Chapter 1 Mass Media Literacy

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"Film Literacy" which deals with the conventions and techniques of motion media was already a well-established term and area of study long before "visual literacy" came on the scene.

media multitasking

mass media have become so integrated into people's lives that _____ is common.

deliver an audience to advertisers

newspaper, radio, television and magazine companies cannot survive unless they

the weather

on most days, the most- listened-for item in morning newscasts is


A far-reaching effect of mass media has been as a cultural unifier.


A study at Ball State University found that people intentionally spend 30 percent of their waking hours with the media

Mass communication

A synonym sometimes used for __________ is "industrial communication" because it requires such large-scale or industrial-sized technology.


A termcoined in the 1980s to describe how the broadcast industry reaches niche audiences is


Advertising is the only type of mass message that is persuasive.


Although we don't always pay attention to them, we are exposed to media messages more than two-thirds of our waking hours.


As they did on 9/11, the mass media can help connect and bind people together during a crisis.


Before mass media, people created their own diversion, entertainment and amusement.


Cell phone communication was one of the primary tools used by organizers to successfully outs Egypt's ruler during the Arab Spring in 2011.

Social media

Compared to industrial media, __________ are less centralized and less hierarchical. They also provide more points of origin for content.


Defragmentation is an alternative term for demassification of the mass media.

general-interest magazines.

Demassification has NOT contributed to the growth of


Demassification means that mass media are narrowing their audience focus.

marketplace of ideas

English thinker John Milton advocated exposure to competing ideas as the best way to discover truth in a concept he termed the


Feedback is defined as the response to a message.


Group communication involves an audience of more than one, all within earshot.

media literacy

If Jill walks through a mall and notices the background music playing through the loudspeakers she is demonstrating


In mass communication, ________ are massive, eclectic, and heterogeneous.


In the U.S. mass media have traditionally served as a watchdog on behalf of the people against governmental misdeeds.


Industrial media production can be successfully accomplished by almost anyone who has access to an Internet-capable computer and basic software skills.


Information comes in many forms besides news; even advertising offers information that helps consumers make intelligent buying decisions.


Insights into the human condition that are presented by the mass media can by very important in helping us figure out and better understand ourselves.


Instant messaging and e-mail are two of the newest mass media to emerge as a result of computer technology.


Intelligent use of the mass media requires assessing the motivation for a message.

intensified and later began to fade during the 20th century.

Intense rivalry between most successful media companies to reach the largest possible audience and beat out their competition

Interpersonal communication

Is communication between two individuals.


Linguistic ________ means being competent in using spoken and written language.

who are in widely separated locations

Mass communication involves sending a message to a great number of people


Mass communication would NOT have been possible WITHOUT the invention of technologies such as the printing press, broadcast transmitters, and Internet servers.


Mass media first came into existence in the late-1800s.


Mass media have become so integrated into our lives that media multitasking is common.


Media coverage of events like arab spring, the asian tsunamis, hurricane Katrina or even the super bowl provide a shared cultural experience.


Media literacy emphasizes the importance of understanding tradition as a way of understanding the media and thereby promotes many of the most popular media myths.


Media literacy enables us to more effectively use the mass media for our own advantage and avoid being conned by them.

knowledge about mass media and the application of critical thinking

Media literacy involves

appropriately balancing the costs and benefits of various media messages.

Media literacy involves all of the following EXCEPT


Media literacy is only concerned with how messages are received and perceived; media production is concerned with how they are prepared and sent.


Media literacy requires distinguishing between messages and the messenger.


Media literate Americans recognize the traditional view that the news media should serve as a ________ for the people to point out government misdeeds.


Media researchers at Ball State University found that people are intentionally involved in a media activity for ______ percent of their waking hours.

invisible or unnoticed at a conscious level.

Most of our media exposure is


Most of our media exposure is invisible to us - or at least goes unnoticed - at a conscious level.


Regrettably, the mass media's ability to unify and bind society only applies to negative situations and times of pain, sorrow, and tragedy.

Group communication

Requires an audience of more than one, all within earshot.


Narrowcasting, as opposed to broadcasting, is a term coined to reflect how radio and television are now seeking niche audience.

they attracted huge audiences who all watched the same cultural fare.

Network television broadcasts became a nationwide societal unifier because


Researchers have consistently proven that video games directly cause violent crime.


Once technology is brought into a communication situation it can no longer be considered interpersonal communication.

lack of immediate feedback

One characteristic that distinguishes mass communication from interpersonal and group communication is the


One measure of media literacy is awareness of the presence of media messages.

amuse arouse assail assert

One of the four purposeful functions of mass communication is to

enlighten encapsule energize envision

One of the four purposeful functions of mass communication is to

inform initiate instigate irritate

One of the four purposeful functions of mass communication is to

persuade patronize promote publicize

One of the four purposeful functions of mass communication is to

serve as a watchdog of government on behalf of the people

One of the traditions of U.S. journalism implied in the Constitution is that the mass media should report news and


Over time, mass media contribute to the evolution of society's view of what is considered acceptable and what is unacceptable behavior.


People who are _______ literate are aware of their media environment.


People who use media, the industries that advertise in media and the companies built around media have a symbiotic relationship

unify the country by presenting common messages and shared experiences

President Franklin Roosevelt's nationwide radio addresses rallying support for programs to combat the Great Depression demonstrated the mass media's ability to


Realizing that a letter personally addressed to you with several references to your hometown and school is part of a mass mailing and not a personal message demonstrates your media literacy

Media multitasking

Simultaneous exposure to messages from different media is called _____


Social media and mass communication are both mediated forms of of communication.

has subconsciously revealed that they support the politician

Someone who condemns a reporter for supporting a politician because she quotes that politician in a news story


Technology makes it possible to draw clear distinctions between interpersonal communication and mass communication.


The outcome of Cairo, Egypt's Arab Spring in 2011 was heavily influenced by key protesters' ability to apply their media literacy skills to a serious political problem.


The __________ of ideas is a concept that a robust exchange of ideas yields better consensus.


The better your media literacy skills, the better equipped you are to deal with a deluge of media messages.


The different technologies on which media are shaped do NOT affect messages.


The general trend among the mass media today is to seek the largest possible mass audience.


The mass audience generally lacks the opportunity for immediate______


The mass media are the vehicles through which messages are disseminated to mass audiences.


The mass media can help society identify its values and establish a cultural identity.

it became technologically possible to duplicate and distribute images.

The mass media were almost entirely "word-centric" for hundreds of years until


The most obvious form of mass media intended to persuade is


The most visible form of information delivered by mass media is


The most visible information delivered by mass media is ___________.


The most visible mass-delivered information is news.


The role of persuasion is especially important in a democratic society.


The role of the media in China is much different than it is in the United States.

in the 1960s when the education products coordinator for Kodak wrote about it.

The term "visual literacy," which is now part of the broader concept of media literacy, became popular with scholars


Their ability to exchange user-generated content is one of the main reasons "social media" became the common name for this 21st century form of communication.

USA Today

This national newspaper, launched in 1982, offered readers a "first-person" tone and enhanced graphic features that set it apart from its competitors.


Thorough media coverage presented over time tends to bring about societal consensus even on controversial issues.


Today's demassification and media diversity contributes to less social cohesion than the mass audiences and limited number of media choices enjoyed by previous generations.

mass audiences

Traditionally, mass communication is defined as the technology-assisted transmission of messages to


Understanding comics: The Invisible Art, a graphic reference book, has become highly-regarded explanation of ___________ literacy for artists and their audiences.

uses readily accessible and affordable software tools

Unlike production for industrial media, the production of content for social media


Visual literacy, a key part of media literacy, can be described as the ability "to read" still and moving images.


Which of the following media was among the first to demassify in the 1950s.

they enable interactive dialogue among their users

Which of the following social media traits is NOT shared with earlier, traditional mass media?


__________ literacy does not just refer to motion pictures; it also applies to television, video, and other motion media.


according to the research firm Nielsen, the medium that is used much more per day than other media is

group communication

an executive participating in a business meeting is engaged in

be more than 10 people

in order for something to be categorized as group communication, the audience must

Mass communication

the technology-assisted transmission of messages to mass audiences is known as _________

interpersonal communication

the type of communication that occurs between two individuals, either by themselves or in a small group is

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