Chapter 10 & 11 Questions

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Which of the following is the BEST description of an interest group?

an unknown number of people who share a particular point of view

How did Supreme Court decisions between 1940 and 1960 help enforce the 15th Amendment?

by striking down white primaries and racial gerrymandering

Which word best describes the nature of the two major parties?


Which of the following is a major focus of the Help America Vote Act?

ensuring that every citizen's vote is counted

What basic right could be undermined as a result of online-only voting?

equality under the law

Which of the following situations could occur if the 1st Amendment guarantee of freedom of the press were repealed?

The Federal Government could encourage competition between politicians.

Which of the following is one effect of the Internet?

The Internet has led to a decline in radio listeners.

Why might the spread of democracy to frontier States have led to opposition to the early caucuses?

The early caucuses excluded people living in the newer States.

In what way did the historic events of the 1960s and 1970s impact Americans' attitudes about government?

The events undermined public trust in the government.

Why is it important to train interviewers before they conduct telephone polls?

The interviewer's tone of voice can influence answers.

Which of the following BEST describes the impact that length of residency in a community has on voter turnout?

The less time eligible voters have lived in a community, the less likely they are to vote.

A typical national convention is best described as

a checklist of formalities produced with high emotional appeal.

The popularity of sound bites across different media, including political ads, suggests that media coverage

explains political issues in a detailed manner.

A multiparty system

is common in many European countries.

What main strategy for fighting discrimination did the Civil Rights Act of 1964 rely upon?

judicial action

In the caucus system, the political power is held by

leaders of the political parties.

According to the formal definition of the term, which of the following is a statement of public opinion?

Alexander writes an editorial for the local paper supporting a new State tax on clothing.

Why would more signatures be needed on a petition for filling a higher public office?

An elected official in a higher office represents a larger group of people.

Which of the following is an example of a political action committee (PAC)?

Dairy Farmers of America

Social welfare programs, government regulation of business practices, and programs to improve the status of minorities are most associated with which political party?

Democratic Party

In The Federalist No. 10, James Madison refers to the 'mischiefs of factions.' To which of the following modern-day criticisms of interest groups was Madison likely referring?

Interest groups can gain too much power over public policy.

Which of the following statements describes one characteristic of interest groups?

Interest groups focus on the narrow concerns of their members.

How could a primary fight cost a party an election?

It could lead party supporters to remain divided at the time of the general election.

What was one major difference between the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and earlier civil rights laws?

It gave the Federal Government the power to enforce the 15th Amendment.

The percentage of African Americans living in the South dropped from almost 90 percent in 1910 to 53 percent in 1970, as many migrated northward. What impact might this have had on voting in the North?

It would have strengthened the Republican Party in the North.

Why might campaign spending pose a risk to the political process in a democracy?

People who have more money may have more political influence.

In what way would a poll tax control who is allowed to vote?

Poll taxes prevent those who cannot afford to pay the tax from voting.

How do ideological parties differ from single-issue parties?

They are based on a particular set of beliefs instead of one issue.

Why would self-announced candidates need to use their own money to finance their campaign?

They are not backed by a political party.

Which of the following is a valid criticism of polls?

They create the impression that certain candidates are likely to win, thus biasing voters to side with a 'winner.'

How did the Citizens United case open the door to increased amounts of campaign spending?

Unions and corporations could contribute to campaigns.

Which of the following is TRUE about off-year elections?

Voter turnout is lower for off-year elections.

Why would California and Washington choose to use the 'top-two' form of the open primary?

Voters can choose candidates without declaring their party preference.

The selection of a polling place should focus most significantly on


What kind of people would party bosses select as delegates in order to manipulate the convention process?

people who agreed with the party bosses and would do what the party bosses wanted them to do in government

The characteristic of voters that most affects a presidential candidate's desire to personally reach out to them is

physical location.

What is the most important function of the national convention?

picking the party's presidential candidate

What is the most likely reason that a candidate for President would refuse to accept money from the Presidential Election Campaign Fund established by the government?

prefers to remain independent of the government

Which of the following does the Constitution prohibit?

setting tax payment requirements for voting

Which of the following is an example of a psychological factor that can influence how voters cast their ballots?

stance on healthcare

Changes were made to most State primaries in advance of the 2012 campaign because of

the desire to 'even the playing field' for all candidates.

Which is a short-term factor that can influence how a person votes?

the particular candidates running for election

Which of the following reasons helps explain the importance of family in shaping a person's political attitudes?

the role of the family during a person's most impressionable years

Which describes a ward?

the unit into which cities are often divided for the election of city council members

All States have residency requirements for voting. Which of the following is one reason for those requirements?

to allow voters to make the most informed vote possible

What is the MAIN purpose of the Motor Voter Act?

to expand the electorate by making it easier to register to vote

Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of scientific polls?

to gauge public opinion about a wide range of topics

What is the major function of a political party?

to nominate candidates for public office

Which of the following BEST explains why Connecticut and Massachusetts adopted literacy tests in the 1800s?

to prevent certain segments of the population from voting

Congress enacted the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act

to reduce the amount of soft money received by candidates.

A political party is defined as "a group of persons, joined together on the basis of certain common principles, who seek to control government in order to secure the adoption of certain policies and programs." The Republican and Democratic parties do not fit this definition because they are primarily focused on

winning elections.

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