Chapter 1: Wellness and Behavior Change

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What are the additional dimensions of wellness?

-Occupational wellness (happiness and fulfillment that you get from your work, and be with people that appreciate you) -Financial wellness (ability to successfully balance and manage your financial needs and wants

Example of "Environmental Wellness"

-appreciation of how the external environment can affect oneself -understand the role one plays in preserving, protecting, and improving the environment -ex. Go green and help preserve trees

Example of "Social Wellness"

-degree of social connectedness/ skills -leads to satisfying interpersonal skills -ex. Maintaining friendship over time, skills to interact within group (like in job or in community)

Example of "Physical Wellness"

-measures of strength and endurance -ex. resistance to disease -ex. Person can exert physical wellness without undue stress, strain, or injury.

List and explain the 6 steps of the trans-theoretical model?

Step one: Precontemplation (Having no current intention of changing or have already tried to change and old habit and given up). Step two: Contemplation (Being able toe recognize that there is a problem and beginning to contemplate the need to change within six months or so). Step three: Preparation (A person being ready to take action within a month and has thought about what they're going to do and even coming up with a plan) Step four: Action (An individual is beginning to execute their action plans). Step five: Maintenance (Working hard to prevent a relapse into old habits through a conscious application of wellness tools and techniques. Fine-tuning your action plan with minor adjustment and continuing it for six months or longer without relapse). Step six: Termination (A new behavior is ingrained and a person is able to maintain this new behavior without risk of relapse. The new behavior becomes part of a person's daily routine). Extra: Relapse (While not considered a step, relapse can happen anywhere among the other steps while trying to change behaviors. Common causes of relapse are overconfidence, daily temptations, stress or emotional distractions).

What are the five steps for creating a plan to increase wellness in a positive health behaviors?

Step one: Understand the Stages of Behavior Change (pre contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination) Step two: increase your Awareness (staying physically fit, eating healthy food, managing weight, managing stress, avoiding drugs/smoking/alcohol abuse, practicing accident/disease prevention) Step three: Contemplate Change (Examine current habits and patterns, assess current beliefs and attitudes, asses your motivation, choose a target behavior) Step four: Prepare for Change (observe role models, set realistic goals and objective, anticipate and overcome barriers to change) Step five: Take action to Change (Visualize New behavior, Control your Environment, Change your self-talk, Learn how to counter [subbing a desired behavior for an undesired one], "shaping" [small changes at first], reward yourself,

Define and give an example for "Self-Efficacy"

The degree to which you believe in your own abilities. -ex. Believing in your ability to retain information to pass this midterm

Example of "Spiritual Wellness"

-Feeling of unity/oneness with people/nature -sense of life's purpose, meaning, and value -ex. Belief in a supreme being or religion.

What is a mini goal (aka goal objective) and why are they useful?

Goals that are short and easy to accomplish which helps an individual stay motivated and more likely to stay within their action plan in order to accomplish their main goal.

Describe the behaviors that contribute to wellness.

Good approach is to concentrate on those dimensions that present the most pressing need, while working on the others in a steady but relaxed manner.

Example of "Emotional Wellness"

-ability to control emotions and express them appropriately at the right times -includes self-esteem, self-confidence, and other emotion qualities -ex. dealing with a loss in the family

Example of "Intellectual Wellness"

-ability to think clearly, reason objectively, analyze, and use brain power -ex. When faced with a problem, knows how to think it through before tackling the challenge

Define and give an example for "Internal Locus of Control"

A strong belief in your ability to effect change. -ex. Knowing that if you study hard and long, you will be able to ace your exam

Define and give an example for "Target Behavior"

An isolated behavior selected as the object of a behavior change -ex. Wanting to eat better in order to feel good about yourself and improve your overall diet

Define and give an example for "Behavior Change"

An organized lifestyle management process that involves replacing an existing habit with a more healthier lifestyle choice. -ex. Deciding to limit your sugar consumption by only having one bar of chocolate per week

Define and give an example for "Wellness"

Optimal health and vitality, depending on our lifestyle choices. -ex. Eating 5 different color fruits/vegetable every day and moderately exercising for 30 minutes a day

Define and give an example for "External Locus of Control"

Other people or things as having control on what you do and whether you can change. -ex. Blaming others for your failures

Define and give an example for "Health"

Overall condition of a person's body or mind with the presence or absence of illness or injury. -ex. Feeling fatigue and groggy when you have have contracted the flu

What are the six dimensions of wellness?

Physical wellness, social wellness, intellectual wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, and environmental wellness

What is a SMART goal? and why is it important for goal setting?

SMART goals are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented goals that are fundamental in helping you achieve your goals by increasing motivation which, in turn, leads to a better chance of success at behavior change.

What are some resources on campus that helps cope with health, wellness, and behavior change?

Some resources at OSU include (but are not limited to): The CAPS Mind Spa: Helps with maintaining stress levels and creating a tranquil environment to let your mind release stress The Academic Success Center: Can help prof-read papers, create time management plans, and schedule tutors to help with your academic goals Dixion Rec Center: Provides a safe and supportive environment where you can exercise with specialized machine or practice other sports while meeting new people Student Health Center: Allows one on one free consultation with a nutritionist who can help you create a meal plan that satisfy your daily calorie intake as well as incorporate the types of foods you need to eat

Define and give an example for "Risk Factor"

Something that increases the likelihood of a person's chances of developing a disease or injury. -ex. Smoking cigarettes is a risk factor for developing lung cancer

Explain the steps in developing skills for change and creating a personalized plan for behavior management.

Step one: Monitor and Gather Data Step two: Analyze the data and identify patterns Step three: Be "SMART" about setting goals Step four: Devise a plan of action Step five: Make a personal contract

Discuss a tip for moving forward in each step of behavior change.

Step one: Precontemplation In this step you might have no intentions of changing your behavior, however, it's good to have some thought or idea of what you might think is weight that's holding you back from accomplishing your goals or even affecting your daily life. Step two: Contemplation Start seeing the behavior as a problem and begin to think about ways you could change the behavior in order to correct those problems Step three: Preparation Come up with a plan. instead of thinking about why you can't begin, start focusing on what you can do. Step four: Action Don't take shortcuts and skip to this step before taking the first three steps or else your plan of changing your behavior will most likely fail. Otherwise publicly state your desire to change, set realistic goals, and enlist the help from other people. Step five: Maintenance At this step you should have already implemented your action plan and doing what you've set out to do. However, if something doesn't fit into your schedule or if you feel uncomfortable about the way a procedure is done, then change whatever needs to be corrected in order for you to feel comfortable with the plan you've set out to complete which will ultimately help you stick with your goals and prevent any failures. Step six: Termination Congratulations, you've successfully develop a new behavior which has become a regular task in your daily routine that you're used to it by now. Extra: Relapse To prevent relapse from occurring, be realistic about the goals you've set out to accomplish, resist daily temptations by giving yourself mini rewards for accomplishing parts of your goals, and manage your stress as well as distraction by setting up a schedule and being very well at managing your time.

Define and give an example for "Self Talk"

The way you think and talk to yourself. -ex. Congratulating yourself after acing all your midterms

When setting goals, what are some things to consider?

When setting goals its best if the goals are realistic and achievable rather than being overambitious and to the point of being impossible.

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