced by a quiet life, a diet of vegetables, temperance, exercise, celibacy, and even bleeding. Hippocrates focus on internal causes for abnormal behavior was shared by the Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BCE) and Aristotle (384-322 BCE) and by influential Greek and roman physicians.

Recent decades and current trends

- it would hardly be accurate to say that we now live in a period of great enlightenment about or dependable treatment of mental disorders. in fact, surveys have found that 43 percent of respondents believe that people bring mental disorders on themselves, 31 percent consider such disorders to be a sign of personal weakness, 35 percent believe the disorders are caused by sinful behavior, and 33 percent are afraid of people with such disorders. Nevertheless, there have been major changes over the past 70 years in the ways clinicians understand and treat abnormal functioning. There are more theories and types of treatment, more research studies, more information, and because of those increases, more disagreements about abnormal functioning today than at any time in the past.

what is treatment?

- once clinicians decide that a person is suffering from some form of psychological abnormality, they seek to treat it. - treatment or therapy is a procedure designed to change abnormal behavior into more normal behavior; it requires careful definition. - EX: A person is miserable in February. But in July they are feeling better, their symptoms have disappeared. factors such as advice from friends and family could have helped him. This is not considered treatment or therapy! - According to pioneering clinical theorist Jerome Frank, all forms of therapy have three essential features: 1. A sufferer who seeks relief from the healer, 2. a trained, socially accepted healer whose expertise is accepted by the sufferer and the sufferers social group, 3. a series of contracts between the healer and the sufferer, through which the healer... tries to produce certain changes in the sufferers emotional state, attituded, and behaviors. Franks criteria is still embraced by most of todays clinical theorists, despite his seemingly straightforward definition - clinical treatment is surrounded by conflict and confusion. - EX: a kid sitting in the NYC subway platform calling himself the advice kid, offering therapeutic advice. He is not a trained healer, therefore not treating with therapy. - Some clinicians view abnormality as an illness and so consider therapy a procedure that helps cure the illness. Others see abnormality as a problem in living and therapists as teachers or coaches of more functional behavior and thought. - Clinicians even differ on what to call the person who receives therapy: those who see abnormality as an illness speak of the patient and those who view it as a problem in living refer to the client.

what are todays leading theories and professions?

- one of the most important developments in the clinical field has been the growth of numerous theoretical perspectives that now coexist in the field. Before the 1950s, the psychoanalytic perspective, with its emphasis on unconscious psychological problems as the cause of abnormal behavior, was dominant. Since then, additional influential perspectives have emerged, particularly the biological, cognitive behavioral, humanistic existential, sociocultural, and developmental psychopathology schools of thought. At present, no single viewpoint dominates the clinical field as the psychoanalytic perspective once did. In fact, the perspective often conflict and compete with one another. - in addition, a variety of professionals now offer help to people with psychological problems. before the 1950s, psychotherapy was offered only by psychiatrists, physicians who complete three to four years additional training after medical school (residency) in the treatment of abnormal mental functioning. After world war II, with millions of soldiers returning home to countries throughout north America and Europe, the demand for mental health services expanded so rapidly that other professional groups had to step in to fill the need. - among those other groups are clinical psychologists, professionals who earn a doctorate in clinical psychology by completing four to five years of graduate training in abnormal functioning and its treatment as well as a one year internship in a mental health setting. Psychotherapy and related services are also provided by counseling psychologists, educational and school psychologists, mental health counselors, psychiatric nurses, marriage therapists, family therapists, and the largest group, clinical social workers. Each of these specialties has its own graduate training program. Theoretically, each conducts therapy in a distinctive way, but in reality clinicians from the various specialties often use similar techniques. - a related development in the study and treatment of mental disorders since World War II has been the growth of effective research. Clinical researchers have worked to determine which concepts best explain and predict abnormal behavior, which treatments are most effective, and what kinds of changes may be required. Well trained clinical researchers conduct studies in universities, medical schools, laboratories, mental hospitals, mental health centers, and other clinical settings throughout the world. Their work has produced important discoveries and has changed many of our ideas about abnormal psychological functioning.

technology and mental health

- the breathtaking rate of technological change that characterizes todays world has begun to have significant effects both positive and negative on the mental health field, and it will undoubtedly affect the field in the coming years. - Our digital world provides new triggers for abnormal behavior. for example, many individuals who grapple with gambling disorder have found the ready availability of Internet gambling to be all too inviting. Similarly, social media, the Internet, and texting have become convenient tools for those who wish to stalk or bully others, express sexual exhibitionism, or pursue pedophilic desires. Likewise, some clinicians believe that violent video games may contribute to the development of antisocial behavior. And, in the opinion of many clinicians, constant texting, social media posting, tweeting, and Internet browsing may become an addictive behavior or may help lead to shorter attention spans. - A number of clinicians also worry that social networking can contribute to psychological dysfunction in certain cases. On the positive side, research indicates that, on average, social media users are particularly likely to maintain close relationships, receive social support, be trusting, and lead active lives. But, on the negative side, there is research suggesting that social networking sites may increase peer pressure and social anxiety in some adolescents. The sites may, for example, cause some people to develop fears that others in their network will exclude them socially. Similarly, such sites may facilitate shy or socially anxious people's withdrawal from valuable face-to-face relationships. - In addition, our digital world has greatly expanded the amount of mental health information available to the public. Indeed, countless websites offer such information. When accurate, material of this kind can be very useful to people in search of mental health answers, help, and guidance. Unfortunately, however, along with this wealth of online information comes an enormous amount of misinformation about psychological problems and their treatments, offered by persons and sites that are far from knowledgeable. - The face of clinical treatment is also changing in our fast-moving digital world. For example, computerized intervention programs and Internet-based support groups are now widely available. Moreover, there are hundreds of smartphone apps devoted to relaxing people, cheering them up, giving them feel-good advice, helping them track their shifting moods and thoughts, or otherwise improving their psychological states. Increasingly, therapists are even including wearable technologies in their treatment (for example, "smart" watches/bands and "smart" glasses) to help monitor key psychophysiological processes that unfold throughout individuals' lives, such as sleep quality, physical activity, respiration, and heart rate. - Finally, telemental health, the use of remote technologies (such as long-distance videoconferencing) to provide real-time therapy sessions without the therapist being physically present, is growing by leaps and bounds. Enthusiasm for telemental health services had been gaining momentum among clinicians and clients for over a decade, but it was the COVID-19 pandemic and related social distancing that truly propelled such services into the clinical mainstream. Prior to the pandemic, certain barriers were preventing telemental health from being practiced on a large scale. For example, a number of insurance providers were refusing to reimburse this form of treatment, rendering it unaffordable for many individuals. Moreover, in the years prior to the pandemic many clinicians were reluctant to offer telemental health, fearing that technology-related confidentiality breaches, such as hacking incidents, could result in significant personal or professional penalties. - When the United States took steps to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in March 2020 by shutting down business activities and issuing stay-at-home orders, traditional office-based mental health care became abruptly out-of-reach for most individuals. To counter this negative impact and ensure continuity of care for persons with mental health problems, federal and state policymakers acted to remove the previous barriers to telemental health care. They immediately mandated that all insurance plans provide coverage for telemental health services. In addition, they waived all penalties against clinicians for unintended confidentiality violations that might arise from the use of remote communication technologies. These policy changes empowered therapists to practice telemental health without concern for personal or professional consequences. - Within weeks of these mandates, the vast majority of mental health services in the United States were being conducted online. As the advantages of online mental health services unfolded over the ensuing months — greater affordability, accessibility, convenience, and outreach — it became clear that telemental health would, to one degree or another, remain a permanent part of the clinical field, extending well beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

how are people with less severe disturbances treated?

- the treatment picture for people with moderate psychological disturbances has been more positive than that for people with severe disorders. Since the 1950s, outpatient care has continued to be the preferred mode of treatment for them, and the number and types of facilities that offer such care have expanded to meet the need. - before the 1950s, almost all outpatient care took the form of private psychotherapy, in which individuals meet with a self employed therapist for counseling services. - since the 1950s, most health insurance plans have expanded coverage to include private psychotherapy, is that it is now more widely available to people of all incomes. - today, outpatient therapy is also offered in a number of less expensive settings, such as community mental health centers, crisis intervention centers, family service centers, and other social service agencies. Surveys suggest that around 43 percent of people with psychological disorders in the US receive treatment in the course of a year. - outpatient treatments are also becoming available for more and more kinds of problems. When freud and his colleagues first began to practice, most of their patients suffered from anxiety or depression. almost half of todays clients suffer from those same problems, but people with other kinds of disorders are also recieving therapy. In addition, at least 20 percent of clients enter therapy because of milder problems in living, problems with marital, family, job, peer, school, or community relationships. - yet another change in outpatient care since the 1950s has been the development of programs devoted exclusively to specific psychological problems. We now have such as suicide prevention centers, substance abuse programs, eating disorder programs, phobia clinics, and sexual dysfunction programs. Clinicians in these programs have the kind of expertise that can be acquired only by concentration in a single area.

Europe in the middle ages: Demonology returns

- the enlightened views of Greek and roman physicians and scholars were not enough to shake ordinary peoples belief in demons. and with the decline of Rome, demonological views and practices became popular once again. A growing distrust of science spread throughout Europe. - from 500 to 1350 CE, the period known as the middle ages, the power of the clergy increased greatly throughout Europe. In those days, the church rejected scientific forms of investigation, and it controlled all education. Religious belief, which were highly superstitious and demonological, came to dominate all aspects of life. Deviant behavior, particularly psychological abnormality, was seen as evidence of satans influence. - the middle ages were a time of great stress and anxiety of war, urban uprisings, and plagues. People blamed the devil for these troubled and feared being possessed by him. Abnormal behavior apparently increased greatly during this period. In addition, there were outbreaks of mass madness, in which large numbers of people apparently shared delusions (absurd false beliefs) and hallucinations (imagined sights or sounds). In one such disorder, tarantism (also known as saint vitus dance) groups of people would suddenly start to jump, dance, and go into convulsions. All were convinced that they had been bitten and possessed by a wolf spider, now called a tarantula, and they sought to cure their disorder by performing a dance called a tarantella. in another form of mass madness, lycanthropy, people thought they were possessed by wolves or other animals. They acted woflike and imagined that fur was growing all over their bodies. - Not surprisingly, some of the earlier demonological treatments for psychological abnormality reemerged during the middle ages. Once again the key to the cure was to rid the persons body of the devil that possessed it. Exorcisms were revived, and clergymen, who generally were in charge of treatment during this period, would plead, chant, or pray to the devil or evil spirit if these techniques did not work, they had others to try, some amounting to torture. - It was not until the middle ages drew to a close that demonology and its methods began to lose favor. Towns throughout Europe grew into cities, and government officials gained more power and took over nonreligious activities. among their other responsibilities, they began to run hospitals and direct the care of people suffering from mental disorders. Medical views of abnormality gained favor once again, and many people with psychological disturbances received treatment in medical hospitals, such as the trinity hospital in England.

abnormal psychology

- the field devoted to the scientific study of the problems we find so fascinating

Psychological Abnormality definitions include certain features

- the four D's: deviance, distress, dysfunction, and danger. - patterns of psychological abnormality are typically deviant (different, extreme, unusual, perhaps even bizarre), distressing (unpleasant and upsetting to the person), dysfunctional (interfering with the persons ability to conduct daily activities in a constructive way), and possibly dangerous.

the psychogenic perspective

- the late 1800s also saw the emergence of the psychogenic perspective, the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are often psychological. This view had a long history, but it did not gain much of a following until studies of hypnotism demonstrated its potential. - hypnotism is a procedure in which a person is placed in a trancelike mental state during which they become extremely suggestible. It was used to help treat psychological disorders as far back as 1778, when an austrian physician named friedrich anton mesmer (1734-1815) established a clinic in paris. - His patients suffered from hysterical disorders, mysterious bodily ailments that had no apparent physical basis. Mesmer had his patients sit in a darkened room filled with music; then he appeared dressed in a colorful costume, and touched the troubled area of each patients body with a special rod. A surprising number of patients seemed to be helped by this treatment called mesmerism. Their pain, numbness, or paralysis disappeared. Several scientists believed that mesmer was inducing a trancelike state in his patients and that this state was causing their symptoms to disappear. The treatment was so controversial, that eventually mesmer was banished from paris. - it was not until yeras after mesmer died that many researchers had the courage to investigate his procedure, later called hypnotism (from hypnos, the greek word for sleep), and its effects on hysterical disorders. - the experiments of two physicans practicing in the city of nancy in france, hippolyte-marie bernheim (1840-1919) and ambroise-auguste liebault (1823-1904), showed that hysterical disorders could actually be induced in otherwise normal people while they were under the influence of hypnosis. That is, the physicians could make normal people experience deafness, paralysis, blindness, or numbness by means of hypnotic suggestion and they could remove these artificial symptoms by the same means. thus they established that a mental process hypnotic suggestion could both cause and cure even a physical dysfunction. leading scientists concluded that hysterical disorders were largely psychological in origin, and the psychogenic perspective rose in popularity. - among those who studied the effects of hypnotism on hysterical disorders was josef breuer (1842-1925) of vienna. Breuer, a physician, discovered that his patients sometimes awoke free of hysterical symptoms after speaking candidly under hypnosis about past upsetting events. During the 1890s, breuer was joined in his work by another viennese physician, sigmund freud (1856-1939). Freud's work eventually led him to develop the theory of psychoanalysis, which holds that many forms of abnormal and normal psychological functioning are psychogenic. In particular, freud believed that unconscious psychological processes are at the root of such functioning. - Freud also developed the technique of psychoanalysis, a form of discussion in which clinicians helped troubled people gain insight into their unconscious psychological processes. He believed that such insight, even without hypnotic procedures, would help the patients overcome their psychological problems. Freud and his followers offered psychoanalytic treatment to patients in their offices for sessions of approximately an hour - a format of treatment now known as outpatient therapy. By the early twentieth century, psychoanalytic theory and treatment were widely accepted throughout the western world.

The spread of moral treatment

- the methods of pinel and tuke, called moral treatment because they emphasized moral guidance and humane and respectful techniques, caught on throughout Europe and the united states. patients with psychological problems were increasingly perceived as potentially productive human beings who deserve individual care, including discussions of their problems, useful activities, work, companionship, and quiet. - the person most responsible for the early spread of moral treatment in the united states was Benjamin rush (1745-1813), an eminent physician at Pennsylvania hospital who is now considered the father of American psychiatry. limiting his practice to mental illness, rush developed humane approaches to treatment. for example, he required that the hospital hire intelligent and sensitive attendants to work closely with patients, reading, and talking to them and taking them on regular walks. He also suggested that it would be therapeutic for doctors to give small gifts to their patients now and then. - rush's work was influential, but it was a Boston schoolteacher named dorothea dix (1802-1887) who made humane care a public and political concern in the united states. From 1841 to 1881, dix went from state legislature to state legislature and to congress, speaking of the horrors she had observed at asylums and calling for reform. Dix's campaign led to new laws and greater government funding to improve the treatment of people with mental disorders. Each state was made responsible for developing effective public mental hospitals, or state hospitals, all of which were intended to offer moral treatment. Similar hospitals were established throughout Europe.

the somatogenic perspective

- the somatogenic perspective has at least a 2,400 year history, remember Hippocrates view that abnormal behavior resulted from brain disease and an imbalance of humors? Not until the late nineteenth century did this perspective make a triumphant return and begin to gain wide acceptance. - two factors were responsible for this rebirth. One was the work of a distinguished German researcher, Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926). In 1883, Kraepelin published an influential textbook arguing that physical factors, such as fatigue, are responsible for mental dysfunction. In addition, he developed the first modern system for classifying abnormal behavior, listing their physical causes and discussing their expected course. - new biological discoveries also triggered the rise of the somatogenic perspective. One of the most important discoveries was that an organic disease, syphilis, led to general paresis, an irreversible disorder with both mental symptoms such as delusions of grandeur and physical ones like paralysis. - In 1897, the german neurologist richard von krafft-ebing (1840-1902) injected matter from syphilis sores into patients suffering from general paresis and found that none of the patients developed symptoms of sypilis. Their immunity could have been caused only by an earlier case of syphilis. Since all of his patients with general paresis were now immune to syphilis, krafft-ebing theorized that syphilis had been the cause of their general paresis. The work of Kraepelin and the new understanding of general paresis led many researchers and practitioners to suspect that physical factors were responsible for many mental disorders, perhaps all of them. - despite the general optimism, biological approaches yielded mostly disappointing results throughout the first half of the twentieth century. Although many medical treatments were developed for patients in mental hospitals during that time, most of the techniques failed to work. Physicians tried tooth extraction, tonsillectomy, hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold baths), and lobotomy, a surgical cutting of certain nerve fibers in the brain. Even worse, biological views and claims led, in some circles, to proposals for immoral solutions such as eugenic steralization, the elimination (through medical or other means) of individuals ability to reproduce. Not until the 1950s, when a number of effective medications were finally discovered, did the somatogenic perspective truly begin to pay off patients.

Abnormal Psychology Behavior: Danger

- the ultimate psychological dysfunction is behavior that becomes dangerous to oneself or others. - individuals whose behavior is consistently careless, hostile, or confused may be placing themselves or those around them at risk. - although danger is often cited as a feature of abnormal psychological functioning, research suggests that it is actually the exception rather than the rule. - most people struggling with anxiety, depression, and even bizarre thinking pose no immediate danger to themselves or to anyone else. - In the absence of distress and dysfunction, dangerous behaviors alone do not signify psychological abnormality; individuals working in professions characterized by everyday risk for injury or even death, such as firefighters or other emergency responders, typically choose their professions for altruistic reasons and out of a sense of duty. Although their particular call to service may place them in routine danger, they typically enjoy a sense of honor, positive mental well being, and satisfying family lives.

Multicultural psychology

- we are a society of multiple cultures, races, and languages. Members of racial and ethnic minority groups in the US collectively make up 40 percent of the population, a percentage that is expected to grow to 52 percent by the year 2055. This change is due in part to shifts in age structure, birth rates, and immigration. - For example, only 42 percent of adult non Hispanic white women in the US today are of childbearing age, while 62 percent of adult minority group women fall into this age range. Moreover, on average, non Hispanic white women in the US give birth to fewer than two children during their lifetime, while minority group women give birth to more than two children. - in response to this growing diversity, an area of study called multicultural psychology has emerged. multicultural psychologists seek to understand how culture, race, ethnicity, gender, and similar factors affect behavior and thought and how people of different cultures, races, and genders may differ psychologically. The field of multicultural psychology has begun to have a powerful effect on our understanding and treatment of abnormal behavior.

clinical scientists

- workers in abornmal pyschology field, gather information systematically so that they can describe, predict, and explain the phenomena they study. The give their knowledge to clinical practitioners to use.

In _____, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that eugenic sterilization was constitutional. 1929 1917 1927 1921


In any given year, as many as _____ percent of adults and _____ percent of children and adolescents in the United States display serious psychological disturbances and are in need of clinical treatment.. 20; 17 20; 27 30; 27 30; 17

30; 17

Current research suggests that _____ percent of respondents consider mental disorders a sign of personal weakness. 31 55 27 43


What percentage of the United States' population is collectively made up of members of racial and ethnic minority groups? 10 percent 60 percent 25 percent 40 percent

40 percent

In the United States, around _____ percent of people with psychological disorders receive treatment within a year. 31 43 85 less than 20



An ancient operation in which a stone instrument was used to cut away a circular section of the skull to treat abnormal behavior.


An unusual pattern with which others have no right to interfere

Dr. Jones is conducting an experiment to test the effects of a new sleep aid on sleep. He gives one group of participants the sleep aid and withholds it from the other group. The group who receives the sleep aid also takes Benadryl (a medication that makes them sleepy) to help with their allergies. Dr. Jones finds that the treatment group sleeps more than the control group, but he cannot conclude that his sleep aid made a difference because: . Benadryl is a confound in the study. he had experimental control. the groups were randomly assigned. the sleep aid is ineffective.

Benadryl is a confound in the study

Who was the person MOST responsible for the early spread of moral treatment in the United States? William Tuke Benjamin Rush Philippe Pinel Emil Kraepelin

Benjamin Rush

Research exercise Q: How might cognitive flexibility, or the ability to shift mental states with ease, be related to someone's overall sense of happiness?

Cognitive flexibility or the ability to shift mental states with ease can be related to someone's overall sense of happiness because it would allow them to move forward regardless of the circumstance. They could adapt and get themselves to move forward not backwards from a traumatic event or other set backs we may have in life. One possible answer is that the less rigid someone's expectations are, the more likely the person is to perceive the positive in each experience.

Cyreeta and Khary are participants in a scientific experiment involving sleep deprivation. The experimental hypothesis is that individuals who are sleep deprived will feel more anxious. Each evening for 2 weeks, Cyreeta takes a written anxiety test and is allowed to sleep normally through the night in the sleep laboratory. Khary, who is part of the same 2-week experiment, takes the same anxiety test but must spend most of each night awake in the sleep laboratory. Which of the following statements is true? . Khary and Cyreeta are both in the experimental group. Khary and Cyreeta are both in the control group. Cyreeta is in the control group, and Khary is in the experimental group. Khary is in the control group, and Cyreeta is in the experimental group.

Cyreeta is in the control group, and Khary is in the experimental group

Who was the first doctor to induce the trance-like state now known as hypnotism in his patients? - Sigmund Freud - Joseph Breuer - Hippolyte-Marie Bernheim - Friedrich Mesmer

Friedrich Mesmer

Anton is mentally ill and lives in Gheel, Belgium, during the 1400s. What kind of care does he receive? - He lives in an asylum where he is beaten and chained to the wall. - He lives in an asylum that offers him fresh air, a good diet, and plenty of exercise. - He lives in a foster home with a family that starves him in an attempt to drive out his demons. - He lives in a foster home with a family that treats him kindly.

He lives in a foster home with a family that treats him kindly.

Edmund lived in mid-sixteenth-century England and had symptoms of what would now be diagnosed as schizophrenia. He could not care for himself, and his family abandoned him. What MOST likely happened to him given his location and time in history?. He probably became the property of the Church. He probably lived a difficult life on the streets. He was probably taken in by another family and treated respectfully. He probably entered an asylum where he endured cruel treatment.

He probably entered an asylum where he endured cruel treatment.

Which of these is NOT a causal question? . Does psychotherapy alleviate anxiety disorders? How common is depression among prisoners? How does couples' communication affect their marriage? Can intervention prevent domestic violence?

How common is depression among prisoners?

Research exercise Q: Is anxiety an integral part of the pursuit of happiness? Why or why not?

I think anxiety is an integral part of the pursuit to happiness. Anxiety isn't always a bad thing, it can be good too. It comes from taking risks, whether it is something we really want to do or its something we are scared to do. It could be anxiety that is subconsciously there telling us what feels right or wrong. If we want to be happy we have to be willing to take risks, otherwise we wouldn't ever make progress to get there. One possible answer is yes, because anxiety challenges people to question their current situation and to try something new and potentially enjoyable that brings a greater sense of accomplishment.

What is the difference between internal and external validity? . Internal validity is about eliminating researcher bias. External validity is about preventing bias when people read and interpret the results of a study. Internal validity is about obtaining reliable correlational results. External validity is about obtaining reliable experimental results. Internal validity is about documenting observations accurately. External validity is about obtaining the same data using another study group. Internal validity is about pinpointing the cause of someone's condition. External validity is about generalizing to other people with the same condition.

Internal validity is about pinpointing the cause of someone's condition. External validity is about generalizing to other people with the same condition

Who stated that all forms of therapy have three key features? Jerome Frank Philippe Pinel Thomas Szasz William Tuke

Jerome Frank

Fabria's house recently burned down. As a result she lost all of her possessions, and because she did not carry insurance she has no way to replace her belongings. She currently lives in a shelter where she spends most of her time alone, depressed, distressed, and withdrawn from others. Why would Fabria's condition NOT be considered abnormal? . A condition can only be considered abnormal if it has been diagnosed by a professional. Fabria does not appear to have any of the symptoms associated with poor mental health. Judgments of normality or abnormality have to take a person's circumstances into account. Fabria only shows signs of distress regarding her situation; she does not appear dysfunctional.

Judgments of normality or abnormality have to take a person's circumstances into account

Historians usually point to this asylum in Paris for male patients as the first site of asylum reform. La Bicêtre La Salpetrière Gheel Bethlehem Hospital

La Bicêtre

Legia lives in a remote part of Montana. Suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, she meets with a licensed therapist twice a week using an Internet connection. Examining Jerome Frank's key features of therapy, which of the following statements is false? . There is a series of contacts between a sufferer and a healer. There is a sufferer. Legia should seek out help from a professional she can meet with face to face. The healer is recognized by the sufferer and his or her social group.

Legia should seek out help from a professional she can meet with face to face.

As the chief physician at a Paris asylum, he believed that patients were sick people whose illnesses should be treated with sympathy and kindness William Tuke Sigmund Freud Philippe Pinel Benjamin Rush

Philippe Pinel

As the chief physician at a Paris asylum, he believed that patients were sick people whose illnesses should be treated with sympathy and kindness. Sigmund Freud William Tuke Philippe Pinel Benjamin Rush

Philippe Pinel

Whose discovery that syphilis led to general paresis triggered the rise of the somatogenic perspective? Emil Kraepelin Richard von Krafft-Ebing Benjamin Rush Sigmund Freud

Richard von Krafft-Ebing

Elizabeth lived in fifteenth-century Belgium, and she had symptoms of what would now be diagnosed as schizophrenia. She could not care for herself, and her family abandoned her. What MOST likely happened to her given her location and time in history? - She probably entered an asylum where she endured cruel treatment. - She was probably taken in by another family and treated respectfully. - She probably became the property of the Church. - She probably lived a difficult life on the streets.

She was probably taken in by another family and treated respectfully

Cassandra has always been talented in art. She was awarded a scholarship to a college specializing in visual arts. Her professors were impressed with her art; she had plans to graduate and work as a professional artist. But at the end of her second year she developed schizophrenia and was unable to continue attending the college. According to the statistics presented in the textbook, what is MOST likely to happen to Cassandra? - She will receive ongoing psychological treatment for the rest of her life. - She will live in a rooming house or on the streets. - She will be treated and enjoy a lasting recovery. - She will receive community mental health treatment

She will live in a rooming house or on the streets.

Who believed that unconscious psychological processes are the root of abnormal functioning? Emil Kraepelin Friedrich Anton Mesmer Benjamin Rush Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

Who was a Viennese physician who developed the theory of psychoanalysis? Friedrich Anton Mesmer William Tuke Sigmund Freud Philippe Pinel

Sigmund Freud

no proposed definition of abnormality has won total acceptance


During the Middle Ages, it sometimes happened that a group of people would suddenly start to jump, dance, and go into convulsions together. This behavior was called Saint Vitus' dance. What caused it? The people thought that they had been bitten by spiders, and that the dance would treat the effects of the bites. The people were suffering from the plague, and they believed that dancing would prevent them from falling into a coma. The people thought that they were possessed by wolves, and that the dance would end the possession. The people were afraid of witches, and they believed that dancing was a way to prevent witches from casting spells.

The people thought that they had been bitten by spiders, and that the dance would treat the effects of the bites.

________ is a systematic procedure for helping people change abnormal behavior into more normal behavior. Psychiatric adjustment Therapy Psychopathology Eccentricity


Who believed that the whole concept of mental illness is invalid and is a myth? Thomas Szasz Jerome Frank Philippe Pinel William Tuke

Thomas Szasz

_____ considered deviation called abnormal by society as simply "problems in living." . Josef Breuer Thomas Szasz Sigmund Freud David Weeks

Thomas Szasz

An English Quaker named _____ founded the York Retreat, wherein patients were treated with a combination of rest, talk, prayer, and manual work. Benjamin Rush William Tuke Philippe Pinel Dorothea Dix

William Tuke

Bertha lives during the Middle Ages. She is afflicted with schizophrenia. Who is MOST likely to be in charge of treating her?. a physician a midwife a clergyman a nobleman

a clergyman

Treatment or therapy

a procedure designed to change abnormal behavior into more normal behavior

Trisha, who suffers from an eating disorder, sees a therapist once a week. Of the following, which MOST likely describes her therapist? . a woman a man a psychiatrist holds a two-year degree

a woman

These medications reduce tension and worry. antidepressants antipsychotics antimanics antianxiety drugs

antianxiety drugs

These medications lift the mood of depressed people. antidepressants anxiolytics antipsychotics antimanics


During the 1300s, a woman accused of being a witch was MOST likely to: made to perform a dance called the tarantella as punishment. be tortured until she confessed to practicing witchcraft. be treated for an excess of black bile in her body. have a hole trilled in her skull to let demons out.

be tortured until she confessed to practicing witchcraft

City of Gheel Q: The foster care programs in Gheel: - began after President Kennedy of the United States called for a "bold new approach" to mental health care. - began centuries ago when the town of Gheel formed the first "colony" of mental patients., - experienced some success, which primarily stemmed from the use of antipsychotic medications. - failed to improve the attitudes of Gheel's residents toward people with mental disorders.

began centuries ago when the town of Gheel formed the first "colony" of mental patients.,

Research exercise Q: A study led by Dr. Forgas of the University of New South Wales found that people whose general temperament is happier or more positive tend to also encompass all of the following EXCEPT: - being more gullible than others. - being more cynical than others. - being more open toward strangers. - being less skeptical than others.

being more cynical than others

Question: Months ago, Bob was severely depressed. On the advice of a friend, he started paying more attention to what he eats, and he got into a pattern of going to a gym three times per week. He has started to feel noticeably better. Regarding Bob's diet and exercise routine, most clinical theorists would say that it: - can be considered a type of therapy because it was done on someone elses advice - can be considered a type of therapy because it involves a deliberate set of behaviors over time - cannot be considered therapy because it is not done under the guidance of a trained healer - cannot be considered therapy because bob did not seek out the friends advice

cannot be considered therapy because it is not done under the guidance of a trained healer

Jemima is a clinical psychologist. She is using a new and innovative therapeutic technique with one of her clients. Jemima has been successful with the new technique, and she would like to share her findings with her colleagues. What method would offer the best way for Jemima to explain her client's problems and highlight the success of the technique? . case study experimental study correlational study statistical analysis

case study

A clinician's notes about a single client may be turned into a(n): . variable. experimental study. correlational study. case study.

case study.


characterized by extreme sadness and immobility

Jeff Goldblum, Janelle Monáe, and other famous eccentrics are usually not considered to be suffering from mental illness, since they: . are fully aware of being different. demonstrate a high level of intelligence. choose their behavior and enjoy it. are highly creative.

choose their behavior and enjoy it.

Dr. Lee detects, assesses, and treats abnormal patterns of functioning. What is Dr. Lee's role? clinical scientist clinical observer clinical researcher clinical practitioner

clinical practitioner

Cedar is studying people who are violent. She seeks to find a universal reason that would explain why some people in the world use violence against other humans. What type of scientist is Cedar? . counselor clinical researcher psychologist general practitioner

clinical researcher

Currently, _____ are the largest group of mental health professionals in the United States. clinical social workers psychiatrists psychologists counselors

clinical social workers

Shae is a clinical researcher. Her research question is, "As people keep experiencing stressful events, are they increasingly likely to develop schizophrenia?" Which method would be best for answering this research question? . case study experimental study nomothetic understanding correlational study

correlational study

In past Western societies, a woman seeking to run a major corporation would have been considered inappropriate or delusional. However, today the same behavior is valued. This is an example of a change in _____. culture norms rules standards


Luz's family celebrates Dia de los Muertos on November 1 by remembering family members who are no longer living. This is an example of one's: culture. standards. norms .rules.


Question: Scott was admitted to the hospital after Dr. Arnaldo determined that Scott had a plan to commit suicide. Scott's admission was the result of which of the "four Ds"? - danger - deviance - distress - dysfunction


Devin was admitted to the hospital after Dr. Johnson determined that Devin had a plan to commit suicide. This is an example of which of the four Ds? dangerous decompensation dysregulation disinhibition


Question: Miles hears voices that tell him his neighbors are out to get him. Miles, in desperation, decides to kill his neighbors before they hurt him. Miles's behavior would MOST likely be considered: - deviant - dysfunctional - distressful - dangerous


The development of psychotropic drugs led to the policy of: . displacement. deinstitutionalization. demoralization. deregulation.


This practice was begun in the 1950s to release hundreds of thousands of patients from public mental hospitals. deinstitutionalization institutionalization reinstitutionalization preinstitutionalization


Lloyd's family had a difficult time understanding why he chose to wear an overcoat, a hat, and gloves during the summer. This is an example of which of the four Ds? distress dysregulation disinhibition deviance


George feels tormented by the deprecating voices he keeps hearing in his mind. This is an example of which of the "four Ds?" . distress dangerousness dysfunction deviance


Patrick was tormented by the disapproving voices he kept hearing in his head. This is an example of which of the four Ds? distress dangerousness dysregulation disinhibition


Question: What is the best way to think about distress as a condition for psychological abnormality? - if a condition causes distress, that is sufficent reason to consider it abnormal - in order for a condition to be considered abnormal, it must cause distress - distress is commonly associated with abnormality but is not essential to it - usually, distress is a sign of psychological normality, not of abnormality

distress is commonly associated with abnormality but is not essential to it

Maria obsesses for hours over her hair and makeup in the morning. As a result, she has been fired from two jobs in the past four months because she does not get to work on time. This is an example of which of the "four Ds"? . danger deviance distress dysfunction


Mena obsesses for hours over her hair and make-up in the morning. She has been fired from three jobs in the past six months as she cannot get to work on time. This is an example of which of the four Ds? disinhibition dysfunction dangerousness decompensation


While there are numerous definitions of abnormality, MOST definitions share the following features: deviance, distress, danger, and: demotivation. disinhibition. dysfunction. dysregulation.


César Chavez and Mahatma Gandhi are two famous figures who fasted and deprived themselves of necessities in order to protest social injustice. This type of behavior is an example of the idea that: . individuals who are dysfunctional have trouble in social interactions. individuals who are dysfunctional have trouble caring for themselves. dysfunction does not always indicate psychological abnormality. the definition of dysfunction varies across cultures.

dysfunction does not always indicate psychological abnormality

Maria finds herself increasingly sad and withdrawn. She finds it hard to complete day-to-day tasks and spends most of her time alone. If Maria lived between 500 BCE and 500 CE the most likely explanation of her behavior would be:. excess yellow bile. she is a witch. excess black bile. demonic possession.

excess black bile

Thantos displays very erratic behavior; he talks very fast and has a hard time remaining still. If Thantos lived between 500 BCE and 500 CE the most likely explanation of his behavior would be: excess black bile. demonic possession. sinful behavior. excess yellow bile.

excess yellow bile.

What behaviors fit the criteria of deviant, distressful, dysfunctional, or dangerous but would not be considered abnormal by most people?

excessive drinking of college age people

Sam's therapist has diagnosed him with a bee phobia. His therapist has conducted a case study of Sam's life and has theorized that the phobia is related to the fact that Sam had a severe and traumatic allergic reaction to a bee sting at a young age. This finding may in part explain Sam's phobia, but not all people with bee phobias have had a traumatic experience with bees at an early age. The findings of this case study cannot be generalized, which means that it is low in: . experimentation. internal validity. correlation. external validity.

external validity

Phai has data reflecting participant scores on an anxiety measure and a measure of depression. He is able to accurately predict participants' anxiety scores from knowing their depression scores. If he plotted the data points for each participant, the data points would most likely _____ the line of best fit. . fall very close to form a horizontal line around form an upward slope around be loosely scattered around

fall very close to

Research exercise Q: A series of studies conducted by Dr. Mauss at the University of California found that people who prioritize happiness above all else tend to report: - A. being more content in their relationships. B. feeling more lonely. C. feeling a greater sense of belonging. D. being more aggressive.

feeling more lonely

Research exercise Q: In the article, the author discusses the Gallup Word Poll results regarding the most robust predictor of happiness in the workplace. What was the best predictor of happiness at work? - having a best friend for support - having a better parking spot than others - having an affordable insurance plan - having an office with a window

having a best friend for support

Question: Quillia believes that the spirits of dead people regularly communicate with her through various objects such as plates, cups, even her dog. To decide whether Quillia suffers from a mental disorder or is just eccentric, one thing one would want to know is whether: - she expects others to believe that the dead speak to her - she understands that most people do not hear from dead spirits - she can explain why she believes as she does - her beliefs interfere with normal daily activities

her beliefs interfere with normal daily activities`

Dr. Milvisky works with numerous clients suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. In an effort to reduce the feelings of anxiety, he routinely places his clients in a trancelike state designed to open his clients up to changing their behaviors and emotions. Dr. Milvisky is using what technique? behavior modification free association hypnotism dream analysis


telemental health Q: According to the video, the Center for Health Care Services was created in part because people in need of mental health services often wind up blank, which is not usually the most helpful course of action. - in an inpatient substance abuse treatment facility - in a community mental health center - in an emergency room, - in a mental hospital

in an emergency room

Today, long-term institutionalization has been replaced by all of these options EXCEPT: . short-term hospitalization. outpatient care. increased funding for the homeless. psychotropic medications.

increased funding for the homeless

City of Gheel Q: According to the textbook, there are five key features of community mental health care programs. Each of the following is a key feature, except: - occupational training and services. - coordinating of patient services., - short-term or partial hospitalization. - independent residencies.

independent residencies

Medical procedure Q: Which of the treatments in this video was not meant to relax or soothe patients? - the continuous bath - insulin therapy - hot boxes and lamps - wet pack

insulin therapy

Hippocrates saw abnormal behavior as a disease caused by _____ problems. internal emotional external emotional external physical internal physical

internal physical

telemental health Q: The video shows The Burke Center, an example of the telemental health services described in the textbook. In such services, a therapist: - uses a machine to monitor the client's bodily responses - travels from afar several times per month to see the client - connects the client with others around the country with similar symptoms - is not physically present.

is not physically present

Prison-like confinement of those suffering from mental disorders, for instance with chains: - is unfortunately still common in some parts of the world. - was once common but is no longer done. - has proven to be effective treatment for some disorders. - was once rare but is becoming increasingly common.

is unfortunately still common in some parts of the world.

Question: Jose intentionally steps in front of his wife as a mugger attempts to attack her. Recalling the "four Ds," which of the following statements is true regarding this situation? - Joses behavior does not fit the definition of danger - joses behavior does not fit the definition of danger, but it is abnormal - joses behavior fits the definition of danger and is abnormal - joses behavior fits the definition of danger but is not abnormal

joses behavior fits the definition of danger but is not abnormal

Question: Fabria's house recently burned down. As a result she lost all of her possessions, and because she did not carry insurance she has no way to replace her belongings. She currently lives in a shelter where she spends most of her time alone, depressed, distressed, and withdrawn from others. Why would Fabria's condition NOT be considered abnormal? - a condition can only be considered abnormal if it has been diagnosed by a professional - fabria does not appear to have any of the symptoms associated with poor mental health - fabria only shows signs of distress regarding her situation; she does not appear dysfunctional - judgements of normality or abnormality have to take a persons circumstances into account

judgements of normality or abnormality have to take a persons circumstances into account

Igshaan has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He is in a treatment program that includes therapy and special medications. According to the text, if he had been diagnosed with schizophrenia in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century, his treatment may have included: . lobotomy. deinstitutionalization. psychotropic drugs. correlational methods.


During the Middle Ages, Bernardo and three of his friends believed that they turned into foxes when there was a new moon. During this time, they lost control over their bodies and ran through a nearby wood in the dark, hoping to catch a rabbit or other small animal. If they did catch one, they ate it raw. These men suffered from:. Saint Vitus' dance. tarantism. trephination. lycanthropy.


Siarra has been dealing with depression brought on by a difficult divorce. She has attended five therapy sessions, and she and her therapist feel that she is making progress. Unfortunately, she has learned that her health insurance does not cover more than five therapist visits per year. Siarra's therapist believes that she needs more weeks of therapy but this is not possible because her coverage has ended. Siarra is given a prescription for antidepressants, which her insurance will cover. The type of health insurance Siarra has is called: managed care. private care. home care. hospitalization.

managed care

Minichele is conducting a study on trauma and anxiety in children who lived through damaging tornadoes. The participants in the experimental group will be children who have survived a major tornado in the area where they live. These children will be matched with children in the control group who have similar demographics. What type of research design is being used? . natural masked design correlational experimental


Raewyn is studying people who have experienced a hurricane. The participants in her experimental group were present during Hurricane Sandy in the United States. They are showing signs of heightened depression, startle responses, and sleep problems compared to participants in the control group. What type of research design is Raewyn using? . natural experiment masked design double-masked design experimental design

natural experiment

Society's stated and unstated rules for proper conduct are known as: culture. norms. rules. standards.


"Subway therapy"—writing down feelings on a sticky note and putting the note on a subway wall—is: considered to be a form of therapy, since regular members of society are able to intervene and provide assistance. not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present. not considered to be therapy, since the person usually does not feel relief after. considered to be therapy, because the sufferer is externalizing their emotions.

not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present.

At age 11, Ciro Ortiz set up a "therapy" office each week on the New York subway platform. Calling himself the Emotional Advice Kid, he talked to people of all ages with various kinds of psychological issue. Ciro's advice is: considered to be therapy because the sufferer is externalizing their emotions. considered to be a form of therapy since regular members of society are able to intervene and provide assistance. not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present. not considered to be therapy since the person usually does not feel relief after.

not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present.

At age 11, Ciro Ortiz set up a "therapy" office each week on the New York subway platform. Calling himself the Emotional Advice Kid, he talked to people of all ages with various kinds of psychological issue. Ciro's advice is: not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present. considered to be therapy because the sufferer is externalizing their emotions. considered to be a form of therapy since regular members of society are able to intervene and provide assistance. not considered to be therapy since the person usually does not feel relief after.

not considered to be therapy, because there is no trained healer present.

Question: Which statement is false regarding the "four Ds"? - one needs to see evidence of all of the four D's to determine abnormality - abnormality sometimes, but not always results in the dysfunction of an individual - danger can involve harm to oneself or to others - when considering deviance, the culture in which the individual was raised must be taken into account.

one needs to see evidence of all of the four D's to determine abnormality

Currently _____ has become the primary mode of treatment for people with severe psychological disturbances. - long-term institutionalization - palliative care - private care - outpatient care

outpatient care

What is the primary mode of treatment for people with severe psychological disturbances? outpatient care private institutionalization community care public institutionalization

outpatient care

In 2008, the United States Congress passed a federal _____ law that directed insurance companies to provide equal coverage for mental and physical problems. fair managed health care parity insurance coverage


When clinical scientists study abnormal psychology, their goal is to describe, _____, and explain abnormal patterns of behavior. . treat produce predict detect


Helping individuals who are at risk for developing emotional problems, such as children of people with severe psychological disorders, is called: managed care. psychogenics. prevention. deinstitutionalization.


Before the 1950s, psychotherapy was offered only by: social workers. psychologists. psychiatrists counselors.


Before the 1950s, which theoretical perspective was dominant in the clinical field? psychoanalytic biological humanistic-existential sociocultural


Emotions, thoughts, and behaviors psychologically abnormal; applied to the many problems that seem closely tied to the human brain or mind they are the result of a state called-

psychopathology, maladjustment, emotional disturbance, or mental illness

Medical proecudure Q: The decline of the treatments on display in this video was linked to the development of: - humanistic therapy. - culture-sensitive therapies - .psychotropic drugs. - behavioral therapies.

psychotropic drugs

Because humans participate in psychological research, practical and ethical issues often arise. If a controlled experiment is not possible, psychological researchers may use which of the following designs as an alternative to an experimental research design? . quasi-experimental design double-masked design random assignment masked design

quasi-experimental design

Jonathan conducted a study with 100 random students from the university he attends and applied the findings from his study to the entire student body. The group of students represents a: . participant. sample. pedestrian. subject.


What demonological explanations or treatments, besides exorcism, are still around today, and why do they persist?

shaman or priest

Question: Tammy lost both legs when the Army helicopter she was piloting was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade. Given that she knowingly risked that kind of outcome by becoming a combat pilot, which of the following statements is true? - tammys behavior was not dangerous, but it was abnormal - tammys behavior was dangerous and abnormal - tammys behavior was not dangerous nor was it abnormal - tammys behavior was dangerous but not abnormal

tammys behavior was dangerous but not abnormal

During the Middle Ages, groups of people who suddenly danced, jumped, and had convulsions were described as having this disorder. - mass delusions - mass reactions - controlled hysteria - tarantism


Question: Janiece, a therapist, believes that abnormality is the result of problems in living. She MOST likely views her role as a: - doctor - teacher - clinician - student


Question: Clinicians who view psychological abnormality as a problem in living define therapists as: - psychologists - doctors - teachers - actors


Jackson was given 20 mg of drug X to determine if there would be a 25 percent reduction in his depressive symptoms. The independent variable is: . Jackson himself. his social behavior. the 20 mg of drug X. a 25 percent reduction of his depressive symptoms.

the 20 mg of drug X

City of Gheel Q: The success of the foster care programs in Gheel strongly support the principles of each of the following models, except: - the humanistic model - the family social model - the biological model - the community mental health model

the biological model

City of Gheel Q: According to the video case, a key factor in the success of the Gheel foster care model is - the community does not believe in the use of medications for people with mental disorders - the community operates by a principle of inclusiveness

the community operates by a principle of inclusiveness

telemental health Q: The main reason the mother in the video sought telemental health treatment for her daughter is: - the daughter would otherwise have to travel hours to see a psychotherapist, given the low number of therapists where they live., - it is more affordable than other mental health services. - research shows that it is the most effective form of treatment. - the mother wants her daughter to have the most technologically advanced treatment.

the daughter would otherwise have to travel hours to see a psychotherapist, given the low number of therapists where they live.,

telemental health Q: The couple in the last segment of the video state that the biggest obstacle to them receiving affordable health care has recently been: - the rising cost of psychotropic medications. - the sudden increase in high fees charged by psychiatrists and other psychotherapists. - the difficulty in getting insurance coverage for mental health treatment., - psychotherapists refusing to take on new clients.

the difficulty in getting insurance coverage for mental health treatment

Dr. Yamaguchi is conducting an experiment on stress and motor functioning. She randomly assigns participants to two groups, which she treats the same with the exception that one group is loaded up with more tasks than they have time to perform. At the end of the week, she tests both groups on their motor functioning. What is the group with the task overload called? . the control group the experimental group the masked group the matched group

the experimental group

somatogenic perspective

the view that abnormal psychological functioning has physical causes

psychogenic perspective

the view that the chief causes of abnormal functioning are psychological

Jackson, who just broke up with his girlfriend, calls in to a radio talk show featuring a local therapist for advice. According to Jerome Frank, this situation would NOT be a form of therapy because: . there is not a series of contacts between the therapist and Jackson. Jackson and the therapist never meet face to face. the therapist is not recognized by Jackson or his social group and is, therefore, not an expert. there is no sufferer.

there is not a series of contacts between the therapist and Jackson

Question: Some clinicians prefer to think of themselves as teachers or coaches, more than as therapists. This is because: - they are resolved to help the client change the behavior in question - they see abnormality as a problem in living, not an illness - they prefer not to emphasize the fact that they are being paid - they like to work with their clients one on one

they see abnormality as a problem in living, not an illness

Hector has a sample of unemployed individuals' depression scores and the number of months they have been unemployed. For each individual, he plots a point on a graph that has participants' depression scores on one axis and their number of months of unemployment on the other. After all the points in the sample are plotted, Hector draws a straight line that runs as close to the data points as possible. The purpose of drawing the line is: . to establish whether unemployment causes depression. to determine whether the sample is large enough. to see how unemployment and depression are correlated. to confirm the soundness of the data-gathering method.

to see how unemployment and depression are correlated

This ancient operation involved the cutting away of a circular section of the skull to treat abnormal behavior. expellation humors trephination exorcism


Dr. Yang is a clinical researcher who systematically gathers data on the thoughts, perceptions, and emotions of patients suffering from anorexia and bulimia. She evaluates this information through careful observations so as to gain a better understanding of eating disorders. Dr. Yang is: . using the scientific method. using the experimental method. engaged in clinical practice. using the idiographic method.

using the scientific method

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