Chapter 1 & 2

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Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection

- November 1859 - Charles Darwin published one of the most important and influential books ever written, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection -The Origin of Species articulated two main point: 1. The first point was that contemporary species arose from a succession of ancestors that differed from them. Darwin called this process "descent with modification." This insightful phrase captured the duality of life's unity and diversity—unity in the kinship among species that descended from common ancestors and diversity in the modifications that evolved as species branched from their common ancestors (Figure 1.17). 2. Darwin's second main point was his proposal that "natural selection" is a primary cause of descent with modification.

3 out 5 theme of biology

- Theme: Life Requires the Transfer and Transformation of Energy and Matter -A fundamental characteristic of living organisms is their use of energy to carry out life's activities. Moving, growing, reproducing, and the various cellular activities of life are work, and work requires energy. -The input of energy, primarily from the sun, and the transformation of energy from one form to another make life possible -When a plant's leaves absorb sunlight, molecules within the leaves convert the energy of sunlight to the chemical energy of food, such as sugars, in the process of photosynthesis. -

1 out 5 theme of biology - Organization

- Theme: New Properties Emerge at Successive Levels of Biological Organization - The hierarchy of life unfolds as follows: biosphere > ecosystem > community > population > organism > organ system > organ > tissue > cell > organelle > molecule > atom. With each step upward from atoms, new emergent properties result from interactions among components at the lower levels. In an approach called reductionism, complex systems are broken down to simpler components that are more manageable to study. In systems biology, scientists attempt to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological systems by studying the interactions among the system's parts. - Structure and function are correlated at all levels of biological organization. The cell, an organism's basic unit of structure and function, is the lowest level that can perform all activities required for life. Cells are either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-enclosed organelles, including a DNA-containing nucleus. Prokaryotic cells lack such organelles. - The study of life on Earth extends from the microscopic scale of the molecules and cells that make up organisms to the global scale of the entire living planet.

beach mice (Peromyscus polionotus)

- that live there have light, dappled fur, allowing them to blend into their surroundings -inhabit nearby inland areas. These mice are much darker in color, as are the soil and vegetation where they live (see smaller photo). For both beach mice and inland mice, the close color match of the coat (fur) and the environment is vital for survival, since hawks, herons, and other sharp-eyed predators periodically scan the landscape for prey. -Several subspecies of recently extinct and endangered _ lived or are still found on sand dunes along Florida's beaches.

The Cell: An Organism's Basic Unit of Structure and Function

- the cell is the smallest unit of organization that can perform all activities required for life. -all living organisms are made of cells, which are the basic unit of life. -the actions of organisms are all based on the functioning of cells For instance, the movement of your eyes as you read this sentence results from the activities of muscle and nerve cells -every cell is enclosed by a membrane that regulates the passage of materials between the cell and its surroundings. -two main forms of cells: 1.prokaryotic 2. eukaryotic.

2 out 5 theme of biology information

-Theme: Life's Processes Involve the Expression and Transmission of Genetic Information - Within cells, structures called chromosomes contain genetic material in the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) -In cells that are preparing to divide, the chromosomes may be made visible using a dye that appears blue when bound to the DNA -Before a cell divides, the DNA is first replicated, or copied, and each of the two cellular offspring inherits a complete set of chromosomes, identical to that of the parent cell. Each chromosome contains one very long DNA molecule with hundreds or thousands of genes -each a section of the DNA of the chromosome. Transmitted from parents to offspring, genes are the units of inheritance. They encode the information necessary to build all of the molecules synthesized within a cell, which in turn establish that cell's identity and function. You began as a single cell stocked with DNA inherited from your parents. -The replication of that DNA prior to each cell division transmitted copies of the DNA to what eventually became the trillions of cells of your body. -As the cells grew and divided, the genetic information encoded by the DNA directed your development. The molecular structure of DNA accounts for its ability to store information. A DNA molecule is made up of two long chains, called strands, arranged in a double helix.


-it reduces complex systems to simpler components that are more manageable to study. -The approach of reducing complex systems to simpler components that are more manageable to study. -is a powerful strategy in biology -For example, by studying the molecular structure of DNA that had been extracted from cells -has propelled many major discoveries, but it provides a necessarily incomplete view of life on Earth, as we'll discuss next.


-the process of change over time that has resulted in the astounding array of organisms found on Earth -The gradual change in a species over time -the process of achieving a perfect fit for the environment. - descent with modification

five unifying themes go biology

1. Organization 2. Information 3. Energy and Matter 4. Interactions 5. Evolution

properties of life

1. living things contain nucleic acid protein, carbohydrates, and lipids ( can reproduce themselves) 2. living things are composed of cells. Cells are the smallest unit of life. 3. living things reproduce. Like human that make produce more human-like babies. Also, bacterias reproduce other bacterias 4. living things use energy and raw material: through metabolic activities, organism extract energy from various nutrients and transform it varies kind of work 5. all living things maintain homeostasis. Example, a snake remains cool by finding shade. human seat to remain cool 6.populations of living thing evolve and have adaptive traits.


A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up the chromosomes.

Which of the following can be considered a biological system? a salmon's cardiovascular system a pond a single liver cell the biosphere All of the listed responses are correct.

All of the listed responses are correct.

Biological structure

An arrangement or organisation of parts to form an organ, system or living thing.

What can this beach mouse (Peromyscus polionotus) teach us about biology?

An organism's adaptations to its environment, such as the mouse's protective camouflage, are the result of evolution, the process of change over time that has resulted in the astounding array of organisms found on Earth.

Which of the following domains is prokaryotic?


Three domains of life

Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya 1. bacteria: single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes 2. Archaea: Domain of unicellular prokaryotes that have cell walls that do not contain peptidoglycan 3. Eukarya: Domain of all organisms whose cells have nuclei, including protists, plants, fungi, and animals

All of the following statements about Darwin's theory of evolution are true except: A. Natural selection, by its cumulative effects over long periods of time, could cause an ancestral species to give rise to two or more descendant species. B. Individuals with inherited traits that are better suited to the local environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than less well-suited individuals. C. The natural environment consistently "selects" for the propagation of certain traits among naturally occurring variant traits in the population.

C. The natural environment consistently "selects" for the propagation of certain traits among naturally occurring variant traits in the population.

Which of the following is not an accurate statement about biology? Which of the following is not an accurate statement about biology? a. Posing questions about the living world and seeking answers through scientific inquiry are the central activities of biology B. Evolution is a fundamental principle of biology C. Biology is the scientific study of life D. Biological inquiry is a cataloguing of all the processes and properties of life on Earth.

D. Biological inquiry is a cataloguing of all the processes and properties of life on Earth.

What is the molecule that can account for both the unity and the diversity of life?


Which of the following observations and inferences led Charles Darwin to his theory of natural selection as a mechanism for evolution?

Darwin synthesized his theory of natural selection from all of the above observations and inferences.

Which of the following is NOT a property associated with all living organisms? A. Disorder B. Evolutionary adaptation. C. RegulationPress enter after select an option to check the answer D. Energy processing

Disorder If you had trouble with this question, review the following material: The phenomenon we call life defies a simple, one-sentence definition. Highly ordered (rather than disordered) structure characterizes life. Regulation, energy processing, evolutionary adaptation, growth and development, and reproduction are additional examples of what can be observed in all living organisms.

Which of the following is true when talking about scientific theories? A. It is general enough to spin off many new, testable hypothesis B. It is supported by a much greater body of evidence C. It is much broader in scope than a hypothesis D. None of are correct when explaining theories in Science E. All the explanations above are correct (except D)

E. All the explanations above are correct (except D)

Which of the following is a true statement about how living organisms use energy and chemicals to carry out life's activities?

Energy flows through an ecosystem, but chemicals cycle within it.

Eukaryotic organisms that decompose dead organisms and absorb the nutrients are generally found in which kingdom?


Which of the following statements is most clearly inductively derived?

If the animals observed require organic molecules as nutrients, then it can be concluded that all animals require organic molecules as nutrients.

Two main forms of cells

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic -->The cells of two groups of single-celled microorganisms 1. Prokaryotic cell: contains membrane-enclosed organelles. prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells -Some organelles, such as the DNA-containing nucleus, are found in the cells of all eukaryotes; other organelles are specific to particular cell types. 2. Eukaryotic cell: - lacks a nucleus or other membrane-enclosed organelles. Furthermore, prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic cells

5 out 5 theme of biology

The Core Theme: Evolution accounts for the unity and diversity of life - is the one idea that makes logical sense of everything we know about living organisms. -As the fossil record clearly shows, life has been evolving on Earth for billions of years, resulting in a vast diversity of past and present organisms. But along with the diversity there is also unity, in the form of shared features.

How is the information encoded in DNA actually used by organisms?

The information in DNA is transcribed to mRNA and then translated into protein.

4 out 5 theme of biology

Theme: From Molecules to Ecosystems, Interactions Are Important in Biological Systems -interactions between the components of the system ensure smooth integration of all the parts, such that they function as a whole. This holds true equally well for molecules in a cell and the components of an ecosystem; - Molecules: Interactions Within Organisms: +At lower levels of organization, the interactions between components that make up living organisms—organs, tissues, cells, and molecules—are crucial to their smooth operation. Consider the regulation of blood sugar levels, for instance. Cells in the body must match the supply of fuel (sugar) to demand, regulating the opposing processes of sugar breakdown and storage. The key is the ability of many biological processes to self-regulate by a mechanism called feedback. +


We recognize life by what living things do.

how do you think like a biologist?

When questions occur to you as you observe the natural world, you are thinking like a biologist.

Should an experiment test only one variable at a time? Why or why not?

Yes, an experiment should only test one variable at a time. This ensures that the experimental outcome is clearly due to one identifiable factor.

A theory is _____.

a well-supported concept that has broad explanatory power

Which of the following is outside the realm of scientific inquiry?

addressing ethical dilemmas

Experimentation is only one part of the process of scientific inquiry, but it is a very important step because it __________.

allows rejection of a hypotheses

Emergent properties of living systems are defined as properties that __________.

are due to the arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases

Which of the following lists some of the levels of biological organization from less complex to more complex?

atoms, molecules, cells, organs

Which of the following is the fundamental unit of structure and function in living organisms?


Which series of terms is in the correct sequence of biological organization, from the simplest to the most complex?

cell, tissue, organ, organisms, population, community

Two garden plots were planted with corn. The soil was similar in each, and equal amounts of water were applied to each plot. One plot was fertilized, and the other was not. The experimenters measured the yield as bushels of corn from each plot. The plot that did not receive the fertilizer was the __________.

control plot

In an ecosystem, nutrients __________ and energy __________.

cycle ... flows through

With evolution as the core theme of biology, we can explain traits shared by organisms as evidence of __________ and traits that differ among organisms as evidence of __________.

descent from a common ancestor ... adaptation through natural selection

The best method for determining whether bean plants require sodium is to __________.

grow bean plants with and without sodium

At which point is a scientific investigator most likely to use deductive reasoning?

in establishing a test of a hypothesis

In experimental procedures, repetition of the procedures __________.

is necessary before concluding that a given set of results is correct

Natural selection tends to act at which of the following levels?


What is the appropriate term for an interacting group of individuals of a single type occupying a defined area?


Which kingdom within the domain Eukarya is composed of organisms that are generally unicellular (single-celled)?


Sequencing a protein to discover the sequence of amino acids that make it up is an example of __________. Understanding how that protein works with other proteins in a cell is an example of __________.

reductionism ... systems biology

A company was testing a new drug it thought would help decrease the risk of transmission of viruses from mother to fetus. In an experiment to test the compound, an investigator gave 400 pregnant female rats a small dose of the experimental drug and inoculated each with a type of virus known to cause disease in rats. At the same time, 400 other pregnant rats were given only the virus. Of the rat pups born to the females that received both the virus and the drug, 203 showed no symptoms of the disease; 205 rat pups born to the virus-only females showed symptoms. From these data, we can best conclude __________.

that the drug seems to have little effect on viral transmission at the dosage given

systems biology

the exploration of a biological system by analyzing the interactions among its parts an approach that attempts to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological systems based on a study of the interactions among the system's parts. An approach to studying biology that aims to model the dynamic behavior of whole biological systems based on a study of the interactions among the system's parts

The energy used by most organisms for metabolism and growth ultimately comes from __________.

the sun

Radon is a radioactive gas that seeps into homes from the soil. It is thought to be a cause of lung cancer. A research team investigates this theory. They gather large amounts of data on basement radon concentrations and lung cancer rates and conclude that the more radon there is in a home, the more likely that people living in those homes will develop lung cancer. After the study is published, other researchers criticize it by asserting that the studied neighborhoods with higher radon concentrations also have a higher percentage of older people and a higher percentage of cigarette smokers than the low-radon neighborhoods. Both advanced age and cigarette smoking increase the risk of lung cancer. This criticism, if correct, shows that the radon study suffered from __________.

uncontrolled variables

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