Chapter 10

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All classes directly or indirectly inherit from this class


When a method is declared with the "final" modifier, it must be overriden in a subclass


An anonymous inner class must

implement an interface

You use the ___ operator to define an anonymous inner class


A functional interface is an interface with

only one abstract method

A method in a subclass having the same name as a method in the superclass but a different signature is an example of


Abstract methods must be


A method in a subclass that has the same signature as a method in the superclass is an example of


A subclass does not have access to these superclass members


these superclass members are accessible to subclasses and classes in the same package


When a class implements an interface, it must

provide all of the nondefault methods that are listed in the interface, with the exact signatures and return types specified

in an inheritance relationship, this is the specialized class


The following is an inexplicit call to the supercalss's default constructor


in an inheritance relationship, this is the general class


A superclass has a member with package access. A class that is outside the superclass's package but inherits from the superclass can access the member


A superclass reference variable can reference an object of a subclass that extends the superclass


By default all members of an interface are public


In a subclass, a call to the superclass constructor can only be written in the subclass constructor


The superclass constructor always executes before the subclass constructor


When a class contains an abstract method, the class cannot be instantiated


In a subclass constructor, a call to the superclass constructor must

appeat as the very first statement

You can use a lambda expression to instantiate an object that

implements a functional interface

This operator can be used to determine whether a reference variable references an object of a particular class

instance of

this key word refers to an object's superclass


Abstract classes cannot

be instantiated

Fields in an interface are

both final and static

With this type of binding, the Java Virtual Machine determines at runtime which method to call, depending on the type of the object that a variable references


this key word indicates that a class inherits from another class


A class may only implement one interface


A subclass reference variable can reference an object of the superclass


An object of a superclass can access members declared in a subclass


Constructors are not inherited


If a subclass constructor does not explicitly call a superclass constructor, Java will not call any of the superclass's constructors


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