Chapter 1: Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Nature vs Nurture

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define nurture

blank slate; thought and behavior is theoretically limitless - Current ability is strongly determined by experience and learning

who was the founder of structuralism in North America?

Edward Titchener - Cornell University - established the first psyc lab in north america - used empirical evidence, introspection - psyc spread through Canada and the US

define nature

cognitive functions are hard wired from birth

Define Functionalism

early school of thought promoted by James and influenced by Darwin; explored how mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable the organism to adapt, survive, and flourish

Define Structuralism

early school of thought promoted by Wundt and Titchener; used introspection to reveal the structure of the human mind

where behaviorists on the side of nature or nurture?

nurture - We are the products of the environment and our responses to it - Ex. Little Albert and creating a fear response (associated a loud sounds with the rat)

who was the founder of functionalism?

William James - 1890: Principles of Psychology (first real textbook of psychology) - Why do we do what we do? Why do we think what we do?; school of thought - Did not conduct his own experiments; would interpret other people's experiments - built on the concepts of evolution - studies human psychology outside of the labratory

Define behaviorism

the view that psychology should be an objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental processes

who was the second leading behaviorist (more influenctial than watson)?

B.F Skinner - Demonstrated principles through animal learning - Consistent experimental procedures allowed for replication of the results; used to support that the results were true - operant conditioning (nurture) - schedules of reinforcement: rewarding a behavior leads to a continuing of that behavior - true for certain types of behaviors but not others

who was the first leading behaviorist?

John Watson - Leading behaviorist in north america - Reorientation of psychology as a science of observable behavior; more reliable than subjective responses - All human thought and intellect can be explained by stimulus-response relationships

does modern psychology agree with just nature or nurture?

no - modern psychology is the recognition of both - Ex. human speech (nature: throat, mouth; nurture: being spoken to in childbirth and so on)

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