Chapter 1: Body Planes And Sections
Frontal And Parasagittal Planes
Divide the body or organ in two sections with each section containing a piece of the heart and a piece of each lung
Median/Midsagittal Plane
Divides the body or organ exactly in the midline or into EQUAL right and left sections Cut was made perfectly on midline section
Cuts or sections made along a body plane Named after plane, so a sagittal cut results in a sagittal section
Transverse/Horizontal/Cross Section Plane
Divides body or organ horizontally into superior and inferior sections Produces a "cross section"
Parasagittal Plane
Divides body or organ into UNEQUAL right and left sections Cut was off-centered, not in midline section
Frontal/Coronal Plane
Divides body or organ vertically into anterior and posterior sections
Sagittal Plane
Divides body or organ vertically into right and left parts
Body Planes
Surfaces along which the body or structures may be cut for anatomical study It includes 3 common planes: sagittal plane, frontal (coronal) plane, and transverse (horizontal) plane
Oblique Sections
They are sections that are made diagonally between the horizontal and the vertical planes Result of cuts at angle other than 90 degrees to vertical plane