Chapter 1 Foundations of Government

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Define capitalism (free enterprise).

Capitalism does not rely on the government to decide on what or how much to make or how price items.

Define direct democracy.

Citizens met regularly in a popular assembly to discuss issues and vote for leaders.

Give three examples of the types of services the U.S. gov't provides.

Clean water, roads, and public parks.

What was the U.S. when it was FIRST established?

Confederate Government

What does Necessity of Compromise mean?

Decision making a matter of give-and-take.

Power of the People:

Democracy -Strictly speaking, in a pure democracy, the people make major government decisions through a process of majority rule. Whatever the majority of voters want becomes a law. Dictatorship -A system of rule in which one person, a dictator, or a small group of people can hold unlimited power over a government. -Dictators often achieve power by force, stifling even peaceful opposition with varying degrees of repression and brutality.

What is the difference between a democracy and a dictatorship?

Democracy is rule by many. Authority rests with the people. Dictatorship is rule by one, or a few. People have no authority.

Direct vs. Representative?

Direct: people directly vote on policies. Representative: people are voted on to decide on policy - a Republic.

What is the divine right of kings?

Divine right of kings is what made the king answerable only to God, not to the people he ruled.

What does Worth of the Individual mean?

Each individual is a separate and distinct being.

Give an example of Unitary

France, Italy, Spain

What is another name for capitalism?

Free Market System

What does Individual Freedom mean?

Freedom, to a certain extent.

Define dictatorship.

a system of rule in which one person, a dictator, or a small group of people can hold unlimited power over a government.

"The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." a. Individual freedom b. Individual freedom c. Compromise d. Rule of law

a. Individual freedom

Each individual is a separate and distinct being. a. Individual worth b. Equality c. Individual freedom d. Majority Rule, Minority Rights

a. Individual worth

Define free enterprise.

allows for people and businesses to make their own economic choices about how best to produce, distribute, and exchange goods and services with limited interference from government.

Define liberal democracy.

as the United States, the individual rights and liberties of all people, including those in the minority, are protected.

Fairness of opportunity and before the eyes of the law. a. Individual worth b. Equality c. Individual freedom d. Rule of law

b. Equality

Powers are divided between central and local governments. a. Confederation b. Federal c. Unitary d. Monarchy

b. Federal

A matter if give-and-take. Essential in order to respect all individuals. a. Rule of law b. Majority rights, minority rule c. Compromise d. Worth of the individual

b. Majority rights, minority rule

All of the following are not characteristics of a state EXCEPT: a. Population b. Military c. Government d. Territory

b. Military

The executive and legislative branches are separate and co-equal. a. Parliamentary b. Presidential c. Confederate d. Republic

b. Presidential

All powers are held in a single central agency and then delegated to local agencies. a. Federal b. Unitary c. Confederal d. State

b. Unitary

This outlines the basic responsibilities of a government. a. a bill of rights b. a constitution c. a policy d. a law

b. a constitution

An alliance of independent states. a. Federation b. Confederation c.Unitary d. Parliamentary

b. confederation

In a _________, the people elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. (direct democracy/republic)


Belief that a just government derives its power from the people's consent, or ____________, is one of the key principles of American democracy. (liberal democracy/self-government)


According to Thomas Hobbes, what would life be like without government?

Life without government would be like when war broke out in what is today Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Explain natural law.

Natural law binds citizens and rulers alike. A legitimate government does not violate natural law. In this line of thinking, citizens are not obligated to follow a ruler who acts against natural law.

Why did the Founders believe that economic freedom was important?

Our nation's Founders believed deeply that safeguarding economic freedom was key to preserving other freedoms.

Describe the differences between parliamentary and presidential governments.

Parliamentary government - executive is a part of the legislative branch and is usually the leader of the majority party. Executive is under the direct control of the legislative branch, or parliament. Can be ousted but a "vote of no confidence." Example: United Kingdom, Denmark, Japan Presidential government - executive and legislative branches of a government are separate but co-equal. Checks and balances: branches often have powers that can block, or check, the actions of the other. U.S. invented this form of government. Example: United States, Belarus, Brazil

Differentiate the John Locke from Thomas Hobbes. How are they similar in their beliefs.

People must give up (some) of their natural rights in exchange for the security of the state. Thomas Hobbes - did not trust people to govern themselves. Believed people were brutish and evil in their natural state. People needed a king, or stronger ruler, to govern them. Purpose of government is to keep law and order. John Locke - trusted people to govern themselves. Believed people tended to be good in their natural state. People needed the proper information (education) in order to make good decisions - believed in democracy. Purpose of government is to protect the rights of people. Both Hobbes and Locke believed people were born with natural rights and the Social Contract: People must give up (some) of their natural rights in exchange for the security of the state.

What does Equality of all Persons mean?

"... all men are created equal."

About how much did the U.S. pay in 2007 toward defense and diplomacy?

$600 billion towards defense $35 billion towards diplomacy

List the five (5) reasons for government.

1. Ensure national security 2. Maintain order 3. Resolve conflict 4. Provide services 5. Provide for the public goods

List the four (4) theories of the origin of the state.

1. Force Theory 2. Evolutionary Theory 3. Divine Right Theory 4. Social Contract Theory

List the four (4) factors of capitalism.

1. Private Ownership 2. Individual Initiative 3. Profit 4. Competition

List the six (6) notions of American democracy.

1. Worth of the Individual 2. Equality of all Persons 3. Majority Rule, Minority Rights 4. Necessity of Compromise 5. Individual Freedom 6. Rule of Law


2 levels: an overarching national government and 50 state governments. Both levels have the power to make their own laws, elect officials, and create agencies.

What are the three components of government?

3 components of government are people, power, and policies.

Framework of a government?

A Constitution

What is another word for representative democracy?

A Republic

How are majority rule and minority rights related?

A basic principle of democracy is that decisions are made by a majority vote. Ideally, a candidate wins an election by a majority, by getting more than half of the votes cast. In fact, candidates typically win by a plurality, or by getting more votes than any other candidates. Minority rights are the political rights held by groups who make up less than half the population. Americans believe strongly that a balance must be struck between majority rule and protecting minority rights.

Define sovereignty.

A supreme power to act within its territory and to control its external affairs.

Contrast unity and federal governments or give an example that shows how they are different.

A unitary system, sovereignty, or ultimate authority, rests in a single, national government. The United Kingdom, France, and Japan are leading examples of unitary governments. A federal system of government divides power over people and territory between a national government and smaller, regional levels of government. As it exists today, the federal system is largely an American invention-the product of compromises made by the Framers of the U.S. Constitution over balancing national power and states' rights.

What are the characteristics pf a state?

All such states are characteristics as having a population, a territory, a government, and sovereignty.

Define republic.

An indirect form of democracy that places political decisions making at least one step away from the people.

Autocracy vs. Oligarchy?

Autocracy: one person rule. Oligarchy: small group rule.

What did Alexis de Tocqueville say about American equality?

French noble Alexis de Tocqueville was among the first to seriously explore the meaning of equality in American culture. Tocqueville deeply admired the widespread political and economic equality he observed. He saw this as American democracy's great promise but also worried that equality was incomplete and that it could be a peril to liberty.

What is Divine Right Theory?

God created the state and He gave this of royal birth a "divine right" to rule. To disobey was a sin.

Define federal system.

Government divides power over people and territory between a national government and smaller, regional levels of government.

What is the difference between government and policies?

Government is an institution. Politics is a process.

What is government?

Government is made up of the formal institutions and processes through which decisions are made for a group of people.

Why is Illinois, technically, not a state?

Illinois is technically not a state because it limits the sovereign power of their government with a set of rules that restricts that lawful use of power.


Important agencies of rule, by the national government has ultimate authority. Abolish local governments as it sees fit.

What is present in strong democracies?

In a strong democracy people participate in the political process at all levels. They become informed of the issues, speak their minds, serve on juries, debate public issues, hold their leaders accountable, attend community meetings, volunteer for military and social service, pay taxes, and join political parties.

What did the founders aspire to more than anything?

In this regard, they were influenced by John Locke, who asserted that people have a natural right to "life, liberty, and property." Equally important, the Founders believed that economic freedom allowed people to build wealth that would empower them to limit the power of government.

Define confederal system.

Independent states join forces by forming a central government.

Give an example of Federal

India, Iraq, Mexico

What did Jean-Jacques Rousseau propose?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau was a French philosopher who introduced a third vision of the state of nature and the social contract. According to Rousseau, humans lived independent lives in the state of nature, but were happy, good, and free. It was the formation of societies and government that corrupted the human condition and introduced inequality. In The Social Contract (1762), Rousseau argues that the only way people could regain their freedom was by establishing a government that was both based on a social contract and responsive to the "general will" of the people.

Discuss John Locke significance.

John Locke believed that in order to protect natural rights from government power had to be limited, or subject to certain restrictions. Any violation of the people's natural rights by government provided grounds for rebellion. In other words, people could withdraw their consent from government and start anew.

Under which king did this noting peak?

King Louis XVI

Define legitimacy.

Legitimacy are rulers are seen as right and proper by important segments of a population.

Describe the three ideals of American democracy.

Liberty is all the people who have the ability or freedom to act and think as they choose. Equality is all the people possess the same fundamental moral worth that entitles them to fair treatment. Self-government is ordinary people can rule themselves and do so as political equals.

Define politics.

Politics is the process by which government makes and carries out decisions.

How Power is Divided within the Government:

Presidential -President's powers are balanced by a legislature, which is both popularly elected and independent of the president. Parliamentary -Congress, House of Representatives, and Senate are in control of creating laws.

Contrast presidential and parliamentary systems.

Presidential systems is distinguished by having a president that is elected by the people for a limited term of office. Parliamentary systems are the legislative and executive branches of government are combined.

How is the notion of the "public good" abstract?

Public goods are abstract because it benefits everyone.

What type of government do the vast majority of countries have?


What does Majority Rule, Minority Rights mean?

Rule of the majority is the founding element of democracy.

What is the social contract theory?

Social Contract Theory holds that the first governments formed as a result of people agreeing among themselves to submit to the authority of a state.

Define sovereignty.

Sovereignty is a supreme power to act within its territory and to control its external affairs.

Define state.

State is a political unit with the power to make and political unit with the power to make and enforce laws over a group of people of loving within a clearly defined territory.


States keep full control over their own territories and people. Stares delegate limited powers to a central government.

What does Rule of Law mean?

The U.S. as "government of laws, not of men"

What does the Rule of Law ideally do?

The U.S. government and its officials are subject to recognized and enforced limits on their powers. These limits are spelled out in the U.S. Constitution. Ideally, the rule of law forces leaders to act according to the law and holds them accountable when they do not.

Give an example of the how what is acceptable lawful can be complicated.

The rules are outlined in a constitution, or written plan of government.

How did the Founders' view of human nature influence the value they placed on the individual?

These beliefs are rooted in the values our nation's Founders held for the individual's natural capacity for reason, intellect, and self-determination. The words in the Declaration of Independence that express the Founders' sentiments bear repeating: "all men were created equal" and are born with rights to "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." The the Founders, this positive estimation of human nature and natural rights was the foundation of self-rule.

How did his ideas differ from Thomas Hobbes'?

Thomas Hobbes argues that people originally lived in a "state of nature" without government or laws. In the state of nature, people enjoyed complete personal freedom but were also driven by self-interest and were constantly at war with one another over scarce resources.

Explain the differences between unitary, federal and confederate type governments?

Unitary: all powers are held within a single, central agency. Central agency delegates responsibility to local agencies. Centralized but can be democratic. Federal: powers and responsibilities are divided between central and local governments. Checks and balances - government branches ensure other branches don't become too powerful. U.S. - a central (federal) government with 50 local (state) governments. Presidential: executive and legislative branches of a government are separate but co-equal. Checks and balances: branches often have powers.

Give an example of Presidential

United States, Belarus, Brazil

Why is compromise a necessary ideal?

When such conflicts occur, compromise is necessary to keep the political process moving.

In this type of government, the prime minister can be kicked out of office if they receive a vote of no confidence by the majority of legislatures. a. Monarchy b. Dictatorship c. Parliamentary d. Presidential

c. Parliamentary

This is a process of collective decision making. a. Government b. Laws c. Politics d. Sovereignty

c. Politics

The minority must be able to become the majority. a. Compromise b. Rule of law c. Equality d. None of these

d. None of these

A ________, such as the one used by the United States, divides power between a national government and smaller, regional levels of government. (unitary system/federal system)

federal system

In the __________ system, individuals and businesses engage in economic activity with minimum interference. (liberal democracy/free enterprise)

free enterprise

What is Social Contract Theory?

government came from a voluntary act of free people. State exists only to serve the will of the people.

The protection of minority rights is an important part of a ________. (liberal democracy/free enterprise)

liberal democracy

The concept of ___________ in American government refers to citizens' freedom from government control and freedom to exercise their constitutional rights. (equality/liberty)


To avoid the "tyranny of the majority" the Framers aimed to balance the principles of majority rule and _________. (self-government/minority rule)

minority rule

Though they are rare today, the most common form of rule in world history has been a __________. (monarchy/dictatorship)


What is Force Theory?

one or a few takes control, usually through military means, and forces all to submit their rule.

What is Evolutionary Theory?

originated from the family structure, with one person at the head, and thus the government.

According to some observers, one of the advantages of a __________ is that it is easier to pass laws. (presidential system/parliamentary system)

parliamentary system

Define unitary system.

sovereignty, or ultimate authority, rests in a single national government.

Define self-government.

the belief that ordinary people could aspire to rule themselves and do so as political equals.

Define monarchy.

the government is headed by one person, such as a king or a queen, who exercises supreme authority.

Define oligarchy.

to rule by a few, or an aristocracy.

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