Chapter 1: Drug Use - An Overview

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According to the gateway theory of substance use, arrange the substances a typical user indulges in, in the order in which the use occurs.

1) beer or wine 2) hard liquor and/or cigarettes 3) marijuana use 4) other illicit substances

In the context of enormous development and marketing of legal pharmaceuticals, match the developments that occurred over the past 100 years with their implications.

1. birth control medications - increases opportunities for women to pursue educational and career goals 2. drugs to treat mental problems - dramatic shift in mental health treatment

Match the popular drugs with their beneficial application.

1. heroin - painkiller 2. cocaine - local anesthetic 3. methamphetamine - treatment of ADHD and obesity

Arrange the usual changes a user undergoes upon increasing his or her alcohol consumption in the correct order of occurrence.

1. increased talkativeness 2. slurred speech and difficulty walking 3. unconsciousness

Match the parameters used by the University of Michigan for its Monitoring the Future Project while surveying 12th graders with their influence on prevalence of marijuana use in the past 30 days among 12th graders.

1. perceived availability - it does not appear to explain difference in rates of use over time 2. perceived risk of regular use - it essentially is a mirror image of the trend in rates of using marijuana

Why is it logical for deviance-prone young people to use beer or cigarettes as their getaway substances? A) because they are more widely available than psychoactive drugs B) because they are more difficult to acquire than psychoactive drugs C) because they are less harmful than psychoactive drugs D) because they are more expensive than psychoactive drugs

A) because they are more widely available than psychoactive drugs

Identify the protective factors most likely associated with lower rated of marijuana use among adolescents according to a study conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. A) being committed to school B) knowing adults who use marijuana or other substances C) having a positive attitude towards marijuana use D) believing that religion is important and frequently attending religious services E) participating in two or more extracurricular activities

A) being committed to school D) believing that religion is important and frequently attending religious services E) participating in two or more extracurricular activities protective factors 1. perceiving that there are strong sanctions against substance use at school 2. having parents as a source of social support 3. being committed in school 4. believing that religion is important and frequently attending religious services 5. participating in two or more extracurricular activities risk factors 1. having friends who use marijuana or other substance 2. engaging in frequent fighting, stealing, or other antisocial activities 3. perceiving that substance use is prevalent at your school 4 knowing adults who use marijuana or other substance 5. having a positive attitude towards marijuana use (in order of importance)

Studies of risk and protective factors of substance use conclude that the adolescents who are likely to smoke cigarettes, drink heavily, and smoke marijuana are also likely to ____. A) engage in other deviant behavior B) participate in two or more extracurricular activities C) have parents as a source of social support D) be committed to school

A) engage in other deviant behavior

Addiction is a controversial and complex term because ____. A) it has different meanings for different people B) all legal institutions hold only one definition true C) its definition has not been approved by the FDA D) every educational body teaches an incorrect version of its definition

A) it had different meanings for different people we will use addiction only to refer to cases in which people have struggled to control their use and have suffered serious negative consequences from that use

Why had measurement of impulsivity become more popular recently among studies aiming to correlate rate of substance use to personality of users? A) large-scale survey studies of the general population have yielded weak correlations with other personality traits B) regional survey studies of the urban minority consider only white males in their surveys C) small-scale survey studies are the only ones that can generate accurate data on personality types D) local survey studies measure radical personality traits rather than traditional ones.

A) large-scale survey studies of the general population have yielded weak correlations with other personality traits

The use of a substance in a manner, amounts or situations such that the drug use causes problems or greatly increases the chances of problems occurring is called ____. A) substance abuse B) deviant substance use C) recreational substance use D) substance misuse

A) substance abuse

The enormous growth in government efforts for regulating dangerous drugs or drugs that produce dependence, both in expenditures and in the breadth of substances controlled. is termed as ____ . A) war on drugs B) gateway control C) antecedent liberation D) liberty from reinforcement

A) war on drugs

Researchers studying extent of drug use have always been most interested in drug use by ____ , because this is the age when drug use usually begins and reaches its highest levels. A) senior citizens B) adolescents and young adults C) middle-aged people D) children and adolescents

B) adolescents and young adults

An accurate statement about psychoactive drugs is that ___ . A) user history does not influence the effect of drugs B) every drug acts at multiple sites C) every instance of drug use is abuse D) amount of drugs consumed does not influence their effect

B) every drug acts at multiple sites

Identify an accurate statement about the effect of psychoactive drugs on a user. A) it is independent of dosage B) is it powerfully influenced by the user's history and expectations C) it always amount to substance abuse D) it acts on only one site in the brain, leading to multiple bodily responses

B) is it powerfully influenced by the user's history and expectations the more a person believes that alcohol makes people more sociable, the more talkative and friendly that person will become after drinking even a small amount someone takes a drug for medical reasons but has been told that it will produce an unpleasant side effect, that person might be fearful and have a much worse reaction than is he or she had not been warned.

In the context of studying substance use, a study done over a period of time, generally over months or years, is known as a ____ . A) cross-sectional study B) longitudinal study C) randomized controlled study D) case control study

B) longitudinal study

Data on marijuana use can be used to make a broader statement that illicit drug use among high school seniors had not changed a great deal between 1998 to 2012 because _____. A) high school seniors never prefer any other illicit drug B) marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug C) marijuana is the only illicit drug D) high school seniors never have access to any other illicit drug

B) marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug

Identify an accurate statement about substance use: A) user history with a drug does not influence its effect on the user B) not all substance use is abuse C) every drug has a singular effect D) amount of drug consumed does not influence its effect on a user

B) not all substance use is abuse

If correlational studies were restricted to substance abusers, comparing urban neighborhoods with high minority populations to suburban white neighborhoods, higher rates of drug abuse would be found in ___ . A) majority urban population B) urban ghetto C) suburban household D) minority suburban population

B) urban ghetto

___ is drug use that is not common within a social group and that is disapproved of by the majority. A) drug misuse B) recreational drug use C) deviant drug use D) drug abuse

C) deviant drug use

A typical problem faced by people while classifying substances as drugs is ___. A) knowing a drug's exact chemical composition B) creating a gray area in their definition C) differentiating between food and drugs D) treating an artificial compound as a natural drug

C) differentiating between food and drugs ex: alcoholic beverages (wine and beer)

____ typically refers to the use of prescribed drugs in greater amounts than, or for purposes other than, those prescribed by a physician or dentist. A) recreational drug use B) deviant drug use C) drug abuse D) drug misuse

C) drug misuse

Why had marijuana smoking been used as an indicator for much of the research on correlates of drug use? A) its use is highly dissimilar to trends in alcohol use B) enough adults have used it to prevent researchers from surveying high school student C) enough people have tried it so that meaningful correlations can be carried out D) its use had been a matter of some concern

C) enough people have tried it so that meaningful correlations can be carried out D) its use had been a matter of some concern

According to the findings of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, identify an accurate statement about the correlation between gender and rate of substance use. A) females are more likely to indulge in substance use than males B) males and females are equally likely to indulge in substance use C) males are more likely to indulge in substance use than females D) female and males are equally likely to refrain from substance use

C) males are more likely to indulge in substance use than females

According to the findings of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, identify a true statement about the trend in substance use among young adults with college degrees. A) they are somewhat more likely to use marijuana or cocaine B) they are somewhat less likely to drink alcohol C) they are somewhat less likely to use marijuana or cocaine D) they are somewhat more likely to use tobacco

C) they are somewhat less likely to use marijuana or cocaine

In the context of influence of genetic traits on rate of substance use, it can be concluded that genetic factors play ____ . A) a small role in differentiating substance abusers from "normal" people B) a small role in determining substance dependence or abuse C) a large role in determining people's tendency to experiment with substances D) a large role in determining substance dependence or abuse

D) a large role in determining substance dependence or abuse

In the context of drug use, antecedents are ____ . A) procedures for treating people who indulge in deviant drug use B) protocols describing diagnosis of a person dependent on drugs C) factors that influence rehabilitation of drug users D) characteristics that predict later initiation of drug use

D) characteristics that predict later initiation of drug use does a person joins a deviant peer group first, and then use drugs? or is it vice versa? does taking drugs cause them to become poor students? or vice versa?

The Regonian Medical Council had conducted a correlation study on the risk factor of heroin use by adolescents in the country of Regonia. The finding point out that delinquent adolescents whose parents frequently monitor their activities are more likely to indulge in heroin use. They also suggest that perceived ease of availability of the dug or perceived risk of use had no influence on its rate of use. However, the limitation of the study conducted by the Regonian Medical Council is that it fails to ____. A) conclude that perceived risk of heroin use does not affect its use B) determine if availability is a factor influencing rate of heroin use by college students C) conclude that nonmedical use of heroin amounts to substance abuse D) determine whether parental monitoring affects increased heroin use or vice versa

D) determine whether parental monitoring affects increased heroin use or vice versa

___ typically refers to the use of prescribed drugs in greater amounts than, or for purposes other than, those prescribed by a physician or dentist. A) drug abuse B) deviant drug use C) recreational drug use D) drug misuse

D) drug misuse

A drug user shows a ___ when there are clear withdrawal signs when the drug is not taken. A) affective dependence B) psychological dependence C) emotional dependence D) physiological dependence

D) physiological dependence Drug dependence refers to a state in which the individual uses the drug so frequently and consistently that it appears that it would be difficult for the person to get along without using the drug.

Biologically, consumption of larger doses of a drug leads to an increase in the desired effects of the drug as well as ___ in a user. A) an increase in the respiration rate B) a tendency toward drug dependence C) a decrease in the accompanying effects D) the development of additional effects

D) the development of additional effects

When drug abuse, drug dependence, and deviant drug use are talked about, it is ___ that is being referred to. A) the drug possessing evil intent B) the way drugs are designed to damage its users C) the drug intentionally causing harm D) the way the drug is being used

D) the way the drug is being used (behavior)

When are prescription drugs illicit? A) when they are prescribed by a state-approved doctor B) when their prescription is authorized by the FDA C) when they are prescribed to minors D) when they are manufactured or sold illegally

D) when they are manufactured or sold illegally

A procedure in which a behavioral event is followed by a consequent event such that the behavior is then more likely to be repeated is known as _____ .


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