Chapter 1: Basic Geographic Concepts Chapter 2: North America

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The rate of natural increase is also known as the:

(RNI) ; the relationship in a given population between the number of people being born (birth rate) and the number dying (death rate), without regard to the effects of migration

The prime meridian runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through:

- 0° longitude - divides the globe into eastern and western hemispheres

What Acronym best describes the following? - Measure of income - Measure of income, health, and education - Regional trade bloc - Assembly of nation-states - Nongovernmental group focused on various issues

- Measure of income: - Measure of income, health, and education: - Regional trade bloc: - Assembly of nation-states: - Nongovernmental group focused on various issues:

What are the variables of the United Nations' calculation of the Human Development Index (HDI)?

1) income adjusted to PPP, 2) data on life expectancy at birth, and 3) data on educational attainment

Suppose that a country has a birth rate of 19 per 1000, and a death rate of 7 per 1000. This country's rate of natural increase is:

1.2% per year 19 - 7 = 12 12 / 1000 = 1.2%

The United Nations is composed of how many member countries?

193 member states

Most of the earth's population lives between _____ latitude and _____ latitude.

20° ; 60°

In 2009, the earth's population was approximately:

6.8 billion

An early example of globalization: In the British Caribbean colonies, slaves from ___________ wore garments made of cloth woven in _____________ from cotton grown in __________________.

Africa ; England ; British India

Demographers use population pyramids to analyze what two structures of a given population?

Age & Gender

What is one possible explanation for imbalances in gender worldwide?

Because baby boys on average are somewhat weaker than girls, the ratio normally evens out naturally within the first 5 years.

What term refers to the making of maps?


In a large city, wealthy residents are most likely to live in what area?

Cities like Mumbai, Cairo, Nairobi, and Rio de Janeiro sprawl out from a small affluent core, often the oldest part

The globe is divided into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the:


To fit the spherical earth onto a flat map, a Mercator projection does what?

Geardus Mercator stretched out the poles, depicting them as lines equal in length to the equator

The notion that menopause in midlife gives women the time, energy, and freedom to help succeeding generations thrive is known as the:

Grandmother hypothesis

In a country with traditional gender roles, men are more likely to serve as ____________ while women serve as ________________.

Men: executive, animal herders, hunters, farmers, warriors, or government leaders Women: keep house, bear and rear children, care for the elderly, grow and preserve food, and prepare meals, etc.

The Southern Common Market is also known as ___________________.


Lines of longitudes are also known as:


What are some examples of an extractive resource?

Mineral ores, timber and plants

The group of 13 NGO's that is the world leader in emergency famine relief is:

Oxfam International

Through which ocean does the longitude line at 180° run?

Pacific Ocean

A graph that depicts a country's age and sex structures is called a:

Population pyramid

Suppose that a country's population pyramid is truly pyramid shaped, with a wide band at the bottom and a much narrower band at the top. What is the best description of the population of this country?

Population pyramid reveals that the country is balanced

Cartographers solve the problem of showing the spherical earth on a flat piece of paper by using:


The amount that a local currency equivalent of U.S. $1 will purchase in a given country is a measure of:

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

What measure accounts for the relationship between births and deaths during a year in a given population?

Rate of Natural Increase (RNI)

______ refers to the biological category of male or female, while ____ refers to the differences between the sexes as defined by a particular social group.

Sex ; Gender

The term used to describe the average number of children a woman in a country is likely to have during her reproductive years is:

Total fertility rate (TFR)

Between 1945 and 2009, the earth's population: a) roughly doubled. b) roughly tripled. c) remained mostly constant. d) decreased dramatically.

b) roughly tripled

The key players in the global economy today are what type of corporations?

banks and multinational corporation (Shell, Chevron, IBM Canada, Walmart, Coca-Cola, Bechtel, Apple, British Petroleum, Toyota, Google, and Cisco)

Two synonyms for shantytown are _____________ and ___________________.

barrios, favelas, hutments, ghettos, and tent villages

All of the following are sectors of the economy EXCEPT: a) extraction. b) industrial production. c) education. d) services.

c) education

The 2007 spike in world corn prices was brought about by the choice to use corn as what?

corn would be an ideal raw material with which to make ethanol (a substitute for gasoline)

The transition toward political systems guided by competitive elections is called:


The term __________ refers to the unrestricted international exchange of goods, services, and capital.

free trade

The splicing together of genes from widely divergent crops to achieve particular characteristics like drought resistance of high fruit yields is called _________________________________.

genetic modification (GM)

The best term to describe life in a favela would be:

housing is often self-built out of any materials the residents can find: cardboard, corrugated metal, masonry, ad scraps of wood and plastic; there are usually no building codes, no toilets with sewer connections, and no clean water; electricity is often obtained from illegal and dangerous connections to nearby power lines

The calendar day officially begins when midnight falls at the:

international date line

What is the term for wages that support a minimum healthy life?

living wages

The mission of the World Trade Organization is to:

lower trade barriers and to establish ground rules for international trade

What percentage of the earth's population now lives in cities?

now about half of the world's population lives in cities

In defining a region, geographers might take into account what factors?

physical features and/or distinct patterns of human development

Geography as discipline links the _____________ with the ______________.

physical sciences (geology, physics, chemistry, biology, and botany) // social sciences (anthropology, sociology, history, economics, and political science)

The geographers who study the interactions among development, politics, human well-being, and the environment are known as ____________________.

political ecologists

The leading cause of death among girls 15-19 worldwide is:


In which sector of the economy is agriculture?

primary sector

What type of resources are utilized by mining and agricultural practices?

primary sector

The push/pull phenomenon of urbanization pushes people out of __________ and pulls them into _______________.

rural areas ; urban areas

What terms refers to the relationship between the distances shown on the map and the actual distances on the earth's surface?


What terms refers to the study of how people, objects, or ideas are, or are not, related to one another across space?

spatial interaction

Farming that meets human needs without harming the environment or depleting water and soil resources is called ___________________.

sustainable agriculture

Taxes imposed on imported goods are called _______________.


Know examples of variables at the largest, most global scale.

the entire world is treated as a single area --- a unity that is more and more relevant as our planet operates as a global system

Know examples of variables at the smallest, most local scale.

the level of geography that describes the space where an individual lives or works; a city, town, or rural areas

The "double day" refers to a situation in which women are required to do what?

work outside the him and retain their household duties

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