Chapter 1 Section 2: The Olmec, Toltec, and Maya

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The term rubber people was applied where and why?

To people along the eastern coast of Mexico, Aztec obtained their rubber there.

What happened to the toltecs over time

Were absorbed by Aztec empire.

What are the Olmecs most famous for ?

Their giant carved heads

What happened to Mayas in early 200s?

A Mayan resurgence, centered on Chichén Itzá, but died by 1450 before Spanish arrived.

What do the ruins of Tula contain?

A Pyramid temple to Quetzalcoatl and the Plumed Serpent

The culture of Olmecs involves...

A form of hieroglyphic writing, remains un-deciphered.

What is the Olmecs common motif in art?

A half human, half jaguar. Figure is thought to represent a god.

How did the Aztecs consider the toltecs to be?

A race of ancient heroes who built the city of Tula/Tolla

Where is the city of Tuzla or Tolla located?

About 60 miles North of Mexico City.

What did the Mayas develop

Astronomical and mathematical systems, large scale monumental architecture and infrastructure, paved roads.

Who was influenced by the toltecs?

Aztecs and Maya people. (Interaction with maya and toltec remains murky)

What are some of the things Olmecs did?

Carved jade and stone, made mirrors of polished hermatite.

What area were the Mayas inhabited in

Southern Mexico into Central America

What does the legend of toltecs say

That Quetzalcoatl founded Tula

What was the outcome of Mayas?

Cities died but people did not. Became culture of small settlements. Were gone by the time Spanish came.

What was the Toltec tribe like, when, and where?

Dominant Tribe. Mexican highlands from 900-1200 CE.

How was the maya governmental system like

Each Mayan city was its own state and controlled a certain area. No central or imperial govt

Who is the Plumed Serpent

God of both the Toltec and Aztecs

What were the major Mayan cities

Palenque, Tikal, Copan, Tulum, "El Mirador."

What does the term Toltec mean?

People of Tula

Who were the Mayas

Precolombina civilization that faded before arrival of Europeans. Thrived from 200s to 800s CE.

What was the reason for the fall of Mayan civilization

Remains unclear, but it's assumed that is was climate change and subsequent social disorder

What does Olmecs mean and what were they best known for?

Rubber people. Known for being one of the high cultures of The Americas.

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